Extreme Hero

Chapter 194, Golden Triangle

The sky is gloomy and there is no starlight.

Several people and a group of people smelled the corrosion of the corpses and walked forward carefully in the jungle. On the way, they met countless bodies, both men and women, and even their heads were rotten. They looked disgusting, but fortunately they were marching at night.

faintly, Hearing the footsteps in front of him, Lin Feng stopped and listened carefully. The person in front of him also stopped. Seeing that everyone was highly nervous, but could be seen from the surface. People like Lin Feng, Guo Liang, Wei Yuan and others who walk on the edge of life and death all year round naturally look normal, but it is hard to say about the group of little guys brought by Lin Feng who have never seen the world.

Ma Junwen is like a loach, sliding into the tall grass of the artist. In a while, the headset is a message from his own people.

Lin Feng and others continued to move forward and gathered with the people in front of them. It turned out to be American soldiers.

One of them is tall and strong, and he can't see his face clearly in the dark night. At a glance, he immediately excitedly put Lin Feng in his arms and said loudly, "Oh, dear Lin, I miss you so much."

"Haha---Major Elwar, I miss you too. How have you been recently?" Lin Feng also responded with a smile.

"I heard that Lin has gone to the metropolis. You must have had a good time. You must have slept with a lot of girls. I really envy you." Elwa said in a colorful voice.

Suddenly, it caused everyone to laugh. They all communicated in English. A group of little guys behind them couldn't understand what they said and looked blank.

They laughed and chatted as they walked forward. This Erhua seemed to have endless words with Lin Feng, and Lin Feng also said a word.

So far, Lin Feng has had a lot of important situations in Elwar's mouth. Last time he went to Las Vegas, Pierce Will, who has a vampire heritage, reappeared and heard that he was secretly planning something.

Lin Feng is not worried about this. He is now in the Golden Triangle and will return to China after completing the mission. Pierce Will can still go to China to kill him. For this, Lin Feng just smiled and said nothing more.

Soon, they gathered with people from India, France and England all the way. Now they have gathered in five countries. They have not seen a Vietnamese gang. I don't know whether they were robbed or blocked on the road and can't get out.

After a night's journey, when a touch of white fish appeared in the eastern sky again, a looming town appeared in front of us.

The Golden Triangle is familiar with Lin Feng and other old guys. Everyone has visited here many times. Although they were fully prepared for their arrival at that time, they still let them escape. Judging from the current situation, they are ambushed on all sides, and they are afraid that they will not dare to run away.

Looking at the nearby town, Wei Yuan discussed with drugpayers from various countries for half a day, rested and rectified, waited for the sun to set, and discussed an attack with the front line. This time, they could not run away.

Lin Feng did not rest. She gathered with several people, wiped the lovely baby in her hand, checked the package, and discussed the offensive route.

The fatigue of the road at night makes everyone feel that time passes quickly during the rest. Unconsciously, the sun is passing overhead. A battle is about to break out.

In the evening, the afterglow shrouded the earth. Lin Feng and more than 500 people prepared their bags and divided them into 5 batches, each with 100 people, covering four fronts. Five teams of people walked in front of them as fans. If they met the enemy, they would kill them. They would never let go and there was no room for surrender. This is the result of several people's discussion.

Suddenly, the earth shook and a fiery red light in the distance. As we all know, they have launched an attack.

Lin Feng covered his face without hesitation, waved his hand and attacked! In an instant, * was like a runaway wild horse, shooting out in an instant.

Wei Yuan acted quickly and ran forward in the first place, then climbed up a big tree, raised his sniper gun and shot at the enemy in the distance.

The snipers of other countries were not willing to show weakness, climbing trees and shooting at the enemy.

Ma Junwen kept reporting the situation in the headset. Lin Feng and Guo Liang were like death. They rushed to the front without using machinery. The guy who came with a military thorn was cut down. They liked to hear the sound of blood.

"Puff" sounded again. A guy with a Vietnamese military cap and a dark face was cut in half by Lin Feng. Blood on his face was low. Lin Feng's eyes were full of indifference and he had no feeling for the dead, as if he was born to die.

Lin Feng didn't have time to wipe the blood on her face, because another guy came up in front of him.

Guo Liang did not show weakness. He cut down the knives from top to bottom without mercy, directly splitting people in half.

They are not afraid of shooting guys, because snipers from all over the world are looking at the shooting guys on high trees, leaving a blood hole in everyone's head.

Lin Feng and Guo Liang became more and more brave, and the two unconsciously killed at the gate.

