Do you dare to get married?

Chapter 17


"If you have nothing to do, don't listen to Chen Lu. She has been crazy recently." Amon is driving. I hold her big fat son. They are going to have an injection. Li Zhanpeng is registered in the hospital.

"I know that she is abnormal, but I don't understand why Zhao Pei called Gu Hai."

"Your doctor said that her anxiety comes from you. Maybe she wants to apologize?" Amon parked the car and asked me mysteriously, "Do you know how to call the soul?"


Amon's son is always easy to wake up when he goes to bed at night. The old man said that he had lost his soul and had to call his soul, and then he stopped crying. She asked many people with a red face, and they didn't know how to call them. Although the two of them usually quarreled and fought, they were still consistent in terms of children.

"Wait for me to ask my mother and see if she knows." When I got out of the car, I saw Li Zhanpeng standing at the gate of the hospital. He took his fat son from my hand.


It was An Yue who opened the door for me to go home. It scared me. I thought that the family had hired a babysitter. She was tossed and haggard for herself with an unlucky face. Except for those bright eyes, staring at Shen Lang, I thought that Sun Wukong could practice his golden eyes in those years. I think she had at least eight successes.

"Little fish, I haven't been home for a long time. Come and sit down." She is still the same as before, but I think it's particularly fake. Maybe it's because Gu Dahai and I talked about her insidiousness.

"Isn't the old lady at home?" I sat on the sofa. An Yue seemed to be cleaning, and there were a lot of things on the table.

"Ah, Mom, they went out for a walk and didn't come back." She rubbed her buttocks on the floor, and she looked like a nanny from afar.

"Oh, can I help you?"

"No, it will be over in a while. You can sit down." An Yue smiled and continued to work.

I picked up the photo album at home and looked at it. We have taken a lot of photos since we were young. My mother said that this is a memory and can't be lost. There are records next to no photos. There are all kinds of records, even records of things we break, and live photos. Shen Lang always said that this is not a photo album, the whole A confession record, there are all kinds of mistakes, keep it to warn yourself.

As I turned over, I saw a photo, a group photo, next to which was Shen Lang's club. It seemed to be a small club made by my brother and several of their classmates. He inherited his mother's talent and liked photography. There were three people who were very familiar with it. They were Shen Lang, Gu Hai and Zhao Pei. ......


"Daughter, I'm back." Gu Dahai came back happily with a big pocket.

"Look, I bought a bunch of things, all of which are what you like." He showed me the same. I have to admit that he is good to me. Maybe he was afraid that I would be unhappy, so he didn't tell me that he knew Zhao Pei, or I lost my memory and couldn't remember that he knew Zhao Pei.

"What do you think?"

Ah? Nothing. Why did you buy so many things? When will you finish eating? When I came to my senses, Pepe was biting a bag of dried beef.

"If you like to eat, buy it. If it breaks down, we will throw it away." He looked at me and smiled.

"Stupid..." I decided to keep this in my heart and not tell anyone.


"Damn, isn't this conspicuous?" Amon's eyes are as staring as a cow.

"How fun it is. Go and think about your son." Lin Chu and I laughed against the sofa.

My mother said that one way to attract souls is to take the child's clothes and wave along the daily walking track at midnight while calling the child's name.

"But, seriously, has your son's name been decided?" Lin Chu asked that they fought a lot for the name of the child. At that time, the first mother-in-law and daughter-in-law war began. At the beginning, when their family named the child Li Yazhi, Amon was anxious when he heard it and told them everywhere, what an unlucky name was? Shit, the mute of the Li family is not cured! She was so angry with her mother-in-law. The fight and the fight became a joke in this area.

"It's settled, Li Meng." Amon is kowtowed with melon seeds.

"Isn't this a girl's name?" I want to laugh.

"Well, I don't know anything. Such a name is easy to raise." She despises my ignorance.

"It's better to call the dog." Lin Chu hugged the child and teased him.


"Is it true? Which one of you is going? Li Zhanpeng came in the afternoon. He had just finished the meeting and was depressed when he heard how to attract souls.

"I'm not going. It's too shameful." His head shook like a rattle.

"Dare, isn't it your son?" Amon kicked him.

"Don't do it all the time. You are not an adolescent hooligan." Li Zhanpeng dusted his trousers and said, "Let's go together or don't go."

"Hey, how dare you sleep well every day? Didn't you see your son lose weight?" Amon held the child and showed it to him.


