The matter of getting married

Chapter 128 The Last Day of the Year

After Christmas, there are only a few last few calendars left this year. Before the beginning of the new year, everyone is busy working hard. When the calendar turned to December 31st, it seemed that everything had stopped again. After all, a year is coming to an end. Tomorrow is New Year's Day!

Although New Year's Day is not a grand festival in the East or the West. However, there are always holidays. Moreover, this year's New Year's Day is coincidental, and it is Friday. Therefore, people at work will naturally feel happy. After all, you can take a long vacation to relax your nervous mood.

Song Yanran's phone still hasn't been called, which has become a concern for Wang Sikai. Now, Lin Hui has gradually become obedient. She is not a stupid girl. In her contact with Wang Sikai, she found that Wang Sikai seemed to pay special attention to the climate in the southern hemisphere. When the South Pacific is calm, Wang Sikai's face will also become sunny; when the South Pacific is full of wind and rain, Wang Sikai will be inexplicably angry. Therefore, now, there is a person in Wang Sikai's department who cares more about the living environment of penguins than himself, that is Lin Hui. Perhaps, Lin Hui was also a penguin in her last life; otherwise, how could she even find such a mysterious reason in the South Pacific?

Today, Lin Hui has another report to hand in, of course, about the use of advertisements this year. She got up from her seat and glanced at the weather in the southern hemisphere first. It's good. Today is a good day for penguins. She gently knocked on the door of Wang Sikai's office, and then walked in, "Director Wang, this year's advertising use report."

"Oh, okay." Wang Sikai took the report she sent and then asked, "Do you have a plan for next year?"

"It's still being done." Lin Hui glanced at Wang Sikai's face and then replied.

"Okay! Hurry up. Go out and get busy, thank you." Wang Sikai politely signaled Lin Hui that she could go out.

Lin Hui, who went out, breathed a sigh of relief. Look, it's really useful to master more meteorological knowledge. Today, Wang Sikai actually said thank you. Since there was no storm in the South Pacific, Lin Hui's mood also rose. She hummed and sang in a low voice, sat back in her cubicle, and then was busy making next year's budget.

"Lin Hui, let me tell you something." A girl in the cubicle in front of her put her head over.

"What's the matter?" Lin Hui looked at her mysterious appearance and asked mischievously, "Is the Antarctic iceberg going to melt?"

"No! It has nothing to do with penguins. The girl in front said.

"Oh, that's great." Lin Hui replied.

"It is said that Director Wang applied for you to be his assistant." The girl in front of her said in a very small voice.

"Is it?" Hearing her words, Lin Hui opened her mouth, opened her eyes wide, and looked at her in surprise, "Isn't it?" I'm such a miserable penguin. She thought secretly.

"Yes!" The girl in front continued, "When I passed by the personnel department today, I heard from the personnel department. Moreover, it is said that Mr. Zhou has signed it.

"No way?" Lin Hui looked at her even more in surprise, "Just the wolf inside, you won't eat me in the future..."

"Who is the wolf!" Wang Sikai has stood behind Lin Hui at some point.

"Wang...I...I didn't say you..." Lin Hui was scared by Wang Sikai's sudden appearance. She said nervously, "I...I..."

"All right! Announce a decision that from next year, the personnel of our department will be increased and the business volume will be increased!" Wang Sikai stood there and said loudly, "So, with the consent of Mr. Zhou, Miss Lin Hui will be officially promoted to my assistant next year. In the future, you will all look for Lin Hui when it comes to advertising business. Don't bother me again without her consent." After saying that, regardless of whether Lin Hui agreed or not, he left the big office directly and went to Mr. Zhou's office.

Lin Hui sat there in embarrassment and looked at everyone smiling. She thought, Wang Sikai, you hate the Antarctic walrus, isn't that pushing me to the tip of the knife? However, she did not have the courage to oppose Wang Sikai's appointment, so this matter was simply confirmed.

"Frea, Kahn sent you a fax from the headquarters." Yao Na took a fax and walked into Wang Siyu's office, "Are we off tomorrow?" She asked.

"Take a break." Wang Siyu looked at her and replied with a smile, "What's the matter? Are you going out on a date tomorrow? So anxious."

"Hehe, a little." Yao Na smiled. She looked at the big office outside, and then lowered her voice and said to Wang Siyu, "Sister, I heard that Kahn is going to retire."

"Is it?" Wang Siyu glanced at her and said, "I can't see it. Is your little girl still very well informed? So, who will replace Kahn?

"I don't know." Yao Na shook her head with embarrassment, and then she stuck out her tongue again, "Anyway, it's not me."

