Women's Beauty: I'm Mu Guiying

Chapter 160 Zong Ying's Experience

"Actually, I have been in Yizhou for half a month, and I'm still in Feng Yong's palace..."

Looking back on this half month's experience, Yang Zongying's mood was a little complicated and helpless. However, sitting in Rongzhou's handsome mansion and looking at Mu Guiying, who almost lost his life, and those relatives who cared about him, Yang Zongying silently thought in his heart that such an end could also make me feel at ease.

After Yang Zongfeng and Yang Zongying borrowed troops in Yunnan, they placed the Yunnan army on the border of the Song Dynasty. Yang Zongfeng wanted to rush back to Liuzhou to report the news, so Yang Zongying stayed in the barracks to manage the army. When Mu Guiying proposed to let the army stay at the border for the time being as a strange soldier, Yang Zongying stayed at the border at ease.

With the connection between the two sides, Yang Zongying also knows that understanding the situation in Yizhou plays a great role in suppressing the rebellion. Therefore, Yang Zongying, who was not far from Yizhou, began to take the initiative to inquire about the news of Yizhou. However, Yang Zongying couldn't sneak into Yizhou no matter how hard he was, which made him angry and raised a competitive heart.

After handing over his contact with Yang Zongfeng to his close friends, Yang Zongying devoted all his energy to sneaking into Yizhou. Coincidentally, just as Yang Zongying was fighting outside Yizhou, he and the men in the village where he temporarily lived were suddenly captured into Yizhou by a group of southern troops.

Yang Zongying, who entered Yizhou, was afraid that his identity would be discovered by the southern country, so he cut off contact with the border barracks and built defensive for Yizhou like ordinary people. At the same time, he is also looking for opportunities to leave the 'site' under close control.

However, the world is so unpredictable. Just as Yang Zongying found an opportunity to leave safely, the streets and alleys of Yizhou City posted the notice of Emperor Jingren, the emperor of the Southern Kingdom. Even in the construction site under close care, there was a notice saying that Emperor Jingren was looking for a herb.

It is rumored that the queen of the southern country was ill, and Feng Tong, Emperor Jingren, finally found a prescription to cure the queen's illness. But in this prescription, no one knows what kind of medicine it is, and no one knows where to find it. Because from the perspective of the people of the Song Dynasty, the Southern Kingdom is a country of rebellion. Except for Yizhou, no Song people are willing to contribute. Feng Tong had no choice but to list in Yizhou City and offer a heavy reward.

Hearing the name of this herb, Yang Zongying's heart moved. Thinking of him, Yang Zongying learned from Li Tianwei from Qiankun Cave. Because Li Tianwei is good at practicing medicine and medicine fields, Yang Zongying knows a lot of herbs. Yang Zongying has also planted and cultivated this herb herself. After listening to Feng Tong's reward, Yang Zongying immediately made a calculation in his heart. Then he stood up and said that he knew the herb and could find it.

The general of the supervisor was skeptical, but because the matter was related to their general, the supervisor immediately reported it. When Xin Chengfu knew about it, he immediately asked Yang Zongying to take him to the middle army account of the Southern Army. Because Yang Zongying also learned about the character of Xin Chengfu from Yang Zongfeng, and when facing him, he was also a little prepared, which did not arouse the suspicion of Xin Chengfu.

Of course, in order to make Xin Chengfu believe in himself more, Yang Zongying said that one of his relatives was a Taoist priest and practiced medicine without authorization. He also knew a lot of herbs with Taoist priests, but it didn't take long for him to come back because of his talent for martial arts. I didn't expect to be arrested just passing by that small village.

"General, I'm just an ordinary people. If you help the general find the herb, please give me back and let me go. Yang Zongying looked scared and wanted to live.

This has changed Xin Chengfu from half-doubt to eight points of faith. And when Yang Zongying, under the personal supervision of Xin Chengfu, led them to the wild and picked this medicine. Moreover, along the way, Yang Zongying's understanding of herbs not only convinced Xin Chengfu that Yang Zongying did recognize herbs, but also gave him other ideas.

"Brother Mu, although you have found the herbs, I am not sure yet. Therefore, please stay for a longer time. However, please rest assured that I will not neglect you. Xin Chengfu was about 30 years old. He was powerful and old-fashioned, which made Yang Zongying also have some admiration, so he nodded and agreed.

Actually, Yang Zongying is not happy to follow Xin Chengfu. The purpose of his coming to Yizhou is to understand the affairs of the southern country, so that the rebel army can know himself and his enemy. Moreover, the previous understanding of medicinal materials is also to stay and get more information.

However, Yang Zongying did not expect that Xin Chengfu would take him into the palace and meet with Emperor Jingren Feng Tong.

