game of memorial

Chapter 26 -- Chen Shuai VS Wu Meng (hypnotic version)

Chapter 26--Chen Shuai VS Wu Meng (hypnotic version)

Time seems to suddenly become so slow. Doesn't it mean that time is like water? The turtle also climbed home. Why did Chen Shuai still fail to arrive at the target location? Up to now, the so-called intellectual warfare seems to be about to become a joke. The intelligent factor is not yet reflected. On the contrary, there is another big war that is coming. People like to solve problems with their fists more than with their brains. Isn't it?

Chen Shuai finally came to the door of Wu Meng's small shabby house. He stopped running at high speed until he stood 10 meters away from the door of the small shabby house. Even he didn't need to rely on his extraordinary sense of smell and hearing. He just needed to see that there were three people sitting in front of the door of the small shabby house, two women and one man - standing on the left was Shangyin. She looked up at the sky with a helpless face and didn't know what she was thinking. In the middle, Liu Shishi, who moved a chair and sat with a beautiful face and a charming smile, looked in the direction of Chen Shuai, and then immediately turned his head, but his eyebrows were a little disgusted, as if the reason was that Chen Shuai's appearance was indeed sorry to the audience. Indeed, due to high-speed movement, the abscess on Chen Shuai's face began to break again, and there was always pus dripping down. This scene made people feel sick. On the right, Wu Meng also sat in a chair, suddenly staring at Liu Shishi with big eyes, with a pig brother's face.

"Are you waiting for me?" Chen Shuai has a kind of emotion that "there is no place to find when stepping on iron shoes, and it takes no time to get it". Are these people sick? Chen Shuai wants to laugh. Are they standing here and waiting for me to come? Has the playing method of hide-and-seek been changed to change to a place where hiders don't need to hide or enter the target location. They just need to gather together and wait for the pursuers to come to eat?

"Yes, we are waiting for you. Do you think that only we must avoid you to hide and seek? No, we are not afraid of you at all!" Although Liu Shishi is talking to Chen Shuai, her eyes have been staring at Wu Meng. Compared with Chen Shuai, Liu Shishi still feels that Wu Meng is more pleasing to the eye. Although this is a world of wisdom, unfortunately, many times, power and wisdom are connected. Especially at certain times, such as now.

Chen Shuai's face showed a playful smile and has seen three prey. For a good cat, a mouse is not food, but a plaything. Liu Shishi is also laughing. It's too early to say who is the prey and who is the hunter. Maybe the sheep will suddenly turn into wolves? Wu Meng was smiling. He drooled and didn't pay attention to Chen Shuai's arrival at all. Perhaps, in his eyes, there was only Liu Shishi, a beautiful woman. Shang Yin also smiled. Liu Shishi is definitely not an idiot. Since she dares to face Chen Shuai, she must have something to rely on. Even, Shangyin began to hope that the stronger Liu Shishi is, the better. At present, there is nothing wrong with anything else except that seems to hypnotize Wu Meng. Unfortunately, Wu Meng. Shangyin looked at Wu Meng, who was still laughing and sighed in his heart. This is the combat potential stock I chose to bet on, which is valuable for development. !

"Are you really not afraid of me? Do you really think it's just a game and I dare not kill you? This is indeed a game, but unfortunately, this game will kill people!" Chen Shuai's face suddenly changed, turned fierce, and his tone was aggressive.

"Afraid, what are you afraid of? I believe that you dare to kill us. Unfortunately, the prerequisite is that you can kill us. Is your ability enough? Liu Shishi shook her head, held her chin in her hand, tilted her head and sneered.

"Do you think I can't kill you? Do you think three people rely on this student? Chen Shuai pointed to Wu Meng and did not have any anger because of Liu Shishi's words. He is really confident in his ability. If power is not the most important in this intelligent world, Chen Shuai, as a pursuer, is definitely the most powerful side. He can't lose to power. Others, otherwise, the three times the strengthening of the pursuer's human ability, has been useless.

"With you two women, do you think I can't kill you? You are really ignorant. I said, you are dead. You must remember that I have strengthened my human ability three times. I said, you are not good enough! Double the number of people, and you can't be my opponent!"

"Oh, you don't understand, you really don't understand!" Wu Meng's face finally changed, and he changed from a pig brother who stared at Liu Shishi! His eyes were fierce and fell on Chen Shuai, flying like a knife. Chen Shuai even felt a cold current rising from his back. Wu Meng's face was cold. He sat up from the chair and immediately highlighted his tall figure. Although Wu Meng was a little thin, his height of 1.83 meters had to stabilize Chen Shuai in terms of momentum, which was much more powerful than Chen Shuai.

Wu Meng walked to Chen Shuai step by step and didn't stop until she was one meter away from Chen Shuai. Wu Meng's face is cold. Compared with Chen Shuai's face full of pus, Wu Meng naturally looks cool. In terms of momentum, Wu Meng overwhelmingly has the upper hand. So, what about his strength?

