Do you dare to get married?



Lin Chu took me to go shopping on the weekend. She is going out to take pictures recently.

"How about this hat?" Lin Chu didn't know where to turn out a hat to show me.

"Not bad." I put my hand on the back of the sofa and said, "You can pick up the waste directly."

"Get out!" Lin Chu slapped me.

"What are you doing?"

"This hat was given to me by the grandson?" Lin Chu shook his hat down and showed it to me.

"I don't know." I really didn't remember it. Later, I saw that it said happy birthday, long life, and immortality. Only then did I remember that this was given by me. At that time, Lin Chu scolded me, because everyone knew the allusion to the millennium king and 80,000-year-old turtle.

"Do you still keep it?" I picked up my hat and kept it well, clean, without even a pleat.

"Well... I just didn't dare to wear it. I'm afraid that people will see the words written in it." Lin Chu pressed my head.

"How have you been with bobo recently?" I looked up and asked her.

"Very good... She finally came back." Lin Chu smiled at me.

"That's good." I lowered my head and looked at the hat in my hand and put it on my head.

"Let's go to dinner?" Lin Chu, a madman, couldn't wait to turn out all the things in the house, let me pack them one by one and put them back, and use me as a contractor.

"I know how to eat." Lin Chu gave me a foot to put on my coat.

"Hey, bring your wallet. I won't pay the bill later. You have to pay me for dinner, because I'm working for you." I stood at the door and shouted.

In addition to thinking that Lin Chu also called Amon and Bobo, and the four of us ate together in a western restaurant.

"We haven't eaten together for a long time." Amon cut the steak to the maximum and stuff it into his mouth.

"I finally know what's wrong with your son. I learned it from you. If I hadn't been older, I would have wiped it on you." I looked at Amon with regret. How old is she? She still eats like a child, but when I look at her eating like this, I feel that the food is very delicious.

"Go, by the way, did you take my son to eat ice cream last time? I'll have an upset stomach when I get home. Amon turned his head and looked at me.

"Hey! What are you talking about? What are you eating? Lin Chu knocked on Amon's plate with a knife.

"What's wrong? It's just diarrhea!" Amon is virtish.

"hehe." Bobo smiled dryly and didn't use the knife.

"Ye" I kicked Amon before she shut up.

As I was eating, I didn't know that the tendon was wrong. I looked back and saw Mu Chen standing not far away from us, and my knife fell to the ground with a crash.

"What about me? Look at your virtue!" Amon quickly laughed at me, but I ignored her.

"What are you looking at?" Lin Chu looked back and saw Mu Chen's eyes. He lowered his head.

"What?" Bobo looked back and his face turned pale.

"Acquaintance! Acquaintance!" I stood up and hugged Mu Chen to take him out.

"You..." Mu Chen stood in front of me and looked at me.

"...I'm sorry... I... I don't know what to say... I... I'm sorry..." I bowed deeply to Mu Chen and my tears slid down.

"Actually, I should have found out..." Mu Chen suddenly covered his face and cried bitterly.

"I'm sorry..." I didn't know where to put my hand, so I could only pat him on the shoulder. Who would have thought that he suddenly hugged me and cried, which scared me not move, but through Mu Chen's shoulder, I suddenly saw a familiar figure flashing by...

"Wei Zilu!!" I pushed Mu Chen away and rushed out, hit a passer-by crazily, and fell hard, but I didn't feel any pain at that time. I just chased the person in front of me desperately and grabbed his neck collar.

"Miss, what can I do for you?" I grabbed a person I didn't know, but his back was very similar to Wei Zilu, even walking.

"...huhuhu... I'm sorry... I recognized the wrong person..." I slowly let go of the man, and then I heard him say a madman in a low voice, and then crossed the road with my collar.

"Hum...haha, ha, ha, ha, woo..." I squatted down and cried. It's really crazy. Beijing is too easy to hide a person, so that you can't find it all your life...

"Little fish?!" Lin Chu and the others didn't know when they ran out of the restaurant, and they were breathless and didn't know how long they had been looking for me.

"You can really run." Amon poked his hand on his knee.

"Get up quickly." Bobo wanted to pull me up, and then I suddenly found that I couldn't leave.

"Damn it, your leg!" Amon pointed at me.


I broke my knee and the wound was very big. That day, Lin Chu carried me home and scared Gu Dahai half to death. He didn't go to work these days and watched me at home.

"Oh, damn it! Be gentle!!" I punched Gu Dahai hard, and he was helping me change the medicine.

"Oh, I'll blow..." Gu Hai blew quickly.

"Get out of here, blow your ass." The gauze on my leg was still a little skin-connected. Gu Dahai wanted to be taken down but did not dare to move. As soon as he moved, I shouted.

