Do you dare to get married?



"Major news!" The embarrassment of the most ugly old girl in our newspaper came.

"..." I looked up at her and said nothing. The biggest news is that you finally didn't smash your hand and got married, I think.

"What? What?" The state-owned enterprise newspaper has this problem. I can't wait for the world to be in chaos and then watch the bustle. Usually, I like to watch them talk nonsense and flatter. That flatterer has to ask the president, do you always come to the toilet in person?

"We are going to produce a photo album. The new handsome man took the lead. I heard that an editor was selected in the club to follow." The old girl talked about it for a long time before she said it. Those who didn't know it thought it was her.


"That's great..." A bunch of people chatted endlessly, but my idea is to see Huatian's backstage very hard. In such a thousand years, a hundred years of good things can be spread out to him. A few days ago, I heard about it. I was going to see if I could pull it to Lin Chu. Now it's good, no need to think about it.


Today is another day to go home for dinner, but Gu Hai's family will.

"Don't forget." Gu Hai especially wants me to persuade Gu Xiaoxi to go abroad and nag with me.

"If you talk nonsense again, I'll go home." I took a look at him.

"Hi!" I knocked on Gu Xiaoxi's door.

"Oh, sister-in-law." Gu Xiaoxi hasn't lost a lot of weight in a few days. I don't understand that Shen Lang is still so charming.

"What have you been up to lately?" I lean against Gu Xiaoxi's **.

"Alas... It's nothing. I wanted to find a job, but my mother asked me to go abroad." Gu Xiaoxi has been pulling a plush toy with his hand. The toy is very ugly, with a collapsed nose, small eyes, and fanning ears. With his eyes closed, I can know that it was bought by Shen Lang.

"Go, I still want to go, but my family won't let me go. They said that I was a big disaster in Beijing and I was afraid of developing a traitor when I went abroad... Isn't this nonsense..." I looked at her and smiled.

"Ha ha." Gu Xiaoxi smiled dryly, and her mind was all about the toy.

"What if Shen Lang also plans to ask you to go abroad?" I looked at her and tried to pretend to be nothing.

"What?" Gu Xiaoxi put down what was in his hand.

"I said, if you go abroad... Maybe Shen Lang can find a chance to divorce in a few years." I closed the window.

"But, I'm afraid..." Gu Xiaoxi's face was a little hesitant, and the toy in his hand was also pinched.

"Do you know why Shen Lang's road from childhood to big is all arranged by my family?" I leaned against the wall.


"Because he dares not, he can only walk honestly, but I believe that people are all rebellious. Maybe this is an opportunity. If the rabbit is anxious, it will bite people. If it is pressed, Shen Lang can be a little promising. If there is no way... You don't want this kind of thing, you have thought about it." I picked up the ugly toy and said, "This thing can't prove anything. It's either a piece of paper or a coward for half my life."

I sent a text message to Shen Lang as soon as I left the door of Gu Xiaoxi's room, asking him to come to see me tomorrow, and then directly turned off the phone, so that he had no chance to object.

"What are you thinking about?" Gu Hai took a picture of me.

"What are you doing?" I gave him a blank look.

" conscience of heaven and earth, I didn't recruit you." Gu Hai is depressed.

"Bible, I'll go out tomorrow to talk to Shen Lang."

"Do you want a divorce?" Gu Dahai smiled at me.

"Bah, I'm relieved that he has that courage." I covered the quilt and said, "I wonder why such an unlucky thing happened."

"Hey, don't say that, aren't you smart..."


I asked Shen Lang to wait at the gate of Starbucks. When he arrived, I saw Shen Lang shrinking his neck and kicking his hands.

"Are you not cold?" I took a look at him.

"There are a lot of people inside. I'm afraid I'll go in. I can't find it. It's troublesome." Shen Lang has been holding the water cup since he entered it.

"Do you know what I'm looking for?" Shen Lang has known for a long time that I lit a cigarette and smoked. He was still taught by me.

"...guesed a point." Shen Lang began to rub his hands.

"That's best. Tell Gu Xiaoxi later that you plan to let her go abroad. When she comes back, you will get divorced."

"...but..." Shen Lang's little eyes immediately round and looked at me.