Wu Meng solemnly raised his index finger and waved left and right. "Zi once said, 'A appearance determines fate!' You, no! You are not as handsome as me, so naturally you can't beat me!

"Fight you!" Chen Shuai couldn't help it. His heart was tyrannical. Although when he first saw Liu Shishi, he wanted to disguise the four good young people of the new world civilization. This is the subconscious desire of every man, including men who look sorry to the audience, has this desire to appear in front of women, especially beautiful women. Unfortunately, he was completely overwhelmed by Wu Meng. Wu Meng is really not handsome. Chen Shuai also knows that if it was himself at the beginning, Wu Meng saw that he only had inferiority. Chen Shuai, no matter where he went, was the focus. Wherever he went, he was a fan of the audience. However, if it weren't for the damn T-virus, how could he be humiliated by this kind of Wu Meng, who is only handsome and not obvious?

Deep in consciousness, the strange demon suddenly said a philosophical sentence, "For men, when the small head commits a crime, the big head usually suffers, and when the big head makes a mistake, he can only rely on his fist to save it!" The three people who lacked Shangyuan were shocked and whispered, "What's wrong with the demon? Suddenly there is such emotion?" Be careful, the demon is cramped again, everyone must be careful!" Yes! Staying away from detectives is equivalent to staying away from murder. If a person with a brain problem suddenly begins to sigh, something must happen! The demon is sick again. The farther away from him, the safer it will be!" Why are we all alone, and we can't guess what the demon is thinking? With the wisdom you lack, you can't think of it. With your super intuition, the sixth sense, the seventh sense of the ultimate small universe and so on, coupled with the eighth sense of Araya knowledge, I can't understand it. All I can say that the demon is really too... (speakless!) The three nodded for a while and looked at the demon speechlessly.

The demon occasionally played once, and it was not covered, and he actually guessed it right. Chen Shuai's fist hit Wu Meng's face directly. When I beat you as if I didn't even know your mother, you wouldn't say so. That's what Chen Shuai thought. Chen Shuai likes to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, which is the most commonly used move of the protagonist, and it is also an effective move. (Givening important supporting actors a chance to survive will also give the enemy a chance to develop.) But now, his fists are so fast that people can't see clearly. Even due to the abnormal performance of Liu Shishi and other people, Chen Shuai directly used all his strength for safety! Chen Shuai's physical fitness beyond the three-time ability of ordinary people is fully reflected. What will happen?

Shang Yin's face is a little uneasy, but he has an inexplicable trust in Liu Shishi and Wu Meng. He should be able to do it. Liu Shishi has been watching them smile, and Wu Meng still looks cool, as if she doesn't care about Chen Shuai's fists waving. Even at this moment, Chen Shuai still muttered in his heart. Is this thin-looking Wu Meng actually a master of pretending to be a pig and eating tigers?

Although I said so much and thought so much, the scene at that time was very fast, and only for a moment--Wu Meng flew up!

Insert: Wu Meng, although killing the bird man is an angel, Wu Meng does not have the ability to fly. However, Wu Meng did fly up, but he was hit by Chen Shuai's fist and fell heavily on the wall of the small broken house. The huge force even directly smashed the already dilapidated hut with Wu Meng. Although it was not the construction of steel and cement, it was also built with bricks, which was so hard. It's smashed.

Did you hit it? Chen Shuai's feeling is a little strange. Although he has always felt that he has a triple increase in human ability and the strengthening of T-virus. Together, he is definitely three times the limit of the human body. He must be able to easily defeat Wu Meng. However, he has a solemn and crisis feeling for Liu Shishi and Wu Meng's confidence. I don't think Wu Meng will be so simple, but the touch from fist to meat is so real. Is Wu Meng really vulnerable?

Liu Shishi is still smiling, but her smile is a bitter smile. Is there anything wrong with Wu Meng? He climbed out of the small shabby house, and his left arm was obviously twisted and had turned directly upward. His right hand was still struggling to crawl out, and it seemed that he could not straighten up. Although the two legs can move, there is no movement at the waist. You can't, you see, you didn't kill me with a single punch, did you? Wu Meng's face remains unchanged and is still cool, but compared with his misery at this moment, there is a strange feeling.

Chen Shuai is dumb. Shang Yin covered his mouth and resisted not to make a sound. Liu Shishi's bitter smile finally stopped. Looking at Wu Meng, she couldn't say a word.

Although Wu Meng's appearance was very frustrated, the blood from his mouth did not gag his mouth at all, and he was still shouting. Don't be arrogant. I'm just lying on the ground to change my perspective on things in the past. Don't think that I'm afraid of you if you stand high. If you stand high, you may not pee far away. Moreover, don't think that I can't beat you. I only need one finger to kill you!"