The matter of getting married

Chapter 124 Living Alone

Time passed quickly. Three days later, Song Yanran received the notice of boarding the ship. Of course, when I got on the boat, I was not directly thrown to the Antarctic to see the penguins. There will be a period of adaptive training ahead. Therefore, although Song Yanran is theoretically still in China during this period, she can't actually meet Wang Sikai. After all, one person is on land and one person is in the sea, floating!

When we parted, we couldn't help but ask for warmth and crying, but when the two people were really separated. Busy work and intense experimental tasks will make people forget a lot of emotional things. After all, emotions can't be eaten as food or water.

It has been half a month since Song Yanran went to sea. Now, Wang Sikai has gradually adapted to the days of sleeping alone, eating alone and using the computer alone at night. It turns out that it is much more difficult for people to get used to the life of two people and change back to the life of one person than when they change from one person to two people. However, time can wear out everything or be indifferent to everything. Now, Wang Sikai has been able to eat, go to bed on time and get up on time. Fortunately, he is completely independent and can reach the level of the kindergarten class.

"Director Wang, this is the customer's advertising application form this week." Lin Hui was so timid that she handed over the application form in her hand.

"Let's put it on the table!" Wang Sikai stared at the computer screen and said casually to Lin Hui, "Oh, by the way! Which one had the highest hit rate in last week's advertisement?

"It's this family..." Lin Hui pointed to the computer screen and said to Wang Sikai.

"Oh, do they still advertise this week?" Wang Sikai asked her casually, and then he sat up and looked at the form in his hand, "Why haven't I heard of this one?"

"They are not large. They are all our old customers. According to the order of advertising applications, it should be their turn to advertise now. Lin Hui looked in the direction of Wang Sikai's finger.

"Is it?" Wang Sikai glanced at her, "Are they already our VIP members?"

"Not yet." Lin Hui replied.

"Will they become our VIPs in the future?" Wang Sikai looked at the form and asked her.

"The first one may meet, the other two..." Lin Hui replied in a low voice.

"All right! Then do it for the first one. Forget the other two." After saying that, Wang Sikai directly made a cross on the names of the two families. "Then, the two empty positions to see who else has advertisements for our VIPs and arrange them. If not, click the highest last week and hang it in another position for another week.

"Oh!" Lin Hui answered, and then she asked timidly, "Don't you want our customers to experience free advertising services..."

"Can't your head be a little more flexible?" Wang Sikai bit his lip and looked at her with a surprised look, "If we can make money, should we make money first?" Do you think we run a social welfare home?

"Oh, I see. Director Wang." Lin Hui lowered her head and felt that she was very wronged. However, she knows that Wang Sikai is right. It is to make money to run a business. No money, where does his salary come from, where his lunch comes from, his own fare, his own clothes... In a word, Wang Sikai often speaks so earnestly and entices him to teach her.

"Okay! It's okay. Just go out and get busy." Wang Sikai finally glanced at Lin Hui again, and then continued to do his own business. He doesn't know why. In a word, among his subordinates, he just likes to bully Lin Hui. Maybe this girl is too weak? Maybe she is really too stupid? Anyway, Wang Sikai, he doesn't know either. In a word, bullying Lin Hui is a very interesting and happy thing for Wang Sikai. People may be like this! There is an angel's side and a devil's side.

Lin Hui came out of Wang Sikai's office. She did not go straight back to her cubicle, but went to the bathroom first. By the time she came out of it again, her eyes were already slightly red. Obviously, she has cried inside.

"Lao Liu, when will I give you the material fee?" Now, Jiang Shenghui and Wang Siyu's house has been renovated. The two of them are naturally satisfied with the effect.

"This..." Manager Liu of the decoration company pondered on the phone. He must want money; but he really has no idea how much it costs. If, according to the actual number, then will Jiang Shenghui's project be discounted in the future? According to the market price, if Jiang Shenghui feels expensive, then the work of the whole communication company may be wasted in the future. Finally, he gritted his teeth and said, "Manager Jiang, as for our relationship, we don't have any money. Even if I help my brother."

