Women's Beauty: I'm Mu Guiying

Chapter 1 I'm Mu Guiying

August is a cool autumn, located in Muke Village, Shandong, but there is no cool feeling.

At this time, the top and bottom of the village are all in a state of tension like facing a big enemy. In the inner house, Mu Yu, the owner of the village, Mu Tianliang, known as the king of Mu Tian, walked around the courtyard with a sweat. Mu Tianwang, with a beautiful figure and magnificent body, looked at the room from time to time and showed an anxious face.

"Dalang, Erlang, you can't go in now, you can't go in..."

With the baritone, the door of the courtyard was pushed open, and two children with almost the same appearance ran in. The two children's lips and white teeth, thick eyebrows and big eyes are completely the 'shrinking' of Mu Tianwang. Behind the two children, he also ran into one. Although this man is well dressed, he is also ugly: he has a short figure, a melon-like face, eight-character eyebrows, round eyes, crawling on the bridge of his nose, and a big mouth. With a smile, you can also see a big yellow tooth, which is a word - ugly. However, although this man is ugly, he is the leader of Mu Kezhai, Mu Tianwang's most powerful right-hand man, named Mu Gua.

"Mu Tong, Mu Tie, didn't I let you play outside? Who allowed you to come in?"

Mu Tianwang is upset, and now is the time for his wife Zhong Erniang to give birth again. A basin of hot water was brought into the room, and a basin of blood was brought out, but the child was not born for a long time. At this time, I saw that the two sons were naughty and suddenly vented their anger.


"Dad, Mugua, take them to the back mountain for a play."

Mu Tianwang didn't look at his two sons and directly asked Mugua to take them out. Mugua knew that Mu Tianwang was in a bad mood at this time, so he quickly nodded and stepped forward, holding Mu Tong in one hand, Mu Tie in the other, and two children outside the courtyard.

"Dalang, Erlang, haven't you always wanted to go to the back mountain? Now Uncle Gua will go with you..."

"No, Erlang and I want to wait here for my mother's little sister."

"Yes, Dalang and I are waiting for our little sister here and won't go anywhere."

Mu Tong and Mu Tie are really afraid of their father Mu Tianwang, but after thinking about everything, they look at each other and must have broken away from Mu Gua's hand. Mugua saw their tempers and said 'Oh' in his heart. My two little grandfathers, what's wrong with their temper at this time? Have you forgotten the taste of 'fried meat with bamboo shoots'?

"Dalang, Erlang, listen to Uncle Gua..."

"Dalang and Erlang, do you say you want to 'wait' your little sister here?"

As soon as Mu Tianwang heard the three words 'little sister', he immediately waved his hand to Mu Gua, who was persuading Mu Tong and Mu Tie, and looked at his two sons. To be honest, Mu Tong and Mu Tie's words went to Mu Tianwang's heart. Mu Tianwang is indeed looking forward to the birth of his wife Zhong Erniang, which is a daughter.

Since the birth of Mu Tong and Mu Tie, Mu Tianwang has been happy for a while. Of course, it is a happy thing that the Mu family can continue to pass on. But as Mu Tong and Mu Tie grew up, Mu Tianwang and Zhong Erniang felt that their sons were too wild. After going out to meet friends and seeing the daughter of my good friend Miao, I was very envious. After learning that they were pregnant again, the two looked forward to having a daughter this time.

Naturally, Mu Tianwang and Zhong Erniang did not tell Mu Tong and Mu Tie, so their unintentional words made Mu Tianwang feel much better. Mu Tianwang felt that he could really have a daughter if he left his two sons here, so he asked Mugua to bring a bamboo chair, and the father and son waited in the courtyard.

The yard is peaceful, but the room is full of surprise. Originally, Zhong Erniang had given birth for the second time, and it should not be as painful as the first time, but the baby just didn't come out. The two midwives were strange, but they didn't dare to say anything more. They just let Zhong Erniang work hard. Seeing that Zhong Erniang's strength was getting smaller and weaker, and the two midwives sweated more and more, but strange things happened.

A flower fragrance is light and thick, from thin to thick. The two midwives first smelled the fragrance. The two looked at each other. When they were curious, Zhong Erniang's two dowry maids, Xiaojing Cui and Xiaohuan, also smelled it and looked at Zhong Erniang in surprise.

The confused Zhong Erniang also smelled the fragrance, and then felt that her strength was gradually recovering. Understanding that the fragrance came from himself, Zhong Erlang was worried, that he hoped that his child would be born with a good omen, and he was a little afraid that he would give birth to some 'monster'.

"Ah, the child's head came out. The second wife continues to work hard, and the child is about to come out..."

Hearing that her child was about to be born, Zhong Erniang didn't care about thinking about it. The room was full of the fragrance of flowers and gave birth to a child vigorously. But she still couldn't let go. While working hard, she prayed in her heart, hoping that her child would be healthy and normal.

"Why is it so fragrant? Erlang, do you smell it?"

"Well, it's a bit like the fragrance of osmanthus."

