The matter of getting married

Chapter 79 First Love

"This is my temporary home!" Wang Sikai took Song Yanran back to Jiang Shenghui's house, "Please come in, my wife."

"This house is not bad!" Song Yanran walked into the room and said while inspecting, "It's quite suitable for two people to live in."

"Yes, this is my brother-in-law's house." Wang Sikai turned around and closed the door, and then he went into the bedroom to turn on the bedroom light.

"You haven't cleaned up for a long time, have you?" Song Yanran wiped the TV in the living room with her hand, and her hands were stained with a thin layer of dust.

"Hey, yes." Wang Sikai smiled shyly, "However, I didn't do anything to destroy it. In fact, I usually come back to sleep and use the computer.

"So you don't usually cook?" Song Yanran looked at him anly, "Then what do you usually eat?"

"Buy it or eat instant noodles." Wang Sikai answered awkwardly.

"Well, I don't pay attention to my body at all." Song Yanran said with a little reproach and a little heartache, "However, it would be a waste if no one lived in this house. If we don't rent a house in the future, it's good to live with your brother-in-law.

"Ha ha, wife. Who knows if my sister and brother-in-law will come back to live after marriage? Wang Sikai's words brought Song Yanran back to reality.

"All right! However, if your sister and brother-in-law don't live here in the future? I decided, let's borrow it for the time being!" Song Yanran said as she walked into the bedroom. She put her small bag on the computer desk, and then sat down**, "I'm so tired! Honey, is there any clothes I can wear here?

"Yes! I have a lot of big pants!" Wang Sikai said with a bad smile.

" hate it!" Song Yanran grabbed a pillow beside her and threw it to Wang Sikai.

"Haha, I'm still wearing your skirt." Wang Sikai blocked the pillow and replied with a smile, "There are my sister's clothes in the wardrobe. You can try it out if it's suitable."

"It's almost the same." Song Yanran stood up with a smile and went to the wardrobe to find clothes suitable for her.

Wang Sikai took this opportunity to quietly stand behind Song Yanran, picked her up with his hand, and then gently touched Song Yanran's face. What do you want to do?" Song Yanran obediently leaned her body on Wang Sikai's body. She did not struggle to leave. "You said you wouldn't bully me."

"But, wife. I..." Wang Sikai said, and his hand began to rub on Song Yanran's body. "I can't help it."

"You hate it to death." Although Song Yanran said so, she did not resist Wang Sikai's movements. Instead, her body was tighter to Wang Sikai, "Go **, okay?"

Wang Sikai picked up Song Yanran and put it on **, and then he pressed on Song Yanran's body. Song Yanran's chest was moving fiercely. Honey, wait a minute, you... don't work too hard." Song Yanran blushed and whispered, "It's said on TV that it will hurt." Wang Sikai listened to her words and did not make any verbal response. His attention has been completely on Song Yanran's body. His whole body and mind have been completely attracted by the young girl under him who is called his wife. He just wants to do something special with her now, and other things are not important to him now.

Two people's bodies were intertwined with each other, and soon they took off each other's clothes. The two young people have a primitive desire for each other's bodies. Under the domination of this desire, they caress each other, kiss each other, and finally blend with each other.

"Ah...pain...ah..." Song Yanran's voice came from the bedroom, with Wang Sikai's heavy breathing...

The second day is the weekend's day off. Wang Siyu and Jiang Shenghui slept very late before waking up from their sleep. Ah!" Wang Siyu yawned, and then she stretched out again. At this time, Jiang Shenghui still lay obediently beside her, "I can sleep!" After saying this, Wang Siyu went down to get dressed. She cleaned up her hair slightly, walked out of the room, and gently closed the door to go to the bathroom to wash.

At this time, the sunlight has shone into the living room through the tulle curtains of Jiang Zhenxing and Wang Yumei's bedrooms, and the furniture and appliances in the room are rendered into a yellow color under the autumn sun. It makes people not only feel a warm warmth, but also feel as if they are in the world of fairy tales.

The room outside is very quiet. Obviously, Jiang Zhenxing and Wang Yumei are not at home. On the dining table in the living room, there are porridge and fried eggs. Huh? It seems that uncle and aunt have gone out?" Wang Siyu tiptoed and carefully walked into the living room. Then, she looked at Jiang Zhenxing and Wang Yumei's bedroom. Sure enough, there was no one.

Immediately, she returned to Jiang Shenghui's room. Get up, big lazy!" Wang Siyu woke up Jiang Shenghui, who was still **, "Uncles and aunts are not at home!"

"Oh, it's probably the morning market." Jiang Shenghui rubbed his eyes and replied, "I'm so sleepy! I always feel like I can't wake up recently. As he spoke, he strained his waist and went down to the ground, "Wife, what time is it now?"

"It's about 8 o'clock!" Wang Siyu guessed to answer.

"Don't worry! They must have gone to the morning market. Jiang Shenghui yawned and continued, "The food has been left on the table, right?"

"Yes, how do you know?" Wang Siyu asked strangely.

"Ha ha, I'm their son. What don't I know?" Jiang Shenghui has now completely woken up, "Go and wash your hands and eat!" Today, they must have gone grocery shopping. Why do we have to celebrate our successful registration? Also, they won't be back soon. When we leave in the afternoon, the whole community will know that you are my wife, hehe.

"Is it that exaggerated?" After hearing this, Wang Siyu glanced at Jiang Shenghui. Then she got up and went to wash up.

At about 10 o'clock, Jiang Zhenxing and Wang Yumei came back from outside, and they carried a lot of things back. Wang Siyu was busy with him. Although Jiang Shenghui also worked with him to carry things to his home, he was not as active as Wang Siyu.

"Auntie, is it hot outside?" Wang Siyu asked with concern.

"It's not hot. However, today is a nice day and suitable for going out to play. Wang Yumei said to Wang Siyu with a smile, "Don't you two go out for a walk?"

"No. Let's go back in the afternoon." Jiang Shenghui answered, "There are a lot of things in the unit these days, and I feel a little tired."

"Then you have to take care of yourself and don't get tired." Wang Yumei listened to Jiang Shenghui's words and nagging, "You are not alone now. Don't work so hard as before."

"Don't worry! Mom." Jiang Shenghui replied with a smile, "I haven't worked overtime for a long time. Don't worry, Ang."

"Auntie, your sweater is so beautiful." Wang Siyu saw that Jiang Shenghui did not like to talk about his work, so he deliberately changed the topic.

"Yes!" When Wang Yumei heard Wang Siyu's praise, she said excitedly, "This is made by the aunt herself!" Then, the two women chatted aside to talk about knitting sweaters. And Jiang Shenghui was also happy to take this opportunity to hide back to his room.