"Haven't you started yet?" Amon holds a pair of trousers in his hand.

"What's the hurry?" Li Zhanpeng reluctantly held a small coat.

"Occasion, hurry up. After a little, it will have no effect." I want to be happy now. Fortunately, there has been no national meeting recently, otherwise these two will be the first to be caught.

"It's really interesting." Lin Chu has gained weight recently and his face is much rounder.

"I said I was ready." Let me look at the watch.

"Li Meng!"

"Go home..." Li Zhanpeng dodged and dragged the long voice.

"What are you doing? Didn't you eat?" Amon went up and slapped him with a straight grin.

"Li Meng... go home..." The couple went further and further in the intermittent shouts, so that we leaned forward and backward.

I heard that the child named Li Meng slept very well that night.


Recently, the newspaper was very busy, busy working with the police uncle to crack down on pornography and illegal publications. At night, I couldn't go home again, so I went to a nightclub to copy it. I heard that there were ducks in it.

"Alas, bitter, I can't go back." I called Gu Hai.

"I quit. You're at home and I'll take care of you." He told his family that we had agreed to go to their house for dinner.

"Don't talk nonsense. At that time, you want the colorful flags to fly outside, and the red flags at home won't fall down, right?"

"What do you say? I'm not looking for Xiaomi. I'll wait to see you." Pepe hummed next to the receiver.

"Do you hear me? Pei scolds you, you pervert, don't take advantage of us.

I really opened my eyes at the nightclub. Those little ducks are so beautiful, fake, and they have everything. They are strong and creamy, especially those creamy, one by one like big white hair cakes, which are so beautiful, and there is no lack of familiar figures...

"Damn it, is it haunted?" I ran to look at a man squatting on the ground. Isn't this Yang Chao??

"Don't...don't look at me..." He covered his face desperately, but I still saw it.

At this moment, he is squatting on the ground in a pair of briefs. I heard that he had just jumped ** in the box, which was too scary. Although Yang Chao's appearance is not outstanding, his figure is really good. I thought Chen Lu was bragging. It turned out to be true, and it was a standard inverted triangle.

It's really strange every year, and there are a lot of them this year.

I sent Yang Chao, who was criticized, home. Their rent was paid for a year. Chen Lu paid it. In fact, she still had feelings for Yang Chao. She was afraid that he would have no place to live.

Yang Chao didn't say anything along the way, just smoked and then cried.

"Can you keep it confidential?" He said this when he got out of the car.

"Who can I say to? Don't do this. Contact me when you feel better. Don't worry, I'll delete the photos later. I patted him on the shoulder and watched him step up the stairs step by step.


Chen Lu suddenly called me and asked if I could help her move.

What to move to? Don't you live in a big villa? After Chen Lu and Yang Chao broke up, they lived in a big villa. The old yellow cat bought it with his own name and said that when the property certificate was taken down, it would be transferred to Chen Lu.

"Well, you'll know when you come here."

Lin Chu and I stopped the security guard when we arrived at the villa area. He asked me who I was looking for, and then called inside to let me in.

"It's outrageous. Your community is really unnoient." I looked at Chen Lu, who moved by myself.

"The security guard is snobbish." Chen Lu is dragging the box out.

"Where's your old yellow cat? Why didn't I move for you?" Lin Chu helped her carry it, but she didn't know what she had put. She was calm.

"I went to pick up someone. His yellow-faced woman is here." Chen Lu said lightly.

"Then you?" These two are really fish looking for fish and shrimp, and they are unlucky together.

"I'll go out first. Lao Huang has chartered the room for me in the hotel. I'll come back when the yellow-faced woman leaves."

We parked our car at the door of Kaiyue Hotel and had a meal with her.

"Are you going to go on like this?" I asked her.

"No, I fired the yellow-faced woman sooner or later." Chen Lu blew a piece of sheep and scorpion and ate it. We all thought it was the only thing that suits our appetite.

"You have to hurry up to become a regular." Lin Chu is busy swallowing pills. The doctor prescribed her to nourish her body. Now taking drugs before eating has become her daily homework.

"...It's good now. I don't want to become a regular." Chen Lu said this.

"Actually, it's not a way to go on like this... You still..." I don't know what to say.

"I know. Let's take a look." Chen Lu glanced at me and felt that this time was right. Her eyes were no different from the original. Time was so fast that I almost forgot her beautiful eyes.