game of memorial

Chapter 3 -- Reorganization and the Coming of Fat

Chapter 3--The Reorganization and the Coming of the Fat Man

"The end of the world's "One Piece", the acquisition of no items, 1% of the completion of the task, evaluation F" Wu Meng's mind gradually woke up, the wish to be realized, the infinite horrible world, is it so, Wu Meng finally remembered, is that so. But why did you have no memory when you first entered the world of One Piece? Isn't it? --Wu Meng is a little resentful of the person who realized his wish. What the hell!

Looking at the motionless light ball above his head, Wu Meng just wanted to scold his mother. WHAT'S THE MATTER? I JUST ENTERED. WHY DID I GAMEOVER DIRECTLY BEFORE I HAD TO DO anything? I DON'T UNDERSTAND. I'M JUST FISHING THERE. HOW CAN THERE BE A NAVY SHIP GOING DIRECT TO THE BEACH? And it's so immortal that it directly crushed me to death? This is not a way to live at all. Shit, it shouldn't be. If "Little Tadpole Looking for Mom" is still dead, then in One Piece, it's simply murder. How is it possible? Why?

I thought I had grasped that person's idea, but now it seems that he is a psychopath at all! The first fatal ending was immediately transmitted to the second world after returning, and then I stayed for only one day, and died in an absolutely impossible way. Is it the rejection of the infinite world? Wu Meng suddenly thought of this layer, but he always felt that it should not be the reason. Why on earth? Wu Meng bit his lower lip and rubbed his temple with his hand. According to his original habit, he should not think about things that he couldn't figure out for the time being. However, if this matter is not solved, he will die as soon as he enters the world. In this way, I'm afraid that his wish has completely deviated from his original intention, not eternal life, but change. It has become an infinite resurrection, and it is the kind of malicious death and resurrection one after another.

"Do you want to know why?" A lazy voice sounded, which stunned Wu Meng's expression. His nerves immediately jumped. In front of Wu Meng was a fat man. His eyes were confused, but he spoke as if he were a ghost.

Other people! Other people! Wu Meng's heart finally calmed down... Whether it is the person in the original work or the newcomer, it means that he is not alone! It's not about loneliness, but that Wu Meng began to smile - man is a group animal. Whether it is strength, wisdom and so on, everything comes from fighting, fighting with heaven, fighting with beasts, fighting with people, fighting with people, and war is the catalyst for civilization. Whether this person is a friend or an enemy, it shows that this is not my own stage. In the infinite world, no wonder I will die as soon as I enter the world. Does it seem to be the reason why there is no opponent? Now it's me and him, is he my opponent? Haha, it seems that I have found my meaning!

"Wu Meng, don't be smart. Although you can't be wrong, you are absolutely" The fat man is still in a "top god" posture. His eyes are confused, as if he is looking at another world, but Wu Meng does not feel strange. Even the wish of immortality has been realized. What is unacceptable? Maybe he is not the only one who has been given a wish, who knows?

"I'm not your enemy, I'm your friend, do you understand? Without me, your life will become a coffee table, on which is tableware except for cups and utensils. Do you think it's easy for me to say? Hey, my shortcoming is that it's too great~" The fat man chattered endlessly and didn't notice that Wu Meng's face was getting more and more embarrassing~~ "Who are you?" Wu Meng is helpless. He can be sure that the person speaking now is definitely not the fat man in front of him, which is what his sixth sense told him.

"I am--the cool breeze is lucky enough to have a boundless autumn moon to lose my Sijiao's mood is like a year. Although I am not a jade tree in the wind, I have a broad mind and strong arms... (three thousand words are omitted at once) I am the legendary--Fu Zex--(*&*&%&¥*&(*)*)*) *..." The fat man was very excited and said that his saliva flew everywhere, but he said later. Somehow, he only saw his mouth move, and then his words turned into a string of birds. Wu Meng was even more embarrassing, and the fat man was also angry. He wiped his mouth with his left hand, then raised a middle finger in the sky, and said again, "Damn, I just want to Leave a name, can't you do that? All right, I'm bored to death. Give me another 50 years and I'll leave!" The fat man turned around again and smiled at Wu Meng, but his eyes were lightless, which made Wu Meng feel awkward and panicked.

"Do you know why you will die as soon as you enter?" The fat man's words touched Wu Meng. At this time, he didn't think that the fat man was a funny role. Wu Meng lowered his body and asked solemnly, "Do you know? Why?" The fat man seemed to be very proud. "There is nothing I don't know. The death of your first world is purely an accident. I can't explain the specific situation. You can guess whatever you want, but the second world is completely your own reason. You have been detected by the system!"

