The matter of getting married

Chapter 121 Money is very important

Saturday is another sunny day. People who have been busy for a week flocked to the streets again to relax their nervousness through shopping. Wang Siyu and Jiang Shenghui are no exception. Now, Wang Siyu, who has just started her salary and has money to spend, will naturally take Jiang Shenghui to major supermarkets and commercial buildings to buy things she wants to buy in the past month but has no money to buy.

"Husband, there are a lot of good things in the mall!" Wang Siyu strolled in the mall and sighed to Jiang Shenghui, "Look, this dress looks very good."

"Ha ha, you'd better buy less!" Jiang Shenghui smiled and said, "Don't forget that we have to pay the mortgage this month."

"I didn't spend much. Besides, don't worry! I have taken out the mortgage money separately. Wang Siyu answered Jiang Shenghui's words absent-mindedly and continued to pull the clothes on the shelf, "Honey, is it time to buy you winter clothes?"

"Can't I still wear my old clothes?" Seeing that she was going to continue to consume, Jiang Shenghui quickly pulled her away from the clothes selling counter. "I usually wear formal clothes at work. If you buy some casual clothes, I don't have time to wear them!"

"Oh! There is always a holiday!" Although Wang Siyu's people left the counter with Jiang Shenghui, her eyes were still fixed on her clothes.

"All right! Don't look. We still have to save money for decoration. Seeing that she had no intention of leaving, Jiang Shenghui took out a killer mace, "When you want to decorate, don't you have enough money?"

"Oh! All right." Wang Siyu heard Jiang Shenghui's words, and her eyes immediately turned back from the clothes rack. She obediently followed Jiang Shenghui and strolled forward like a child who had done something wrong.

"Wife, why don't you talk?" Jiang Shenghui saw that she didn't respond for a long time and couldn't calm down and asked her, "Are you unhappy?"

"None! I'm reflecting on what I did wrong. Wang Siyu returned to him, but soon, her mood recovered, "Honey, what kind of decoration company do you think we are looking for?"

"This. Honey, what do you think? Jiang Shenghui looked at her and asked, "However, some people say that it is easy to be slaughtered if you directly contract the work to the decoration company."

"Hmm." Wang Siyu nodded, "However, we are both busy at work. If we find someone to decorate by ourselves, we don't have time to answer?

"That's true!" Jiang Shenghui thought of asking his parents for help. However, in the end, he gave up the idea. After all, in China, the vision of these two generations is completely different. Therefore, it is best to do the decoration by yourself or leave it to the decoration company.

"Then you can find a way!" Wang Siyu leaned his head on Jiang Shenghui's body, showing the appearance of a bird. Women are often like this. Small things are very clear and big things are very confused. Perhaps, it should be more appropriate to say that small things are very independent, and when you encounter big things...

"I want to do what I say!" Jiang Shenghui thought for a moment and replied, "Let's outsource it to the decoration company. Find a bigger family with better qualifications, and then let them do it! We need to spend more money." He is right. After all, neither of them can afford to delay their work. In this case, it is better to spend more money to solve the problem. Therefore, in this world, money is really important many times.

"Will they lie to us?" Although Wang Siyu agreed to let the decoration company do this, she was still worried that she would spend more money and be fooled. In that case, the gains outweigh the losses.

"I won't get it!" Jiang Shenghui said with a smile, "We will sign a contract with them then. Everything is according to the contract, otherwise we won't give them money. Anyway, part of the project can only be paid after the end of the project.

"Oh, all right!" Wang Siyu agreed, and then she asked, "Husband, where do you think we should find a suitable decoration company?"

"Monday! I remember it's in the newspaper. Jiang Shenghui smiled and said, "I have a newspaper in my office. I'll check it at work on Monday."

"Oh, okay! Then this task will be entrusted to you. Wang Siyu nodded happily and replied, "Then we can go to the wedding street to get the wedding photos of the two of us now."

"Wife, are you really not going out today?" Wang Sikai came out of the bathroom and asked Song Yanran, who was cleaning up the dishes and chopsticks in the kitchen, "It's very naive outside today!"

"Is it?" Song Yanran promised casually, "Then I won't go out!" I've been working for a week. It's so hard! I want to rest at home today. Besides, I have to catch up with the manuscript."

"Ha ha, do you pay so much attention to writing novels now?" Wang Sikai stood in front of the kitchen door and looked at her with a smile, "Wife, it doesn't matter if you miss a day occasionally. Doesn't the website agree to be absent for one day? Besides, I remember you saved the manuscript."

"Now that I'm at work, I don't have much time to think about these things. Therefore, I want to write more while I take a break. Song Yanran said with a longing face, "If I write 150,000 yuan in January, I can earn more than 2,000 yuan even with full attendance."

