Women's Beauty: I'm Mu Guiying

Chapter 156 Painful Decision

Mu Guiying, who had always been holding Zhizhu, suddenly fell, which was unexpected by all the Yang family.

Looking at Mu Guiying covering his shoulders, he couldn't cover the bright red **. Yang Zongbao, who stumbled over, kept praying to Mu Guiying to be fine. Yang Zongfeng, who was stunned there, came to his senses because Yang Zongbao blocked his sight of Mu Guiying.

"Catch them, regardless of life and death." Yang Zongfeng left a sentence of great anger and rushed to the two people. Hearing the noise, the guard of the handsome mansion who had run out saw Mu Guiying's appearance and rushed over with Yang Zongfeng.

Most of the people who can serve as guards in Shuai's mansion are the generals of the Yang family. For all the people of the Yang family, they admire the 'Yang family generals' more than anyone in the army. Mu Guiying is not just a woman in their hearts, but also a person who exists side by side with Yang Liulang. Without Yang Zongfeng, they will not let go of the two cold arrows.

As for the three women, Yang Bamei, Yang Jiumei and Yang Paifeng, they didn't care about the two assassins and ran over with Yang Zongbao. Seeing Mu Guiying lying in Yang Zongbao's arms but closing her eyes tightly, Yang Bamei's face immediately turned pale. After a long time, she thought of something. As she ran to the street corner, she said, "Come on, take Guiying back to the house. I'll find Lang Zhong..."

"Third uncle, what's wrong with your mother?" Yang Wenguang, who was firmly held in Yang Zongying's arms and was walking quickly to the house, heard Yang Bamei's voice and asked Yang Zongying doubtfully, "Uncle, Wenguang wants to see his mother."

"Wenguang, your mother is a little tired. Uncle San will take you to the advanced house." Yang Zongying pressed Yang Wenguang's head in his arms, prevented him from looking behind him, and continued to walk quickly.

Just as Mu Guiying was hit by a crossbow, Yang Zongying heard what Mu Guiying said very clearly, so he did not immediately come out to check her injury. Instead, after Yang Zongbao rushed over and held Mu Guiying in his arms, he walked to the house with Yang Wenguang in his arms. Although Yang Zongying wanted to look back, he could not let Yang Wenguang see it, because this was what Mu Guiying had asked.

Yang Wenguang, lying in Yang Zongying's arms, was very honest. Even if he was pressed on Yang Zongying's head, he did not resist. However, Yang Zongying felt the Taoist robe in front of her right rib sticking to her body, which was a little hot and wet.

Fee this, Yang Zongying's nose was immediately sour. Thinking of another thing that Mu Guiying said to him, Yang Zongying suppressed the strange voice and tried to speak as usual: "Wen Guang, the third uncle hasn't taken a shower for a long time. Can you take a bath with the third uncle?"

Although Yang Wenguang did not answer, he moved his head slightly and made Yang Zongying squeeze out some smiles. Although Yang Wenguang couldn't see it, he couldn't see this expression that was worse than crying. Gently patted Yang Wenguang on the head again, and Yang Zongying said hummingly, "Wenguang is an obedient child. Your mother will be happy if she knows it."

Under the guidance of a maid, Yang Zongying walked into the most remote room where he could bathe and bathe in the Shuai Mansion with Yang Wenguang in his arms. This room is located in the corner of Shuai's house, far away from other rooms. Before Mu Guiying fainted, he asked Yang Zongying not to see her injured and not let him know about her injury.

Because Yang Wenguang likes to soak in water for a long time. Therefore, Mu Guiying asked Yang Zongying to take Yang Wenguang to take a bath. According to Mu Guiying's calculation, after Yang Wenguang finished soaking, she was also diagnosed and treated by Lang Zhong. But Mu Guiying did not expect that Yang Wenguang had grown very fast since he came to Guangnan West Road. After Yang Zongying refused to show up, he felt something. However, Yang Wenguang knew that all he could do at this time was to be obedient and not let people worry.

Just as Yang Wenguang shed tears in the potential wood, Yang Zongbao had put Mu Guiying in a small wing**. After that, he sat in front of the bed and looked at Mu Guiying all the time. Yang Paifeng, who followed up, had a grim face and stared at Mu Guiying's wound that had just been covered with hemostatic drugs. As for the crossbow on the wound, it was still inserted there, and no one dared to move it.

Yang Jiumei, who experienced the pain of losing her husband, is also much more mature than when she was in Tianbo Mansion. Seeing that the house was a little messy, she exerted her decisiveness on the battlefield, and soon restored everything in the handsome house to its usual appearance. At this time, Yang Bamei also invited three or four Langzhong and a few stable women.

Langzhong and her mother-in-law entered the room, and Yang Zongbao didn't seem to see it. When Langzhong stretched out his hand and approached the crossbow, Yang Zongbao immediately jumped up, his eyes were full of fierceness, and he said harshly, "What do you want to do?"

As soon as this sentence came out, Lang Zhong was scared to retreat and fell to the ground. Several other men turned their heads and looked at Yang Bamei. Yang Bamei shook her head helplessly, walked to Yang Zongbao and whispered, "Zongbao, go out and sit for a while. You are here, and the Langzhong people are too scared to treat Gui Ying.

