Jingwu Century

Chapter 21 Extreme Spirit Ceremony (Three Updates, Tickets)

"If the cultivation conditions are not so harsh, let alone 20 million, I'm afraid 200 million may not be able to be photographed. It's really lucky." After returning to the hotel, Ye Wuyou immediately took out a brochure made of special paper and carefully read the attached precautions.

Extreme Spirit Ceremony: Created by unknown master, it can stimulate the spiritual power of the human body to the greatest extent. Its cultivation speed is several times that of ordinary people. The specific utility is determined by the physical quality of the practitioners.


I. You must not have studied other methods to cultivate spiritual power.

2. Only those who can't tolerate ordinary people and have extremely strong willpower can practice.

3. Those who have not yet stimulated their spiritual power should not practice, otherwise they will definitely die!

IV. In the process of cultivation, the body will be greatly traumatized, so it must be supplemented by drugs that restore vitality and body function. Otherwise, you will become an abandoned person, and if you are serious, you will die!

It is these four domineering requirements that make this supposedly shocking spiritual skill like chicken ribs.

However, in Ye Wuyou's opinion, this "Extreme Spirit Canon" is simply tailor-made for him. Not to mention the first three, the fourth one alone is like a virtual thing in front of his power. As long as there is enough vitality, it is no problem at all.

Thinking of this, Ye Wuyou slowly opened the thin pamphlet. Unexpectedly, as soon as he opened it, a sudden change appeared!

In his visual senses, the text pattern on the page of the brochure suddenly came to life, and then it came out and gradually enlarged until it disappeared into his mind.

Under the sudden sensory shock, Ye Wuyou's first thought of resistance. However, gradually, he found that these pictures and texts that poured into his mind were not harmful attacks, but similar to inheritance-like, filling data records.

A profound text and an extremely detailed analysis of the human body flashed in his mind like a slide. I don't know how long it took before it was all engraved on his soul, which was profound and unforgettable.

After replying, Ye Wuyou suddenly realized when he saw a pamphlet like a wordless book: It turned out that this was the spiritual rubbing method. No wonder a book of experience and cultivation method is sold at such a high price. This kind of spiritual rubbing can't be plagiarized at all. The only way is for the rubbinger to permanently damage his spiritual power to rub it.

Who in the world is willing to permanently damage their spiritual power to do such a thing? I'm afraid that only masters who know that there are not many days, no heirs, and are afraid of the loss of the law will do such a selfless act.

After calming down and adjusting the state to the best, Ye Wuyou began to study the "Extreme Spirit Canon" engraved in his mind.

Through his understanding, the whole "Extreme Spirit Classic" is only divided into two volumes and appendices. The first volume tells the founder's unique views on spiritual power, and the second volume is the cultivation method.

It is mentioned in the Canon: human mental power does not only exist in the brain domain, but also exists in all parts of the body and even cells. However, the body is different from the brain domain and does not produce mental power independently, but will be absorbed and stored for a short time for various reasons.

At the same time, because the capacity that can store spiritual power in all parts of the body is too small and the storage time is short, it is difficult for even strong people who are proficient in spiritual power to find it. However, once all the latent spiritual power of the body is absorbed, the total amount is no less than the amount contained in half of the brain domain, which is a very horrible data.

"Does all parts of the body contain spiritual power?"

Ye Wuyou is obviously skeptical of this view, because no Jingwu has ever mentioned a word in this regard for centuries. If it really exists, why can't others find it?

However, when he continued to look at it, this suspicion dissipated, followed by incomparable excitement.

General outline: The potential of the human body can always explode more or less at times of great stimulation or danger, because the mental power stored inside the body is stimulated by external conditions.

The first layer: extreme stimulation, using a small amount of mental power to stimulate the tissues and cells of the whole body, so as to guide some of the hidden spiritual power and quickly absorb it for your own use. Note that this process is painful and requires psychological preparation.

The second layer: Haina Baichuan, uses a large amount of spiritual power to destroy the tissues and cells of the whole body to a certain extent, so as to release the hidden spiritual power and quickly absorb it for its own use. Note that this process is extremely dangerous and must be supplemented with drugs that effectively repair body tissue cells before it can be cultivated.

In addition to these two layers, the rest is to record the mental power method specially released by the body and conventional brain cultivation. At the same time, there are three detailed body analysis maps and a vague catalogue!

"No wonder many people will burst into unimaginable power in times of crisis. That's why!"

Seeing this, Ye Wuyou can't help but think of many events about the outbreak of human potential in society. For example, a weak woman can actually lift a car in a time of crisis in order to save her child; for example, some people will explode amazing combat effectiveness when they are seriously injured.

These many examples obviously coincide with the views expressed in the Extreme Spirit Canon!

According to the Canon, you should memorize the corresponding body analysis map and the method of absorbing the mental power released by the body before practice.

Next, it took Ye Wuyou a full day to completely record the first meticulous human body analysis, but this also consumed a lot of his mind, coupled with his original poor state, which forced him to use sleep to recover his weak body.

The next day, he got up early and felt a hundred times more energetic after a full meal. Although it was just an illusion, it also indirectly showed that his mental strength had recovered to a certain extent.

"It should be enough!"

Although he realized that the spiritual power in the source sea was only one-tenth of the original, Ye Wuyou did not worry too much, because practicing the spiritual power method specially to absorb the body does not require too much mental power.

Slowly sinking into his mind, Ye Wuyou came to the source sea again. Although he soon noticed the existence of mysterious creatures, this time he did not intend to provoke the other party, but to concentrate on using his thoughts to mobilize a few spiritual power, and try to make it spread to every corner of his body.

The mind is born with the heart, and God is moved by the mind;

With me, I am a god;

The sea accepts all rivers, and the gods return to one!

The simple six formulas have analyzed this special absorption method vividly. Although it is not difficult to understand, it is not easy to do.

The first two sentences were quickly reached. After all, after a period of training, the control of mental power has been brought to the room. However, at the beginning of the third sentence, "I have nothing" is extremely difficult.

Ye Wuyou uses his mind to control his spiritual power all over his whole body, which is very smooth when the meridians run. However, it is extremely difficult to penetrate into all the tissues and cells of the body. There seems to be an invisible and untouchable door around each cell in front of his mental power, making it difficult for him to enter.

"I have nothing...I have nothing..."

As time passed, Ye Wuyou, who sat cross-legged and sat cross-legged, suddenly opened his eyes, and his face was full of disappointment: "I didn't expect that it was so difficult that even a cell could not penetrate. Practice makes perfect. Come on! I don't believe that Ye Wuyou will be defeated by a small cell wall!"