game of memorial

Chapter 182 -- Iron Tree Evil Mirror

Chapter 182 - Iron Tree Evil Mirror

The third layer of hell. It is called Iron Tree Hell. Anyone who instigates father and son, brothers and sisters, who have had feelings between husband and wife, or who has separated the emotions between friends in the world will be beaten to the hell of the iron tree after death. Iron tree hell, as the name implies, sinners will be nailed to the iron tree. The iron tree is covered with sharp blades, like a mountain of knives, hanging the sinner from behind to above...

Unfortunately, when Wu Meng saw such a punishment again, Wu Meng felt nothing. Well, that's it. There is a big gap compared with the top ten tortures in the Qing Dynasty... Can't hell be replaced with new patterns? For example, what to say about wax hell, whip hell, ** hell... Well, well, Wu Meng sighed, sin, it's too evil.

If the previous hell needs Wu Meng to find it little by little, after having the bull-headed horse face, Wu Meng can save some brain cells and walk around directly with the bull-headed horse face. Moreover, this time, those little ghosts who executed the punishment for the sinners all nodded and bowed when they saw the bull's head and horse.

In addition to making Wu Meng look surprised, the bull's head and horse's face also have a face. Naturally, they can't wait to make a good impression on the new master.

Of course, 18 layers of hell, although it is ostensibly an equal 18 worlds, is actually very different. The more hell goes, the heavier the punishment of sinners, and the more resentment and anger they can receive. Generally, it will be much better than the previous hell environment. For the little ones, these things are the source of energy for them to maintain their bodies.

And those more powerful strong men also cultivate by absorbing these comprehensive magic spirits in hell. The more powerful the strong, the greater the magic gas that can absorb and transform. Therefore, if there are more sinners in a layer of hell and the more prosperous the business is, the more promising this layer of hell has.

When Wu Meng learned about such a situation from the mouth of the bull-headed horse, Wu Meng almost laughed. Hell is very loving! In each layer of hell, it is actually different. There is competition... Of course, each layer of hell is not without repetition, and if it is repeated, after receiving the punishment of one layer of hell, you will be punished in another layer of hell.

Poor sinners have been regarded as a free juicer for resentment and anger by hell...

Well, when the bull-headed horse led Wu Meng all the way, Wu Meng saw the sinners hanging on the iron tree. For some reason, he remembered the red apples hanging on the tree.

Night God Moon once said that Death likes to eat apples. It turns out that not only death likes apples, but also likes apples in hell.

With the bull-headed horse-faced side as a ground-headed snake, Wu Meng came to the palace on this floor smoothly. What surprised Wu Meng was that there was also a pair of bull-headed horses standing in front of the palace of this iron tree hell. Horizontally, Wu Meng carefully looked at the bull-headed horse face standing in front of the palace, which was exactly the same as the pair of bull-headed horse faces beside her!

If Wu Meng hadn't known mind reading and could tell who was who from their hearts, Wu Meng would have really thought she had read it wrong. When the bull-headed horse beside Wu Meng looked at Wu Meng's expression, they were good at observing words and expressions, and immediately took the initiative to explain the reason for Wu Meng:

"Young master, in fact, you don't have to be strange. The two of us are not real bull-headed horse noodles, and the two you see now are not real bull-headed horse noodles. The real bull-headed horse noodles directly belong to Lord Qin Guang, the first hall. In fact, many of the original partners like us are blood relatives of our ancestors.

The cow's head explained that the head was Tao, and the horse's face has also been nodding beside him, making Wu Meng look very similar. There are a lot of bullhead and horse noodles. Seeing that Wu Meng seemed to be very interested, Niu Tou continued to talk about it:

"My name is horn, and his name is horseshoe. Don't tell me the truth! In fact, we are also the direct descendants of bullhead and horse noodles! Our ancestors have also seen the demeanor of your eldest brother Sun Dasheng with their own eyes! That's really Yushu's unrestrained and graceful, not only with a broad mind, but also a strong arm!"

Well, is this a compliment? Wu Meng heard that it was funny. If Sun Wukong really heard such praise for him, he would probably directly smash these two horns and horseshoes to death with a stick!

Of course, in this case, one of the biggest benefits is that after talking to the two people in the iron tree hell, it is not surprising that even the test should be released directly. And this test is love!

If he wants Wu Meng to test, all he needs to do is to prove his friendship. He needs to find a way to impress the bull-headed horse face of the iron tree hell, turn them into their friends, get their recognition, and lead to the fourth level of hell.

Although this matter can be completed satisfactorily with the fate of mind reading, it will also take a certain amount of time. However, with the horn horseshoe, Wu Meng naturally omitted this step. After negotiating with the bull-headed horseshoe and the iron tree hell, Wu Meng was directly admitted and could go directly to the fourth floor of hell.