"Doesn't this have to be taken down?" Gu Dahai pulled gauze with tweezers.

"I don't care, ah..." I said with melon seeds, "Anyway, you dare to hurt me and I'm anxious with you."

"Hey, throw it away! What are you nibbling on? Gu Dahai suddenly pointed to the cat and called.

"What?" I quickly turned my head and looked at it.

"Ah!!!" When I turned my head and looked at the sea, I suddenly pulled down the gauze, and the blood immediately flowed down.

"It's okay. I'll look for gauze..." Gu Hai ran to find the gauze.

Next, Gu Haihai helped me change the gauze and then went to cook. Li Zhanpeng came to see me.

"Are you crazy?" I asked him after eating the apple bought by Li Zhanpeng.

"Hey, what kind of humanity are you?" Li Zhanpeng pointed to me and said to Gu Haihai.

"What good can you do?" I chopped him off with an apple core.

"I finally know that we are all unlucky. We all fall in favor of female hooligans, otherwise how could we all get along so miserably..." Li Zhanpeng laughed while hiding, which made me angry.

"Are you still human... You're waiting. I told Amon that you were Miss Bao outside. I have to find a lady to call Amon." In the back, I didn't go to find anything to cut him, holding my arm and sneering.

"Sister... my life is in your hands..." Li Zhanpeng was quick to enter the play. He immediately pulled me and pretended to cry, scaring me to trembling. His grandson's face changed too fast, which was really scary.

"Surely, I'm here to pay back the money." Li Zhanpeng had enough to eat at my house and drink enough before he remembered to pay back the money.

"You didn't take it out earlier." I grabbed it and counted it.

"Financial fans and virtues!" Li Zhanpeng knew my problem and looked at me with hatred.

"Actually, don't worry. If you are not good enough, continue to use it." Gu Dahai came out after washing the dishes.

"It's okay. Amon helped me finish it."

"You really have to thank Amon for this." I looked up at Li Zhanpeng, "She just talks nonsense sometimes. In fact, she still wants to see you. Didn't she buy you clothes last time?"

"I know, I know, but sometimes I can't turn." Li Zhanpeng lit a cigarette.


"Oh, my God, where is the book I used to put here?" I originally wanted to go home to pick up some books on the weekend, but Gu Dahai just bought me a new bookcase. As soon as I got home, the house was clean and the whole thing turned upside down.

"I don't know, your sister-in-law cleaned it up." My mother is talking to Gu Hai.

"Hey, uncle, are you crazy?" I stood on the balcony with my waist crossed.

"Look, nonsense, your sister-in-law will hear it when she comes back." My mother quickly rushed to the balcony to cover my mouth.

"Really, I'll find it for you later. You're still talking nonsense at such a big age." My mother talked to me while peeling apples for me.

"Hahaha." Gu Dahai was happy beside me, and I went to the kitchen to cook as soon as I opened my eyes.

"You bully others at home, don't you?" My mother looked at me and said, "You see people bullied by honest children."

"I don't have it. By the way, my brother finished the medicine the other day?" It suddenly occurred to me that Shen Lang's medicine should be gone.

"It seems that he threw away the propolis bottle."

"unlucky boy, why did you throw away the medicine bottle?" I was depressed and Shen Lang's hand was fast. After eating, I threw it away. "Don't you see anything?"

"No, it's good. Just take it as a nutritional medicine." My mother laughed, "But I've seen much better recently. Try it without taking medicine, in case you get better."

"It will also work."

An Yue is really energetic, much better than the nanny hired by our neighbor. There are so many books. She was stunned by one person on the top of the cabinet. When she took it down, Gu Dahai grinned and almost flashed her waist. An Yue continued underneath like nothing happened, as if she was not a whole box of books, but a bag of cotton. This move shocked the sea.

"Xiaoyu, are you going out to shoot with Hua Tian?" An Yue was afraid that the world would not be chaotic, and she was still in front of the sea.

"Go! I'll send her there later. I know a lot of police there. The deputy director is my classmate!" Before I could speak, Gu Haihai answered and choked An Yue half to death.

"Hahaha." I covered my mouth and secretly had fun, and An Yue's face turned pale for a while.

"Grandma, I'm pissed off." Gu Hai was still angry when he was driving.

"If you talk to her, just think she's sick." I snore the heart of the sea.

"Damn it, it's really not a thing. It's a trouble for her!" Gu Dahai looked at me angrily like an aggrieved child.

"Hahaha, you are so cute!" I'll kiss him quickly.

"What and what..." Gu Dahai looked at me doubtfully. Today, he was completely confused.