Women's Beauty: I'm Mu Guiying

Chapter 29 Megatron Village

After more than half a month of the test, four large groups decided the final four winners: Feng Chu, Li Dabao, Yuan Cai and Zhang Duofu. Two of these four people are natives of Mu Kezhai, while the other two are outsiders who entered Mu Kezhai around five or six years ago. After Mu Guiying's investigation, there is no big problem between the two 'outsiders'.

As for the problematic ones, Mu Guiying has drawn them in the materials that Mu Tong has bothered to find. He returned it to Mu Tong and asked him to investigate further. Mu Tong didn't know how his sister could tell what was wrong with these people, but he also obeyed her instructions and checked them carefully. Sure enough, the day before the last game, Mu Tong finally found that 90% of the people drawn by Mu Guiying had problems. Mu Tong was shocked and quickly found Mu Guiying. After discussion, he decided to talk about it after the competition.

On this day of the test, Mu Guiying got up early to wash her. Yin Ping accompanied her to the back mountain before coming back for breakfast. Because she was going to participate in the test, Baoer was taken to her by Zhong Erniang a few days ago. Jin Guiyuan is very quiet, which makes Mu Guiying and Yin Ping a little uncomfortable.

When he had nothing to do, Mu Guiying began to teach Yin Ping the 'Five Birds Opera' changed by the Virgin of Li Shan. This changed 'Five Birds Opera' can not only be used to strengthen the body, but also be used as a defensive martial art to deal with thieves. Yin Ping is quite interested in this and practiced very seriously.

Just as Mu Guiying was pointing out Yin Ping's mistakes, Mu Tong and Mu Tie came to 'Jin Guiyuan'. Mu Tie is so leisurely and jealous of Mu Guiying, who is about to participate in the test: "Sister, the test is coming soon, but you are still here with nothing to do. Erlang is willing to bow down."

Mu Tong is more and more interested in the moves that Yin Ping is practicing. After Mu Tieshi was finished, he said, "Sister, what Yinping practiced was also taught by your master, Notre Dame Lishan?"

"Of course. Sister, I don't have the ability to create a set of martial arts. With this in her mouth, Mu Guiying was thinking that if the skills she learned in her adoptive father's martial arts school in her previous life were shown in this dynasty, would it make people think that they had created it? But thinking of the consequences of that, Mu Guiying shook her head and gave up.

On one side, Mu Tie listened to the conversation between his brother and his sister, and also looked at Yin Ping and interrupted, "Sister, will the Virgin of Lishan blame you for passing on your martial arts to others?"

Hearing Mu Tie's question, Yin Ping immediately stopped and looked at Mu Guiying nervously. Mu Guiying quickly smiled and said, "No, no. The master said that this set of 'five bird drama' was not created by her old man, but only changed it. As long as you want to learn, you can learn it.

"So, can I also learn it?" Mu Tie's eyes immediately lit up. In addition to eating, Mu Tie likes to learn martial arts. However, Mu Guiying wanted to laugh and whispered, "Second brother, it's not that I won't teach you. This modified set of 'five birds opera' is only suitable for women to practice.

Mu Tie suddenly scratched his head awkwardly, and Mu Tong was also a little disappointed. However, he looked at the hour and hurriedly relieved Mu Tie and said, "Sister, the time of the competition is about to begin. Let's go to the martial arts arena."

"All right." Mu Guiying got up, tidied up her clothes, and asked Yin Ping to help bring a thick cloak made by Zhong Erniang herself before walking out of Jin Guiyuan.

When Mu Guiying and the four of them walked to the martial arts arena, it was already full of people in the village. I believe that all of them are here except for those guarding. Even Mu Tianwang, who had not appeared during this period, came to the martial arts arena with Zhong Erniang. More than half of the reason why the two came here was to see their daughter's demeanor.

After Mu Guiying and the four testers stood at the designated place with arrow pots on their backs and bows and arrows in their hands, one of the eight judges began to announce the rules of the last game. Unlike before, the number of arrows in each tester's arrow pot has increased from 50 to 100, and the time is much shorter than the original. That is to say, each competer has 100 arrows, and the final winner is the last winner of the five. In the shortest time, the one who shoots the most arrows and hits the most is the final winner.

This test is very challenging. The time is short, and the speed of shooting arrows is one after another, and there may be no time to rest. Arm strength and physical strength are not enough to shoot too many arrows at all; if the mood is not calm enough, the accuracy may be much worse.

Therefore, the four candidates have been quite grim since they listened to the rules. Mu Guiying has been still rested since she appeared on the stage. This scene is constantly doubtful in the eyes of the people in the village outside the field. Is Sister Ying really so experienced? Otherwise, why is she not in a hurry at all?

Without waiting for everyone to think deeply, the judge lit a column of incense and immediately shouted: "Start--"

As soon as they heard this, the five testers pulled their bows and shot arrows, one by one, flying to the red heart. The speed was dazzling. However, Mu Guiying was more eye-catching, making outsiders constantly breathe cold air. What's the reason? Because Mu Guiying's bow and arrow are in front of him, but there are three arrows on it. Every time these three arrows flew out, they shot in the hearts of everyone's eyes.