Of course, Wu Meng can also understand from the heart that the reason why they can do this so conveniently is also a lot of blood! Looking at the painful and bleeding hearts of the horns and horses' hoofs, and then looking at their forced smiles and wanting to leave Wu Meng an impression of being smart and capable, Wu Meng also sighed.

It's not easy for anyone to get along these days! I hate my father! Of course, even if Brother Gang comes to hell, I don't think it will work...

Then, Wu Meng, led by the horned horseshoe, came to the fourth level of hell.

The fourth layer of hell. It's called Evil Mirror Hell. Anyone who commits a crime in the world will enter the hell of the evil mirror after death if he hides the world and escapes from punishment. After taking this mirror, the sins committed will be revealed one by one. Then he was beaten into other hells to suffer.

Actually, in this case, this hell is just a structure equivalent to a transit station. Therefore, when Wu Meng and the horn horseshoe appeared in this layer of hell, Wu Meng did not see the world that could not be seen at a glance like other hells.

There is only a huge mirror with a brass-like thing on it, but it can clearly reflect the images of this hellish world.

It stands directly against the sky and stands directly across the whole hell. And those little ghosts led a group of sinners to look in front of the mirror, and then took them away, not knowing where they had left. However, according to Wu Meng's guess, it should be the hell they should go to.

The bull-headed horse face is also constantly Shaoxing Wu Meng, "Young master, this is the only evil mirror in hell. Legend has it that this evil mirror has great power. It is a treasure of heaven and earth born with the three stones. Sansheng Stone can see through people's past and present lives, and although this evil mirror is different from the demon mirror and can reveal the prototype of the demon, this evil mirror can actually find out the crimes committed by everyone. Therefore, although this place is called the fourth hell, it is the first place for all sinners to come.

"Oh, is there such a saying?" Wu Meng is very interested in this big mirror that directly stands up to the sky. If the previous layers of hell still belong to the spread in the real world, this evil mirror hell is something that Wu Meng has never heard of before.

"Does this evil mirror really have the magical ability as you said?" Wu Meng stared at the big mirror and did not hide his curiosity about this thing at all. If Wu Meng was not moved at all if such a treasure could be equivalent to a demon mirror, it would be false.

Although Wu Meng asked the horns and horses' hoofs, he did not expect their answer. Their answer, Wu Meng has already used his mind-reading ability to learn from their hearts. The horns and horses' hoofs really don't lie. This evil mirror does have such a magical ability. Moreover, whether it is a fairy demon or a wandering soul dead, as long as you have not jumped out of the three worlds and are not in the five elements, you can't escape the exploration of this evil mirror.

Why don't I take a picture too? Let's see if I have any evil to play... Wu Meng's curiosity can't be suppressed no matter how much he suppresses it. The demon always likes these strange things.

Seeing Wu Meng's expression, he did not dare to object, so he had to give up the idea of going directly to the palace to continue to the next level of hell, but followed Wu Meng towards the huge evil mirror.

The evil mirror looks great, and after Wu Meng and his party walked for a long time, Wu Meng understood the idiom of near and far. When they finally came close to the evil mirror, Wu Meng found that the evil mirror was far more shocking than when he saw it in the distance.

It is a huge brass mirror that covers almost half of the sky. Directly make the sky and the big place on both sides from the middle. Such a majestic, Wu Meng, who stood in front of it, couldn't help but feel small.

"How does it show my guilt?" Looking at the clear figure on the brass evil mirror, which is completely comparable to the glass mirror in the real world, Wu Meng looked up and down, but could not find his guilt, and then he looked back at the horseshoe.

The two horns and horseshoes smiled and felt a headache at Wu Meng's request: "Young master, this thing is not played casually. If it really takes off the crime, there must be ghosts to arrest you and go to different hells. Moreover, at that time, we can't stop it, otherwise we will be regarded as rebellion at the same time.

If Wu Meng is convicted and then beaten to hell, won't the two horns be finished? How can they wait for Wu Meng to become the king of hell and follow Wu Mengrong to be rich and seize the power of life and death?

Don't tell him that he needs to drip blood on the evil mirror! The horns and horses' hoofs fixed their attention, and they couldn't tell Wu Meng about this matter.

Wu Meng is naturally young and ignorant. If his eldest son, the monkey, knew, it was the two of them who brought his brother here and then were sent to hell. Is there any guarantee that the great saint will not directly grant him "prison punishment and death" in anger?

Of course, just as the two made up their minds, they watched Wu Meng seem to accidentally bite his finger, and then directly wipe it on the evil mirror...