Women's Beauty: I'm Mu Guiying

Chapter 3 Dragon Wood

Li Shan's mother came quietly and walked quietly without shocking too many people. Even Mu Guiying returned to Li Shan without looking at it. But Li Shan's mother didn't know, but she left a 'problem' for Mu Tianwang.

After sending off Lishan's mother, Mu Tianwang took Mu Gua back to the Zhongwu Hall, stood next to the long wooden box, and muttered to himself: "Dragonwood, dragon wood..."

Soon, Mu Tianwang whispered, "Mugua, do you know about the dragon tree?"

Mu Gua just heard Mu Tianwang say the three words 'dragon wood' to himself, and when he saw Mu Tianwang looking at the long wooden box, he guessed whether the wooden box was related to the dragon wood. At this time, when he heard Mu Tianwang's inquiry, Mu Gua hurriedly said, "Zhaizhu, although the little one has little knowledge, he has also heard of this dragon tree."

"Oh, tell me."

"Yes, the owner of the village. When I was a child, I heard that this dragon wood is a rare treasure in the world. It can not only avoid evil, but also seems to disperse poison. And if you wear it on your body for many years, it can also refresh your mind. However, this dragon tree is not easy to grow, and it will bloom in 60 years. In another 60 years, I'm afraid there are few dragon trees in the world. Moreover, in the early years, some people specially asked for the surrender of dragon wood with tens of thousands of money, but there was no result.

Mu Tianwang nodded, sat on the bamboo chair, gently knocked on the wooden box, and sighed, "You, a small mountain thief who doesn't know a few big words, knows about the dragon wood, which shows that this thing is very troublesome."

As soon as Mugua heard this, he immediately opened his eyes and looked at the wooden box and asked incredulously, "Zhaizhu, do you mean that this wooden box is packed with 'dragon wood'?"

"Exact." Mu Tianwang nodded and said, "The wooden box is the gift of the disciples left by the Virgin of Lishan - the dragon tree."

By the way, this dragon tree is really rare in the world. And not only is it rare, but it is estimated that there is only one in the whole Song Dynasty, and it still grows in Lishan. The magic of the dragon tree handed down among the people has only used the branches of the dragon tree. Now, Lishan's mother has taken out the whole dragon tree that has become a material, which can be said to be a big deal.

Mu Tianwang didn't want to accept it, but Li Shan's mother repeatedly stressed that this was God's will. Moreover, this dragon tree is also spiritual, saying that it is indeed predestined with Mu Guiying, so it was brought as the gift of the Madonna of Lishan.

Mugua got the affirmation of Mu Tianwang and hurried to the door to look out. Seeing that no one was paying attention, he felt a little relieved and walked back. Mugua settled down and asked in a low voice, "Master of the village, since Mu Kezhai got the dragon tree, it will spread out sooner or later."

"I know what you mean." Mu Tianwang nodded and continued to meditate. At the same time, the words of the Virgin of Mount Li about the dragon tree also echoed in his ears:

"... dragon tree, originally called papaya tree. It grows in the deep mountains where Taihang Mountain, Yanshan Mountain and Hengshan meet. Its wood is tough, slippery, the texture is clear, hardy and drought-resistant, and dark red. Legend has it that about a thousand years ago, a Taoist senior moved one of them to Mount Li when he passed by Taihang Mountain. The senior understood the way under this tree, and a few years later, he feathered and soared..."

"...At the same time, this papaya tree has also changed from flowering and fruiting in the previous nine years to flowering and fruiting once every 60 years. Moreover, inadvertently, later generations found that this papaya tree could disperse poison and exorcise evil spirits and calm down. So he took its branches for the benefit of the people. Years later, it became today's dragon tree..."

"... I don't know why the dragon tree can't survive anywhere else no matter how it is cultivated. It is estimated that only Lishan has such a dragon tree in the whole world. And this dragon tree also changed to become a wood once every 60 years. Therefore, this dragon wood can be called a treasure that is hard to find.

The meaning of the Virgin Mary of Lishan is very simple. This dragon wood is a treasure. The deeper meaning is that this dragon wood can represent that she takes Mu Guiying as an apprentice, which is serious and solemn. Mu Tianwang understood what he meant, so he accepted the dragon tree.

This should have been a happy event. But Mu Keyzhai first had Mu Guiying, who was born with the fragrance of flowers, and had the rare dragon trees in the world, which attracted the attention of many people. Not to mention Mu Guiying, she is still young, and it is said that Jianglongmu has to make many people jealous. If it is not properly disposed of, Mu Kezhai will not be at peace from now on.

"Mugua, you sent a few people to send the dragon wood to the cave in the back mountain to open the mechanism and let people guard it day and night. Let's do this for the time being. I'll think about it again.

"Yes, the owner of the village. The little one is going to do this."

Mu Tianwang watched Mu Gua carry the wooden box away with several of his cronies before walking out of the Zhongwu Hall and coming to the back house. First, after looking at Mu Tong and Mu Tie who were writing, Mu Tianwang walked into Zhong Erniang's bedroom. In the bedroom, Zhong Erniang was lying on ** talking to her two maids, Xiao Cui and Xiaohuan. Mu Guiying lay on Xiaomu** and slept soundly.

