Women's Beauty: I'm Mu Guiying

Chapter 25 The Righteous Daughter

When Mugua took the order and left, the crying voice in the Zhongwu Hall became lower and lower. Mu Tianwang was happy. My daughter has cried enough. It's time to go and have a look. Therefore, Mu Tianwang led his two sons, Mu Tong, Mu Tie, and the two sisters brought back by Mu Guiying, Jin Ping, Yin Ping and Baoer, into the hall.

As soon as everyone entered the Zhongwu Hall, Zhong Erniang waved her hand and pointed to Mu Guiying in her arms to let everyone keep her voice down. It turned out that Mu Guiying fell asleep crying, with tears in the corners of her eyes, and the undry tears on her cheeks made Mu Tianwang feel sad. Mu Tong and Mu Tie next to them were also very distressed. They just stepped forward and wanted to take Mu Guiying and send her back to the room to rest.

Unexpectedly, Mu Tianwang stretched out his big hand and pulled the two brothers behind him. Then, Mu Tianwang carefully picked up Mu Guiying, glanced at Mu Tong and Mu Tie, and whispered, "I don't know how to hold my sister."

Mu Tong and Mu Tie looked at each other and spit out their tongues and retreated to one side. The expression on his face was not dissatisfied, because it was well known that Mu Tianwang spoiled Mu Guiying, and it was not a day or two. The two brothers had been numb for a long time. Moreover, under the influence of Mu Tianwang, there is also a trend to develop into 'girl control'.

On the other side, Jinping and Yinping first felt envious of Mu Guiying's favor at home. Later, I laughed when I saw that the two brothers were frustrated. However, because of this, the three got the attention of Zhong Erniang. Zhong Erniang's legs were a little numb because she held Mu Guiying, and she didn't dare to move before. However, seeing the two sisters and Bao'er, many Zhong Erniang immediately got up and came to the three.

Zhong Erniang first took Baoer's little hand and smiled, "You are the Jiang Baoer mentioned by Gui Ying, right?" And you, Jin Ping, Yin Ping..." Zhong Erniang straightened up and looked at Jin Ping and Yin Ping and said, "Gui Ying fell asleep before she told me about you. Anyway, there is nothing wrong now. Jin Ping and Yin Ping, just talk to me.

Jin Ping and Yin Ping first met Zhong Erniang before being dragged to the back house, a small courtyard specially prepared for Mu Guiying. When she came to a wing room in the small courtyard, Zhong Erniang opened the door and chatted with the two sisters and babies. From time to time, Zhong Erniang would look at the main room, which was Mu Guiying in her sleep.

Mu Tianwang placed Mu Guiying properly and left the little ring beside Zhong Erniang to take care of her before leaving the small courtyard and preparing to personally ask his friends about the whereabouts of the strict Taoist priest. Xiaohuan in the room had not seen Mu Guiying for ten years, so she sat aside and looked at her quietly. Back then, when Mu Guiying was born, she was still hugged by Xiaohuan.

Xiaohuan and Xiaocui are the only two maids in Mu Kezhai's back house. Both of them were bought for Zhong Erniang before she married Mu Tianwang, even Zhong Erniang's dowry maid. After so many years, although the two did not leave Mu Kezhai, they also found a man in the stockade to get married and had their own children. However, Mu Guiying is similar to her own child in Xiaohuan and Xiaocui's heart, and may be higher. As for whether it is because of Mu Guiying's identity, it is not clear between the two.

On the other side, Zhong Erniang listened to Jin Ping, Yin Ping and Baoer's re-narration and burst into tears again: "Jin Ping, Yin Ping, Gui Ying said that this is your home, this is your home. And Baoer, Mu Guiying asked you to call her sister, and I'm your mother.

Zhong Erniang's tone was sincere. Jin Ping and Yin Ping naturally heard it. She was very moved and very lucky to meet Mu Guiying. Zhong Erniang's last words surprised the two sisters. Because Zhong Erniang's tone means that she wants to accept Baoer as a righteous daughter. This is a great happy event for the baby who has just become an orphan.

Jin Ping immediately said to Baoer, "Baoer, kneel down quickly. Madam wants to accept you as a righteous daughter, and you have the love of your father and mother.

Although Baoer didn't know what was related to being a 'righteous daughter' and 'father and mother's love', she still knelt on the ground obediently. Because Mu Guiying, Jin Ping and Yin Ping's 'good' to her made Baoer trust her very much. She will choose to believe whatever the three of them say.

Zhong Erniang nodded with a smile, looked at Jin Ping and Yin Ping, and said, "And you. If your sisters are not idle, Mu Kezhai is a cottage, and if you are not idle, I am the wife of a mountain thief, and I also want you to be a 'righteous daughter'.

"My husband, madam, how does this make it?" Jin Ping didn't expect that Zhong Erniang also included their sisters.

When I thought about it at home, after I was sensible, my mother gave birth to my sister and left. Dad hates his mother for giving birth to two daughters, which is quite bad for them. It's better when Grandpa is there. But after Grandpa's death, his father scolded their sisters for no reason. My sister is young and often makes mistakes, so my father often beats and scolds her. If it hadn't been for protecting my sister, the scars on my sister's body would have been continuous. Originally, when the little lady wanted to take her sisters to learn art, she also wanted to come. But thinking that there was only one father left to take care of, he refused.

