Extreme Hero

Chapter 100, Big World Storm 2

Brothers, our 100 chapters of Xiaoxiong, play for our 100 chapters, red tickets and collection!!!



"Brother, are you going?" The dog looked at Lin Feng, who was not far away, and asked.

"Up!" The eldest brother snorted coldly and rushed up with his leg.

I have to say that this big brother is really conscientious. If the brother is in trouble, he will be the first to rush up. Watching the eldest brother rush up, the dog and wild boar followed closely. The wild boar is the guy who was thrown out by Lin Feng at the gate of the world.

The three quickly jumped out under the tree and ran towards Lin Feng. In the process of running, the man called the eldest brother had clenched his fist and was ready to hit Lin Feng with his back to him.

Lin Feng thought that these two were with them, so he did so hard. Now it seems that they were really wronged, but when he thought about who let them bully his employer, he was relieved. Being facing the three people, Lin Feng had already judged the position of the three people. When the three were one step away from him, he suddenly turned around, soared into the air, and swept out with one leg like a moon. There was no doubt about the speed.

Lin Feng doesn't want to pester them too much. Since they find themselves, there is nothing they can do. At this time, there were already circles of people around, and Lin Feng was tightly surrounded in the middle, as if he were watching a monkey.

"bang" and "bang" twice, the eldest brother who rushed to the front fell out with the dog. The wild boar was thrown out at the door and still hurt, so it fell to the end. The wild boar was shocked to see his eldest brother and the dog fall out, but he was glad that he didn't rush so fast. Lin Feng rushed up with an arrow, grabbed the collar of the wild boar with one hand, and threw it out like a chicken.

From beginning to end, the incident added up to the instantaneous thing. The people around you were dazzling, but it was extremely wonderful. Is this acting on TV? Or are you making a movie? Why is there no camera, and there is no Weiya on his body? How can he do it? Everyone looked at the three people who didn't even touch the corners of Lin Feng's clothes, and the latter was put down at a fast speed. How could they follow the fantasy movie they watched?

Wu Xinyuan and Qin Zhumei watched Lin Feng show their full feet and screamed excitedly.

"It's so handsome!"

"That's great!"


Watching them scream also causes the girls around them to scream.

"I want you to be so powerful!" The girl acted coquettishly to her boyfriend beside her.

"I'm so powerful in **, it's not that you don't know!"

"Is it just you? Fast gunman, you stop before they feel good. How can you compare with them? Humph!"

"You haven't slept with him. How do you know he's powerful!" The man looked at Lin Feng and said unhappyly.

"Do you still want me to sleep with him?" The girl stared at the man beside her with big dark eyes, looking forward to the latter's answer.

"What do you say!" The man despised.

"I knew you were so stingy!" The girl hugged her boyfriend's shoulder and looked at the angry man and said with a smile.

Lin Feng showed his skills on the spot, which aroused the envy of many girls. Suddenly, he also regarded Lin Feng as his standard for choosing a spouse.

Lin Feng looked at the five people lying on the ground coldly, all of whom were constantly rolling and moaning on the ground, covering their stomachs and screaming. Their postures were different, regardless of the enthusiastic applause and applause of the people around him.

Lin Feng has never been used to the habit of watching the hustle and bustle. Thinking that he is still a good person, if it is the kind of robbers and bandits who often wander in the bloody storm, I'm afraid that the audience around him will suffer. Maybe the white knife will be stabbed in. Go.

It's weird! Lin Feng was depressed. Why haven't you seen a security guard coming yet?

This is also a surprise to everyone. Seeing that there was no security guard coming, they all thought that Lin Feng had a friendship with this big man, and even guessed randomly at Lin Feng.

At this time, another group of people came into the door, seven people, all of whom bought tickets and came in. The group of seven people swaggered in, and the fierceness on their faces was clear at a glance. They tightly pinched the tickets in their palms, kneaded them into paper balls, threw them at the trash can on the roadside, and happened to fall in.

These seven people walking on the street give people a domineering feeling, especially those who take the lead, dyed their burnt hair, as if the withered weed weeds swaying in the cold wind in autumn. The security guard at the door looked at them with an indifferent expression. They had never seen anyone in such a crowded place in the world of Shanghai, not to mention domineering. Even if they rushed in with knives and guns, as long as they buy tickets, as long as they can't get people killed, they usually won't care.

Lin Feng has been wondering why no one came here. Isn't there no human life?

The leader is not someone else, but the yellow hair called by the wild boar, who is also the yellow hair that Lin Feng knows. Huang Mao saw a crowd surrounded by a big circle at a glance. He wanted to open his mouth, and a well-sighted hip-hop beside him said to Huang Mao, "Brother Mao, let me do it."

"Ye" Huang Mao nodded with admiration to the man. The man immediately stood up straight, walked behind the crowd and shouted, "Make way, get the fuck out of the way..."

If you simply ask them to get out of the way, no one will make way for you. Everyone is human. Why should I make way for you? If you mix some dirty words from it, the meaning is completely different. Don't swear. You are an ordinary person or a cultural person. I have nothing to be afraid of. If you say dirty words, then you are a street gangster or a higher level of underworld. Because the streets have always thought that the underworld is a well-market gangster with no education level and dirty exports. If you can, will you still go to the underworld?

With this scolding, the people on the periphery turned their heads and looked at the arrogant and beautifully dressed seven people who were not like good people. They quickly dispersed to both sides and made way. They were playing forwards, and for a burst of ** attracted the attention in front. Layer by layer, a road came out.

Everyone looked at the seven people who suddenly walked in and guessed who they were coming to help.

"Brother Mao is here, brother, look at Brother Mao." The wild boar lay on the ground and looked at a familiar young man who first came in and shouted happily.

Give the two people who were knocked down together to help them, so they help themselves, because they both have a common enemy - Lin Feng!

"Shut up, you pig." The eldest brother covered his stomach and stood up and cursed the wild boar.

"Brother Mao?" Lin Feng frowned and turned his head to look. It turned out to be an acquaintance. In this case, I just want to see how you deal with it. Lin Feng smiled and turned his back to prevent them from seeing it.

Qin Zhumei and Wu Xinyuan looked at so many people and suddenly became nervous. They quickly walked to Lin Feng and took the latter's arm and said, "Let's go, there are so many people."

Lin Feng smiled at them and said, "It's okay. Just wait to watch the play."

"I know you can beat them, but we..." Wu Xinyuan still wanted to say something. She was stopped by Lin Feng and had to pull Qin Zhumei into the crowd again. She knew that if she followed Lin Feng at this time, she would definitely hold him back.

Qin Zhumei looked at Lin Feng nervously with a worried face.