When the two maids saw that they were Mu Tianwang, they got up and left the room. Mu Tianwang naturally sat by Zhong Erniang's bed. Neither of them noticed that Mu Guiying had woken up. She narrowed her eyes, pricked up her ears, and was ready to eavesdrop on her parents' conversation again.

"At dawn, what's the matter with the Virgin of Lishan coming to Mukezhai?"

"Oh, the Virgin Mary of Lishan heard that when Gui Ying was born, there was a vision full of fragrance. So he thought Gui Ying was extraordinary and wanted to accept her as an apprentice.

"Is this true?"

"Of course it's true. What did I do?"

"That's great."

While talking, Zhong Erniang immediately sat up with a happy face. As a mother, since the birth of her daughter Mu Guiying, Zhong Erniang has been happy and a little worried. Whether in ancient or modern times, I think more about being a mother.

Especial in ancient times, this daughter is no better than her son. It's not that Zhong Erniang has a preference for boys over girls. In fact, she also likes this daughter very much. However, this daughter's father is a thief who occupies the mountain, and this daughter is not a mountain thief. The parent doesn't like his children to live a good life, and Zhong Erniang is no exception. But she did think more, and within a month, she thought of Mu Guiying's future marriage.

First of all, from the appearance of Mu Tong and Mu Tie, Mu Guiying is not ugly. Moreover, Mu Guiying was born with the fragrance of flowers, more or less with good omen. Finally, although Mu Tianwang and Zhong Erniang occupied the mountain as the king, the two were also from famous families. How could Zhong Erniang have the heart to let her daughter marry a mountain thief or a rude Jianghu man again?

Zhong Erniang did not dare to tell Mu Tianwang, for fear that he would be worried. But now, the big stone in Zhong Erniang's heart has fallen to the ground. Although Zhong Erniang is not very clear about her origin, Zhong Erniang still knows from her own brother that the Virgin of Lishan is a very famous hidden master. With such a master, Mu Guiying's lifelong event will not be too bad.

"Er Niang, what's wrong with you?"

Mu Tianwang was stunned when he saw Zhong Erniang's beautiful but tired face. During this period, Mu Tianwang has long seen that Zhong Erniang is in a bad mood, but he doesn't know how to speak, so he has to worry on the side. In desperation, Mu Tianwang would chat with Zhong Erniang when she had nothing to do, wondering what she was worried about. But the situation just now made Mu Tianwang even more uncertain, so he couldn't help asking.

Zhong Erniang's worries have been solved, and naturally she will not hide it from Mu Tianwang. In a happy mood, he said that he had been worried about his two daughters during this period. After listening to Mu Guiying, who was beside her, tears turned straight in her eyes. She thanked God very much in her heart, which made her feel the family affection again.

"Er Niang is really worried. How can my Mu Tianwang's daughter marry a mountain thief?"

"Is it possible that with the father of a mountain king like you, can you recruit a general and prime minister as a son-in-law?"

"Of course."

"Don't boast. I'm afraid people won't take a look at us when they hear that Gui Ying is a mountain thief in Mu Kezhai."

"What's wrong with Mu Kezhai? We just got it in Mu Kezhai..." Mu Tianwang was saying and suddenly felt something flashing in his heart. So he immediately stopped laughing and walked around the house with a frown. Zhong Erniang, who has been married to Mu Tianwang for many years, naturally saw that Mu Tianwang was thinking about things at this time, so she sat quietly and looked at Mu Guiying with her eyes turning around.

Mu Guiying said in her heart that it was so dangerous. Mu Guiying just heard Mu Tianwang's words of "bragging" with a funny face. This is not the look that a baby should have. Fortunately, she reacted fast enough. When Zhong Erniang looked over, she had recovered as usual.

"Ying Longmu, marriage, husband..." Mu Tianwang repeatedly whispered these words, trying to recall the thoughts that had just flashed in his heart. Finally, when he saw Zhong Erniang teasing his daughter Mu Guiying, he patted his hands and laughed: "I finally came up with a way."

"At dawn, you shocked Gui Ying."

Zhong Erniang was also happy that Mu Tianwang had solved the problem in her heart. It can be seen that her daughter's whole body trembled, and she still whitened Mu Tianwang's eyes painfully. Mu Tianwang smiled shyly, silently bowed to Zhong Erniang, patted Mu Guiying gently, and then strode out of the room.

Soon, Mu Tianwang left the back house. As he walked to the study, he shouted, "Mugua, Mugua--"

"Zhaizhu, the little one is coming." Mugua happened to come back from the back mountain and heard Mu Tianwang's shouting. He quickly trotted all the way to the study: "I don't know if the owner of the village is small. What can I tell you?"

Mu Tianwang pondered for a moment and said, "Well, it will be Guiying's full moon in a few days. I'm going to set up a full moon wine for Guiying."

"Oh, I understand. It's according to the time of Dalang and Erlang..."

"No. This time, as long as you have a good friend with Mu Kezhai, you have to have a banquet.

"Ah, village owner, how many tables do you have to set up?" Mugua was stunned. He was not worried about the money for the wine, but did not understand why his daughter's full moon wine was more grand than his son's.

Mu Tianwang understood what Mu Gua meant and smiled: "In addition, I also want to show the treasure of our Mukezhai village - Jianglongmu at the banquet..."