The matter of getting married

Chapter 130 Those Flowers

After rescue, Zhou Ya finally stayed in this world for the time being. However, her body has become weaker. In the hospital, Zhou Ya lay sick**, and her body was full of all kinds of pipes. Perhaps, her life really got the last moment.

Outside the ward, two tall men stood together. The older one is very strong and burly; the younger one is not as solid as his.

"Thank you, Sikai." The younger man said to the young people around him, "Thanks to you that my sister can survive."

"Me? Mr. Zhou..." The young man's face was full of tears, "I'm sorry! I... I don't know her body... Otherwise, I wouldn't have taken her to the seaside." For Wang Sikai, who has just turned 24 years old, Zhou Ya's sudden onset is indeed a pain that he can't bear.

"Nothing!" Zhou Jiancheng waved his big hand casually, "If it weren't for you, I think she would have died two months ago!" It's a miracle that she can hold on for another two months.

"What?" Wang Sikai listened to Zhou Jiancheng's words and looked at Zhou Jiancheng's face in surprise.

"Her heart is not her own." Zhou Jiancheng looked at Zhou Ya in the ward and said slowly, "My sister Zhou Ya has a congenital heart disease. She used to have a boyfriend, and both of them love each other very much. Originally, they were all registered. The man knew my sister's health, but he still decided to marry her. The day before their marriage, they went out together and had a car accident. The man was seriously injured and died in order to save Zhou Ya. His heart is now on Zhou Ya's body. Speaking of this, he turned his head and looked at Wang Sikai, "Sikai, do you know? You look very much like my brother-in-law Li Yunfeng.

"Oh!" Wang Sikai didn't know what to say, so he had to accept it. However, his eyes still looked at Zhou Ya in the ward.

"Two months ago, there was something wrong with the heart in her body." Zhou Jiancheng glanced at Wang Sikai, "If it was put in the past, I think she would have gone. She has committed suicide before, and we all know that she is suffering from living in this world. However, the difference was that she was very cooperative with the hospital's treatment. Unexpectedly, she miraculously survived..." At this point, the strong man wiped his eyes. "Later, when she woke up, I knew your existence."

Wang Sikai listened to Zhou Jiancheng's words, and he just nod his head silently. After all, he can't make any promises to Zhou Ya or Zhou Jiancheng, but as long as he doesn't violate his love for Song Yanran, he is still willing to do something for Zhou Ya.

"All right! So much, don't take it to heart!" After Zhou Jiancheng finished speaking, his fist fell heavily on Wang Sikai, "I hope you can accompany her in the last time of her life!" After saying that, Zhou Jiancheng turned around and walked to the other end of the corridor.

Wang Sikai did not answer Zhou Jiancheng's words. He thought it was a question that did not need to be answered at all. Zhou Ya doesn't have much time, not many days, maybe a few hours; maybe a few minutes; in short, she is still alive now.

"Huh? What about Mr. Zhou? The head nurse came over. She took a look at Wang Sikai and then asked, "Excuse me, do you sleep in bed tonight?"

"I!" Wang Sikai replied.

Maybe it was God's mercy that this poor woman woke up from her sleep again. Now, she needs to rely entirely on a wheelchair to move. Wang Sikai stayed by her side and took good care of her. Maybe it's out of friendship? Maybe it's out of love?

When the firecrackers sounded on New Year's Eve, Zhou Ya looked at the young and familiar face around her, and she finally had to close her eyes forever. She walked quietly with a calm smile on her face. Perhaps, in heaven, there is another Wang Sikai waiting for her there, which is Wang Sikai who belongs to her own.

In the cemetery, Zhou Ya, who has turned into a wooden box, was buried in the pre-prepared tomb by Zhou Jiancheng, Wang Sikai and other relatives of Zhou Ya. Maybe it has been waiting for her for a long time? After all the ceremonies were over, Wang Sikai returned to the company with Zhou Jiancheng. When he turned on his mobile phone, Wang Siyu's phone chased after him, "Sikai? Are you going home for the Spring Festival? Where have you been these days?

"Oh! Sister." Wang Sikai said tiredly, "I've been busy with work recently and have been on a business trip. Therefore, it was not turned on.

"Is that right? So will you go home for the Spring Festival? Wang Siyu continued to ask, "Can I book a plane ticket for you?"

"No, sister." Wang Sikai still said in a tired voice, "I have a lot of things to do during the Spring Festival. I want to spend the Spring Festival in Qingdao. Are you going back to Shenyang with my brother-in-law?

"Yes!" Wang Siyu answered on the phone, "If you don't go back, your parents will miss you."

"Ha ha, it's okay." Wang Sikai smiled and said, "It's only one year! After the Spring Festival, I will go back. I really couldn't leave before the New Year.

