game of memorial

Chapter 1 -- The World After the End--

Chapter 1 - The World After the End...

Isn't this really a dream? Wu Qing has always been hard to believe that the familiar world has become like this, but what Wu Qing has seen and heard since he woke up, this is clearly the end of the world!

Why is this? The familiar city in the past has become a ruin. If I hadn't been in the corner of the wall and covered everything that fell from it by the broken floor, I'm afraid I would have become part of the ruins. Is it an earthquake?

Wu Qing came out of the big hole in the corner and came outside. Wu Qing had some doubts about the existence of this big hole. When he woke up, in addition to seeing the floor falling from the second floor that helped him protect him from the wind and rain from bad luck, he found that a big hole was broken in the corner of the connection with the floor, which went straight to the outside. Was it opened by rescuers? But why didn't you save me? Has something happened?

Wu Qing guessed, but no matter what, there should be rescue. Wu Qing remembered the mobile phone he carried in his coat pocket. Ask for help! This is not something I can control. Let's call 110. Whether there is an earthquake or not, 110 is the best choice.

Wu Qing took out his mobile phone, but found that his mobile phone battery was on the verge of being turned off. He clearly remembered that the battery was charged the night before the night before. Shouldn't it be out of power so soon? Forget it, "110..." Wu Qing pressed this unused number with hope, hoping that someone would come to save him. Yes, even after the earthquake, people from other cities will come to the rescue!

"Du...Du...Du..." Busy voice.

Is there too many people who call 110? Wu Qing thought, but it was normal for many people to ask for help after the earthquake, so Wu Qing pressed the replay button. Du...Du...Du..." Isn't it so unlucky? Wu Qing is a little distressed, so I don't believe it. Come again,

"Du...Du...Du..." "Du...Du..." "Du...Du...Du..."

Busy sound, still busy sound. UNTIL THE END, THE MOBILE PHONE MUSIC R soundED GORGEOUS, "GODBYE!"

Wu Qing's mobile phone died and automatically shut down. Wu Qing already had a bad feeling in his heart. No, no, it should be that the signal after the earthquake is too bad, which is equivalent to being blocked. It's normal that he can't call out. This should be normal after the earthquake. However, despite this, Wu Qing's heart gradually sank.

The sky seems to fall out of thin air, and the dark clouds cover the supposed blue sky. The sun can never be seen again. Even the sunlight reflected from the clouds is just a luxury. The earth is dark, like the feeling that it is not completely dark after sunset. This is the world now. The visibility is so poor, and the surroundings are full of ruins. Except for the sound of the wind, there is no sound, let alone smoke. The whole world has no popularity.

Did the Third World War happen? How could this happen? Wu Qing was at a loss. He couldn't explain everything in front of him, and even couldn't believe that this was the world he was familiar with, the bustling big city, the bustling city where people came and went, and the vibrant steel jungle.

These are not true, are I dreaming? Wu Qing laughed at himself that he wanted to laugh, but he couldn't laugh.

The head suddenly began to hurt again. Wu Qing frowned and kept rubbing his hands on his temples. Although the pain was the blood output by the heartbeat, it seemed that his head suddenly became bigger and then shrank back. This is Wu Qing's old problem. Although it is a little painful, it is within the tolerable range, but recently, for some reason, the attacks have become more frequent.

Wu Qing bit his lower lip, slowly looked around and found a falling stone. The front end of the stone was slightly raised, but it was not sharp. Then Wu Qing grabbed the stone with both hands and pricked it to the top of his head, which was the place where his hair was separated. Wu Qing once saw it, medically It is said that this place should be the "Baihui Cave" of the human body.

The pain, the greater severe pain, came from the top of his head. Wu Qing gritted his teeth and endured it abruptly. The pain seemed to rise into the bone marrow, so that the muscles of his whole body were sore and soft, and even his raised hands hung down. Wu Qing was already sweating profusely, the stone fell, and the severe pain stopped immediately. Instead, replaced by a The feeling of floating and fairy, extremely comfortable, similar to the comfort of **, relaxed all over the body.

Wu Qing took a long breath, and the habitual pain had stopped. This method was taught to him by his grandfather. Wu Qing doesn't know the specific principle, and he is not a medical student. Besides, this method is just a temporary pain relief for treating the symptoms and not the root causes. There is no need to delve into it. However, the feeling after that was absolutely comfortable, but at the beginning of the pain, as if it had been hit by an electric current, the whole body was a little numb, and the whole body softened. Moreover, with more and more and more uses of this method, this comfortable feeling is getting less and less, unless the severe pain in the first half is increased. Otherwise, the rest of the comfortable time will gradually disappear. In order to increase the time of severe pain, Wu Qing tried to ask others to help him, but when others pressed it, Wu Qing only felt the unbearable severe pain. Probably this also had its own ability to bear it. When he couldn't stand it, his body automatically became sore and soft to stop, so that he could have that comfortable feeling.

After the habitual pain stopped, Wu Qing's mood suddenly calmed down. The dark sky, the collapsed city, the dilapidated ruins, what's wrong with the world?

It doesn't matter, it's just the end of the world at most!

Wu Qing suddenly felt that in fact, this is not bad. Anyway, I'm tired of that world. It's just a new environment. Wu Qing rubbed his eyes. Doomsday, hehe, will it be better if there is only me in the world left?

Ha ha, a person's world!