The matter of getting married

Chapter 74 Siyu's Wish

"Husband, where do you think we will buy a house in the future?" Wang Siyu lay in Jiang Shenghui's arms and talked to him gently.

"I'm also thinking about it. Let's buy it around here!" Jiang Shenghui hugged her from behind and answered gently.

"The houses around here are so expensive!" Wang Siyu turned his head and looked at Jiang Shenghui, "It has risen to more than 10,000 square meters!"

"However, life around here is more convenient." Jiang Shenghui gently stroked her hair with his hand and replied.

"Yes! Then you have time to find out if there is a suitable good real estate!" Wang Siyu blinked at Jiang Shenghui, "I really want to bring my parents to Qingdao in the future!"

"Good. By the way, don't I have a set?" Jiang Shenghui looked at Wang Siyu with a solicitation look and said, "At that time, you can let your parents move directly there. Why didn't you tell them directly today?

"I'm not in a hurry to tell them! Good husband." Wang Siyu said and kissed Jiang Shenghui, "Isn't it okay for my parents to sponsor some more money when buying a house?" I'm not so tired when I repay the mortgage!"

"Oh!" Jiang Shenghui promised that he didn't know what to say. It is difficult to guess a woman's mind. Maybe she thinks so now; but maybe she will change her mind after a second. Anyway, let her go!

"Sleep! Will you see them off in the evening? Wang Siyu leaned his head on Jiang Shenghui's arm and asked him in a low voice.

"There is no need to ask!" Jiang Shenghui replied with a smile, "I have to behave well, or it won't be good for your parents to regret marriage again!"

"You just regret your marriage!" Wang Siyu said and turned to look at Jiang Shenghui, "Then shall we send them away to your parents?"

"Okay, hehe. The household register has been used up, and it's time to return it. Jiang Shenghui replied with a smile.

"Hmm. They don't know what we registered yet. Wang Siyu said softly.

"Then I will write a diplomatic note during the day. I'll take you to let me know when I get off work. Jiang Shenghui said while yawning, "Go to sleep, I'm too sleepy."

In another building not far away, Wang Sikai is still writing his own online novel at this time. Although at 10 o'clock, he talked to Song Yanran on the phone for half an hour and promised her that he would go to bed early. However, at this time, men's promises are often just to deal with.

Zhou Ya's words during the day did not have much impact on him. After all, at the age of 23, he does not have enough experience to experience the meticulous thoughts of a woman older than him. At that age, love comes very simply and does not mix other distracting thoughts. As long as two people love each other. It is unknown that in another two years, Wang Sikai will reconsider his choice for Zhou Ya's insomnia.

However, Zhou Ya does have insomnia. Although, she is not a woman with a strong possessive desire. However, Wang Sikai's appearance did evoke her memories of the past. People's first love is the best. It's just that that good experience can only settle in her heart now. Maybe she should do something...

"Husband, get up!" Wang Siyu obviously slept well last night, and she got up early again. Today, her parents are leaving Qingdao and returning to Shenyang. She said that the mood that did not appear was a kind of relaxation to meet freedom, or a attachment to the separation of relatives, which should be both. However, it seems that the former is stronger.

"Let's sleep a little longer!" Jiang Shenghui obviously hasn't woken up yet. He opened his eyes and looked at the watch on the wall, "It's only six o'clock. Sleep for another hour!"

"You big lazy cat!" After Wang Siyu said this, she ignored him and went to another room to find her parents.

At this time, Wang Huaidong and Sui Xiangyun have both woken up. However, they didn't get out of bed in order not to affect Wang Siyu's rest. They all lie quietly on **. When Wang Huaidong was young, he was a soldier and experienced the baptism of war on the front line of Laoshan, so it was impossible to change his habit of going to bed early and getting up early every day. Sui Xiangyun has lived with him for more than 30 years. Naturally, many of his earlier habits have been neutraled by Wang Huaidong.

"Is it up?" Wang Huaidong first found Wang Siyu, who stepped into the room, "Why don't you sleep much?"

"Ha ha, I can't sleep. Come and see you two!" Wang Siyu saw that both of them had woken up, so he generously sat on the chair next to the coffee table, "Have you packed all your things?" She noticed two luggage bags in front of her parents' bed.

"Pack it up! There is nothing to take." Sui Xiangyun replied, "We are relieved to see you live a good life this time."

"I, you two can rest assured!" Wang Siyu said with a smile, "However, you two should pay attention to your health when you go back."

"Don't worry!" Sui Xiangyun said with a smile, "We are not old enough to move. By the way, how are Xiao Kai these two days?

"He! I guess he is busy with his little girlfriend. Wang Siyu said badly, "However, looking at their appearance, the two of them are quite a good match."

"Does the relationship between the two good?" Sui Xiangyun asked with a smile.

"It should be good!" Wang Siyu answered bluntly.

"What does a girl do? If your aunt asks when you go back, we can talk about it. Ha ha." Sui Xiangyun said to Wang Siyu with a smile.

"This..." Wang Siyu thought about it. She is not a gossip person. Although Wang Sikai is his younger brother, she is still not sure whether it is good for her to reveal it. Mom, let's wait for Xiao Kai to talk to his aunt about this matter! Don't talk too much." Wang Siyu finally decided not to say anything to Sui Xiangyun.

"That's it! Other people's children's own affairs are talkative. Wang Huaidong, who had never spoken, listened to Wang Siyu's words and also said for help.

"You don't talk much." Sui Xiangyun robbed him, but she also knew that Wang Siyu would not talk to her about this much. The two talked about other things for a while. At about 7 o'clock, Jiang Shenghui also got up from **. The sound of him walking into the bathroom to wash came in.

"All right! Mom will cook for you." Sui Xiangyun came down from ** and said, "Let's go! Go and fight with me." She patted Wang Siyu on the shoulder, and the two women went to the kitchen together. During the cooking time, it is inevitable that the two of them will whisper again.

"Mom, if I get married in the future, will you come to Qingdao?" Wang Siyu asked Sui Xiangyun while holding milk from the refrigerator in the kitchen.

"Does Xiaohui not object to this matter?" Sui Xiangyun beat the egg in a bowl and asked in a low voice.

"He agreed. I asked him." Wang Siyu replied.

"All right! I'll ask you later!" Sui Xiangyun smiled and said, "Of course it's okay for me to follow my baby daughter. However, it may be possible for your father to put down his basketball and mahjong!"

"Hehe! Then let him stay in Shenyang to play basketball!" Wang Siyu heard Sui Xiangyun say this and answered playfully, "Dad, he will definitely come with his mother!"