Do you dare to get married?



In the evening, I had dinner with Huatian. We went to eat spicy hot pot. The spicy hot pot over there was not bad, but there were so few things. Three quail eggs were 50 cents, and then 1 piece of fish balls or something. It was better to eat vegetables. It seemed that we ate a lot, and I was hungry in the middle of the night. I pulled Huatian out with me to find something. After walking for a long time, we found a snack stall that was still open. We ordered something and sat down.

"Fortunately, I found something to eat, otherwise I would starve to death." I chew a lot.

"Eat slowly, it will be hot for a while." Hua Tian handed me a tissue.

"En, don't mention the place is small and the things are not bad." It's so spicy. I'm sweating.

"Let's go to the mountains tomorrow to take some photos. Remember to find flat shoes." On the way back, Huatian told me where to go tomorrow.

"I know, I specially brought it. Gu Dahai installed it for me."

"The relationship is really good." Hua Tian lit a cigarette and said, "Wow... I'm so envious."

"Why do you smoke?" My memory is that China never smokes, and it is us who smokes.

"It's been a while, and I learned it after returning to China." Hua Tian looked up at me.

"... Quit it. It's not good. It hurts your health." I looked at the ground and dared to say anything.

"Ah!!" Suddenly, I saw a white thing rushing towards me. It moved very fast. It must be a mouse, not small, big mouse! I jumped on Huatian's back and scared him.

"What's wrong?" Hua Tian stopped nervously with me.

"That thing! Mouse!" I pointed to the front with my eyes closed.

"Hahahaha, that's a plastic bag. Have you ever seen a mouse white?" Huatian burst into a lot of laughter.

"Hm?" I opened my eyes and saw that it was indeed a plastic bag. I quickly climbed down from Huatian's back and said, "I'm sorry."

"Ha ha, go back, it's very late." He took me to the hostel as if nothing had happened.

After I went back, I didn't sleep well all night. I couldn't sleep. I had no choice but to sit up and look outside. My heart suddenly became confused. Many things splashed a lot of water in my heart like a waterfall, turning into a large and transparent bubble. I can clearly see what's inside, Wei Zilu, Gu The sea, An Huatian, these men who are inextricably with me swing around in front of my eyes...


"Ah...sleepy..." I yawned and stood by a pool.

"Didn't sleep well?" Hua Tian just set up the machine and looked at the frame.

"It's okay. I didn't fall asleep after changing the ground. I'll be fine tonight." I just lay on a big stone.

"Ha ha, take a rest and take a good picture. I'll call you." Hua Tian put his coat on me.

"Thank you. I'll wash it for you when I get back." I put my hat on my face and got tanned. It's easy to solve it. There's nothing I can do if my face is tanned.

That's it. I don't know how long I slept. Basically, who was confused and dreamed of Gu Haihai. He helped me find a parasol and kissed me...

"Little fish, we're going back." When Huatian came to call me, it was almost dark and there was no sun.

"...How long have I slept?" I rubbed my eyes and got ready.

"It won't be long. Go back. Lao Jia said he would invite us to dinner in the evening." Hua Tian pulled me up.

"Come and eat, we don't know how to treat you in our small place." Lao Jia, who looked like a skating rink, took us to a restaurant. It was not big and tasted good. It was full of big fish and meat, and roasted a lot of mutton kebabs. Xiao Xie was also there. The four of us opened a few more bottles of wine.

"Drink, drink, I'll fill it up." Originally, I didn't want to drink anything today, and Lao Jia insisted on toasting it endlessly.

"I'll drink with you. The little fish is allergic to alcohol." Huatian helped me block it. I was relieved. Fortunately, there was Huatian.

"He's good to you." Xiao Xie touched me.

"Ha ha, buddy." I picked out a gluten to eat.

"I think he probably likes you."

"Cough... I'm choked to death..." I scratched my throat to find water to drink.

"Plow down." Xiao Xie quickly patted me.

"It's okay. Hey, are you married?" I looked at her.

"...What kind of marriage do I have? Let's hang out." Xiao Xie lowered his head, but it seemed that Lao Jia took a look, and I settled the universe at a glance. These two were a little adulterous.

"Go back, go back..." Hua Tian drank heavily and turned around. I had to carry him. He was very happy to say goodbye to old Jia.

"Hahaha...haha..." Lao Jia also vomited for a long time. This is disgusting, and Xiao Xie helped him.

"Sister, let's go back first." Xiao Xie carried Lao Jia away, and I half-backed and half-resisted to get Huatian back.

"Damn it, I'm exhausted." I still put Hua Tian's in **. Thinking about it, I felt unrighteous, so I helped Hua Tian take off his coat, take off his shoes, cover him, and then went out. After a few steps, I found that my mobile phone had fallen into Huatian's house and went to get it immediately.

"...why, why, why." Huatian lay down and nagging himself.

"I don't know, my mobile phone is under your body?" I put my hand into Huatian's back and touched it. In fact, it was quite erotic and emotional, but there was nothing I could do. I had to take my mobile phone in case I could call at night.

"Tell me why you!" Hua Tian suddenly opened his eyes and scared me to trembling.

"What are you doing?" I quickly pulled out my hand, but let Hua Tian hold it tightly.

"Tell me, what's the difference?" Huatian's face is almost on my face.

"What are you doing, hooligan?" I was scared to death and looked left and right to find something.

"I really, really want to..." Hua Tian rushed up and was about to kiss me.

"Ah!" I grabbed a camera and hit Huatian's head. He suddenly did nothing. I picked up the mobile phone that had just fallen on the ground and ran out of the door.

"Wow, my God, I'm scared to death." I leaned against the wall of the corridor and patted my heart.

"La la la la la la!" The phone suddenly rang and almost scared me away.


"Daughter-in-law, why are you out of breath?" Gu Hai's familiar voice came from the receiver, which calmed me down a lot.

"No, I saw the mouse. I was scared to death." I squatted down and listened to Gu Hai's voice quietly, which was very comfortable, just like in a warm arms.

has been talking with Gu Haihai for a long time. After hanging up the phone, I still sat on the ground, slowly aftertaste, and suddenly thought of Hua Tian. He was also quite pitiful, so he ran back to see Hua Tian on his own, and meditated in his heart, don't hug me and slap you to death.

"Why..." Hua Tian's face seemed to have slipped, and he kept muttering that he didn't know what to say. Maybe I really understood what he was saying, but I couldn't listen, let alone respond to his feelings.

"Sorry, you're late." I helped him cover it and withdraw it.

I don't know how to get through this whole night. Maybe I can only respond sleeplessly overnight.