But what is it? Are you afraid that you can't get divorced?" I drank a drink and looked at him, "Don't be funny. Gu Xiaoxi may bring a foreigner back after going abroad. Will you count that green onion? You will also spend time with An Yue. I guess it won't work when you grow old. It depends on who will kill him first. I narrowed my eyes and looked at him.

"Nonsense!" Shen Lang put the cup on the table with a crack.

"Oh, are you capable?" I looked at him and smiled.

"...I can't be at the mercy of An Yue. I will divorce her sooner or later." Shen Lang seemed to be really angry and trembling, which was different from the kind of trembling I had seen before. That kind of trembling was afraid, and this time he was angry.

"Hey, awesome, don't tell me, you can go to whoever you need." I extinguished the smoke with a smile.

"..." Shen Lang bit his lip and stood up to leave.

"Wait!" I took him to sit down again and lit a cigarette.

"Wow... After so many years, it's not easy for you to be awesome." I blew the cigarette to him. It seemed that it was real this time. Shen Lang didn't even hide. "You can say whatever you should say to the girl. If you can do this, you can do it yourself. If you can't do it, I will help you!"

"Little fish..." Shen Lang suddenly looked at me formally. In his memory, he never dared to look at me like this.

"However, you have to dare to do it, or you won't destroy your own home..." I suddenly laughed hard, "You have to count me, haha."

"...I know, I know I've been a coward, but I can't go on like this. I haven't dared to live for myself in my life. An Yue has been forcing me, but I can't say that she destroyed me. I'm also an accomplice." Shen Lang burst into tears and watched him cry without saying anything.


That day, Shen Lang cried and the earth collapsed. I saw that he cried out the tears of the rest of his life. Now it's useless to say anything, and I can only hope that he can grow a little.

A Meng nervously asked me to send something to Li Zhanpeng that day, saying that he was angry when he saw his unlucky virtue, and I didn't know whether it was true or not. Li Zhanpeng was even more heed and didn't want to let me go.

"What do you want to say?" I stood in front of Li Zhanpeng's desk with my waist crossed.

"Borrow money..." He couldn't take his eyes off.

"Damn, go to Gu Dahai. Why are you looking for me? They all come to me..." I went up and gave him a brain. "I lent A Shi 50,000 yuan a few days ago, and Chen Lu also gave me a lot."

"...Alas...Why am I so unlucky?" Li Zhanpeng rubbed his dry face hard, which has been covered with folds and beards recently.

"Oi, did you have Gu Hai's phone?" I looked at him.


"Then borrow it." I picked up my bag and went out. "I'll tell him later."

I don't know what day it is today. I saw Mu Chen as soon as I went out.

"It's rare, why are you busy?" I looked at him.

"Then play bachelor." Mu Chen is a little thinner than before.


"We broke up..." He looked at me.

"Oh..." I want to find a seam to get in, and I can only keep looking at the ground.

"Let's have dinner together in the evening?" Mu Chen lost his mind and immediately recovered.

"What do you want to eat?"

Mu Chen said that bobo cried one day and said that she was not a good woman, and she was still gay. In fact, sometimes I admire this girl. Although she looked very weak on the surface, the strength in her heart was unmatched by none of us. If something happened to us, she might not be fine.

"Do you blame her..." I played with the straw in the cup.

"I don't know. I think she is a real person, but... it's not suitable." Mu Chen supported his chin and looked outside.

"...I'll find you a good one later." I quickly smiled at him. Now I think it may be like making up for it. After all, I have known it for a long time. Bobo's gay identity can't be said.

"Gu Xiaoxi? Forget it, isn't she not happy?"

"Who said that? I know more than this woman." I said in my heart that if you are willing, I may not be happy. Shen Lang's child is unlucky enough.

"Thank you."

After dinner, I specially called Lin Chu to ask her about her recent situation.

"Are you sick?" Lin Chu was obviously impatient and wanted to hang up the phone quickly.

"I'm not sick, what are you doing?" I won't hang up. I'm so angry with you, I think.

"I...that... has something to do." She hesitated.

"What's the matter?" I heard someone on her side, but I couldn't hear her clearly.

"Oh! Is there anything wrong with you? I didn't hang up the phone and go home!" Lin Chu was anxious.