Women's Beauty: I'm Mu Guiying

Chapter 79 Return Safely

After Jin Ping and Yin Ping returned to the border with ten female soldiers, Jin Ping immediately came to the Chinese military tent. Yang Liulang and the Eighth Prince, who were waiting for Mu Guiying to return, reported the story.

When Yang Liulang and the Eighth Prince learned that Mu Guiying was alone, they were very anxious, but they did not dare to speak out for fear of causing instability in the military. At the same time, the two were also a little dissatisfied with Mu Guiying's disregard for his identity. However, the two did not dare to show it. Because Mu Guiying became the commander of the three armies, he had a great relationship with the two. Yang Liulang, in particular, tried his best to push Mu Guiying to that position.

Tell Jin Ping to go back and do what she should do as usual. She is not allowed to tell anyone about Mu Guiying. Yang Liulang walked around the Chinese army's tent, thinking about Mu Guiying's purpose. As Yang Liulang slowly calmed down, he felt that he seemed to blame Mu Guiying.

With Mu Guiying's character, it is impossible to take any adventure; nor is it possible to put yourself in danger without thinking of your identity at this time. Thinking of this, Yang Liulang's nerves slowly relaxed. At the same time, he also told his 'gues' to the Eighth Prince to reassure him.

The Eighth Prince was at ease, but Yang Zongbao was anxious. When he heard that the female soldiers had returned, he went to the female barracks to find Mu Guiying. As a result, Yin Ping couldn't stand Yang Zongbao's questioning and said that Mu Guiying had not returned. Yang Zongbao heard that he could still sit there. He originally wanted to find Mu Guiying, but as soon as he left the women's barracks, Yang Zongbao calmed down. If he goes out to find Mu Guiying like this and let the soldiers at the border gate know that their commander will not return, then Mu Guiying will have a low position in the hearts of the soldiers.

Can't get out of the customs and make a sound. Yang Zongbao was anxious and couldn't think of any other way to turn around outside the women's barracks. At that time, Yang Zongbao inadvertently looked up and saw Yang Wulang, who was far away, located in the corner and had been living in a simple way. Even his wedding, practiced in front of his tent. Yang Zongbao's eyes lit up and rushed over.

Hearing Yang Zongbao's request, Yang Wulang first frowned slightly and pondered for a while before proposing to go to the Central Military Account to ask Yang Liulang's opinion. Yang Zongbao's face did not say anything, but he didn't agree. Yang Liulang's father, his son is very clear. Yang Liulang seems to put the overall situation first and will not waver for his personal feelings.

When Yang Zongbao and Yang Wulang had just arrived at the Chinese military tent, the sky suddenly dark clouds were dense, and in an instant there was lightning and thunder. When the big raindrops fell, Yang Zongbao suddenly felt sad, but he didn't know why. Therefore, after entering the Chinese military account, Yang Zongbao has been silent and even forgot to salute Yang Liulang and the Eighth Prince.

Yang Wulang thought that Yang Zongbao was worried about Mu Guiying, so he asked about Mu Guiying's failure to return on behalf of Yang Zongbao. Yang Liulang naturally did not be as anxious as Yinping, but carefully told Yang Wulang what had happened to Yang Zongbao. Moreover, in the end, he said his speculation and asked Yang Zong Security to wait for Mu Guiying's return.

Yang Zongbao knew that Yang Liulang's analysis was very reasonable, so he sat down at ease and looked out of the account from time to time. But Yang Wulang's eyes were fluttering and he didn't know what he was thinking. However, he soon came to his senses and asked Yang Liulang, "Deputy Yang, did Huang Fengxian, the guard of the Kowloon Mountain Pass, really say that her father's name was Huangchuan?"

"Jin Ping did say so. I don't think she will hear it wrong." Yang Liulang wondered why Yang Wulang asked Huang Chuan, the governor of the capital of Liaoning that he had never heard of, so he looked at Yang Wulang doubtfully.

Just as Yang Wulang was about to speak, the messenger reported that Marshal Mu Guiying and Mu had returned. Hearing this, Yang Zongbao immediately jumped out of the account. At this time, Yang Zongbao found that the rainstorm had just stopped, but the sky was still gloomy. However, seeing Mu Guiying with a tired face, Yang Zongbao did not pay attention to why there was an extremely depressing atmosphere in the gloomy sky.

A few steps forward, Yang Zongbao asked worriedly, "Gui Ying, where are you going..."

"Don't talk about it here, advanced accounts." Mu Guiying noticed that the nearby soldiers were paying attention to him and immediately winced at Yang Zongbao and walked into the camp first.

Entering the camp, Mu Guiying was slightly stunned when she saw Yang Wulang. However, at this time, she had no time to pay a salute to a prince and two elders in the account, but quickly came to several cases. Mu Guiying arranged the paper on several cases one by one, and then picked up the pen and drew it on the paper.

Yang Liulang was surprised and came to Mu Guiying to watch. The more he looked at this, Yang Liulang's face showed joy. Eight princes and Yang Wulang saw this and came up. Yang Zongbao was not very interested in Mu Guiying's paintings. It could be seen that she looked serious and came to Mu Guiying to grind ink for him.