What I didn't expect was that it caused a lot of trouble. First, the Taoist priest surnamed Yan said that the feng shui in their village was not good, and then he found her family and said that their sisters' lives were not good, which not only killed their relatives, but also hindered the feng shui in the village. There is nothing wrong with these. The one who made her most unacceptable was their sister's father. If they hadn't met Mu Guiying, their sisters would have fallen into the dust.

Now, Mu Guiying not only took them back home, but also Mu Guiying's mother, Zhong Erniang, wanted to accept them as 'righteous daughters'. This is a great kindness for their sisters, and it will not be finished in several generations. How can they accept it?

All kinds of things flashed in Jin Ping's mind before, and then Jin Ping with a firm face pulled Yin Ping to kneel in front of Zhong Erniang and said, "Thank you for your love. However, Jinping and Yinping can't accept it. Jin Ping is very satisfied to be the maid of Sister Ying and dares not expect anything anymore.

"Jin Ping, Yin Ping, don't care about anything. I don't mean anything else, I just..." Zhong Erniang thought Jin Ping had any idea and quickly expressed her goodwill.

But Jin Ping immediately cut off Zhong Erniang's words and said, "Jin Ping knows that Sister Ying and her family are all kind-hearted people. Please believe that Jinping has no idea. Jin Ping just wants to be a good maid of Sister Ying and repay Sister Ying's kindness to our sisters. If we accept your wife's kindness, our sisters will not be able to be sister Ying's maid. I don't know when it will be time to repay this kindness.

"Jin Ping, not only me, but Gui Ying may not have the intention of repaying you." Zhong Erniang was surprised by Jin Ping's 'discertain kindness and resentment', but she also liked her somewhat 'grassy' practice. The more I want to accept the Jinping sisters as 'righteous daughters'.

But Jin Ping resolutely disagreed and finally said, "If your wife doesn't let Jin Ping and Yin Ping be sister Ying's maids, then our sisters will have to leave here." Yin Ping has always been led by Jin Ping, not to mention that this time, she also thought that Jin Ping was right, and also nodded with a firm face.

Zhong Erniang had no choice but to temporarily accept Baoer as a righteous daughter, but she admired Jin Ping's insistence as a maid of Mu Guiying. At the same time, Zhong Erniang was also happy that there was such a maid around Mu Guiying. I believe that no matter what happens in the future, Jin Ping and Yin Ping will not leave Mu Guiying, and Zhong Erniang is very gratified.

The sky gradually darkened, but Mu Guiying had not woken up yet. After Zhong Erniang placed Jinping, Yinping and Baoer in this small courtyard named 'Jinguiyuan' by King Mu, she left to prepare dinner. This is the first time her daughter Mu Guiying has gone home in ten years, and Zhong Erniang naturally has to prepare well.

After Mu Tianwang wrote a letter to all his friends and saw that Zhong Erniang was busy, he came to talk to her for a few words. After this chat, Zhong Erniang told King Mu what had just happened. After listening to this, Mu Tianwang brushed his beard and nodded, "Our daughter is really blessed to have two such good maids."

"Yes. However, the two Jin Ping sisters are only willing to be Gui Ying's maids, which is too bad for them. It can be seen that Zhong Erniang still wants to accept the two sisters as 'righteous daughters'.

Mu Tianwang thought for a moment, and suddenly looked happy and said, "Er Niang, what do you think of Mu Gua?"

"Mugua?" Zhong Erniang looked at Mu Tianwang doubtfully and didn't understand why she was talking about Jin Ping and Yin Ping. Why did she involve Mu Gua again? However, she still nodded and said, "Although Mugua people are ugly, they are quite old-fashioned. The most important thing is that they are loyal to Mu Kezhai and good to Gui Ying's brothers and sisters. It's a pity that no woman wants to marry him.

Mu Tianwang nodded and looked at the distance, as if recalling something, and said with emotion, "Mu Gua has been following me for more than 20 years. Although he always calls himself 'little', he knows that I treat him as a brother. I think he is almost 40 years old this year, but he hasn't got married..."

"Wait." Zhong Erniang felt wrong and immediately said, "You don't want to match Jin Ping and Mu Gua, do you?"

"Er Niang, what are you talking about?" Mu Tianwang laughed and said, "Jin Ping is so different from Mu Gua. How can I do this? I want Mu Gua to recognize the Jin Ping sisters as 'righteous daughters', and I think the Jin Ping sisters should agree.

"Oh, it's almost the same." Zhong Erniang nodded and said, "Mu Gua has a daughter, and someone will die for him a hundred years later. When the Jin Ping sisters have a father, they will also experience family affection. And Mugua is a good father. If someone bullies the two sisters in the future, he will definitely come forward for them.

Mu Tianwang smiled proudly: "More than that. Mugua will definitely pay close attention to the marriage of Jinping and Yinping in the future. I believe that with Mugua's 'sitting', the two sisters of Jinping will also be happy after marriage.

"It's a way to do both best." Zhong Erniang handed over the matter at hand to Xiao Cui, turned around and said to Mu Tianwang, "Dalang, go and talk to Mu Gua, and I'll talk to the Jin Ping sisters. When we have dinner, let's celebrate together. Mu Kezhai hasn't had a happy event for a long time. Let the brothers be happy today..."