Yang Zongying has clearly known the identity of Feng Tong from the King of Liang in Yunnan. But when he saw the real person, Yang Zongying still couldn't believe that the unattractive middle-aged man in front of him had such a great ambition to establish a country. And when Feng Tong talked with Yang Zongying for a while, Yang Zongying deeply understood what it means to be unattractable.

Although he didn't say a few words, Yang Zongying still saw from Feng Tong's words that he was really cruel. Moreover, when it comes to some things, the fierce light in his eyes makes Yang Zongying, a person who has experienced many things, tremble. At the same time, Yang Zongying also concluded from the answer between Feng Tong and Xin Chengfu that the conflict between the two was really not small. But it's not the reason why the two are connected and let Xin Chengfu be willing to fight for Feng Yong.

After seeing Feng Tong, Feng Tong personally arranged Yang Zongying in the palace of the southern country without letting Xin Chengfu take him away. Yang Zongying knew that it was the same everywhere and did not refuse, but lived in the palace with a natural attitude.

Although there are guards watching day and night, Yang Zongying is still deliciously offered by Feng Tong. Until the queen's health improved, Feng Tong was overjoyed and rewarded Yang Zongying with a lot of property. Moreover, in Feng Tong's words, he wanted Yang Zongying to stay. After all, there is no one here that can compare with Yang Zongying's understanding of medicinal materials.

In order not to arouse Feng Tong's suspicion, Yang Zongying still pretended to leave and go back to his hometown. Feng Tong doesn't want to let go of such a talent. Every day, he will find an excuse to entertain Yang Zongying and let him stay. Finally, even the queen came forward to thank Yang Zongying in person and asked him to stay.

The etiquette of the Southern Palace is really not as 'rules' as the Song Dynasty. The queen actually met Yang Zongying in a garden-like place. Yang Zongying, who saw the queen's true face, was stunned for a moment by the queen's appearance at first sight. After talking with the queen, Yang Zongying actually had some good feelings for the woman who was not inferior to what he saw, Mu Guiying, Jiang Cuicui, Huang Fengxian and several women. At the same time, Yang Zongying also felt that the queen had some good impression on her birth.

As Yang Zongying had been in the palace for a long time, he really felt that this queen Li, who was as intelligent as Mu Guiying, sometimes looked at him a little different, but Yang Zongying became more and more frightened.

Because, with careful understanding, Yang Zongying found that Feng Tong and Xin Chengfu sometimes listened to Queen Li's opinions very much. To be precise, nine out of ten opinions made by Empress Li will be adopted by Feng Tong and Xin Chengfu. Moreover, Yang Zongying also felt that Xin Chengfu and Feng Tongneng were related, and this Empress Li played a key role.

The more she knew, the calmer Yang Zongying's heart became. Thinking about his beloved wife Jiang Cuiping and her son who had not yet met, Yang Zongying's affection for Queen Li slowly dissipated. The last thing left is some appreciation.

What Yang Zongying didn't expect was that it was also because of his plain attitude, but it became more and more into the eyes of Queen Li. Yang Zongying was finally afraid of the feelings expressed by Empress Li regardless of the location. Yang Zongying, who already knew the terrain of Yizhou very well, wanted to leave the palace and enter Yizhou one night. Queen Li suddenly appeared. It turned out that all the movements of Yang Zongying were controlled by her. It was only because Empress Li cared about Yang Zongying that she had never done anything.

And when she learned that Yang Zongying was leaving, Empress Li appeared to stop her. Yang Zongying knew that Empress Li was forced to surrender to Feng Tong, and she also knew that Empress Li was indeed a good woman. But Yang Zongying has more of her own identity, and there is only one woman in her heart, that is, his wife Jiang Cuiping. Therefore, in the face of the feelings expressed by Empress Li again, Yang Zongying refused and insisted on leaving.

Although Empress Li is a woman, she is also extremely intelligent. Knowing that Yang Zongying's mind had been made up her mind, she said directly: "It's not impossible for you to leave. But remember that since you left Yizhou, you have been a Song native and an enemy of Southern China. As an enemy of the southern country, but you know so many things about the southern country, do you think you can go back to your hometown alive?

"Life and death are life, and wealth is in heaven. I am from Song, which can't be changed. Moreover, I also feel very proud that I am from Song. Yang Zongying understood what Empress Li meant, but what she knew was too important to suppress the rebellion and had to go back. Therefore, Yang Zongying's attitude is very clear. Even if he dies, he has to go back to his place to die.

Of course, Queen Li is really an excellent woman. If Yang Zongying hadn't had Jiang Cuiping, she would not have refused such a wise, beautiful and gentle woman. However, Yang Zongying still didn't dare to look at Queen Li's sad and beautiful look for too long, so he turned his head away.

Yang Zongying's behavior really made Empress Li die and did not stop him from leaving. But when Yang Zongying passed by Empress Li, the words that Empress Li said always imprinted Yang Zongying in her heart:

"No matter what happens in the future, please remember me today, Li Mingyan..."