"This doesn't work!" Jiang Shenghui was also anxious when he heard what he said. His house is 125 square meters. According to the grade of Lao Liu's decoration, even if it is only the cost of materials, then it can't be taken down without 100,000 or 80,000 yuan. Lao Liu, if you don't count them out, then you won't want to take over the projects on my side in the future. Jiang Shenghui said bluntly.

"This..." Lao Liu thought for a while, "Brother, you say you! You get married, brother, can you do me a favor? All right! Later, I'll ask my accountant to tell you, okay? It's the end of the year, and I'm also busy..."

"Good! You are busy." Jiang Shenghui heard what he said and had to follow him, "Then it's up to you!" Anyway, when the account is done, tell me the amount of money as soon as possible. Otherwise, after the bidding period for next year's project, don't blame me for not telling you.

"Good! OK!" Old Liu agreed happily on the phone. Naturally, he understood the meaning of Jiang Shenghui's words, but he also made up his mind that he wanted this money! However, we must let Jiang Shenghui know that this is not a normal price. Only in this way can things be easy to do in the future.

"Hey! Husband, what are you doing? Not long after Lin Hui left Wang Sikai's office, Wang Sikai's mobile phone rang, "I'm going abroad today. I miss you so much."

"So...where are you?" Wang Sikai recognized Song Yanran's voice, and his nerves immediately became excited, "I'll find you!"

"Look for me?" Song Yanran's voice became helpless on the phone, "I'm at sea. Where are you looking for me?

"No way?" Wang Sikai was a little surprised and said, "Why are you still at sea?"

"Yes! I don't know where the ship is on the sea now..." With that, Song Yanran's voice cried again, "Honey, won't you forget me..."

"Fool wife, I promise to love you only one!" Wang Sikai sat there and raised a hand, as if Song Yanran could see what he did.

"All right!" Song Yanran sighed and then agreed, "Husband, I may not be able to call you in the future. There is no signal in many places on the sea. Moreover, international roaming is also very expensive! Also, you must eat well, sleep well, and..."

When Wang Sikai heard this, he took the phone down from his ear. He didn't understand why this woman fell in love with a man and became talkish. Alas! Marrying a wife is equivalent to finding half a mother!

After a while, Song Yanran's voice was lost on the phone. He quickly put his mobile phone to his ear again, "Wife, I remember. You must pay attention to safety at sea, and remember to put some sea sickness medicine on your body.

"Hmm! All right." Song Yanran agreed, but then she said happily, "Husband, do you know? Among the new people on board, my seasickness reaction is the lightest!"

"So... are you dizzy or not?" Wang Sikai still asked uneasly when he heard what she said.

"It's not dizzy!" Song Yanran said mischievously, "The old scientific examination said that I am very suitable for working on the ship."

"Yes!" Wang Sikai answered casually, "Why don't I change my job to be a crew member?"

"Ha ha, I think it's okay! Okay, honey, I'll hang up. Love you! You are at home. I'm going to work." Song Yanran hurriedly finished these words and hung up the phone.

Wang Sikai looked at the mobile phone that was no longer making a sound. He was stunned for a while, and then put it back in his pocket. Continue to be busy with your own business.

"Husband! Shall we buy some decorations after work today? Wang Siyu looked at the hour hand and pointed to 5 o'clock, and she couldn't wait to call Jiang Shenghui.

"Good!" Jiang Shenghui agreed. Recently, he has been busy outside. Today, did he stay in the office and not go out? "Then what do you want to buy first?"

"I want to buy some decorative paintings." Wang Siyu sat on her office chair, looked at the ceiling with a longing face and said, "I want to decorate the whole house more elegantly."

"Well, wife, shall we buy some books for the study?" Jiang Shenghui asked Wang Siyu's opinion on the phone.

"Good!" Wang Siyu replied, "Do you want to buy those famous books, four books and five classics?" However, those books seem to be very expensive. Wang Siyu obviously felt a little sad about the cost.

"Hehe, no." Jiang Shenghui smiled badly on the phone, "We can put some more elegant books."

"No? What's that?" Wang Siyu asked puzzledly on the phone, "Little book?"

"Let's just buy some fake books and put them there!" Jiang Shenghui simply answered. It turns out that the literary atmosphere of rich people is decorated in this way.

"All right! Let's buy books tonight!" After listening to Jiang Shenghui's words, Wang Siyu answered with a giggle on the phone.