Jingwu Century

Chapter 3 Show your power in the first battle

It's noon, and the sun is scorching.

Under high temperature baking, the temperature on the surface of Utah has climbed to more than 40 degrees. The poisonous sunlight is like a divine punishment, shooting the gray sky into a lot of holes and giving people the illusion of distorted space. The original extremely low visibility is also bright under the illumination of countless beams.

A creature with a blood-colored crescent moon mark on its forehead and black in red body and in shape that is no different from a wild wolf is boringly lying in the shadow of the stone pillar to enjoy the cool. At the same time, it faithfully carrying out the order, a pair of wolf's eyes are staring at the stone forest in front of it.

Suddenly, the pointed wolf ears moved, and then the ferocious wolf's head shifted slightly. However, only a few stones slipped from the stone pillar as far as the line of sight could be. The fast wolf, who had no wisdom, walked to the slippery stone with a little wary and sniffed, as if it had caught a strange smell, and suddenly became grinning.

When it was about to look up to the sky and roar at its companions, it suddenly felt a shadow covering itself. The wolf, who sensed a trace of danger, instinctively retreated.


At the moment when the wolf retreated, a stone the size of a millstone suddenly fell, which also made the surrounding dust fly.

Although the sight of the fast wolf shrouded in dust was blocked, its extremely sensitive nose suddenly caught a very hateful and delicious smell. Instinct tells it that it is a human smell.

So the fast wolf opened its mouth without hesitation and flew away to the source of the smell. However, the strange thing is that the fast wolf in mid-air, the upper and lower jaws full of tusks seemed to be torn by great force. It actually broke through the boundary of the lips and extended to the neck before stopping. Finally, it turned into a big blood basin, which looked extremely horrible.



A stone pillar with a diameter of half a meter suddenly collapsed, making the smoke and dust here even more confused, and then a figure rolled out slightly awkwardly.

"It's really perverted. I didn't expect the wolf's nose and bite strength to be so amazing!"

At this moment, a place full of smoke and dust suddenly became windless and kept rolling, and then a big mouth full of fangs appeared first and quickly bit at Ye Wuyou, who had just stood.

Facing the blood basin comparable to the great white shark, Ye Wuyou's eyes were awe-inspiring, and then his feet suddenly exerted strength, and his whole body rushed up like a cannonball, avoiding a fatal blow. Then he rotated 180 degrees in mid-air, and immediately turned his feet up and his head down. Then with the help of gravity acceleration, he punched the fast wolf who was too late to stop.


The fist wrapped in a dark purple arm accurately bombarded the head of the fast wolf like a cannonball. The huge force and gravity acceleration made the thick-skinned fast wolf directly hit the ground, and many subtle cracks appeared on the ground where the jaw was located.

With one blow, Ye Wuyou was flexible like a monkey with the help of the anti-shock force. Several backflips had already stood ten meters away from the fast wolf and looked at his masterpiece slightly proudly. In his opinion, although Fast Wolf has the strength of three-level warriors, they can't fight alone with those who are well-trained and proficient in military fighting skills.

However, the facts soon overturned his poor pride. The fast wolf who was smashed on the ground soon looked like a nothing wolf. He just shook his dizzy head and stared at Ye Wuyou not far away. The eyes of the gradually congested wolves were full of bloodthirsty and greed.



In the face of the sudden move of the wolf, Ye Wuyou finally realized his lack of experience, so he rushed over as soon as possible before the howling ended.

As the super cannon fodder army of the Moon Wolf clan, there is nothing to praise except speed, fearless death and quantity. The most obvious thing is the pitiful rigid attack mode.

The wolf once again opened its blood basin comparable to that of a crocodile, and still rushed to the galloping Ye Wuyou.

In the face of such a rigid attack mode, no matter how stupid Ye Wuyou is, he will not be as embarrassed as before. He suddenly supported his right hand as he ran at high speed, and at the same time his five fingers were slightly bent. The strong force was unimped by any obstacles under the action of the armguard. Five fingers have been embedded in the ground and firmly fixed, making his body and the ground. Face parallel!