While Mu Tong and Mu Tie muttered in a low voice, Mu Tianwang was also suspicious. He not only smelled it, but also understood that the fragrance came from the room. Mu Tianwang, who had never encountered this matter, gradually replaced his peace of mind with anxiety. Although I don't know what's going on, Mu Tianwang vaguely felt that the fragrance should be related to the upcoming child.

If there are two sons next to him from time to time, Mu Tianwang can't wait to rush into the room to see what's going on. At this time, he couldn't move and could only think about it in his heart. However, no matter how you guess, Mu Tianwang and Zhong Erniang have the same thoughts and hope that their children are 'good'.

"Bone, born..."

Hearing the voice of the midwife, Mu Tianwang didn't care about anything else and rushed to the door with a few arrows. Mu Tong and Mu Tie's eyes were dazzled, followed by their eyes shining. Then, he ran over while envying his father's martial arts skills. As soon as the two arrived next to Mu Tianwang, they saw the door open, and one of the midwifes showed a smiling face.

"Congratulations to the Heavenly King, Hexi Heavenly King, the second wife has added a daughter to the Heavenly King, and the mother and daughter are safe..."

Seeing that there was nothing abnormal, Mu Tianwang took a long breath. Then, ecstasy emerged in his heart, a daughter born with the fragrance of flowers. Could it be that this daughter is a fairy in heaven? This is a gratifying thing. After a long laugh, Mu Tianwang waved his hand:

"Good--. Mugua passed the order, because I, Mu Tianwang, got a daughter, and the whole village celebrated for three days..."

"Congratulations to the owner of the village, Mugua is going to pass the order."

I have to say that the management of Mu Kezhai was good. In less than a quarter of an hour, the whole village understood the joy of Mu Tianwang and was in a state of joy. In the room of the inner house, the newborn baby was held in the arms of Zhong Erniang's dowry maid and watched others take care of Zhong Erniang. No one noticed that the little baby had opened his eyes. The dark eyes are turning around.

"No way, it's just the first time I drank a few more cups. Why did I wake up to ancient times..."

Speaking of this, our protagonist traveler has appeared. First of all, this time traveler, whose surname is Jia Mingxiao, is 26 years old, and has a pure natural flower and moon appearance. However, beautiful women are not so good, and their fate is bumpy.

Jia Xiao is an orphan. To be precise, she is an orphan girl abandoned in an orphanage by a severely patriarchal family. Fortunately, Jia Xiao was adopted as soon as she could remember, and her adoptive parents took good care of her. Unfortunately, the good times did not last long, because the adoptive mother, who could not give birth to a child, worsened when Jia Xiao was ten years old and unfortunately passed away.

Although Jia Xiao's adoptive father lost his favorite relatives, he did not marry again, and he also cared for Jia Xiao as always. But after all, the father is different from his mother, and he is not careful. Therefore, Jia Xiao became a 'tom boy'. Of course, this is also related to Jia Xiao's adoptive father's career.

Jia Xiao's adoptive father opened a martial arts school because his grandfather was a martial artist. By the time of Jia Xiao's adoptive father's generation, he has been operating for three generations. When Jia Xiao was young, most of the martial arts were boys. With the backstage of his adoptive father and the love of his brothers, Jia Xiao was stained all day long, and naturally he was also stained with the character of a boy.

Because of the character of this 'tom boy', Jia Xiao was greedy for fun and did not like to study, and failed the college entrance examination. However, she was not disappointed and quickly entered the city's bus company and became a driver. Moreover, Jia Xiao is also the most beautiful bus driver in the city.

However, this fate still did not let Jia Xiao go. Jia Xiao's adoptive father was getting weaker and weaker because he missed his deceased wife. At the age of 22, Jia Xiao also passed away. Jia Xiao, who has a boyish personality, is also a girl. After losing his only relative in the world, Jia Xiao finally couldn't stand this blow and became depressed.

Although time can cure this pain, Jia Xiao has not found a boyfriend at the age of 26. Jia Xiao finally found her former self after seeing them make boyfriends and get married.

In order to celebrate his 'back' party, Jia Xiao was in a good mood and couldn't help drinking a few more drinks. It can be imagined that Jia Xiao, who has never drunk, can't walk. After being sent home by his friend, Jia Xiao fell asleep. Unexpectedly, Jia Xiao, who was pulled by a huge pull and scolded and opened his eyes, saw everything that could only be seen on TV.

"Anyway, there is nothing to miss. That's right, let's take it easy." Jia Xiao sighed and closed his eyes to refresh his mind. The newborn baby doesn't have much physical strength.

After packing up everything, Mu Tianwang was allowed to enter the room. Mu Tianwang first glanced at his daughter pretending to be sleeping before sitting by Zhong Erniang's bed. After a cold question, it took two days to talk about his daughter's name. Hearing that he was going to name himself, Jia Xiao immediately pricked up his ears.

"If it was born with the fragrance of osmanthus, it's called Guiying, Mu Guiying."

Zhong Erniang nodded with a smile, and Mu Tianwang himself smiled with satisfaction. But Jia Xiao opened his eyes again with an incredible face:

"What, I'm Mu Guiying..."

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