game of memorial

Chapter 90 -- Guan Yu's End

Chapter 90--Guan Yu's Last Road

Although the performance of Shangyin is remarkable, how can Wu Meng, who is already familiar with Shangyin, be deceived by such a simple performance as Shangyin? Shang Yin, are you really worshipping Xun?

In addition to sneering, Wu Meng's heart still sneered. Xun, if you are so easily tricked out by her, you don't deserve to be a criminal genius. Sure enough, Xun was still a little smart. He was not easily overwhelmed by a woman's words. His eyes were suspicious and looked at Shang Yin strangely. "Why do you ask this, Cao Ren, let's ask after killing them. Faster, so many enemies, if it's not faster. , it's not easy to kill."

Shang Yin also naturally knew that he was in a hurry and no longer asked. Instead, he bypassed Guan Yu and Liu Shishi in front of him and began to attack Ma Dai at the end of the team. Zhang He, what about you? Why didn't you attack? For Wu Meng, who had been watching the play, Xun was not polite, let alone the gentleness of Shangyin, and directly urged him coldly.

"Attack? Not busy, I want to torture them first, hehe," Wu Meng's face showed a smiling smile, passed Xun, who didn't understand what he meant, and came directly to Guan Yu. Xun originally wanted to kill Guan Yu and Liu Shishi first, but on second thought, these two may be forced to ask some questions in the end, and there may be any gains, so he pulled up Jia Xu and went to the other side and began to slaughter the rest of the heroes of Shu.

He walked around Guan Yu twice, patted Guan Yu on the shoulder, and sighed. Although Guan Yu said that he didn't care about Xun's control, it was naturally uncomfortable to be regarded as a monkey in this way. He said vaguely unhappiness, "Zhang He, what do you want to do? Tell me directly!"

"What do I want to do? If I say I don't want to do anything, do you believe it? Wu Meng narrowed his eyes slightly. He bit his lower lip and shook his head at Guan Yu. "You are very handsome. Why did you two break up? Unfortunately, she is my woman now. Unfortunately, brother, oh, by the way, she should be called a senior, haha!"

"You mean..." Guan Yu's words began, but he didn't say anything more, but the afterglow of his eyes glanced at Shangyin. You see, you are not only handsome, but also smart. I just give you a little hint, and you will understand! You are very capable. Even this dead Liu Shishi can become your teammate! Isn't it, poetry?" Wu Meng walked to Liu Shishi's side and gently held up her jaw. "You were in the world of hide-and-seek; even I controlled it. I didn't expect that after you came back to life, your hypnotic ability was stronger. How could you control so many people? Oh, not to mention this, in fact, you are more beautiful."

Wu Meng's smile was so abominable that she even put her lips on Liu Shishi's face and exhaled gently next to her earlobe, "Well, it smells so good. It's still the same taste as before. Shishi, don't you know me? Haha" Wu Meng kissed Liu Shishi heavily on her face, leaving a wet watermark.

"Shameless!" Liu Shishi couldn't move, so she could only stare at Wu Meng with the afterglow of the corners of her eyes, but Wu Meng didn't seem to care. Instead, she kissed again in revenge. Guan Yu was in front of Liu Shishi, but he didn't know what had happened. Hearing Liu Shishi's words, his expression, which had been smiling, finally changed. He said angrily with hatred, "Zhang He, what are you doing? What ability do you have to come to me!" What's the ability to bully women?

"Well, I didn't bully her. Do you only allow you and someone to know each other? Liu Shishi and I have also known each other for a very old time. We met in a game world at the beginning. Ha ha, didn't she tell you? Wu Meng finally saw Guan Yu's anger and felt happy in her heart. She hugged Liu Shishi and kissed her gently. Moreover, this time, the place Wu Meng kissed was Liu Shishi's delicate mouth.

Her lips are very thin and warm. When Wu Meng kissed her gently, she felt like biting a smooth and delicious cake. Liu Shishi's teeth were closed, and Wu Meng could not enter the door. Of course, he did not dare to let him enter. Although Liu Shishi's body could not move, she could speak, so her teeth and tongue could move. If you get bitten by her, it's not worth it.

Liu Shishi seemed to have learned a lesson. She didn't want Guan Yu in front of her to worry and let Wu Meng be frivolous. Except for staring at Wu Meng's eyes full of resentment, the rest of the movements were gone. Wu Meng kissed for a while, and Liu Shishi's non-violent non-cooperation also made Wu Meng feel that there was no pleasure of revenge, so he would not continue.

Since Liu Shishi is meaningless, why don't you flirt with Guan Yu again? The gloomy fire in Wu Meng's heart turned into pleasure, which made Wu Meng feel comfortable all over.

