Jingwu Century

Chapter 5 Provocative Wolf!

Bang bang!

"The beasts of the lunar wolf clan, Uncle Ye Wuyou are here. Come out and die!"

Outside the gate of the base of the labor reform institute, Ye Wuyou kept bombarding the solid steel casting gate, and at the same time, he also put a lot of words in his mouth.




Soon, Ye Wuyou's action attracted the attention of all the fast wolves in the base. In an instant, the high wolves howled one after another in the base.

"Hey, the food is finally here!"

The moment he heard the wolf howling, Ye Wuyou also stopped scolding and meaningless attacks, but turned around and ran without hesitation. This move is far from the previous single-handed momentum, and even has a little obscene meaning.

However, the ensuing scene perfectly explains the reason.

Under the iron wall to the west of the base, there was a row of pits with a diameter of about one meter. When Ye Wuyou had just run out of hundreds of meters, a pair of scarlet wolf eyes suddenly appeared in the dark pit, and then a fast wolf with black body and strong teeth and claws jumped out of it. When he saw the wind not far away After the escaped human, the greedy saliva suddenly rained, and the hungry man chased him at full speed in an instant.

However, before the fast wolf ran away, the dark pits jumped out of the fast wolf one after another, and then repeated the former's behavior.

In less than a minute, the fast wolf team chasing Ye Wuyou has soared to nearly 100. Looking from afar, behind a human who was running desperately, the smoke and dust were rolling and the shadows were full of wolves! From time to time, there were several rapid wolf howls.

Ye Wuyou was good at speed before becoming a Jingwu. After becoming a Jingwu, although he was not favored by mysterious forces only through the strengthening of Yuanjing, his speed has climbed to more than 200 kilometers per hour, which is enough to compare with some cars in the 21st century.

However, when he arrived at the stone forest, the nearest wolf had shortened the distance between the two sides to less than ten meters.

In fact, the real speed of the wolf is far higher than this level. If it runs at full speed under normal circumstances, its speed is at least twice that of Ye Wuyou. However, since arriving at Utah, the fast wolf has not entered, and the only food has been eaten by the more advanced moon wolf. Therefore, under weakness, the speed will be greatly reduced.

However, even so, their speed is higher than that of Ye Wuyou, otherwise the rapid wolf can change its name to inferior wolf.

After entering the stone forest, Ye Wuyou kept running at full speed while his hands were constantly waving, sprinkled pieces of cold light. Wherever he passed, many stone pillars collapsed under the sharp claws of cutting iron like mud. As for the fast wolf at hand, he never looked back, as if the ferocious thing behind him was just a tame big dog!



The wolf, who was about to catch up with its prey, had to slow down and avoid it under the obstacles of the constantly falling stone pillars, and the originally neat and orderly team also had riots from time to time, making Ye Wuyou, who was slightly slower, continue to distance himself.

However, after coming to the center of the stone forest, his footsteps did not stop. In addition to continuing to cut the stone pillars, he just ran wildly and seemed to be a little panicked.

In this way, a man and a group of wolves kept running wildly in the stone forest, like a plague spreader, and everywhere he passed was extremely destructive.

When Ye Wuyou ran out of the stone forest, the nearest wolf had fallen 100 meters away. However, in the face of the boundless flat terrain, he did not worry at all. On the contrary, his eyes were blazing, showing his mysterious self-confidence, and he maintained the highest speed and continued to run wildly.

However, in the long-distance extreme running, even the body strengthened by Yuanjing gradually felt unsupported, and his legs were getting heavier and heavier, but Ye Wuyou was very strange and hesitant. However, when he looked back and saw the smoke rolling behind him, although the fast wolves were gray, their eyes flashed with hatred and greed, he gritted his teeth, moved his mind, and then felt a faint hot current slowly flowing from his arms to the lead-filled legs.

What is amazing is that most of the legs that were about to be overwhelmed recovered in an instant under the moisture of the heat flow, but the heat flow also disappeared at this moment.

"The last point of inventory is gone, but..."

Although he felt sorry for the last bit of vitality, when he thought that there were nearly 100 wolves behind him, Ye Wuyou couldn't help but get excited, and the speed that had been gradually declining also began to climb until he reached the limit.

A crowd of wolves chased and fled, bringing a little anger to the dead Utah Star, and also adding a glimpse of strange scenery to the boring and monotonous plains.

Over time, the distance between Ye Wuyou and the wolves shortened again. However, when he came to a huge crack more than six meters deep, he was relieved, and then he did not hesitate to dive down and finally drilled into one of the many mines.

The wolves that followed saw the prey that were about to come to their mouths disappear and were irritable. Whether it was hatred for human beings or instinctive needs, they must capture this rare "food". As for whether the thin humans have enough to share with nearly 100 fast wolves with a big appetite, that's not what they need. It needs to be considered.

