The matter of getting married

Chapter 88 Report and Application

After seven or eight minutes, Jiang Shenghui came back from downstairs. Sun Tian suddenly saw Jiang Shenghui standing outside the emergency room looking in and came out. Dude, you take this. Hurry up and pay first." Jiang Shenghui stuffed a pile of money into Sun Tianmeng's hand.

"Don't have so much!" Sun Tianmeng held the money stuffed by Jiang Shenghui in his hand and said, "Just lend me 2,000 yuan."

"Forget it, you'd better take the emergency first. Return it to me when you have money." Jiang Shenghui pushed the money back, "Do you have anything else to do in your unit in the afternoon?"

"If something happens, I can't go. Don't worry, I'll call him then. Sun Tian suddenly looked at Jiang Shenghui and replied, "Then I'll pay first. Please take care of it for me and Siyu. Yali, she is awake. Go in. It's nothing."

Jiang Shenghui listened to his words, nodded, and gently pushed the door and flashed into the ward. Sun Tianmeng quickly ran to the hospital.

"Are you honest this time?" Wang Siyu was sitting in the emergency room and looking at Zhang Yali, "I usually pay attention to you. If you don't listen, you will finally be hospitalized this time!"

"Ha ha, I'm sorry to trouble you again." Zhang Yali smiled shyly, "I don't know if the doctor said... will affect the child..."

"I don't think so." Wang Siyu comforted her and said, "However, the doctor said that you have to pay attention and have a good rest. Because you are in a special period, you can't use a lot of medicine now.

"Oh, that's it. As long as it doesn't affect the child. Zhang Yali said and gently stroked her stomach.

"If I had known my heartache. Be obedient at ordinary times." Wang Siyu continued to teach her a lesson.

"All right! I know!" Zhang Yali was a little embarrassed and said a little dissatisfied, "I found that you have become a mother since you found your husband."

"Oh, they are all in the hospital. How dare you talk about me?" Wang Siyu looked at Zhang Yali's expression and said jokingly, "Next time you have something to do, I'll help you!"

"Hehe, thank you. I know. You are the best for me. Zhang Yali squeezed her nose and said.

"What are you talking about? The procedures for hospitalization have been completed. Sun Tianmeng pushed the door and came in at this time.

The three people were busy working for more than half an hour, which was regarded as putting Zhang Yali in the ward. Then, Wang Siyu and Jiang Shenghui said goodbye to Sun Tianmeng. On the way back to the unit, Wang Siyu looked at Jiang Shenghui and said faintly, "Husband, do you think pregnancy is really so terrible?"

"I don't think so!" Jiang Shenghui answered her while driving.

"Alas, Yali is usually too tired. It's so pitiful for her now." Wang Siyu sat there and continued with some trembling, "I don't know if she can continue to work after the holiday."

"I see, it's hard to say." Jiang Shenghui shook his head, "Her current situation is not particularly good. Didn't the doctor tell you just now? She'd better rest for a while.

"Then do you think she can rest? There are so many things at home, and the company won't allow her to take such a vacation, will it? Wang Siyu said uneasily, "Do you think I will be so troublesome then?"

"No way!" Jiang Shenghui tilted his head and looked at her, "How healthy my wife is."

"Yali is the same. Why didn't she let her parents come to accompany her?" Wang Siyu said in a low voice annoy.

"All right! You are here." Jiang Shenghui parked his car in Fenghe Square. "I'll pick you up after work in the evening."

"Okay, that's right. How much did you give to Sun Tianmeng? Wang Siyu stepped out of the car with one foot and remembered this problem when he put one foot in the car.

"No, let's go to work first!" Jiang Shenghui said perfunctorily.

"How much is it?" Wang Siyu obviously doesn't want to let go of this problem. "Say it, or I should be worried."

"Hey, five thousand." Jiang Shenghui smiled awkwardly. He looked at Wang Siyu's expression in a daze and immediately added, "But you said you should give more!"

"I said give more, and I didn't ask you to give so much!" Wang Siyu pouted and closed the car door hard. "It really makes you angry!" With that, she turned around and walked to the office building. Jiang Shenghui looked at her back behind her, and he secretly thought that no matter how generous the woman was, she was so stingy.

Wang Siyu entered the office building alone, and she was obviously a little unhappy. However, after she asked for leave for Zhang Yali, and then went back to the office alone for a while; her mood eased down. After all, Zhang Yali was her best friend. Although Jiang Shenghui took out so much money without saying hello to her, she was a little angry, but this did not mean that she did not agree with Jiang Shenghui.

Emotions are going to be noisy in front of men, but things still have to be done. Maybe women are like this a lot of times!

Throughout the afternoon, Wang Sikai was thinking about the 360-degree rotation. He is thinking about what to do to solve this problem. However, his final plan was to stitch it with photos. He felt that this seemed to be the right way. Chen Lei could not provide him with too many useful suggestions in this regard. In the end, he could only find some foreign-related information and send it to Wang Sikai for him to study by himself. Fortunately, their department is so leisurely on weekdays and holidays. Otherwise, Wang Sikai will definitely have a special pain this afternoon.

