Women's Beauty: I'm Mu Guiying

Chapter 109 Hearing the Holyness in Front of the Temple

Although the Zichen Hall was full of officials, it was silent at this time, looking at the prime minister. However, Kou Zhun is the head of all officials. His voice is not for himself, but for state affairs. Naturally, no one stops him. However, some of the officials were watching and looking at Emperor Zhao Heng's face.

Zhao Heng still respects Kou Zhun. I think that if it hadn't been for Kou Zhun, it would have been his turn to sit on the emperor's throne. Above Zhao Heng, there is not only the prince, but also the imperial brother who is excellent in all aspects. However, Kou Zhun extremely recommended Zhao Heng to Emperor Taizong, and finally Zhao Heng became the emperor. It can be said that without Kou Zhun, Zhao Heng should be an idle prince at this time.

"Since Kou Qing is so for the country, let's disperse the court after discussing this matter." Zhao Heng thought that he had set a countermeasure, so he let the ministers know that it was also appropriate. Therefore, after coughing, he said, "Ding Shilang, read out my previous will."

"I complied with the order." With the voice, one of the officials on Zhao Heng's left hand came out. This man is about thirty-seven or eight years old, with a good appearance and elegant manners, which makes people have a lot of good impressions at first sight.

Even Mu Guiying almost thought that this person was an upright official at first sight. But when he saw this person, Kou Zhun's eyebrows jumped slightly, took a quick look, and lowered his eyelids. Mu Guiying's heart immediately moved. When she wanted to ask Yang Liulang about this person, she found from Yang Liulang's look that he did not recognize this person.

However, Mu Guiying did not think about this person, but was shocked by the will he read. Suddenly, Mu Guiying suddenly remembered that in the history class when he was in school in his previous life, Song Zhenzong's greatest handwriting was to pay tribute to the Liao Kingdom and set the "alliance of the Yuan" when Song Shengliao lost.

Listening to Ding Shilang's restrained voice, not only Mu Guiying was stunned, but Yang Liulang's face changed from red to blue, from blue to white. However, some of the ministers in Zichen Hall forgot their etiquette and opened their eyes and looked at Emperor Zhao Heng in surprise. Zhao Heng couldn't sit still because of these eyes, and his eyes dodged left and right.

"Your Majesty, no." Yang Liulang's face was so pale that he couldn't hear it anymore. Without waiting for the reading of the imperial edict, he walked out of the queue, knelt in front of Zhao Heng, and said sadly and angrily, "Your Majesty, although it took more than half a year to break the Tianmen array, the time to break the array is within the set deadline. Emperor, the Song Dynasty won and didn't lose.

"Well, I naturally know this." Zhao Heng coughed unnaturally and looked back and forth. All the ministers in the hall looked at Yang Liulang, but Mu Guiying inadvertently caught something flashing in Zhao Heng's eyes. Just when Mu Guiying was surprised, Zhao Heng said, "Ding Shilang, tell me what I mean and listen to you."

"I complied with the order." Ding Shilang put away the imperial edict without anger or joy, and then said to Yang Liulang, "Lord Yang, it is known that I won this battle of Tianmen. This also proves that our dynasty is a great country blessed by God, and how can it be defeated by these small countries? Our dynasty is a great country of etiquette. If we win, we will naturally show the great power to those countries. Giving New Year coins to Liao can show that our country is strong and invincible, and can also show that our emperor is the king of benevolence and righteousness..."

Listening to Ding Shilang's long speech, Zhao Heng's face gradually relaxed, and a smile appeared at the corners of his mouth. However, Yang Liulang became more and more angry and cut off, "At the beginning, it was decided to break the Tianmen array as a condition to win or lose. But when our army broke through the Tianmen array, the Liao people attacked the border gate and tried to invade. It can be seen that Liao people are really villains who don't keep their promises. In the opinion of the last general, we should take advantage of the great injury of the vitality of the Liao Kingdom to conquer the State of Liao.

"I would like to tell the emperor that what the Marquis Yang said is very true. Please think twice." Kou Zhun heard Yang Liulang say these words and quickly came out to second the discussion. In fact, Kou Zhun waited for so long, waiting for Yang Liulang to explain the situation of the border, so that Zhao Heng realized what the Liao people were like, so as to change his mind.

Therefore, after Yang Liulang finished speaking, he immediately stood up: "Your Majesty, since Liao Dynasty went to the capital, he has been trying to invade the south, invade our dynasty and occupy our Song Dynasty. Now, the Liao people have lost their vitality, but the Liao country is immortal, and the Liao people have their own time to recover their vitality. At that time, the wolf-like Liao people will definitely invade my Song Dynasty again, and my Song Dynasty will fall into war again.

"This..." Kou Zhun's words can be understood by ordinary people. Zhao Heng, a person who has been an emperor for so many years, will not know. Therefore, Zhao Heng hesitated and seemed to be considering Kou Zhun's words.

