game of memorial

Chapter 23 -- Barbarian Trap

Chapter 23--Barbarian's Trap

It has been three hours since the game started. The prey has never come again. Did the rest of the people decide to hide for 24 hours? Chen Shuai is thinking silently.

The whole city is the scope of hide-and-seek. Chen Shuai took out the locator in his hand. This city is a circle with a diameter of 100 kilometers. In fact, of course, it is impossible to plan in such a shape, but this is just a game. Even at Chen Shuai's speed, it is still not enough to search the whole city in detail. So, what should I do?

Conservatively, it is naturally better to stay here and wait for the rabbit, but if one person in Group B chooses to hide for 24 hours, then even if I catch the remaining nine people, will I lose?

No, I can't wait so passively. I have acquired the ability to exceed the human limit of ordinary people three times. I can't lose, and even if some of them will sneak over when I'm looking for them, as long as I'm careful and go back and forth a few more times, isn't it okay? So I decided to go out and look for it, but I can't stay too far away. I should always pay attention to the situation here! Anyway, there are only ten players here, not even NPCs. In such a big city, as long as everything that can be moved except me is my enemy! That's it. Chen Shuai laughed again, and the yellow-brown pus flowed from the pus on his face, slowly oozing out, emitting a stench, but Chen Shuai did not hear it. With Chen Shuai's laughter, he was like a demon. He never cared about his body at all. He tried to forget the strangeness of his body. All he thought of was that this game was very simple.

Chen Shuai began to run quickly to look for it, with the square as the center, and Chen Shuai was drawing a circle. A circle that gradually gets bigger.

If you go out at this time, the possibility of being found is still very large. However, Chen Shuai has to enter the house to look for it, and the safe time to safely enter the target location lies in the time when Chen Shuai enters other buildings to search. Therefore, there is at least 5 minutes of safe time, as long as it is not directly met by Chen Shuai, there is still a chance.

At this time, Wu Meng was still hiding in the basement of the dilapidated hut and waiting. Chen Shuai is only 6,500 meters away from Wu Meng.

hide-and-seek. Ten people participated in the game! And aside from Wu Meng, Shang Yin, Chen Shuai of Group A and the little fat man who has been caught. Group B, there are 6 people left. Three men and three women. It's just, I don't know, what are they doing now? Have you been hiding at ease, trying to delay for 24 hours, or are you planning to hide Chen Shuai's eyes and enter the target location?

The characters of the second group B appeared! His tall figure, strong body, explosive muscles, if his face is not full of fierce bullying, really not like a bodybuilding coach, then the profession that is more suitable for his identity is a hitman! Although the barbarian looks barbaric, his brain is not too barbaric. Moreover, as a mixed part-time hitter in a mixed society, his head is much better than ordinary people. Especially in this inexplicable game, the barbarian is one of the first to adapt.

This game is definitely not a test given by a kind god. No matter what the finale is, it is a happy and successful end. Impossible! Barbarians do know. In order to survive, I can do whatever I can! This is the only gain that barbarians have lived for so many years. He really didn't read a book. When he was a child, he dropped out of school early and began to struggle in society. He understood the world earlier than his peers and the darkness of this society.

In order to survive, I can do whatever I can!

Barbarian, the first world of his self is Infernal Affairs. Moreover, his identity is a member of the police, but fortunately, he does not need to be a policeman, but returns to his old job. He needs to go to the bandits to be an undercover agent.

The barbarian is very lucky. Really, as a part-time hitman, even if he can't show everything in the movie, he can easily meet the standards and get the recognition of others. You know, he is a gangster!

It's really easy for him to do, and soon he won the favor of the high-level gangsters, which lies in his fierceness of being able to fight, fight and not afraid of death! In order to complete the task, the barbarians personally brutally dismembered the whole family of the police station in front of the high-level gangsters. It was seen that the people on the other side of the bandits were sweating coldly. You see, it's very simple. The barbarian completed the task of the world of Infernal Affairs. And what about the world?

A cruel smile appeared on the barbarian's face. In order to survive, I can do whatever I can!

At the beginning of the world, the barbarians did not hide in a hurry as most people thought. On the contrary, the barbarians were constantly looking for something. And, fortunately, he found it! He found the dwarf who was hiding in a good place! When the dwarf saw him, there was even a smile on his face. After all, they were all members of Group A, and they stood in the same position. The dwarfs are laughing, and the barbarians are laughing.

However, at the next moment, the dwarf didn't even react. He only felt a pain in his head and didn't know anything and fell into a coma. The barbarians knocked the laughing dwarf unconscious and tied the dwarfs up, and stuffed a large ball of cloth into his mouth to prevent sound. The barbarian lifted the unconscious dwarf with one hand. As a thre, his strong body is the greatest capital.

In order to survive, I can do whatever I can!

Perhaps, the pursuers of Group B will fall from the sky and hit his head at the right time. The pursuers will find the dwarf. Haha, if they don't arrive, will there be food delivered directly to the door? Then, the barbarians will appear unexpectedly, and the pursuers will die! Then, the world was peaceful! What we need is harmony, isn't it?

The barbarians are making traps. There is only one bait, which is the dwarf, and there is only one material for the trap, which is the barbarian himself! He is not a mountain man and doesn't know any traps such as catching beasts, but with himself, it is enough. Even if the pursuer has strengthened his human ability three times, the pursuer is still a human, not a god, that's enough! The barbarian stroked his left chest with his right hand, as if feeling the heartbeat, "Bum!" When the barbarian made such a mouth shape, the barbarian's smile was not warm at all, but a unique ferociousness. His left chest and right hand held not his heart, but a pistol! It's the pistol he brought from the world of Infernal Affairs! Many times, a gun can do a lot of things. Especially on this occasion, only one bullet is needed. Can a pursuer who has been tripled carry a pistol?

Barbarian laughs, even if the pursuer is faster, can it be faster than bullets? Moreover, although the barbarian seems reckless, he is very careful. Because of this caution, he can be better than others in the society. Many times, with such care, you may live much more. The barbarian did not underestimate the pursuer at all, so he knocked the dwarf unconscious and used him as bait. Therefore, the barbarian firmly believes that as long as the pursuer comes, he will definitely die! Victory is so simple!

No one is weak. When you think you are the smartest person, you are just an idiot.

It has been 8 hours since the game started. Chen Shuai has circled the square at the target location for many times. However, he kept the distance to reach the square so that as soon as someone arrived around the square, he could see it immediately and catch the person in time. It seems that they have chosen to hide for 24 hours? One-third of the time has passed, and Chen Shuai has no harvest except for the fat man he caught. Chen Shuai was a little anxious. Although Chen Shuai was still waiting, his patience had been exhausted. Well, in that case, then I need to take the initiative.

Wu Meng and Shang Yin are still waiting. The barbarians, dragging the unconscious bait dwarfs, are also waiting, but the former is waiting for the past of 12 hours, while the latter is waiting for the arrival of the pursuer, while Chen Shuai, as a pursuer, is looking for the people in Group A. Did we forget anything when we first opened these?

What about those three girls?

How will the story develop? A circle. Chen Shuai, the pursuer, is still in the center. The three girls still don't know the location. The hut where Wu Meng and Shangyin are located is located 6,500 meters northwest of the center, and the barbarians and dwarves are 84 kilometers east. So it seems that even if Chen Shuai finally reached the place of barbarians, Wu Meng and Shangyin were definitely the first to be discovered!