Jingwu Century

Chapter 30 Destroy the Earth

The vibrant purple sky, the dead silver-gray buried ground, and the bare huge dead wood, these three strange combinations make this space even more mysterious. If you add those strange skull claws, even the most courageous people will be deterred.

However, the moon wolf clan, a fighting race born for aggression, is an exception. In their simple but extremely rigorous class idea, there is only the difference between enemies and food, and everything must be premised on the prosperity of the race!

Because of this extreme but effective instinct, in the vast majority of battlefields, technologically advanced human beings often fail due to various natures, such as selfishness, intrigue, timidity, etc. This is also because human beings have an advantage in small battlefields, but have not been able to eliminate the moon wolf clan for a long time. The root cause.

And in this mysterious region, the Moon Wolf once again showed an unparalleled strong instinct in front of Ye Wuyou.

The mutant blood-colored giant wolf in the east suddenly looked up to the sky and roared, and then the other three directions of the two-headed giant wolf, two-legged flying wolf and blood wolf also responded at the first time.

The howls of the four fierce high-level moon wolves, like a signal, make the rest of the moon wolves excited to fight and watch them to death. In an instant, the mountains were all over, and countless wolf troops rushed to the center of the buried land in a crazy but orderly manner, as if there was something that attracted them.

The army fights with more than 1,000 people, which is magnificent and magnificent; with more than 10,000 people and all over the mountains. Nowadays, hundreds of thousands of troops have launched a charge by the Moon Wolf clan, and the effect of its charge cannot be described as shaking mountains and discoloration of heaven and earth.

In the face of the tide-like army of the moon wolf clan, the buried bone land also responded silently. As long as it is within the scope of the buried bone land, almost no fast wolf can survive and fall under the claws of the ubiquitous skeleton.

If hundreds of thousands of wolf troops are compared to thousands of troops and horses, then the claw of the skeleton is a cavalry nightmare composed of countless horse pits, tripping horse ropes and horse horns!

Countless different forms of skeleton claws continue to emerge from the white-boned buried land, but all the fast wolves captured by them will fall to the ground in an instant, and then be pulled away from the vitality and strange breath of death without resistance, and replenished to the purple flowing clouds and skeleton claws for the first time.

The whole scene is extremely spectacular. Under the order of the high-level moon wolf, hundreds of fast wolves, which are not afraid of life and death, rushed to the center of the buried place, while the claws of the skeleton quietly harvested their lives like hell messengers!

This is a war without blood splashing, bone separation, and death howling. All the fast wolves seem to be asleep and die silently. A large amount of foggy purple energy permeates the sky of the whole bone burial land, covering a layer of strange gauze for the originally strange and very strange area!

However, Ye Wuyou, who was hiding in the tree hole, felt creepy in the face of this strange situation, and he was more worried about the purple clouds that constantly absorbed vitality in the sky.

According to his understanding of vitality, if the formation of all purple flowing clouds is condensed by absorbing the vitality of organisms, then if it is calculated according to the vitality of ordinary human beings, I'm afraid that tens of millions of human beings will have to slaughter a big city to gather such a terrible life magnetic field!

At the same time, what puzzled him was the suicidal stupidity of the moon wolf clan.

Although most of the moon wolves are not intelligent, there must be moon wolf nobles in the hundreds of thousands of troops. As the ruling class of the lunar wolf clan, people have long calculated that they have no less wisdom than human beings. Therefore, they can't sit back and watch their troops sacrifice so worthless, no matter how many wolves there are, no matter how cheap they are!

In less than half an hour, more than half of the hundreds of wolves have fallen forever on the buried ground. However, the leading senior moon wolf still has no intention to stop at all, still standing coldly in place, overlooking his troops being ruthlessly slaughtered!

Suddenly, Ye Wuyou, who had been watching the battlefield hidden in the tree hole, keenly found that the bodies of tens of thousands of wolves disappeared.

If it hadn't been for the amazing insight and the early intention, I'm afraid it would be difficult for him to find this change on the battlefield where the bodies are piled up!

"Isn't it!?"

Ye Wuyou seemed to think of something, and then looked at the purple fog sky with a worried face. The next moment, the dark pupils contracted in an instant, as if they had seen something extremely incredible!

The sky, which was originally floating with a large number of purple flowing clouds, has completely changed. All the flowing clouds have converged towards the center of the mysterious region, forming a purple cloud ball, and is still growing. It looks like the sun shining with a strange purple light, which is eye-catching.

Correspondingly, in the silver-gray buried land, a large amount of silver-gray gas converges towards the center, forming a silver-gray energy ball of the same size and growing.

Two energy balls with opposite energy attributes are one high and one low. Day by one, they seem to be fighting and seem to echo each other.

With the continuous withdrawal of silver-gray energy, the number of skull claws in the buried land is as large as before, but after about an hour of slaughter, hundreds of thousands of fast wolves have disappeared, and there can't be any big waves at all!

When the last wolf couldn't afford it and was pulled away from the energy, all the claws of the skeletons and the bones of the buried place collapsed in an instant, forming countless gorgeous silver-gray bone powder, and slowly floating silver-gray balls in the center of the fragrance.

Without countless bone embellishment, the buried land does not seem to be as horrible as before. Instead, there is more sadness after the war and hope of rebuilding the home!

Purple smoke, silver phosphorus, and two strange huge energy balls form a strange and natural picture scroll.

When all the silver-gray bone powder and purple smoke were swallowed by two energy balls, the whole place where the bones were buried began to tremble slightly.

Then the two huge energy balls began to quickly approach each other. The powerful magnetic field of life and the boundless strong dead air were like eternal sworn adversary. As the two sides continue to approach, the rejection of two completely different energies becomes more obvious and fierce. Finally, two similar fluctuating airflows were formed, which looked like two high-speed celestial bodies that were about to collide with each other.

"This...if this hits, I'm afraid..."

Ye Wuyou, hiding in the tree hole, looked at the two energy balls that were about to hit together.

At this moment, either side of the scene can clearly feel the huge energy contained in the two energy balls. If they collide with each other, with their opposite nature and completely equivalent quality, they may have an unprecedented explosion. At that time, let alone a radius of ten miles, I'm afraid that the whole Musa will disappear and eventually become the dust of the universe!

In the face of this situation, Ye Wuyou felt deeply powerless for the first time. Watching death approaching step by step, he could only sit and wait for death.

This sense of powerlessness gave him unprecedented stimulation. The spiritual power hidden in countless cells in his body was released without guidance, and then absorbed by it.

However, Ye Wuyou, who was facing death, didn't care at all. He just kept watching the two energy balls that were about to destroy the world keep approaching and trying to find a way to save himself.

However, the wish is beautiful, but the reality is cruel. The two huge energy balls finally hit together. In an instant, the energy of the whole mysterious area was raging, the sky and the earth cracked, and the light was shining at the same time. At this moment, both the senior moon wolf and Ye Wuyou inevitably closed their eyes... ready to wait to die quietly!

"Did I die like this..."