Zhao Heng's hesitation, Ding Shilang seemed to be a little anxious and hurriedly said, "The Minister Kou's words are wrong. Just now, the prime minister also said that Liao has been greatly injured and is a homeless dog. If you chase the 'lost dog' again, it will not be 'the work of a gentleman'. If those states know, wouldn't it be a joke to know the reputation of my pilgrimage to the Ming Dynasty? Besides, now all over the world know that our dynasty has won a great victory, but they still repay Liao with virtue. I believe that Liao has no face to attack our dynasty again.

After saying this, many old officials couldn't help nodding, and even Zhao Heng was extremely satisfied. But Mu Guiying was angry at this scene. Yang Liulang's angry chest kept ups and down, but he didn't know what to say. Kou Zhun saw Zhao Heng's look and the expressions of some ceremonial officials, with a sad face.

Mu Guiying looked at Ding Shilang's proud mouth and really had a deep understanding of the word "human appearance". However, seeing the appearance of Yang Liulang and Kou Zhun, Mu Guiying stepped forward, saluted Zhao Heng first, and said, "Your Majesty, Guiying suddenly remembered a story when she heard what Ding Shilang said. I don't know if the emperor is interested in listening to it?"

"Oh?" Zhao Henggui is the emperor, but there are many beauties in the harem. But Mu Guiying, a beautiful but heroic woman, is rare. In particular, he knew that Mu Guiying led the three army soldiers and broke through the Tianmen array that even Yang Liulang was helpless. Zhao Heng was a little curious about Mu Guiying and said with a smile, "Then let's talk about it."

"I obeyed the order--" Mu Guiying straightened up and looked at Ding Shilang with a smile: "Once upon a time, a farmer saw a snake that was hibernating in the cold winter and mistakenly thought it was frozen, so he felt sorry for it, picked it up, carefully took it in his arms, and warmed it with a warm body. The snake was frightened and woke up. When it completely woke up, he bit the farmer fiercely with his sharp teeth, which caused him a fatal wound and died.

Speaking of this, Mu Guiying ignored anyone and asked Ding Shilang, "Ding Shilang, do you know what he said before he died?"

"I don't know." Ding Shilang seems to have heard the meaning of Mu Guiying's story and doesn't look good. But Kou Zhun brushed his beard and smiled, "Marshal Mu, you have to sell something else. I really heard some interest."

Mu Guiying smiled again, looked at Ding Shilang, and said deeply, "I wanted to do good deeds and accumulate virtues, but my knowledge was shallow. As a result, I harmed myself and suffered such retribution."

"You..." Ding Shilang suddenly blushed and pointed to Mu Guiying who didn't know what to say. Mu Guiying has just said that this is just a story. Moreover, she is still a woman, and everything she argues with will seem inappropriate.

Seeing Ding Shilang eating, Kou Zhun was very relieved and couldn't help brushing his beard. On the other hand, Yang Liulang has been staring at the emperor Zhao Heng, hoping that he would withdraw his will. However, Zhao Heng fell into deep thought and could see that Mu Guiying's story reminded him of something.

Ding Shilang found Zhao Heng's look, and his face was anxious. He immediately stepped forward and shouted, "Your Majesty, the farmer is ignorant, but I am hundreds and thousands of times stronger than the farmer, but there are many people there, which is the temperament of the heavenly kingdom. In the land of pellets in Liao, why did I work hard to do what made foreign countries laugh at? If the two countries are truant, the people of our dynasty and Liao will remember the goodwill of the emperor and call him the emperor the emperor the emperor of the holy king.

"The Holy King." Zhao Heng was slightly stunned. Then, his eyes slowly emitted light, and then he got up and shouted, "I have decided that Ding is the minister of the Ministry of War, and I will go to Qianyuan to discuss the alliance with Liao on my behalf. There is no need to discuss this matter and retreat from the court--" Zhao Heng said, without looking at the people in the hall, turned around and walked out of the Zichen Hall.

The officials in Zichen Hall, who had the same idea as Kou Zhun, gathered next to him. However, the eighth prince stood still, motioning and frowned. But it didn't take long for him to pay attention to Kou Zhun who came over and chased after the emperor Zhao Heng. As for Yang Liulang, he stood up and turned out of Zichen Hall. Mu Guiying saw this and wanted to go forward to relieve Yang Liulang. However, due to the identity of the two, Mu Guiying could only worry about herself.

But when he saw Ding Yu walking past him arrogantly, Mu Guiying couldn't help sneering and said, "Ding Shangshu, don't blame Guiying for being nosy. The Liao people are best at going back on their heads. Gui Ying hopes that the second 'Golden Beach Battle' will not happen when the two countries sit down. Oh, Gui Ying almost forgot that Ding Shangshu was a gentleman, thinking that the Liao people would definitely be convinced by Ding Shangshu's gentlemanly style.

Seeing Ding Yu's footsteps, Mu Guiying hummed gently and quickly walked out of the Zichen Hall. At the same time, Mu Guiying was thinking that he was the famous 'treacherous minister', Ding said, Prime Minister Ding. A generation of famous pirates were demoted by the emperor again and again, as if it was because he had offended him. However, think about it carefully, if the emperor trusts Kou Zhun, how can he allow Ding to frame him?

Thinking of the emperor, the highest symbol of power in ancient times, Mu Guiying couldn't help but feel worried about Zhao Heng's inadvertent attitude towards Yang Liulang...