"Oh! All right." Wang Sikai listened to her and no longer forced her to say so. Anyway, women don't want to go shopping, which is a very easy thing for men. Therefore, he will naturally not strongly demand to go out together. Just in time, you can also do a good job on the website you want to make. Although he has a lot of things to do during the day, it is not that he is free. However, designing a website is as continuous as writing a novel. If you do it for more than ten minutes, and then go instead to do other things, it's not good to do these things.

He returned to the bedroom, set up Song Yanran's laptop on the side of the computer desk and turned it on. Then, the chair was moved over again. I sat back in front of the desktop and focused on his website.

"Mr. Jiang and Miss Wang, are you here?" Miss Tian of the studio still greeted them enthusiastically, "Are you here to get the photo album today?"

"Yes!" Wang Siyu agreed, and then she looked at Miss Tian and asked, "Has both of our albums been ready?"

"It's early." Miss Tian smiled and said, "Don't worry! Your two albums are very well done. Last weekend, your photo album was ready. Please sit down first!" Speaking of this, she pointed to the sofa beside her and said, "I'll go to the warehouse to get it for you."

At this time, Zhang Yali was basking in the sun alone on the balcony of her home. Although the late autumn sunshine has lost too much heat, at noon, the sunlight still gives people a warm feeling. And it feels more comfortable than ever before.

When the needle pointed to one point, Zhang Yali lay on the balcony and felt that her door lock rang. Then she sat up from the rocking chair on the balcony. At this time, Sun Tianmeng's figure quietly came in from the outside.

"Husband, did you come back so early today?" Zhang Yali looked at him and asked in surprise.

"Oh! Wife." Sun Tian suddenly answered, "You haven't slept yet? I thought you were asleep."

"Not yet! I'm basking in the sun on the balcony. Zhang Yali said with a smile, "Is there anything wrong with the unit today? Come back so early?"

"Yes!" Sun Tian suddenly took off his coat, walked over, helped Zhang Yali continue to lie down, and then said, "The company's affairs have been arranged. So I came back early. Besides, shouldn't I be off on Saturday?"

"Oh!" Zhang Yali just answered, "What if something happens?"

"They all have phones. Just call me." Sun Tian suddenly replied, "Okay! Honey, don't worry about your work. The weekend should be our own time. Obviously, Sun Tianmeng has also quietly changed. It turns out that there should be not only work in life, but also family affection or love.

"It seems that this album is really well done." Wang Siyu pointed to the photos in the album and said, "Look! This treatment is really much better than when I looked at the photos some time ago.

"Don't worry!" Miss Tian sat next to them and said with a smile, "Our post-production is still very professional and will not ruin the work for you."

"Yes, I'm quite satisfied with the whole set of things." Wang Siyu finished reading the album and gently closed it. Then she asked Miss Tian, "How long in advance should I make an appointment with you on my wedding day?"

"Oh, that's right! Have you set a wedding date? Miss Tian asked.

"It's settled. It's May Day next year." Wang Siyu replied.

"That's it! Call us at the beginning of April." Miss Tian replied, "At that time, we will confirm some details of the wedding. Otherwise, there may not be enough time. After all, May is the peak season for marriage.

"Okay! That's it." After saying that, Wang Siyu stood up, and then she and Jiang Shenghui came out of the studio.

"Husband, is it so good today?" Song Yanran cleaned up the room and walked back to the bedroom. She saw that Wang Sikai had prepared the computer and chairs for her and said happily, "Thank you, husband!"

"Ha ha, it's nothing!" Wang Sikai smiled and said, "Okay! Go and write it."

Song Yanran nodded and sat in her chair happily to write her novel. However, after a while, she raised her head and looked at Wang Sikai and said, "Honey, we have made a lot of money this month!"

"Is it?" Wang Sikai stopped his work and looked at her.

"Yes!" Song Yanran answered affirmatively, "Not counting your 3D website, we removed meals, utilities and so on last month, and there is still more than 4,000 yuan left."

"Is that right? Will there be so many?" Wang Sikai also felt happy when he heard this, "If so, we can buy a car soon, right?"

"Yes!" Song Yanran replied with a smile, "My mother gave me 10,000 yuan for living expenses when I came to Qingdao, but I haven't used it yet. Coupled with the money from your 3D website, if we work harder this month, maybe we will have 30,000 yuan next month.

"You don't need the 10,000 yuan you gave me!" Wang Sikai looked at her and said, "That's the living expenses given to you by the old man."

"Why? Don't you have to spend your living expenses?" Song Yanran blinked and looked at him, "Which of us will learn to drive then?"

"Go ahead!" Wang Sikai replied with a smile, "In the future, you will be responsible for driving me to and from work."

"You hate it!" Song Yanran replied, "You learn to drive."