Some people who began to shout for the other four testers saw that Mu Guiying's arrows slowly became silent and looked dull. Mu Tianwang and Zhong Erniang were also shocked. One person leaned forward to see if the archer was really his daughter; one person opened his eyes wide, his lips were slightly open, and his face was unbelievable.

Mu Tong and Mu Tie on the other side are also more and more ashamed. It turned out that that day, when Mu Guiying compared with their two brothers, he also left face for them and did not shoot three arrows with one bow. It turned out that their sister was so bad that they thought that they could protect their sister and protect their mother after learning from Shaolin Temple. Today, it was just an arrow, and those that had been revealed. The two brothers were hit by Mu Guiying and had the heart to become monks.

The other four testers could still hear the sound outside the field at the beginning, but now they can only hear the sound of flying arrows, and they don't know what's going on. But the more they didn't know, the more confused the four people's hearts became, and the sweat on their foreheads fell down. Two of them don't know whether they are under too much pressure or lack physical strength. Anyway, they can't get up on the ground. The other two people's breath was not balanced, and the accuracy of the bow and arrow in their hands was gone.

Just when the two were also powerless, the judge loudly announced the end of the match, and Mu Guiying also shot the last one, that is, the 100th arrows. When the four people sat on the ground and looked back at Mu Guiying, they saw her nod to the four people with a smile and walked to Mu Tianwang and Zhong Erniang.

The four were surprised to see that Mu Guiying could still act freely. He looked back at Mu Guiying's arrow target again, but his eyes were frightened. In the silence of the whole audience, several people carried back five arrow targets. Among them, the most eye-catching is Mu Guiying's arrow target, which are all stuck to the heart like the thorns of a hedgehog's body. Several of them pierced the previous arrow and divided the arrow into two.

"Li Dabao, sixty-seven arrows, fifty-nine..."

"Yuan Cai, seventy arrows, sixty..."

"Feng Chu, seventy-five arrows, sixty-three..."

"Zhang Duofu, 79 arrows, 62..."

"British, Muzhai Lord, one hundred arrows, one hundred--

'Wow--'Although I feel that Mu Guiying can win, no one thinks she is 'a hundred shots'. Therefore, as soon as the judgment was announced, the whole martial arts arena was boiling. No one cares how much money the winner can get and what position he can get. Their hearts are all filled with Mu Guiying's 'hundred shots'.

In the small stands, Mu Guiying snuggled up to Zhong Erniang and looked at the arrow targets around her and said to Mu Tianwang with a smile, "Dad, your precious bow is mine."

Mu Tianwang was overjoyed, brushed his beard and laughed: "How can Dad be distressed? Dad is happy for his daughter.

In his mouth, Mu Tianwang's heart applauded Mu Guiying's performance today. Mu Tianwang believes that through today, those brothers in the village, including the eight rigorous old people, dare to look at his daughter anymore.

Zhong Erniang also looked happy, but she was a little worried. Zhong Erniang was naturally happy to see her daughter so much. But how can a daughter's family be so bad that she can find her husband's family? Not to mention Mu Guiying's origin, even her martial arts skills, those scholarly families will certainly not agree. And those people with strong martial arts are either vulgar and reckless, or the military generals of orphans and widows. Zhong Erniang is willing to go to her daughter.

At this time, Zhong Erniang almost forgot that Mu Tianwang would hold a 'match for marriage' for Mu Keying at the age of Mu Guiying. When Zhong Erniang wanted to go down, Mu Gua and Jin Ping, who had not seen each other for a long time, appeared in the martial arts arena.

Mu Gua and Jin Ping, the godfather and daughter, have dusty faces, as if they have gone a long way. Seeing the two, Mu Guiying quickly ran over. Without waiting for Mu Gua and Jin Ping to salute, she took Jin Ping and ran away. Mugua knew that Mu Guiying never accepted his 'courtesy', grinned and walked to King Mu Tian.

"King, the little one is back." After Mugua knew that Mu Tianwang gave Mu Kezhai to Mu Guiying, he did not let the people in the village call him 'Zhaizhu' and changed his name to 'Heavenly King'.

Mu Tianwang got up and pulled Mugua and said with a smile, "Is it Gui Ying who bothers you to go out for business?"

"Exactly, Sister Ying..." Mu Gua got up and was about to say something, but Mu Tianwang immediately waved his hand and stopped his words: "Mu Gua, Gui Ying is the owner of the village now. You don't have to tell me everything."

After saying that, Mu Tianwang left with Zhong Erniang. But Mu Gua, who knew King Mu very well, heard from it that King Mu was relieved that he would hand over Mu Kezhai to Mu Guiying. Looking back at what a group of people were talking about, Mugua, who was curious, also went to check, and then he understood why Mu Tianwang said that sentence.

On the other side, after listening to Jin Ping's narrative, Mu Guiying looked surprised: "No way, there are so many..."