"Oh! All right, all right!" When Wang Siyu heard Wang Sikai's words, she hung up the phone and didn't ask anything more.

"Let's go! Skye, go to my office." When Zhou Jiancheng saw Wang Sikai hanged up the phone, he said to Wang Sikai, "I have something to say." Then, the two of them walked into Zhou Jiancheng's office one after the other.

"Sit down!" Zhou Jiancheng pointed to the chair opposite the desk, and then he turned to the back of the desk, "Thank you! Sikai. Thank you for taking care of Zhou Ya.

"Nothing, it should be!" Wang Sikai answered calmly.

"All right!" Zhou Jiancheng took out two things from the drawer of his desk and pushed them to Wang Sikai. "Zhou Ya's last last wish before his death was to buy an SUV for you. This is the car key.

"No! I can't accept it." Wang Sikai shook his head and replied.

"Well, this!" Zhou Jiancheng pushed another thing forward, "This is a check of 600,000 yuan. It's exactly the money for this car. Take it!"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Zhou. I don't take care of Zhou Ya for money. I can't accept it. Wang Sikai continued to shake his head.

"Ha ha, Sikai!" Zhou Jiancheng put his arms on the table, and then crossed his hands. "This is Zhou Ya's intention, not what I mean. So, I don't think you need to worry about anything. Choose the same and take it!"

"No! Mr. Zhou." Wang Sikai looked at Zhou Jiancheng and smiled, "I am very grateful to Zhou Ya. She gave me my first job after graduation. Moreover, I am very happy to work here. I also have a good time with her. Therefore, these are enough. I can't accept money and things. If it is really Zhou Ya's last wish, then donate it!"

"Very good! I like young people like you." After saying that, Zhou Jiancheng pulled the two things back to his side. Then he leaned his body against the back of the chair and looked carefully at Wang Sikai, as if he were making an important decision. Finally, he leaned back on the table, "Sikai, Zhou Ya had three wishes before her death. The first is to build an international business exchange platform. With your help, I have helped her finish this. The second is to make everyone she loves happy. I'm afraid you still need to contribute to this. After all, you are also one of her lovers. Of course, this love is not that kind of love. Zhou Jiancheng smiled at Wang Sikai, "Thirdly, she has always wanted to build a charity fund to help people like her. Since the completion of her first and second wishes can't live without you. Well, I hope her third wish also has your participation. Do you think you would like to fulfill her wish with me?

"This..." Wang Sikai breathed a sigh of relief, "Okay! Mr. Zhou, I promise you!"

"Very good!" Zhou Jiancheng nodded, and then looked at the two things on the table. He pushed the key to Wang Sikai again, "Well, you'd better put it away!" Zhou Ya told me when she was about to die, let me tell you to drive carefully! However, she also said that she would like you to accept the check to make a career, instead of accepting the key. Then, he looked at the check in front of him. He took out a passbook from his drawer and put the check in it. "Take these! The car still belongs to you as the official car given to you by the company. How to deal with the check is your problem. This deposit form is all the assets under Zhou Ya's name, and I have converted them all into cash. If you are confident that you can help me do a good foundation. Then, you take it! It's up to you to do this matter.

Wang Sikai looked up at Zhou Jiancheng, and finally nodded heavily. He already has a plan in his heart that the 600,000 will be together with Zhou Ya's property and make them all part of the foundation. In this way, Zhou Ya's last wish can be regarded as complete.

"All right! Sikai. Go out to work!" Zhou Jiancheng saw that Wang Sikai agreed. He held his forehead with his hand, and then waved to Wang Sikai.

Chinese people are the busiest before the Spring Festival, and they will prepare all kinds of items for the Spring Festival during this period. However, for office workers, perhaps the afternoon of the 29th lunar calendar is the beginning of their real busyness. Shopping, shopping crazily. Everyone has large and small packages in their hands.

Wang Sikai parked his SUV in the parking lot in the community. Then, I went home empty-handed. This year, he was destined to spend this year alone in Qingdao. In this case, he naturally has nothing to prepare. Although the foundation has been prepared, we really have to wait until the end of the year. After all, it is now the end of the year, and not many people will care about Wang Sikai's charity.

Wang Sikai had dinner and lay alone**. He didn't turn on the light. He wanted to feel the loneliness of the night. Perhaps, in the dark, a young woman is looking at him and smiling at him. Is this Zhou Ya's face? Or Song Yanran's face? Wang Sikai felt that he could not tell the difference.

Just when he was so muddle-headed, his phone rang.

"Hey! Hello, Wang Sikai." Wang Sikai said to his phone.


"Hello, who are you?" Wang Sikai saw that there was no sound on the phone. He picked up his mobile phone and looked at the other party's number. It was a very strange number. Then he politely asked, "Who are you?"

"Wow... Sikai! It's me, I'm Song Yanran..."