Seeing that the bloody basin with the wind was close at hand, Ye Wuyou suddenly exerted his strength and suddenly rotated with his right hand as the axis.


Driven by the power of rotation, Ye Wuyou's feet came first, and at the critical moment, he suddenly kicked the right wolf's right rib. Under the influence of great force, the latter could only watch the prey that was about to reach his mouth get farther and farther away, and he inevitably hit the stone pillar.

In the past, Ye Wuyou did not dare to make such a difficult action so boldly. Not to mention whether the strength of one arm is enough to support the rotation of the body, the power of the sudden stop at high speed alone is enough to break the not-strong arm.

Fortunately, after the double strengthening of Yuanjing and mysterious power, his body is no longer inferior to any powerful crystal warrior. In addition, this seemingly extremely difficult action is actually not difficult.

After winning the blow, Ye Wuyou took advantage of the victory and turned his right palm on the ground, and his feet appropriately stepped on the stone pillar beside him. Then he kicked hard, and his whole body popped up and galloped towards the wolf not far away.

"Dad, mom and sister, this is the first sacrifice given to you by Worry-free!"

Looking at the wolf who hit the stone pillar and could not react in the future, Ye Wuyou's body was slightly side at high speed, and then a dark purple spike popped out of his shoulder and hit the latter's right rib with all his strength.


In front of the spikes of the arm guard, the Xun Wolf's proud defense was torn in an instant, and the ten centimeters long spikes disappeared into it without hindrance.

The fast wolf, which received a fatal blow, roared desperately and twisted its body crazily at the same time, but it lost its vitality quickly, just a dying struggle!

Looking at the fast wolf struggling weaker and weaker, a trace of doubt suddenly flashed on Ye Wuyou's face. Just as he was preparing to investigate, he frowned when he was keen to hear, and then let go of the body of the fast wolf. Regardless of the blood splashed, he climbed to the top of the stone pillar to be comparable to the agility of a monkey!

Then he clamped the stone pillar with only half a meter thick, and the six claws that cut iron like mud were inserted on the stone pillar left and right, and scratched out hard.

Then his body leaned back, his hands upside down on the stone pillar, his body turned over, and his legs happened to clamp the stone pillar again, and began to cut again.

After three times, two red and black figures appeared like a whirlwind in the place where the corpse was thrown by the fast wolf.

Looking at the still warm bodies of their companions, the two wolves each sounded in a low voice, and then made a frightening move.

I saw two wolves open their blood basins and eat the wolf's body, one left and one right. The whole scene was extremely bloody and horrible. Even Ye Wuyou, who hated the moon wolf clan, couldn't help feeling a little chill.

However, he knew that the other party's eating was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, otherwise, once missed, with the nose of the wolf comparable to the instrument, his whereabouts would soon be exposed, which was harmful to his plan.

Earlier, I searched around for the danger of meteorite. I finally learned that there were no hidden wolves nearby. If it attracted a latent wolf, it would be really stupid and deserved to die!

"We must fight quickly, otherwise I will definitely die as soon as the wolf comes!"

Ye Wuyou, who made up his mind, put his hands into palms and pushed forward. Most of the stone pillars that had been cut suddenly flew out of more than 200 catties of stones, and then fell down.

The two fast wolves who were eating obviously found something strange and looked up together. When they found that the boulders hit their heads, they jumped aside in panic.

However, without waiting for them to stand still, the huge stone hit again.





Four loud noises sounded one after another, followed by sand and dust all over the sky. However, the strange thing is that in the rolling sand and dust, the three vague figures are constantly intertwined, splashing gorgeous and enchanting blood flowers from time to time.

When two extremely sad howls sounded one after another, the dust seemed to be unable to withstand such a sad cry, and finally slowly dissipated, and finally revealed a scene like a Shura hell. However, the expression of the protagonist in the picture was quite strange, as if he had encountered something incredible, stunned!