game of memorial

Chapter 30 -- Barbarian Counterattack!

Chapter 30 - Barbarian's Counterattack!

"Shang Yin, have we been staying in this shabby house like this?" I don't know how long it took, Wu Meng seemed to suddenly recover. When Wu Meng woke up again, he had come out of the conscious space and saw the figure of Shangyin. Then he began to feel the pain in his body, and it was not the authentic pain, but the kind that he couldn't wait to put his hand into his body and scratch it. Wu Meng tried to move his body. He didn't feel anything other than the strange pain. Instead, the broken bone seemed to be almost better, but the strange numbness and itching feeling was really more uncomfortable!

However, Shangyin was a little surprised to see Wu Meng wake up, "Oh, you woke up!" I didn't expect your resilience to be stronger than I thought! Well, just stay here. The results of the game of hiding and hiding have been basically determined. Just stay here and wait for the end of the remaining time. But when you return to the game hall, your injury will be completely healed."

"Oh..." Wu Meng hummed, counted as a response, and then fell asleep deeply. Of course, although he is tired of his body, what is more important is his spiritual body. The space of consciousness has stabilized, but Wu Meng himself is still trapped in spiritual fatigue. That's why I fell asleep to recover. Shang Yin continued to wait boredly. By the way, Liu Shishi was really strong and reached the strongest force in the world.

Liu Shishi, after a long walk, finally arrived at the target location. So tired! This is Liu Shishi's only feeling. She does have the ability to control others, but this power is not reflected in the ontology. At least, Liu Shishi is not as strong as Chen Shuai and walks six kilometers. For Liu Shishi, it is indeed a nightmare. Her feet are sore to the point of unbearable pain, but she has to go.

Chen Shuai looked at Liu Shishi and looked like a pig brother like Wu Meng, but the pus on his face made Liu Shishi fall into his appetite. However, Chen Shuai's face has not blushing and breathless, which really makes Liu Shishi speechless. At first, this speechlessness was just speechless, and then she turned into depression - a car ran opposite her. When she saw the car, Liu Shishi was suddenly stunned. She took out something similar to the pocket watch that Shang Yin took out to check the position at the beginning, but it seemed to be more advanced than Shang Yin's. Some. Including the current position of Chen Shuai, it is a red dot, while others are white dot. Liu Shishi is not actually a mental controller. She is just a natural fantasy. Only then did she realize that she suddenly thought, yes, it turned out that I didn't have to leave. We could totally take the car!

The running car rushed straight to the beam of light at the target location. Liu Shishi had no feeling at all. She just thought that maybe this was also a hideman and had nothing to do with herself. However, when he saw this, Chen Shuai, who looked like a pig, suddenly changed his face and rushed straight over and kicked the direction of the car. The speed of the car itself was not very fast. Unexpectedly, it was kicked by Chen Shuai and crashed straight into the pillar next to the target location and stopped.

Liu Shishi is really helpless. Just like Wu Meng, her ability to control people is only to maximize her charm, so that Wu Meng and Chen Shuai can completely fall infatuated with her, so that she can do anything for her. However, so far, it seems that she can't be a command of an arm, but so far, she has made two moves, and it is true that neither of them has fully obeyed her orders. At the beginning, Liu Shishi could control Wu Meng and Chen Shuai's plan at the same time, but was destroyed by Wu Meng's inexplicable impulse. At that time, she just thought that she had not controlled Wu Meng, but it was just a mistake, but only a short time apart, the Chen Shuai she got now was not on standby as she ordered, but straight I rushed up. Why is this so? Liu Shishi was very distressed. At the beginning, it should have been completely controllable!

Why Wu Meng can accidentally get rid of it when he is controlled by Liu Shishi again can only be attributed to the existence of the demon red deficiency. This is his instinct. Because of fate, Wu Meng seems to be controlled by Liu Shishi, and the reason for getting rid of it is indeed because of the relationship between demons. Wu Meng has the characteristics and potential of all people. He is the ontology! This is completely an instinct deeply hidden in his body. Wu Meng himself will not know this. However, the gap has been guessed.

So why is Chen Shuai? He had no instinctive reaction, but he was a pursuer, and when he saw that the hideout wanted to enter the target location, the order of the game in the depths of his mind came directly, and even broke through his fascination with Liu Shishi's charm for a while.

It can be said that Liu Shishi is indeed very good. She is so unlucky that there is no other explanation than this.

