game of memorial

Chapter 139 -- Yu-Gi-Oh's Card! Virtual Go Battle!

Chapter 139 - Game King's Card! Virtual Go Battle!

"So, do you mean that you surrendered and surrendered?" Liu Shishi's mind is exquisite. Although she understands that it is impossible for the other party to admit defeat easily, she still asked this question like this. This is a battle of momentum. If it can have a little advantage, it is better to take advantage of it.

Of course, looking at the overwhelmed Nami, Liu Shishi is not as brainless as she showed. What even Wu Meng can remember, Liu Shishi naturally recalled Chu Xuan's warning yesterday. However, although her inner vigilance has been raised, Liu Shishi's surface still pretends to be proud. A big look to paralyze the other party.

Sure enough, seeing Liu Shishi's arrogant appearance, although Nami opposite did not say anything, the trace of contempt in her eyes could not escape Liu Shishi's careful observation. Liu Shishi, code-named Zhan Lan, has a special talent for this kind of spiritual induction and other things. Although there is no magic use of Zhan Lan's humanoid radar, its super hypnotic ability is still a trump card of the Zhongzhou team so far!

"Arrogant!" Nami looked at Liu Shishi. Although she admitted that she really didn't know how to play a little bit of Go, she was sure that she would not lose!" Do you really think you will win? Everything is empty before the result comes out!"

With a smile on Nami's face, she took out a card-like thing from her hand and raised it to Liu Shishi, "Sometimes, if you don't know Go, it doesn't mean you can't use Go! Zhongzhou team, let you see, our Pirates team is the first protagonist of the real game world!"

As the card in Nami's hand floated out, the card suddenly became bigger and bigger. Finally, it floated directly into the sky, emitting a soft light, but not dazzling. Let people see what's on it clearly.

Player Nami uses the card of the second-level prop Yu-Gi-King - Virtual Fantasy. In this game, Go is forced to change, and the world of Go is established. Game rules: Zhan Lan uses the rules of the Go game to fight against Nami Fantasy. The game continues on both sides.

"Virtual fantasy? What is this?" Seeing the changes made by Nami's card, Liu Shishi's face was extremely ugly. No matter how you look at it, this will not be beneficial to you. Of course, her heart is not as shocking and fear as shown on her face.

Because, although I didn't know that Nami had such a means, yesterday, Chu Xuan had already expected that the Pirates would have a similar method!


"If tomorrow, the Pirates are a little indifferent or even deliberately weak after hearing about our game of Go, then they must have other tricks! Although I don't know what it is, it's nothing more than changing the rules of the game through props!"

"But if we change the rules of the game, won't we suffer losses?" Yesterday, the questioner happened to be Liu Shishi herself. She still remembers her confusion at that time. Since Chu Xuan had expected that the Pirates would have the means to change the rules of the game, why did she deliberately ask for the inner soft choice of the two games?

"It doesn't matter. Although they can change the rules of the game to a certain extent, they absolutely can't change the rules in general!" Chu Xuan looked quite confident. If I guessed correctly, the Pirates are in the same situation as us. Except for a team contract of the Pirates, what they have now revealed is a first-class prop pursuit order!"

"First-level props? I remember that when we got the position of the protagonist, didn't we also have a first-level prop..." Liu Shishi looked around the people around him for a week and didn't say anything more. Except for Wu Meng, who was a little ignorantly asked what this first-level prop was, including Shangyin, Wanqiang and the Overlord, he didn't ask.

Chu Xuan did not explain this problem, but continued his speculation, "So, judging from the second-level props we have won, the Pirates are likely to have something similar. However, contact the team contract of their choice. If I guess correctly, their secondary props must be able to directly transform some rules into combat props!"

Virtual fantasy! Changing the rules of the Go world and forcing Liu Shishi to use Go to fight against Nami's battle category rules, such a means are exactly the same as Chu Xuan's guess!

Others don't think that only Wu Meng has leisurely come to Chu Xuan's side at this moment and carefully look at Chu Xuan. How did he guess? Chu Xuan carefully looked at Liu Shishi and Nami in the ring and had no time to pay attention to Wu Meng.

On the red ring, Liu Shishi, including the whole chessboard underground, has undergone great changes. There is a small chessboard around Liu Shishi, and around Liu Shishi, there is a person who looks almost exactly like Nami, if it weren't for this figure with continuous circulation. The halo is not like a real person at all.

And around Nami, those chessboards have completely disappeared, but a light and shadow similar to Liu Shishi's face has appeared, but they are indeed on guard with Nami.