The city does not want the gate of China, but a tall courtyard wall made of marble, with a 3.5-meter gate around the courtyard wall. At this time, the gate is closed and no one goes in and out.

Suddenly, Lin Feng heard a roaring sound inside. Lin Feng was shocked and hurriedly pulled Guo Liang to run away.

The two had not yet run far, but they heard a "bang" sound, the door collapsed, half of the wall, and a dark iron guy appeared.

The first thing you can see is a dark barrel. Lin Feng didn't have time to think much about it and quickly ran to a puddle in front of them, because they saw the dark gun barrel aiming at them.

With a loud noise, a firelight in the gun barrel, a shell hit the grass behind Lin Feng, raising a piece of soil and buried it on Lin Feng, Guo Liang, and other people of other countries.

"Damn it, these son of a bitch actually used all the tanks." Guo Liang cursed secretly.

The "pop" bullet keeps hitting the big guy, but the bullet is like tickling for it.

With a sharp whistle and dragging the long-tailed cannonballs behind Lin Feng, Lin Feng was shocked again and hurriedly lay down. With a "rumbling", the cannonball hit the tank and made a loud noise, and the flames hit Lin Feng.

Suddenly, a group of black words came out. When Lin Feng looked at it, the tank's "head" was beaten. Lin Feng smiled, pulled out the machine gun behind him, and watched the working people of the countries behind him rush up. Lin Feng and Guo Liang looked at each other and jumped out of the puddle and rushed forward.

When you walk into the town, it is not as tall and magnificent as we think. In fact, they are all small bamboo buildings. It is rare to see mud walls, and when you look around, colorful flowers and bones are coming into view, which is pitiful.

This flower bone flower is a legendary poppy flower containing toxins.

Poppy flowers are planted step by step, from high to low, which is also to prevent out of stock and be planted in batches.

Because the weather in the Golden Triangle is dry and rainy all year round, which is suitable for the growth of poppies, this group of "working" people have come up with a variety of ways to provide raw materials for money.

"Is this a poppy? It's really beautiful."

The rookies rushed in one by one looked at the beautiful flowers and admired them.

Lin Feng and other old birds directly filtered out the bright flowers and rushed in with guns.

Now the whole yard has been in a mess, with continuous gunfire and shouts of killing.

Lin Feng and others will not waste time because of this group of little people and attack the old nest directly with Wei Yuan, Guo Liang, Ma Junwen and others.

Bullets kept flying by their ears, and the black and gills tried to kill Lin Feng and others, but they were killed by Lin Feng and others one by one.

At this moment, this big yard has become a hell on earth, with endless killing, gunfire and crying.

The air is full of a strong smell of blood, as if you can grab a hand of bright red blood as soon as you reach out. The trees and grass passing by are stained with blood. Only the delicate poppies are still quietly open. Even so, it looks extremely strange at this moment, as if you are smiling. With all this.

Lin Feng accidentally glanced at the flower and suddenly felt in a trance.

Lin Feng bit the tip of his tongue and immediately woke up. He stopped looking at the flower and ran straight to a yard in the middle.

When he first walked into the yard, Lin Fa noticed a high sentry tower in the middle. Wei Yuan, as a sniper, had to observe the terrain of this place when he walked into a new place. At a glance, he also saw the sentry on the sentry tower. As soon as the sniper gun was raised and the gun sounded, the man fell down.

Lin Feng and others walked into this compound unimpeded all the way, and everyone's eyes suddenly shrank. How can this be the headquarters of the Golden Triangle where gold is planted?

No newcomer is willing to believe what they see in front of them. These broken houses are shaky, with broken glass and open roofs, which is more shabby than the slums.

Lin Feng and others didn't care. They carried the gun and moved forward carefully. His eyes narrowed slightly. At a glance, he saw several moving military caps hiding in the dark. Wei Yuan's eyes were sharper as a sniper. The sniper gun raised and pulled the trigger continuously, "bang bang" a few shots, and several blood flowers popped out, and several people moved forward again.


Lin Feng was about to move forward when suddenly a rocket was fired from behind him. The shell fell directly into the dilapidated house with a bang and the house was torn apart.

Wei Yuan took a look at several people and said to Lin Feng, "Let's go directly to arrest their commander."

Because the Golden Triangle has become a faction alone, they have their own army, and the leader of this army is their commander.

Seeing the crowd nodding, several people scattered forward and bypassed the army and headed forward.

PS: It is very difficult to write this thirteenth part, and it will be roughly written. Please forgive me.

Today is the last day of this month, and next month is the last month of our Xiaoxiong. Let our Xiaoxiong go through his journey completely!