Extreme Hero

Chapter 112, coquettish men are many

Lin Feng looked coldly at the four foreigners lying on the ground with a disdainful face. It was too insulting to find such a person to follow him.

Lin Feng was particularly dissatisfied with the other party's attitude. I just showed a little hand to them, and the other party actually said everything he knew. What a coward! Rice bucket! Lin Feng scolded in his heart.

I haven't bullied a foreigner for a long time. It's really not enjoyable to get started suddenly, but they have said everything they have to say, and it's impossible for them to run up and beat them. Our Comrade Lin Feng is very kind. He never beats people indiscriminately, nor can he see bloody scenes. It is also a rule handed down by his ancestors, and Lin Feng has always abided by it.

Seeing that the four people couldn't let them go like this, there was nothing he could do, so he called Max and asked him to arrange to deal with the people. It's really nerve-wracking. Where has the bodyguard arranged by Long Yu gone? So far, Max is the only one. So it seems that there are not enough manpower, and we have to call a few more people to come.

Think about it, forget it. It's always troublesome, and they are annoyed if they don't bother themselves. Anyway, they can still deal with it now, and Long Yu will also come to China in a few days. If there is anything, take care of it yourself first.

I didn't expect Lin Feng to tell Max according to the route he thought, and he really found it. Looking at Max loading the trunk of the Mercedes-Benz, I really doubt whether the trunk is big enough. With a "bang" to cover the trunk, Lin Feng glanced at the corners of his mouth. The four people were all in the trunk, which was too cruel.

"Well, I didn't see anything." Lin Feng thought to himself.

Mas greeted Lin Feng loudly and drove away, leaving Lin Feng alone.

Lin Feng did not say their words to Max, and even if he said it, he could not make the decision. There is only one person who is in charge - Long Yu! Therefore, he was arranged by Long Yu to work for Lin Feng. Without Long Yu's arrangement, he would not make decisions without authorization. If you want the other party to submit to him, then.................. Lin Feng thought about it, and his eyes suddenly said, and he would!

While thinking, Lin Feng walked on the road again, and the crowd was still walking in an orderly manner. None of them were retrograde. The cars took a special road. Cars and pedestrians did not interfere with each other, and the road was wide enough, which was not at all different from the traffic in China.

"Sure enough, as I expected, Pierce Will, who was in the top 100 of the Forbes list, came back. It seems that he has been waiting for himself for a long time. Otherwise, the other party will know the news when he comes back to Las Vegas, and arranges the killer in time." Lin Feng thought, "In this case, the elder sister can't go to see it during this period. She has to wait for Long Yu to come back, find the strong evidence of the other party, and contact the local government to go out together. Now..." Lin Feng smiled and went to the other party's bar first. The etiquette was left by the ancestors of the Chinese country. How can he not comply? Guarding.

Thinking about it, the corners of my mouth are slightly raised and with a bright smile. It seems that there is something good for outsiders. It is indeed a good thing for Lin Feng. If you send a killer to kill me, then I will go to your bar to drink and play. The law of Las Vegas is relatively loose, but relatively strict, the most It mainly depends on who it is.

Pierce Will is the most powerful drug lord developed by drugs in the United States in the 20th century. Zeng Assets actually ranked 72nd in the Forbes list, and has remained unmoved for five consecutive years.

According to the current economic calculation, our income is constantly increasing every year. Maybe your income is 100,000 yuan this year, ranking third in your community. By the second year, your income has reached 500,000 yuan, and your ranking is still the third. The term has not changed, but your income is Five times more than last year, it can be seen that Pierce Will's ability to make money is quite strong, and he still relies on the drug business.

After the United Nations Security Council held the International Drug Control Conference in Shanghai in 1996, the world began to crack down on, exterminate and burn drugs again and again, killing 260,000 tons of various drugs, equivalent to 750 billion yuan, which shows how huge the benefits of drugs are.

Otherwise, so many people would have risked their lives to do this industry. I remember that Pierce Will once drank and chatted with international terrorists and let the U.S. government rack his brains to extinguish it, which scared the U.S. government even more.

Who is Ben La Lamp? If there is some kind of agreement with such a person, it will be more difficult for the government to catch Will. However, the anti-drug team led by Lin Feng sent by China successfully landed secretly in Las Vegas. The hateful thing is that a soldier's equipment of the U.S. government failed, causing Will to escape until now. I didn't expect him to surface again.

"Since you're here, don't go." Lin Feng smiled and looked at a sign that said "Devilpub", which translates into Chinese, which means Devil's Bar. It's really interesting. I remember that the name of Tang Kejia's little girl's club is called Lost Soul. This is called Devil, which is really interesting.

Up to now, Lin Feng has been busy with her sister's affairs and has not seen the lonely Tang Kejia's key on the dining table in the living room.

Lifting his legs in, under the doorman's "welcome" words, a heat wave suddenly came to his face, in sharp contrast to the cold weather outside, which almost suffocated Lin Feng.

Under the dim light, the shadows are crowded, and the temperature inside is about 20 degrees, so many people are naked and holding wine glasses. No matter where they go, women will always be the protagonists. In Las Vegas, three or five groups of men are holding wine glasses in front of beautiful women with their navels and shorts. Whistling and attracting their attention, if a woman looks at him, she will walk over and ask gentlemanly, "Miss, can I have a drink?" Then, welcome the woman's gentle little face and say "NO!" Or smile and throw two slaps, or... for them, there is almost nothing left.

Not as handsome as Lin Feng, not as handsome as Lin Feng, not as charming as Lin Feng. The premise is that before Lin Feng goes, women will definitely accept the man's invitation. Since Lin Feng is here, almost all the gathered eyes are projected.

"Look, a Chinese!" The girls full of wild beauty looked at Lin Fenghuan and shouted.

Lin Feng is quite helpless about their enthusiasm. I have tried my best to hide my charm. Why do I fail every time? Lin Feng ignored the projected eyes and swaggered towards the bar.

Lin Feng's unrestrained style caused a group of beautiful women with blue eyes, curly hair, elastic and full breasts to make men excited to look at Lin Feng even more excited. This Chinese man is **!"

With Lin Feng's movement, the eyes of a group of beautiful women and animals gathered on the latter. The eyes of the beautiful women were crazy, but the eyes of the animals were dangerous. "A small Chinese dares to rob the beauty from me, and I will ruin you" eyes.

Lin Feng directly ignored these. For a soldier who has been fighting abroad all year round, when he comes to a city, he must first look at the people and surrounding environment of the city in order to make a sudden event. When you come to a bar, you should also glance at the people inside first, so that you can feel low and know what people are in it, whether they can be your opponents and so on. Therefore, Lin Feng knows almost everything about them and directly denies them, not his opponent!