Women's Beauty: I'm Mu Guiying

Chapter 111 Palace Banquet to Meet Beauty

The sun has just set, and the city of Bianliang is full of lights, which is as lively and prosperous as the day.

Driving on the spacious street and looking at the pedestrians on both sides, Mu Guiying, sitting in the carriage, is guessing what Mrs. She will do at the palace banquet tonight. Since returning from the palace yesterday and having a secret conversation with Mrs. She, Mrs. She has not revealed her plan. However, Mu Guiying felt that Mrs. She would definitely take action in today's palace banquet.

It's not very far from Tianbo Mansion to the palace. Therefore, it didn't take long for the Yang family to arrive at the palace gate. The only people of the Yang family who came to the palace banquet this time were Mrs. She, Yang Liulang, Mu Guiying and Yang Zongbao, and the rest were left in the house by Mrs. She. This banquet was different from the past, so that Aunt Yang and others knew that Mrs. She was a few daughters-in-law and daughters, and felt what was going to happen in this palace banquet. Therefore, since Mrs. She left the house, several female generals of Yangmen gathered together and waited for everyone to return.

Mu Guiying helped Mrs. She get off the carriage, but Yang Liulang and four others handed over their mounts to the guards at the palace gate. As soon as the group was about to enter the palace, Jiang De and his sister, Huang Fengxian and He Qing also got along well. After the three met the ceremony with Mrs. She, they entered the palace together. Among them, Jiang De and Huang Fengxian nodded slightly to Mrs. She, but made Mu Guiying suddenly understand that when Mrs. She left the house in the daytime, she must have gone to Jiang's house and Huang's house.

Because Jiang De and sister, Huang Fengxian and He Qing made a lot of contributions, and the Eighth Prince did not hesitate to praise several people, the emperor generously rewarded the three mansions. Jiang De's brother and sister, Huang Fengxian and He Qing also settled in Bianliang City and became the imperial eunuchs envied by ordinary people.

As for Mu Guiying's two brothers, Mu Tong and Mu Tie were deeply influenced by King Mu and had no interest in being an official. When the three armies triumphed, they returned to Mu Kezhai. The Eighth Prince also took Mu Guiying's request and did not mention the two in the request. Zhao Heng knew that the Mu Guiying brothers and sisters came from the cottage. He was very happy to see that the Mu family was so knowledgeable, but on the surface, they also regarded them as unknown.

Finally, it will be mentioned that Jiang Cuiping's senior sister, Hu Xiuying, the daughter of Mu Tianwang's good friend Hu Wenyong. With Hu Xiuying's achievements, he could also get a reward, but after Hu Wenyong got the news that the Tianmen array was broken by the Song army, he came to the border gate and took her back. Mu Guiying could see that Hu Wenyong was also in a hurry to avoid officialdom, so he acquiesced to Hu Wenyong's approach. However, Mu Guiying was not wronged by Hu Xiuying, because Jiang De talked with Hu Wenyong all night before Hu's father and daughter left. On the second day, Hu Wenyong left happily.

Thinking of the people beside him, Mu Guiying and others saw the palace where the banquet was held, the Guangzheng Hall. I heard from Mrs. She that this Guangzheng Hall was built during the reign of Taizu, specially for holding large banquets and the palace of scholars. Zhao Heng set up this palace banquet here, obviously attaching great importance to the great victory of the Song Dynasty.

Walking into the Guangzheng Hall, Mu Guicai saw clearly that this banquet was not only the meritorious soldiers, but also the whole palace was full of people. Judging from the official uniform, all the officials except Bian Liang came. All the people also sit on both sides of the hall as 'wen officials' and 'wu guan'. The head of the civil official sat Kou Zhun, the prime minister. At the head of the ' military officer', the eighth prince sat, which made Mu Guiying raise his eyebrows.

led by the little eunuch, Mrs. She sat next to the Eighth Prince, followed by Mu Guiying, Yang Liulang and other generals. Mu Guiying was a little worried when she saw Yang Liulang lined up behind her, but Mrs. She gently patted her hand, and Mu Guiying's heart calmed down slightly. Looking at Yang Liulang, he found that he was still silent, as if he was thinking about his mind and didn't care about anything. Mu Guiying sighed in his heart. Thinking about it, Yang Liulang is still worried about not being able to pursue Liao by taking advantage of the victory.

After the hall was full of officials, in the shrill voice of Guo Daguan, the emperor Zhao Heng and the empress Guo came together, but behind them was Zhao Heng's concubine. It seems that the scale of this palace banquet is very large, and Zhao Heng's whole family has been dispatched. Mu Guiying secretly reconsidered Zhao Heng, but listened carefully to Mrs. She's introduction to the concubines in the harem.

Empress Guo is the second daughter of Guo Shouwen, the envoy of Xuanhui South Courtyard. Under her modesty, she is evil and extravagant, and she is deeply respected by Zhao Heng. Under the queen, Zhao Heng's favorite is Liu Meiren, Liu E. Because of her low background, Zhao Heng always wanted to promote her to a concubine, but she was blocked by the ministers. Zhao Heng had no choice but to be promoted to the harem. Therefore, for so many years, in addition to Guo, who is the queen, Liu E, the fourth-grade beauty, has been the most noble in the harem.