"Guan Yu, I'm really sorry. If you had come to the world earlier, nothing would have happened to me and Shangyin! Unfortunately," Wu Meng pretended to shake his head and sighed, as if he was very sorry for Guan Yu. Guan Yu was silent, but the expression on his face was clearly different from the previous expression. Wu Meng could see that Guan Yu was not without feeling, so Wu Meng said it more vigorously.

"In this world, Shang Yin and I did something that I shouldn't have done. Do you know that Shang Yin is actually a virgin... Oh, I'm sorry, it's not now, haha," Wu Meng smiled apologetically and said something extremely viciously, "You know. Although she is a virgin, her performance in ** is exactly like a **! I don't know why her performance is so powerful. Say something that hurts a man. I, poor, I really can't stand her unfulfillable needs..."

"Enough!" Guan Yu finally couldn't stand it and shouted angrily to stop Wu Meng's words. Since you are her man now, you should love her well. What are you like this?" Guan Yu's face burst into blue veins, suppressed his anger, and said to Wu Meng.

Wu Meng was a little stunned. Ha ha, it's so interesting. Is Guan Yu and Guan Yu blessing us? Wu Meng couldn't help laughing. He looked back at the business voice who ruthlessly killed the heroes of Shu there. He turned around and looked at Guan Yu with a strange face and said honestly, "Guan Yu, you are a good person. Unfortunately, I'm not... You know, I'm actually really jealous..." Wu Meng's words didn't go on. If you go on like this, the form that Wu Meng has the upper hand will change. In that way, won't Wu Meng complain?

How can Wu Meng allow such a thing to happen? Yes, it can't be like this! Haha, how to continue humiliating him is my main topic, Wu Meng, Wu Meng, what's wrong with you? What hypocritical sympathy do you show when you are bored? He is not a good person. He robbed your girlfriend! Yes, well, I will continue to torture him, continue to torture him, how can I torture him? Apart from death, what else can make him more sad?

Wu Meng rubbed her head strangely while thinking about how to do it. Guan Yu did not speak any more, but closed his eyes and waited for a moment to come. Zhang He, do you know that I'm not afraid of death? Do you remember my three death-free gold medals? That's a binding item. As long as I don't give it to you voluntarily, you can't take it down, so no matter what you do, I won't die and can't enter the hell of the loser! The most failed result is just the loss of the death-free gold medal between Zhan Lan and me. Do you understand..."

Is that so? Guan Yu's words made Wu Meng a little disappointed and couldn't die. No matter how good the tragedy was, it became a comedy. What can we expect from such a result? Wu Meng was a little helpless, but he had no choice but to make Guan Yu feel that it was better to die than to be alive.

Wu Meng is still thinking, but Xun and Jia Xu have completely killed the heroes of Shu on one side, and Shang Yin on the other side has not been killed because there is only one person.

"Zhang He, don't play anymore!" Xun frowned a little and made no contribution. In the past half day, there was almost no outstanding contribution except for a few irrelevant words. Xun's heart has determined that Zhang He basically has no cultivated value, no clever wisdom and no decisiveness to obey orders. It seems that except for this cooperation, nothing else is of value.

"Okay, Guan Yu, do you have anything else to say? If not, I'll send you away. Although you have a death-free gold medal, I hope we will still be friends when I see you next time!" Xun's words were faint, without joy or anger, but they made Guan Yu feel relieved and finally relieved. Listening to that crooked feeling, it's really uncomfortable!

"Exun, do you have to kill?" Shang Yin, who killed another hero of the State of Shu, suddenly ran back. "I think he should have other values, such as various props on his body, as well as information about various game worlds. At least, he should find out the way to get the gold medal." Shangyin's look was very serious, as if it was just to completely squeeze the residual value of Guan Yu.

However, Wu Meng naturally knew that the purpose of Shangyin was just to prolong Guan Yu's life. She hasn't given up yet!

Most of the powers, superpowers, special functions and so on, if the simplest limit, is naturally the limit of use time! After such a long time, Xun's ability to imprison seems to have not reached its end, and Guan Yu and Liu Shishi still seem to be unable to move there.

But what if, wait a little longer, is the time limit for Xun's ability? Shang Yin held it for this purpose. Wu Meng began to laugh.

"Shun, don't wait. If you wait any longer and Guan Yu suddenly breaks free from your shackles, we will die! You'd better stop waiting. Who knows if he will have any other props that can forcibly break out of your confinement?

Wu Meng's words woke up Xun, who was being ** by Shang Yin. He was already moved, but Wu Meng's words were like a ladle of cold water poured on his head. Yes, this Guan Yu even has something like a death-free gold medal. Who can guarantee that he has nothing else? Isn't this Zhang He useless?

Xun nodded and said coldly, "Guan Yu, I'm sorry, we--kill!"