At five o'clock, Wang Sikai's phone rang. He picked it up and looked at it. It was Song Yanran. It seemed that this girl was thinking about herself. Thinking so, he answered the phone, "Hello, wife!"

"Hello, husband." Song Yanran's cheerful voice came from the phone, "What do you want to eat?" I'm out of class."

"Oh! Me. I'll eat whatever you eat with you." Wang Sikai said perfunctorily.

"That won't work. You have to choose one." Song Yanran answered a little unhappily, "Otherwise, I won't do your share tonight."

Ah? Isn't it?" Wang Sikai said in surprise on the phone, but he immediately saw Chen Lei looking at himself with a funny expression, and he whispered, "Wife, my colleagues are all looking at me. Then you can buy something to do."

"Okay, okay! I knew you couldn't come up with an idea." Song Yanran was a little disappointed and answered him a little impatiently, "Then you just wait to go home and eat ready-made food. Also, what did you tell your colleagues to watch? Haven't you seen a beautiful woman call her husband? Hang up and go home early in the evening. After saying that, she simply hung up the phone.

Wang Sikai tilted his head and put away his mobile phone helplessly. Dude, is your girlfriend? Chen Lei said at this time, "Does it seem to be very fierce?"

"That's it! They said, haven't you seen a beautiful woman call her husband?" Wang Sikai learned Song Yanran's original words to Chen Lei.

"Haha, don't say this! I really haven't seen you back." Chen Lei listened to Wang Sikai's words and did not mean to be angry or give up this topic. Instead, he continued to say, "Our department is poor and has been all bachelors since ancient times. Now it's not easy for us to get a pair like you, why don't let us watch?"

"Ha ha, looking at this situation, I have to hurry up and change jobs!" Wang Sikai heard him say this and replied to him with a smile, "In case I become a poor bachelor in the future!"

"Haha, you have to!" Chen Lei laughed as he learned Sichuan dialect, "Let's go, buddy. Go home and study your 360 degrees! Today, are you going to pick up your wife or go home?

"Me! Go straight home. We have a family, and there are people waiting for us to go home for dinner. Wang Sikai has gradually adapted to Chen Lei's character. Anyway, everything in life is his joke, and it is naturally easy to be with him.

"All right! Don't be trapped. Then I'm leaving. You can go home slowly and kneel on the board. When the two went downstairs, Chen Lei joked with Wang Sikai and took the bus to the bus station.

"Oh, handsome man." When Wang Sikai reached the station, Zhou Ya was already waiting at the station, "Didn't you go on a date today?"

"Yes, hehe. I went straight home today. Sister, did you get off work early? Wang Sikai had nothing to say.

"Hmm. Let's go after finishing the work at hand. Zhou Ya answered him with a smile. In fact, Zhou Ya would not leave so early before, but since she met Wang Sikai in the car that night, she got off work more and more on time.

"But, sister. It seems that you seldom go out to play after work? Wang Sikai continued to ask curiously.

"Yes. You are old!" Zhou Ya replied self-deprecatingly, "So, I can't play anymore. I have to go home obediently every day. What's the matter? Why don't you invite me out to play?"

"Ha ha, good. However, not today." Wang Sikai felt that he seemed to have said too much, but it was not easy to take it back directly, so he gently asked.

"That's good! That's a settlement. When you have time, you can invite me." Zhou Ya seemed to be looking forward to it. However, she didn't say when. Maybe this is Zhou Ya's cleverness.

"Okay, sister. No problem." Wang Sikai had to accept it. Then, the two of them chatted happily while waiting for the car. Finally, the two of them crowded into the No. 322 bus with the flow of people waiting for the bus.

"Hello, handsome husband. It's quite early today!" Wang Siyu was not accompanied by Zhang Yali today, but came out of the office building earlier than usual. However, by this time, Jiang Shenghui's car had already parked in the parking lot.

"Honey, are you all right?" Jiang Shenghui, who was originally preparing for a storm, asked tentatively when he saw that Wang Siyu had no intention of being angry at all.

"Yes! I didn't have anything to do." Wang Siyu looked at him and said, "Where's my flower?"

"Oh, here it is. Wife." Jiang Shenghui quickly picked up the rose and gave it to her.

"I'm just angry that you took so much money out and didn't discuss it with me. I won't be so stingy with my friends as you think. Wang Siyu said and sniffed the rose, "Huh? Why doesn't it smell good?

"You won't let me use your perfume." Jiang Shenghui looked at her and replied with a smile.

"You hate it! You are stupid. There are so many perfume sellers on the road. Why do you have to use mine? Wang Siyu gritted his teeth and looked at him.

"Oh, okay, okay! Then I use inferior perfume. Don't say that I flashed your noble nose. Jiang Shenghui started the car as he spoke.

"You just hate it!" Wang Siyu returned to him.