The matter of getting married

Chapter 77 Yanran's Request

"Shenghui, you can buy another platform ticket!" Wang Siyu hung up the phone and looked at Jiang Shenghui.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Shenghui was stunned for a moment, but he immediately reacted, "Ha ha, okay. Let's go now. Let's see if the little girl is quite good to your brother!"

"Hmm! You know it." Wang Siyu took Sui Xiangyun's arm and said.

When Wang Sikai and Song Yanran rushed to the outside of the waiting hall with their things, Jiang Shenghui also bought a platform ticket from the ticket office. Did two come together? Jiang Shenghui saw Wang Sikai and Song Yanran joked.

"Yes! Brother-in-law." Wang Sikai smiled and said, "Yanran came with me to see off my uncle and aunt."

"I said that this girl is sensible." Sui Xiangyun looked at Song Yanran and said with a smile, "Will you go home for the Spring Festival? Go home and play with us in Shenyang!"

"Okay, aunt. If I go home for the Spring Festival, I will definitely go. Song Yanran answered with a smile.

"Let's go!" Jiang Shenghui picked up the big bag on the ground and said, "It's six o'clock. It will be too late if we don't go in." Wang Sikai listened to Jiang Shenghui's words and also grabbed a big bag on the ground, while Wang Siyu and Song Yanran have now concentrated some scattered things in the other two backpacks, and each of them carried one. Wang Huaidong and Sui Xiangyun enjoyed a VIP treatment, and the two of them were empty-handed. Then, six people walked to the waiting hall of the railway station with the flow of people.

Four young people put the old couple on the train because there were too many people on the train. Wang Sikai and Song Yanran got off the train first. Jiang Shenghui chatted with Wang Siyu until the train was about to start. When the wheels of the train moved slowly on the railway track, Wang Siyu stood next to the railway and gently leaned her body against Jiang Shenghui. Although she went to school and worked alone for a long time, she felt a feeling of being emptied by her mind every time she saw her goodbye. And this feeling does not weaken with age, but becomes stronger with age.

Tears are now flowing silently on Wang Siyu's face, and Jiang Shenghui just gently hugged her. He knew that any comfort was unnecessary and useless for her at this time. Sometimes people need a chance to vent their feelings, so let them vent themselves! This catharsis is not caused by joy or sadness, but just an emotional need.

The train has been informed on the distant track, "Honey, let's go?" Jiang Shenghui leaned over Wang Siyu's ear and said softly. Uh-huh!" Wang Siyu answered, and then gently wiped away his tears, "Let's go!" She looked back and saw Wang Sikai and Song Yanran standing quietly behind her, waiting for her to leave together. She said politely to Song Yanran, "Thank you, Yanran, for coming to see my parents off."

"Ha ha, sister. You're welcome." Song Yanran smiled and said, "Sister, will you have a rest tomorrow?"

"Me?" Wang Siyu smiled, and then she squinted at Jiang Shenghui and said, "I have to go back to my mother-in-law's house."

"Oh, sister, you haven't married yet. Is it your mother-in-law's house?" Wang Sikai talked about Wang Siyu.

"How do you know that your sister didn't marry here?" Jiang Shenghui took Wang Siyu in his arms and said, "We can get the certificate now!" Legal couple."

Ah? Brother-in-law! Do you really have to get married?" Wang Sikai said exaggeratedly.

"What's the matter? No way?" Wang Siyu straightened his neck and retorted him, "If you want to, you can do it!"

"Sister, I don't want him. Humph!" Song Yanran interrupted.

"Oh! Look, it won't work if you don't get a certificate. Wang Sikai pretended to be annoyed and said, "My brother-in-law still has foresight. Look, have you seen it?"

"What do you see?" Song Yanran asked Wang Siyu.

"I'll also find someone to get a certificate tomorrow!" Wang Sikai shook his head and said.

"How dare you!" Song Yanran gritted her teeth and looked at him.

"Can I find you?" Wang Sikai said something back.

"Well, I'm not going!" Song Yanran replied to him word by word.

"Good, good! Let's go out." Jiang Shenghui saw the two young people quarreling vigorously and interrupted, "Don't delay the train from entering the station. What a hindrance to stand here."

"Do we have such a large volume? It can block the train!" Wang Siyu and Song Yanran asked in one voice.

"I have, I have!" Jiang Shenghui had to raise his hands to answer.

When the four of them came out of the railway station, they went to the KFC restaurant for a while and had dinner together. Then, Wang Siyu and Jiang Shenghui left first. Wang Sikai and Song Yanran continued to chat in KFC.

"Where shall we go to play later?" Wang Sikai went to ask for two more cups of coffee.

"I can go anywhere." Song Yanran answered while stirring coffee with a small spoon.

"Well... let's go to the seaside!" Wang Sikai thought for a moment. He really didn't think of any place to go, because he and Song Yanran had not met for a week, and he really didn't want to go to crowded places. Now he just wants two people to stay together quietly.

"Why don't we... go to your place tonight?" Song Yanran said, and her eyes glanced at Wang Sikai at the same time and lowered her eyes to continue to look at her coffee cup.

"Oh, good!" Wang Sikai agreed very generously.

"Well, we agreed! Don't bully me." Song Yanran pouted and pointed a finger at Wang Sikai.

"I won't get it!" Wang Sikai smiled and said, "How dare I bully my wife?" However, his heart is like this problem. It's hard to say that I only have one bed, hehe.

"All right! Let's go." Song Yanran drank the remaining coffee in the cup and packed up her small bag to look at Wang Sikai.

"Okay!" Wang Sikai agreed and drank the coffee in his cup. Then, the two walked out of the KFC restaurant hand in hand. Instead of going home directly, they walked along the seaside first. Wang Sikai knew that Song Yanran liked the sea, and he was willing to walk with her like this.

"Husband, are you tired at work?" Song Yanran took Wang Sikai's hand and asked as she walked.

"I'm not tired. By the way, this is for you." Wang Sikai said and took out an envelope from his coat pocket, "I helped my colleague do some personal work. I haven't seen much yet.

"Oh! You are quite good!" Song Yanran took the envelope and stood on the edge of the railing by the sea. She gently leaned on the stone railing. In this way, Wang Sikai can just hold her in his arms, and she won't fall down.

"It seems that there is a lot of money." Song Yanran pinched the envelope with her hand and tried it, but she casually handed the envelope to Wang Sikai again, "You'd better open it yourself!"

"No, I want you to play." Wang Sikai hugged her to his body again.

"Oh, all right!" Song Yanran said with a smile, and then she gently opened the envelope, pulled out half of the money inside, and then counted, "It's really a lot, 800 yuan!"

"Yes?" Wang Sikai was also a little surprised and said, "Lao Chen is really good and interesting."

"Then I want you to treat me to dinner!" Song Yanran put the money back in the envelope, and then stuffed it back into Wang Sikai's coat pocket and said.

"That won't work. I have to pay you back!" Wang Sikai deliberately pretended to be pitiful.

"I don't care. Anyway, you have to invite me to dinner." Song Yanran lay on Wang Sikai's body and said coquettishly.

"Then I have to buy a big house!" Wang Sikai changed his words again.

"I don't care. You just have to invite me to dinner!" Song Yanran continued to act coquettishly, "Be done, it doesn't cost a meal to buy a house!"

"Well, what do you want to eat?" Wang Sikai took her into his arms. He felt really comfortable holding Song Yanran.

"Grilled squid, just one bunch!" Song Yanran lay on Wang Sikai's chest and said slowly.