"System?" Wu Meng is a little unbelievable. He is not playing games. Where did the system come from?

"That's it!" The fat man pouted in the direction of the Lord God, "By the way, your IQ is low. When we play DNF, we use G to brush pictures in a low profile and use it in a low profile. I didn't expect you to dare to shout everywhere with gongs and drums. I use G. Let's seal my ID. I feel uncomfortable if you don't block me!"

"G?" Wu Meng frowned. What the fat man meant was... He recalled his experience among pirates and said that G, does it mean his infinite life? No, it shouldn't be. I haven't revealed this matter either. I'm shouting everywhere with gongs and drums. Is it because I revealed the plot to Luffy? Is it because I leaked the plot? Is this the reason why I was rejected by the infinite world? Do you mean that I leaked the plot?

"What do you think, kid, with G itself, it destroys the balance of the game, and you still use gongs and drums. If you don't hang up, your system is too depressing!" So you mean I can't change the plot at all? Wu Meng looked at the fat man and said.

"No, we naturally need to use G, but we can't be too high-profile. The high-profile result is that the network connection is interrupted, and the high-profile intention is to disconnect! Even if you use an unlimited ID, you can't stand it when you create an ID and it seals you an ID. Fatty's words are always mixed with some game terms. Although they are literally clear, they are deeply related to themselves. Wu Meng didn't say anything anymore and bowed his head and meditated.

"Don't be afraid, as long as you follow him," the fat man pointed to himself. Wu Meng clearly said that the little fat man, "Follow him, my brother will cover you, and we are also the people above. Do you understand? There is only one requirement that he can come to take the blame. If you die, you must go. What's the good Give him everything. If there is any beautiful woman, you can't rob him. Just recognize him as the master and call yourself a servant. In this way, your life will be very beautiful!" Wu Mengxin said that I might as well die directly!

Wu Meng is now sure that this little fat man is covered by someone. He has someone on it. I guess it's the fat man who is talking now. So, if there is someone in this fat man, what about himself? The man appeared in front of Wu Meng's eyes. Will he cover himself?

"How dare you call me a fat man, you are brave enough! If you want that person to help you, don't think about it," the fat man smiled, but it was very strange and seemed to be gloating. "Who made your wish too perfect? You know, too perfect is a disability! Haha, immortal, immortal, immortal, immortal, unsealed life! It's so funny. How did you come up with it? Do you know that too strong a desire will have an impact on the caster himself? Your wish is too unbelievable. I want him to help you in the next life. Well, no, you don't even have it in the next life. Ha ha, in a word, you can never see him again! Even if I help you, I have to pay a big price. If it hadn't been for his crying and begging me, I would have been lazy to take care of you!"

Although Wu Meng already knew that this fat man had the ability to read people's hearts, he was still in a cold sweat and wish because of the wish I made. I thought it should be the most perfect, but now it seems that I am still too greedy. Wu Meng is silent and doesn't know what to say. There seems to be a lot of The question, but for a while, I can't figure out what to ask.

The fat man's expression suddenly changed and seemed to be a little painful. His body kept trembling and his cold sweat kept leaving. Wu Meng looked around and nothing happened.

The fat man seems to be holding back the pain, "This is our battle, which is invisible at your current level. Although my chosen person's wish to be realized is small, relatively, I can also come down in person, which is allowed by the rules. But other contractors don't want this. This is their sniper attack on me, but there is no need to worry about my safety. Although they are strong, I have that person as my teammate. I can't die. At most, I can't come down in person for the time being. Don't think so much. In the last sentence, take good care of him. He doesn't have your eternal life. Otherwise, if he hangs up at the beginning of the war, you can cry... I can't tell you later. You just need to do one thing, become stronger and work hard to become stronger. Although you have infinite life, but You don't want to be abused infinitely! Well, I'm leaving. The battle on the other side needs my main soul to go back. Remember! Low-key, brushing pictures, experience, upgrading, I can't come down for the time being, I have to rely on you! Goodbye!"

Wu Meng hasn't reacted yet. The fat man has flown away with a "biu" sound, leaving only the little fat man lying on the ground, as if he fell asleep. What the hell is this? Originally, Wu Meng had figured out the general question, but the mystery seemed to be bigger by this fat man!

Start a war! This should be the purpose! There are fat people, and there are so-called enemies, which means that an infinite scene of the final war suddenly appeared in Wu Meng's mind. War, war is the catalyst of human civilization and the catalyst for evolution. Is it also infinite for evolution?

So, the final result is... Wu Meng gritted his teeth, gloomy face, silent...