"This, this is..." The Eighth Prince became more and more surprised. After he turned to the map on the wall for verification, he confirmed that Mu Guiying had drawn a map of Jiulong Mountain. Moreover, it is a very detailed map, and there are also 'Tianmen array' array decorations on this map.

I saw Mu Guiying draw the 'Tianmen array' little by little and mark what direction and what the array is. Yang Liulang finally couldn't help but be happy. This is what rarely happened after the Battle of Golden Beach. Yang Wulang was puzzled. How could Mu Guiying know how the small array inside the 'Tianmen Array' was set up?

After half an hour, Mu Guiying finally finished painting and writing. Although the handwriting was scribbled, he could still see it clearly. Mu Guiying checked carefully and saw that there were no omissions before she collapsed on the chair. Yang Liulang and others saw that Mu Guiying's face was pale and tired, and they couldn't bear to ask anything, so they asked Yang Zongbao to help Mu Guiying back to rest.

Yang Zongbao had been waiting for this sentence for a long time. Seeing that Yang Liulang finished speaking, he immediately helped Mu Guiying leave the Chinese military tent and went back to their new house to rest. Along the way, Yang Zongbao felt that Mu Guiying almost pressed all the weight of his body on him, and knew that Mu Guiying was really tired. Therefore, as soon as he returned to the new house, Yang Zongbao placed Mu Guiying in **, covered her with a quilt, and saw her fall asleep quickly before leaving.

But Yang Zongbao didn't see it. Mu Guiying opened his eyes again after he left. Although Mu Guiying is a little tired, it is not as serious as she just showed. However, she still knew how to say how the map came from, so she used fatigue to delay the time.

Taking out the jade pendant she had been wearing since she was a child, Mu Guiying sighed gently. In fact, she should be happy for the tree spirit. Although it will not come back, it has realized its wish to become an immortal.

It turned out that the tree spirit went to the 'Tianmen array' and planned to eliminate those yin qi and do a 'moral' thing. But it didn't expect that the 'yin qi' was worse than it estimated. Because most of the anger in the 'yin qi' was hidden by Yan Rong, it was only recently that it was released little by little. This is also the reason why Li Shan's mother and other hermit highs did not see it before, and the tree spirit's estimation was wrong.

Although the tree essence was wrongly estimated, it did not quit. It understands that this 'yin qi' is so harmful that it will not be eliminated as soon as possible. When they become climate, no one can control them. When they spread everywhere, it was really a disaster for the world. Therefore, the tree spirit is desperate to destroy those yin qi even if the 'divine form is destroyed' and disappear forever.

Speaking of which, it took thousands of years to achieve this cultivation, and recently it has become a human figure. Seeing that he was about to become an immortal, he encountered such a thing. The tree spirit itself is also a pity, because these 'yin qi' will die with them and dissipate here. But as a practitioner, the tree spirit really has a kind heart and can't bear these 'yin qi' to be evil in the world.

Therefore, the battle between the tree spirit and 'yin qi' was so fierce that it shocked the heaven and the earth and made the earth change. Then the sky suddenly changed and there was a storm. Mu Guiying, who was waiting beside her, was also drenched in the rain. Fortunately, she was wearing armor, so she didn't 'walk away'.

In the end, things were unexpected. When the tree spirit was about to die with the 'yin qi', a strong thunder and lightning suddenly appeared in the sky and flashed over Jiulong Mountain. Mu Guiying did feel that the cloudy fog disappeared from the 'Tianmen Array'. Moreover, the connection between her and the tree spirit has also been cut off.

Just when Mu Guiying thought that the tree spirit was really disappearing, a plan overlooking the 'Tianmen Array' suddenly appeared in her mind. At the same time, the voice of the tree spirit also sounded in her mind. It turned out that with its thousand-year Taoism and the mentality of wanting to save creatures, the tree spirit actually broke through his practice at that moment and suddenly became an immortal. The 'lightning' is the 'ritual' of the tree spirit 'becombating immortal'.

When it becomes an immortal, the tree spirit can't stay in the world and go where it should go. However, it is because of Mu Guiying that the tree spirit can have such an opportunity. When I saw Mu Guiying at the beginning, the tree spirit had these feelings. As long as he was by Mu Guiying's side, there would be an opportunity to become an immortal.

As expected, the tree spirit wanted to express its gratitude, so it printed the 'plan' of the 'Tianmen Array' in Mu Guiying's mind. However, this does not always exist. If the tree spirit is not by Mu Guiying's side, this 'picture' also has a time limit. How much can be written down depends on her chance.

Knowing this, Mu Guiying simply said goodbye to the tree spirit and rushed back to the border, because she did not have the habit of bringing brushes and paper and ink with her. And she can't write with her own blood, that's more 'blood'.

The tree spirit looked at Mu Guiying's distant background in the sky and muttered softly, "This girl is so impatient that I haven't finished talking yet. However, it's okay not to tell her, and it will also be a 'surprise' for her..."