When Chen Shuai ran to the car that hit the pillar and stopped, he had already recovered half awake. At least, he already knew what he should do.

The person sitting in the driver's seat in the car is a dwarf. Chen Shuai sneered. Maybe you think you can cross my obstacles and reach the target location directly by driving, but Chen Shuai will tell you that it is impossible! Chen Shuai sneered, and his consciousness became more and more clear, and even forgot Liu Shishi standing behind him. The only thing he sees is the dwarf. He is a hider and an enemy! Chen Shuai's hand went straight to the dwarf's neck. The dwarf did not resist at all and was directly grabbed by Chen Shuai's neck. Chen Shuai smiled cruelly and spit out the strength of his hand. The dwarf's neckbone naturally broke into seventeen or eight knots. Unexpectedly, the dwarf died. Chen Shuai is smiling.

Chen Shuai smiled proudly. The dwarf did die. Death is very simple. Life is actually a very simple thing, and death is simpler than life. Chen Shuai simply finished the life of the dwarf, relying on three times his human ability than ordinary people. And the dwarf is naturally not as strong as him. What if there are others who are more powerful than Chen Shuai?

In order to survive, I can do whatever I can.

If the absolute power factor is, Chen Shuai is naturally the strongest factor in this hidden world, but Liu Shishi can control him. Is Liu Shishi's absolute power surpassing Chen Shuai? No, it's just relatively speaking. Under some special circumstances, Liu Shishi can surpass Chen Shuai and reach relative strength. Therefore, she can control Chen Shuai, but she is not as strong as Chen Shuai's absolute strength. Liu Shishi is like this, but what about the others? What if Chen Shuai still reaches a relative weakness at some point?

Bang! A soft sound. A blood hole appeared on Chen Shuai's forehead. In fact, the relative strength is very simple. You just need to take advantage of it. The barbarians sat up from the back seat of the car with a smile and aimed at Chen Shuai with a pistol in his hand. Bang bang! There were three more shots. Chen Shuai's face full of pus can no longer see the pus, and Chen Shuai's face can no longer be seen from the blood hole.

Chen Shuai, die. By the time Chen Shuai died, he didn't even feel anything. His T-virus tripled his human ability, his ambition, hatred, and everything disappeared with death. He really doesn't want to die, but life is not transferred by his will. Why did I die so simply as soon as I entered? The gun is really terrible, but if Chen Shuai is a little careful, the barbarian's gun will never kill him, and the barbarian can't aim at Chen Shuai. This is a factor of intelligence, not just strength. Sometimes, power and wisdom want to communicate with each other. There may be a reason for death, but Chen Shuai doesn't know it.

Will only, or materialistic? For Chen Shuai at this moment, he failed to burst out the power of his will, so his life ended like this.

The barbarian came out of the car and laughed. He didn't even look at the dwarf killed by Chen Shuai. After seeing Chen Shuai dead, he didn't care. When he got out of the car, he saw Liu Shishi.

Liu Shishi is laughing, Chen Shuai is dead, it doesn't matter. For Liu Shishi, what she needs is not a specific person. If the barbarians are stronger, she can control the barbarians again. Then she will still be the winner!

Bum! Another gunshot. A blood hole appeared on Liu Shishi's forehead. Liu Shishi still has a smile on her face, but her smile is fixed, like a picture of a painter in the postmodern impressionist style. Liu Shishi did not expect that she would die. For a man, her ability can be said to be invincible, but she still has time to launch it in the future. Even her secret has not been fully revealed, and she died like this?

The barbarians laughed, and all of them were enemies. Women are the biggest enemies of survival, especially beautiful women. The barbarian groped around Chen Shuai. He got nothing, and then repeated the same thing to Liu Shishi. However, he found the locator held by Liu Shishi, which looked like a pocket watch, which was more advanced than Shangyin. Unfortunately, the barbarian studied for a while. What is this? Is it an ordinary pocket watch? He threw it aside as garbage. I didn't look at it again." Two poor people, didn't you get anything? I also got a pistol in the first world. No wonder I was killed by me. Damn it!" The barbarian smiled.

The winner of the game is me! The barbarian was full of ambition and looked back at the dead dwarf. Chen Shuai, the pursuer, and Liu Shishi, a beautiful woman, smiled more brightly. Without any vigilance, he laughed and walked towards the target. The pale yellow beam of light is close in front of you.