Extreme Hero

Chapter 179, the second drug lord

The warm sunlight shines into the soft big** in the room through the window, shining on a pair of ** men and women snuggling together, a pink.

Suddenly, the pleasant Nokia's unique bell suddenly rang, which looked particularly harsh in the quiet room.

Lin Feng suddenly scolded, quickly turned around and grabbed the mobile phone on the bedside table and pressed the mute button. Once again, the brick looked at Tang Kejia, who was still sleeping in his arms, and breathed a sigh of relief. Tang Kejia is really tired. He took a plane all day yesterday and was tortured by Lin Feng at night. He has reached the point of exhaustion.

Looking at the continuous vibration of the mobile phone, which showed the name of Song Yuandong. He gently pulled his arm down from the latter's head, put on a pair of trousers and walked to the living room and pressed the answer button.

"Brother Feng, I didn't bother you, right?" Song Yuandong just knew that Lin Feng must have been very ecstatic last night. As for whether the ecstasy object was the girl he met during the day, this is not something he cares about, but he must have something to say when he called so early in the morning.

"If you have anything, just say it." Although Lin Feng is impatient, he has always admired Song Yuandong.

Song Far East was also real. Without talking nonsense, he said directly, "Shen Kun's power was almost clean, but in the process of dealing with it, his men reported that someone had fled in the chaos. As a result, when we were chasing, we arrived at the Inner Ring Expressway, and the car was overturned by the brothers, and we still ran one."

Lin Feng stood under the window thoughtfully and looked at the traffic outside the window. His expression was indifferent and he didn't know what he was thinking. Song Yuandong also made no sound and quietly waited for his eldest brother to speak.

After a long time, Lin Feng sighed and said, "Since it has happened, you don't have to worry about it. Let the brothers relax."

"I know." After a brief pause, Song Yuandong continued, "Brother Feng asked me to investigate and found it."

"Let's talk about this later. If nothing happens, let's do it first." Lin Feng interrupted the latter and looked back at the closed bedroom door. He didn't want to talk about her classmates in front of Tang Kejia.

Hanging up the phone, Lin Feng was also not in the mood to sleep and thought about it for a long time. It seems that this information has been revealed to the Golden Triangle. Lin Feng has been with the forces of the Golden Triangle. In the future, he should be careful. Originally, he did not intend to go to Yunnan, but now it seems that Yunnan is not only going, but also Go to the Golden Triangle. Only by knocking down the Golden Triangle or telling their leaders directly can they live a stable life. Otherwise, the flowers can only survive in fear.

Lin Feng is naturally not afraid, but he has an old sister and his beloved woman. He can not think about himself, but he can't help thinking about the women around him.

"It's really nerve-wracking." Lin Feng rubbed his forehead and muttered.

I picked up the phone in the living room and called downstairs for two breakfasts.

In the car, Lin Feng took Tang Kejia to the bar. In the car, the two were talking about some miscellaneous things without a theme, and the two did not need a theme after being together for a long time.

Soon, the car came to the bar and stopped the car. Song Yuandong had been waiting for a long time. Suddenly, he saw Tang Kejia and was slightly stunned. Now he understood why he was unhappy when he called the other party. When the other party's beloved woman came, he naturally disturbed their good night.

"Brother Feng, sister-in-law." Song Yuandong called Tang Kejia like this, and the latter blushed, and no one had ever called her like this.

"Sister Jia--" successfully saw Tang Kejia coming inside, hurriedly ran out inside, and shouted sweetly to the latter.

Really, the five brothers were more familiar with her than Song Far East. Lin Feng followed the five brothers he met when he went to the Italian restaurant for the first time, and still arranged them in the soul-lost club at that time. Although he followed him to Long Yu to train in a few days, he came back now. The original feelings can still be seen.

"Success, you are also here." Tang Kejia looked at the success maturely, and also looked at the strong and tigers coming out of it and said hello. Yan Lei has never seen who this is, and the latter has never seen him, but Yan Lei still stared at Tang Kejia with a simple brain and said, "Big brother is really lucky. The sister-in-law I found is really beautiful, better than the big girls in our village."