Nami did not seem to pay attention to the light and shadow of Liu Shishi standing in front of her, but continued to look at Liu Shishi. Her face was clearly confident and didn't care about the business voice in front of her. Moreover, a stick appeared in Nami's hand and shook gently. The stick in Nami's hand was like the gold in Sun Wukong's hand. The hoop turned around as if it were a good one.

"Do you understand? This is my grasp of victory. You play your Go, and I fight my battle! Therefore, whether I know Go or not, with your light and shadow condensed on your chessboard, your chess path can be fully reflected in the way of martial arts, and while I fight with your phantom, my phantom can also reflect my martial arts with the chess path of Go. So, this is the certainty of my victory!"

"Yes, that's all!" Liu Shishi had already guessed the effect of this game king card, but under Nami's complaed narration, she further determined the role of this card. In this way, it is true that Nami can use the strongest martial arts combat effectiveness of the Pirates to reflect it in Go.

Moreover, in addition to Go, whether it is chess checkers or other mahjong dice poker, as long as this virtual fantasy card comes out, it can become the most familiar battle scene of the Pirates. In this way, it is indeed like the dead-free gold medal of the Zhongzhou team. Strong utility.

Of course, this prop is just a second-level prop. Although it has a special function, it is not absolute. Compared with the pursuit prop at that level, it can be forced to follow to another world, and after winning, it can also forcibly deprive the loser of two pieces of equipment or skills. The value of something against the sky is better than the value of death-free gold medals and virtual fantasy cards, one in the sky and the other in the earth.

As long as you use the chase order, can't you quickly improve yourself without restrictions and bottlenecks? This is the preciousness of first-class props!

"Don't say more nonsense, let's start!" Liu Shishi's face condensed and looked at the small chessboard on his side almost devoutly. Although there was no child in his hand, a virtual black man fell on the keyboard with a slight click on the keyboard.

19 vertical and horizontal roads, black and white are endless. Let's not talk about where Liu Shishi's fall is, just when Wu Meng is still paying attention to Liu Shishi's fall, right next to Namei, Liu Shishi's phantom directly swings the regular horse step by step and punched Nami flatly.

Nami smiled. Such a simple offensive is really too simple for a person who is used to fighting. Nami just put the stick in her hand and sealed Liu Shishi's offensive.

While Nami sealed the attack of Liu Shishi's phantom, Nami's phantom has also fallen from Liu Shishi. Then, Liu Shishi kept falling, and Nami also kept attacking. The two were engaged in such a wonderful fight in two places.

So, is this the utility of the virtual fantasy card? Wu Meng looked at the two people in the ring enviously and seemed to have a good time. Of course, Wu Meng also knew that now was not the time to fool around, so he did not ask to go up and play with Liu Shishi. Just holding Kaga and staring at the two people on the stage.

If Wu Meng really does this at this time, not to mention that the pirate team opposite will not allow it, I'm afraid that even Chu Xuan and others will directly tie Wu Meng and throw it back into the rest area.

Wu Meng's chess power is not high, and it can't be seen how strong Liu Shishi's chess power is. In contrast, the battle on Nami's side is much more intuitive. The stick in Nami's hand is like an arm, constantly attacking Liu Shishi's phantom in Nami's hand, and Liu Shishi's phantom is actually forced to fight, which seems to be completely There is no power to return.

The Pirates can't understand Go, but seeing that Nami's offensive prevailed at this moment, they have suppressed Liu Shishi's illusion and showed a proud smile. Lu Fei, the leader, nodded directly provocatively to Chu Xuan, gently threw the straw hat of his left hand, and then fell on Luffy's head accurately.

Chu Xuan naturally saw Luffy's provocative action, but he didn't seem to see it at all and ignored it. However, the Pirates opposite regarded Chu Xuan's indibriation as weak and made a burst of laughter, which made the people of the Zhongzhou team look a little wrong, but when Chu Xuan did not speak, they would not provoke them.

Of course, some people don't think so! In the face of the ridicule of the Pirates, Wu Meng did not seem to care about Chu Xuan's forbearance strategy, but drew a middle finger straight towards the opposite side, with contempt on his face. The pirates on the opposite side saw Wu Meng's provocation, which also rewarded greater ridicule.

Because Liu Shishi at this moment does seem to be at a low wind. Although Wu Meng is constantly provoking with the other three people of the Pirates, his heart is still constantly complaining about Liu Shishi. How can you be suppressed by that idiot Nami? Isn't it very powerful when you usually bully me? You have to show your ability!"

Wu Meng kept expressing it to the Zhongzhou team while praying hard for Liu Shishi. Because even he thought that Liu Shishi at this time could see from the battle there that Liu Shishi was at a disadvantage.