Then there was a very spectacular scene, where nearly a hundred fast wolves jumped down huge cracks fearlessly, and then drilled into the mine that devoured Ye Wuyou's figure one by one by the smell that had not yet dissipated.

After entering the mine, Ye Wuyou put on goggles and activated the night vision function for the first time, and then quickly groped on the edge of the hole for a few seconds. When he saw a basketball-sized container, his face could not help but be full of smiles.

"I found it!"

After picking up the container, he climbed to the extreme and was familiar with countless obstacles and many mines at fork. He seemed to be very familiar with the maze-like mines.




Shortly after Ye Wuyou left, a fast wolf with red eyes chased him. Then he sniffed in place and found the smell left by the prey in an instant, so there was another very different chase in the dark mine.

Feeling the noise behind him approaching, Ye Wuyou knew that the wolves were approaching, but he was not panic at all. Instead, with the night vision function of the goggles and his familiarity with the mine in the past few days, he quickly walked through many forkpoints, sometimes to the left, sometimes to the right, sometimes rampaging, unexpectedly There is no hesitation!

The strangest thing is that from beginning to end, he did not want to hide his breath. He did not look like a runaway prey, but more like a hunter who lured the enemy deep!

When Ye Wuyou came to a three fork, he finally slowed down slightly for the first time, and then glanced back and forth on the hole wall of the three fork as if confirming something, and then rushed into the middle fork!

After entering the fork, he ran desperately. When his eyes caught a very dazzling light in front of him, he turned around and stood without hesitation.

"It's still a little, it's still a little bit!"

When Ye Wuyou stopped, the wolves were not far from his position, only dozens of meters away. If it hadn't been for the extremely unfamiliar environment around him, he would have caught up with the former at the speed of the wolf.

Feeling that the smell of the prey was getting stronger and stronger, the first wolf was so excited that it was hungry that it was about to forget the taste of fresh meat. Driven by instinct, it ran harder, and other fast wolves obviously sensed this situation, so it seemed that they collectively beat chicken blood and ran desperately. It seemed that if they were one step behind, they might have nothing to do with delicious meat!

As time passed, Ye Wuyou, standing in the mine, felt extremely uncomfortable, and his heartbeat was accelerating. Crazy thoughts that he has never had before made him extremely nervous. Once he fails, the price he will pay may be a precious life!

At this moment, the wolf shadow did not appear, and the fishy wind came first!

"It's coming!"

When Ye Wuyou smelled a faint fishy smell, his dark eyes suddenly lit up. At the same time, his claws followed his heart. Six claws that were enough to divide gold and cut iron like mud popped out one after another, revealing a cold light.

In the next second, in the mine that already has a faint light, six cold light are divided into two groups, one left and one right keep flashing. Every time it flashes, it will be accompanied by a large amount of gravel.

Under the claws of cutting iron like mud, the extremely hard cave walls peeled off like tofu dregs. Coupled with Ye Wuyou's full efforts, in just a few seconds, the unspacious mine has been filled with thick gravel, leaving only a fist-sized gap, from which a scarlet-eyed wolf!


Seeing that the road ahead was blocked, the wolf who hit the head immediately burst out. However, under Ye Wuyou's scheme, the scarlet wolf's eye was finally covered by gravel.


Facing the prey close at hand, the fast wolf did not give up, but used its claws to crazily bite and pat the gravel pile blocked in front of him. However, they are not good at digging, and with the not spacious space, their excavation speed can be imagined.

As for Ye Wuyou, after blocking the wolves, the movement did not stop, but became more and more intense, waving his arms crazily and gradually retreating!

While digging desperately, I wanted to taste the delicious meat again; while blocking the road crazily, I wanted to block this group of animals! This is an uncompromising and unstoppable endurance war. Whoever can't support it first will become a caged bird and meat on the anvil!

With the passage of time, under Ye Wuyou's extremely crazy dance, the gravel pile blocking the road has become thicker and thicker, and with a few feet from time to time, the originally loose obstacles have become an insurmountable barrier!

And at this time, Ye Wuyou also unconsciously retreated out of the mine, but he seemed to feel that it was still unsafe. He lifted the big stone that had already been prepared beside him and smashed it into the mouth of the blocked hole. It was not until the gravel and soil became close that he dropped the stone. Sit on the ground and gasp!

Oh! Huh! Huh!

"Dad, mom and sister, Worry-free will give you a super sacrifice next!"

A series of extreme sports consumed most of Ye Wuyou's strength, making his face pale and his footsteps floating. However, looking at the mine that was completely blocked, he smiled extremely brightly!