Jingwu Century

Chapter 7 Failed to advance!

In the invisible mine, Ye Wuyou slowly walked to the corpse of the fast wolf with expectation. As the distance continued to shrink, the eyes under the goggles became brighter and brighter.

"Sure enough!"

When he put his hands on the body of the wolf, he suddenly felt a completely different fluctuation from a pair of arms, followed by a strange scene!

The arm suddenly emitted a dazzling purple light, and then a burst of smoke-like purple energy gushed out of it and wrapped the body of the wolf.

Under the light, the darkness was instantly dispersed, and the monotonous color brought by night vision returned to normal, so Ye Wuyou saw it more real: after wrapping the body of the wolf, the fog-like purple energy was divided into countless strands and surging on the wolf's skin, sometimes penetrating into it, and sometimes penetrating out.

Ye Wuyou, whose eyesight is extraordinary, is even more keenly captured. Whenever the misty purple energy penetrates, the skin of the wolf will be decomposed and then integrated into it.

The effect of a purple energy is very small. If the whole skin is to be decomposed, it may take a few days. However, under the work of countless pieces of purple energy, the originally thick and tough wolf skin suddenly disappeared, leaving only a bloody and bloody body.

After decomposing the whole wolf skin, countless foggy purple energy began to converge in mid-air and form a basketball-sized purple energy ball.

Then the misty purple energy began to contract at a speed visible to the naked eye. Not long after, it turned into a drop-like liquid energy, and finally integrated into the arm guard under Ye Wuyou's stunned.

When the water-like liquid energy was integrated into the armguard, the more dazzling purple light flashed from the armguard. After the flashy purple light disappeared, the surroundings were again submerged by darkness. However, Ye Wuyou's heart was mixed with joys and sorrows and could not calm down for a long time.

According to his understanding, Jingwu is also divided into four levels and nine levels like Jingwu, specifically four evolutions and 36 promotions! And the level of the former cannot exceed that of the user itself. That is to say, it is impossible for a third-level warrior to have a fourth-level Jingwu, let alone a general-level Jingwu, even if you have countless matching cherished materials.

Ye Wuyou is now only a first-class warrior, but Jingwu began to absorb the materials for promotion independently, which obviously subverted the past perception.

What worries him more is that the materials absorbed by Jingwu's promotion or evolution must match it, either the same material or a closely related material. In general, it is impossible to say that wooden Jingwu needs to absorb irrelevant metals to advance or evolve.

This also indirectly shows that his arm is obviously the cuticle of some kind of creature. This discovery reminds him of the mysterious object that suddenly drilled into the mouth when it fuses with the source crystal!

Thinking that there may be a mysterious creature hidden in his body, Ye Wuyou couldn't help getting goose bumps. No wonder, I'm afraid anyone would be worried about this unknown situation!

Fortunately, Ye Wuyou's personality made it impossible for him to waste his mind on puzzles that could not be solved, so he secretly warned himself that once he had the opportunity to return to the earth or human place of residence, he must find a way to detect it through advanced equipment to see if there were really any mysterious creatures lurking in his body.

However, he didn't know that such a seemingly correct and cautious move would cause him great trouble in the future!

Throwing away the worries in his heart, Ye Wuyou began to return along the road, because he wanted to collect the fast wolf skin he had previously hunted for Jingwu's promotion!

This is also the reason why he is happy. As far as he knows, the materials needed for Jingwu's promotion are very precious, and the higher the level, the price increases exponentially. After reaching the Warlord level, some materials are even more unattainable and cannot be solved by money at all! And the materials needed for evolution are even more rare, several times more expensive than promotion!

With his current income, if Jingwu needs to absorb metal to advance, I'm afraid he can't even afford 1% of the first promotion. This is still the case of choosing popular materials!

The status of warrior-level Jingwu is very embarrassing, and it doesn't work. Unless you are talented and willing to invest in other people's command, just collecting materials is enough to be anxious.

This situation has also caused many senior soldiers, but only the situation of low-level Jingwu! If there is no adventure, I'm afraid that Ye Wuyou, who is naturally unwilling to rely on others, will become one of them.

Nowadays, as long as the arm protector absorbs enough wolf skin, he can be promoted. Although the number is a little large, this is also a good news for him, because wolf skin is worthless at all!

With his familiarity with the mine and outstanding memory, Ye Wuyou returned the same way, kept collecting the cortex on the body of the wolf, and then left a more horrible wolf with a dead shape!

Along the way, Ye Wu found that the number of wolves he encountered was constantly decreasing. When he killed the thirty-seven wolves, he could no longer find a wolf in the huge mine. This situation shows that the remaining wolf finally couldn't help returning to the base after finding the way of prey and pursuit!

"The 30th!"

The arm guard that absorbed 29 wolf skins has still not changed at all, because the process has not changed at all. Only after successful promotion will Jingwu become stronger!

When Ye Wuyou's hands touched the wolf's body, the dazzling purple light came to the dark mine again, and the familiar scene was staged again!

However, in the last step, Ye Wuyou's heart was both worried and looking forward to, but it was like a five-flavor bottle. While he was relieved, he was more disappointed!

The foggy purple energy suspended in mid-air began to contract, and finally formed a drop of water-like ** energy. However, this energy could not be integrated into the armguard for a long time. It was like returning home, but it was not allowed to enter without a key. It was so anxious that it kept flying around the armguard, and finally gradually dissipated in the air. Among them!

Seeing everything in his eyes, Ye Wuyou has a plan in his heart. According to his speculation, there are two reasons for the failure of arm guard promotion.

The first one is because his own level as a user is not up to standard, so it has become an obstacle to Jingwu's promotion!

The second type is arm protection, which is likely to require not only the cuticle of organisms, but also other materials, such as metals! The reason for this idea is that the iron-like claws on the arm guard and the indestructible spikes!

In Ye Wuyou's view, the second situation is more reliable, because under normal circumstances, only when the user reaches the corresponding level can Jingwu advance or evolve, and the real situation is indeed very different, so the second guess is very likely to hold.

Unfortunately, Ye Wuyou does not have the metal in his hand that can promote Jingwu, otherwise he can try it!

Although Jingwu's failure to advance brought a little loss to Ye Wuyou, he is not the kind of sentimental or self-reveted person. Therefore, after the vitality stored in the armguard was saturated, he found a secret place in the mine to practice!

As for why he didn't find trouble with the fast wolf, the reason is actually very simple. After all, the current fast wolf is extremely precious "food" for him, because he doesn't know how long he needs to stay on this desolate planet!

At the same time, according to his guess, the number of wolves in the base will not exceed 200! According to the vitality of a fast wolf, it can provide three days of consumption. Under the most ideal circumstances, he can only survive for about 600 days! If losses are included, or fast wolves devouring each other, it is very unoptimistic!