"Liu Beauty." Mu Guiying looked at the beautiful beauty sitting on the other side of Zhao Heng and suddenly remembered that she was not Queen Liu in the 'civet cat for prince'. Thinking of Song Renzong, even if he knew that his biological mother was someone else, he was still so filial to Liu E. It can be imagined that this woman was not an ordinary person. Think about it, if a woman has no intelligence, how can she let the emperor spoil her alone among the many beautiful women in the harem?

Mu Guiying, who didn't know much about the history of the Song Dynasty, still roughly knew that when Song Renzong succeeded to the throne, Liu E was still listening to politics. And Ding Yu, the treacherous minister who became the prime minister, still seemed to fall into the hands of the Empress Dowager Liu. As for the cause and effect, Mu Guiying can't remember it at all. However, Liu E is indeed a strange woman and should not be underestimated.

With Emperor Zhao Heng's simple but beautiful words, the palace banquet officially began. Listening to music, watching songs and dancing, the atmosphere in the hall is getting more and more harmonious. The well-known official talked in a low voice while drinking. However, Mrs. She is quieter. Mrs. She and the Eighth Prince chatted with each other, but Yang Liulang didn't hear anything and drank sullenly. Mu Guiying, sitting between the two, had to stare at the delicious food on the table and resented the three brothers Yang Zongbao for laughing behind her.

Zhao Heng, who sat at the top, was obviously satisfied with the newly arranged song and dance and couldn't take his eyes off it. However, the queen Guo and Liu E, the beauty on both sides, became interested in several women among the generals. After thinking of something, Guo whispered to Zhao Heng, "The official, my concubine suddenly remembered that the eighth princess seemed to ask the emperor to marry a female general. I don't know, can that female general sit among those generals?

"Your Majesty, I also heard that the female general seems to have been awarded the title of Grand Marshal and broke the Tianmen array. Such a woman is so admirable to my concubine, and I can't wait to see her. Liu E's eyes flashed, as if she were very interested in Mu Guiying.

"Oh?" Zhao Heng smiled, looked at Empress Guo and Liu E respectively, and said, "I haven't seen the Queen and Beauty Liu so interested for a long time. Let Mu Guiying come and meet later."

"It turns out that this female marshal is called Mu Guiying. She is really heroic." Liu E smiled softly and looked forward to it. Although the Fanghua teenager is no longer there, the mature amorous feelings make Zhao Heng excited.

In fact, people with good eyes can see that when Zhao Heng looked at Queen Guo, his eyes were full of respect and respect. But when Zhao Heng looked at Liu E, his eyes were like the look of a man's infatuation with a woman, which was a kind of heartfelt love.

Queen Guo and Zhao Heng are so close, and they have been married for many years, how can they not know about this? However, Zhao Heng is also good to her, and Empress Guo doesn't have much resentment. She seemed to be used to it. The corners of her mouth raised like a spring breeze and said, "I can't wait to hear Sister Liu's words."

"In this case, let Mu Guiying come and talk to the queen and Liu Meiren." Zhao Heng nodded and gave Guo Huai a look. Guo Huai heard the interaction between Zhao Heng and Empress Guo and Liu E, bowed his body, and walked to Mu Guiying's side and whispered to her.

Mu Guiying was shocked and looked up. She saw Queen Guo and Liu E smile at her, and her heart was calm. Turning his head and seeing Mrs. She nod, Mu Guiying got up and saluted Guo Huai: "Please lead the way."

Guo Huai did not expect that Mu Guiying, the grand marshal of the three armies, did not discriminate against him as an eunuch, but treated others with courtesy, deepening his affection for Mu Guiying. Therefore, when Guo Huai led the way, she also whispered to Mu Guiying some taboos of Empress Guo and Liu Meiren.

"Mu Guiying's long live the emperor, the queen is thousands of years old, and Mrs. Liu is happy..." After this series of names, Mu Guiying almost vomited. Is it easy for her to disgust herself in order to flatter herself? However, Mu Guiying's unique words are very useful to Zhao Heng. Looking at his expression, he should be very satisfied.

Sure enough, Zhao Heng, who was happy, immediately said, "Marshal Mu, please get up. Guo Huai, take a stool and let Marshal Mu sit and talk.

Looking at the small stool brought by Guo Huai, Mu Guiying was a little depressed. It was better to stand. Thanks to Zhao Heng's grace, Mu Guiying sat at the head of the queen, but the height was only to the waist of the queen. While Mu Guiying was unhappy, the officials in the hall were very envious. Ding Yu, who had just been promoted to the Ministry of War, flashed with a trace of jealousy, which made Kou Jun curl his lips. After knowing Mu Guiying for such a long time, Kou Zhun was sure that she did not care about the stool at all.

Besides, as soon as Mu Guiying sat down, Liu E asked someone to put her chair next to the queen, as if she wanted to talk to Mu Guiying. This made Zhao Heng a little helpless, but he acquiesced in her approach. Several officials in the hall who wanted to accuse Liu E of acting rudely were pulled by a look.

"Marshal Mu, can you tell me about your breaking the Tianmen array? To be honest, as a woman, I am really interested in Marshal Mu's ability to command the three armies and defeat Liao. As soon as Liu E sat down, she looked at the queen and asked Mu Guiying.

Mu Guiying saw that the queen also nodded with a smile and seemed to agree with Liu E's opinion, so she slowly talked about her to the two. Of course, there are some things that can't be known, so Mu Guiying didn't say anything. Even so, after hearing this, the queen's face was full of surprise. But Liu E couldn't help flashing in addition to these, and she didn't know what she thought of...