As soon as he said this, everyone laughed, and Tang Kejia's face turned red to the root of his neck.

Entering the bar, Tang Kejia hadn't seen them for a long time, so he found a free corner to chat with them, while Lin Feng followed Song Yuandong to the second floor.

"Tell me about Liu Haijun." Lin Feng sat on the sofa, looked at a glass of vodka in front of him, and said to Song Yuandong.

Song Yuandong took out a piece of information in a yellow envelope in his arms, opened the envelope, and pulled out the information. Lin Feng saw that there were about 15 pages.

without waiting for Song Far East to speak, Lin Feng reached out and took the information. On the first page of the information, there was a photo taken by Liu Haijun wearing a bachelor's uniform. It seemed that it should have been taken when he was in school and was very immature. Next to it was the latter's simple information, such as name, gender, date of birth, home address and ID card. The number and so on are almost detailed and cannot be in detailed information.

After the basic information, it is the introduction of the latter's school. From which year and where he went to primary school, junior high school, high school, university, and there are also awards, honors, scholarships, etc. obtained during school. I have to admit that the latter's academic performance has always been very good, which makes Lin Feng very envious. He can I have hardly gone to school. There are also various part-time jobs during Liu Haijun's study.

After graduating from Tsinghua University, he started his own business and established a Junxing Co., Ltd. with a company called Chenxing. The two are the vice chairman and CEO. So far, the company has developed into the top ten in the country, which makes Lin Feng envy the latter's business ability.

There is a question that Lin Feng can't figure out. Where did he get so much money to start this additional company? At the beginning, the company was established and its headquarters was set up in Yanjing. After the development of the company, the company's headquarters was set up in Chongqing, his hometown.

According to the records, Liu Haijun is a very filial child. In the heyday of the company, he emigrated his parents to Singapore, leaving only two brothers and sisters in China, but why is that?

There seems to be no problem with a piece of information, but in the data, some problematic places are marked with underline lines, which shows the seriousness of Song Far East.

Lin Feng quickly finished reading the nearly 15 pages of things, and then put the information on the transparent glass coffee table, leaning against the sofa and rubbing her temples. If Tang Kejia knows the information, can she believe that it is true? Will she still be a good sister to Liu Lanxin? Although the problem has nothing to do with Liu Lanxin, after all, the latter is her own brother.

And there are more important reasons that shocked Lin Feng. Most of Shen Kun's drugs were brought in through Liu Haijun. That is to say, Liu Haijun is the second largest drug lord in Chongqing besides Shen Kun. This is why the latter's company can develop rapidly, which is why the latter The reason why he was sent to Singapore, but as for why his sister didn't leave, this may also be a problem for Liu Haijun.

"Brother Feng, what should we do next? We have destroyed a Shen Kun, and suddenly another Shen Kun came out. Do we also want to..." With all the words, he scratched his hand on his neck and made a murderous action.

"It must be done, but now it doesn't seem that the situation is as perfect as we think," Lin Feng said. "Shen Kun has been eliminated. I believe they must also be vigilant and take more precautions. Let things go for the time being. After a while, we are acting, but the problem now is that you can find a way to cooperate with them. Like Cheng Zhiyuan, let's trade with them, buy drugs, and get their trust first.

"I understand how to do it." All of them agreed and took out the fire engine in their arms. Without Lin Feng's instructions, they set themselves on fire.

At this time, the door of the room opened, and Tang Kejia came in outside. He suddenly smelled the burning paper, wrinkled his nose and said, "What bad have you done? Who are you burning paper with?"

"No, hehe---" Lin Feng didn't hear the sick sentence in the latter's words and said with a smile.

Song Yuandong stood up and left, leaving a separate space for the young couple.

At this time, Lin Feng's mobile phone suddenly rang and looked at the caller ID, which was from Xie Shaohe.