"I don't think anyone will treat Gui Ying, and I will kill his whole family." When Yang Zongbao heard that he could not treat Mu Guiying, his eyebrows stood up, and the scared men stepped back a few steps. Yang Zongbao's reputation is relatively good, otherwise, these men may seize the door and escape.

When Yang Bamei saw that Yang Zongbao had lost his mind, she was also anxious and raised her voice: "Yang Zongbao, do you still want Gui Yinghuo? If you want, just go out."

Yang Zongbao's voice was shocked, and his brain suddenly recovered from clearness for a while. Looking at Mu Guiying, Yang Zongbao's heart was in pain again. Then, Yang Zongbao lowered his head and slowly walked out of the room. However, he did not go far, but stood at the door of the room, listening to the movement inside. Yang Paifeng was afraid that Yang Zongbao would be impulsive again, so he accompanied him.

Just as the Langzhongs checked the wounds and injuries for Mu Guiying, Yang Zongfeng came back with a bloody atmosphere. Behind Yang Zongfeng, the guards were holding a man. The man shrugged his head and didn't know whether he was dead or alive. As for the other one, he didn't bring it back and should be dead.

Knowing that Lang Zhong were checking the injury for Mu Guiying, Yang Zongfeng looked back at the person who was entrusted again and said fiercely, "Take me away, take good care of him, and don't let him die."

"Yes." The guards also looked at the man at the same time, and the fierce light in their eyes flashed.

Looking back, Yang Zongfeng watched Yang Zongbao open his mouth and finally closed it, because he didn't know how to comfort Yang Zongbao. If it was Huang Fengxian in the room, Yang Zongfeng could not imagine what he would look like.

Yang Zongbao stared straight at the room and felt nothing around him. Yang Zongfeng was also suddenly injured by Mu Guiying, and his thoughts didn't know where he had gone. Therefore, Yang Paifeng was called away by a maid, and neither of them noticed it. When the clean and neat Yang Zongying stood next to the two, Yang Zongfeng came to his senses.

"Zong Ying, what the hell is going on?" Yang Zongfeng recalled the scene at that time and understood that the two assassins were coming for Yang Zongying. But Mu Guiying was injured because of this. Yang Zongfeng was afraid that Yang Zongbao would be angry with him, so he pulled him aside and asked in a low voice.

Yang Zongying's face was full of bitterness. As soon as he opened his mouth, he saw the door open. Yang Zongying, who was worried about Mu Guiying's injury, immediately closed his mouth and walked over quickly. Seeing this, Yang Zongfeng didn't have time to ask and followed. Yang Zongbao only cared about Mu Guiying in the room and looked anxiously at Yang Bamei who closed the door.

Yang Bamei was also a little sour when she saw Yang Zongbao's haggard appearance in such a short time. And looking at Yang Zongbao's eager eyes, Yang Bamei suddenly couldn't say anything, but her eyes flashed with crystal light.

Yang Zongfeng and Yang Zongying's hearts suddenly sank, but Yang Zongbao suddenly opened his mouth, but his voice was hissing, which was very unpleasant: "Eight aunt, just say it directly, is Gui Ying, is Gui Ying..."

"Zong Bao, things are not as bad as you think." Looking at the sudden timidity in Yang Zongbao's eyes, Yang Bamei was extremely uncomfortable. However, after calming down her emotions, Yang Bamei still said, "Just now, several Langzhong have checked for Gui Ying and discussed it. If Gui Ying wants to survive, the arrow must be taken out. However, it is difficult to predict what will happen after the arrow is taken out. Because Gui Ying is still pregnant..."

Listening to Yang Bamei's words, Yang Zongbao quickly asked, "What will happen? Will Gui Ying be fine?"

"Lang Zhong said..." Looking at Yang Zongbao, Yang Bamei quickly turned her head, looked elsewhere, and choked and said, "If two can only live one, which one do you want to live?"

"Two people only live one by one. Gui Yingming is obviously injured. How could it be..." Yang Zongbao suddenly stopped talking, and he suddenly understood what Yang Bamei meant.

Only one of the two can live, that is, Mu Guiying and the child in her belly, only one can survive. One is his affectionate wife, and the other is his flesh and blood that have not yet been born. This is how Yang Zongbao chooses.

The hearts of Yang Zongfeng and Yang Zongying beside them were also cold because of Yang Bamei's words. The two looked at Yang Zongbao at the same time and felt very sad. If Yang Zongbao chooses his child, he is the one who killed his wife; if Yang Zongbao chooses Mu Guiying, he is the one who killed his child. No matter how Yang Zongbao chooses, he may live in pain and guilt for the rest of his life.

However, Yang Zongying is the most painful and guilty one at this time. Because the two assassins were going to kill him. If it hadn't been for his carelessness, the two assassins would not have been allowed to follow Rongzhou; if it hadn't been for his carelessness, Mu Guiying would not have been injured; if it hadn't been for his carelessness, Yang Zongbao would not have faced this painful decision.

Yang Bamei doesn't want Yang Zongbao to make a decision, but later, big or small may not be able to keep it. Under pressure, Yang Bamei said in a low voice, "Zong Bao, time doesn't wait for people. Have you made a decision?"

Yang Zongbao slowly raised his head, but his eyes were full of tears, and his lips trembled a little: "I..."