"Ha ha, all right, go to work!" Wang Siyu looked at her and did not blame her, signaling that she could go out. Wang Siyu is different from Wang Sikai. In her eyes, she is an easy person to get along with and rarely gets angry. Of course, the prerequisite is that you do your job well. However, it doesn't matter if you really don't do well, and she won't be angry. Because in this regard, she will not create an opportunity to anger herself. All the people who can't complete their jobs have been gently cleaned up by her.

After driving away Yao Na, Wang Siyu's mobile phone rang again, "Hey, husband. Did you miss me at noon?

"Ha ha, yes!" Jiang Shenghui's voice came from the phone, "Wife, will you work overtime tonight?"

"If you don't add it, why?" Wang Siyu asked cheerfully.

"Oh, let's go to my parents?" Jiang Shenghui asked on the phone. Indeed, they haven't been back for a long time.

"Good!" Wang Siyu readily agreed, "Then I'll come to you after work. It's more convenient to go to the supermarket from you. Moreover, I want to walk by the roadside to see if there are any gadgets.

"Don't you need me to accompany you?" Jiang Shenghui knew what the consultant said.

"No need! Go ahead. Remember to wait for me at work at night and don't come directly. Wang Siyu finished speaking and hung up his phone. She doesn't know what she wants to see at the night market. Maybe she misses the mother and daughter selling small jewelry at 210 station, right? It's already cold now. I don't know what their lives will be like? In fact, relying on each other is also a kind of happiness.

"Honey, how do you think of that dress?" At this time, Zhang Yali dragged Sun Tianmeng around the children's section of the supermarket. Needless to ask, Sun Tianmeng is hanging out of work to go shopping with her again. The two have now formed a tacit understanding. As long as Zhang Yali comes out to buy things, and Sun Tian suddenly stays in the company, they will get together for lunch. Then, let's use the lunch break together to go to the supermarket or specialty store to see baby products. Then, I bought a lot of things and stuffed them into Sun Tianmeng's car.

"I think this one is still good." Sun Tian suddenly picked up another dress and said to Zhang Yali, "Wife, I think we'd better buy more toys!" What if he grows very fast?

"Oh, it seems to make sense." Zhang Yali nodded, "Then go to see the toys first." After saying that, she left her children's clothes and walked to the clothing counter. Although her stomach is not prominent now, she is already wearing anti-static maternity clothes. So, far away, the big guy will know, "This woman is pregnant, dangerous! Please take a detour."

In the distant ocean, Song Yanran drifted on the boat with her colleagues. Their boat is in the ocean and can't catch up with a leaf on the land. Today is a rare good day. There is no wind and no clouds in the sky.

"Yanran, are you homesick?" A middle-aged woman stood beside Song Yanran, and then handed over a cup of coffee.

"Think." Song Yanran nodded as she said, "However, I think he will take good care of himself."

"You haven't called him for a long time, have you?" The middle-aged woman continued to ask.

"Yes! After leaving China, I have never fought again. Song Yanran answered.

"Today is the day we contact with China. Give him a call!" The middle-aged woman looked at Song Yanran and smiled. In her eyes, Song Yanran was not much older than her own child.

"Real! Sister Liu." Song Yanran listened to her words and clapped her hands excitedly, but her mood soon slipped down, "Sister Liu, you'd better call home! I am young and have no old people and children at home. What's there to worry about?"

"Today, Sister Liu will give you this opportunity." The middle-aged woman answered with a smile, and then walked away from Song Yanran.

Song Yanran looked at the exotic ocean, but her heart missed Wang Sikai. However, when it came to the contact time, she did not appear in the contact room. She returned this opportunity to contact her family to Sister Liu. After all, they have families, children, and rare old people. In fact, more importantly, she longs to hear Wang Sikai's voice, but she is more afraid of hearing Wang Sikai's voice; she doesn't know what she should say to Wang Sikai; she is still young, and she is afraid of crying and that she can't help herself. Therefore, she finally decided to keep this missing in her heart. It's so quiet that it keeps it.

In the evening, Wang Sikai sat alone on the No. 322 bus. He casually looked at the scenery outside the window, although the weather was already very cold. However, the dense lighting on the street still gives people warmth. Now, he has adapted to the life without Song Yanran and Zhou Ya. He eats alone, works alone, works alone, is happy alone, is lost alone, and sleeps alone. It's so round and over again. In fact, simple life is also very good. It doesn't make people feel urgent every day, although people tend to become silent in this life. However, life is like this. Colorful, there is always a chapter in life; only plainness is all of it.

"It seems that there is no wife's phone call today." At midnight, he calmly closed his mobile phone and put it on his pillow, "Happy New Year, wife!" As he said, he fell asleep.