Jingwu Century

Chapter 65 Dilemma!

The remnant sun is like blood, making the equatorial sky of Jupiter like a poetic and charming; the afterglow of the sunset falls on the orange-red land, which can't help but give people a strange feeling; the sparse, unique strange plants distributed on the plain that can't be played at a glance, look particularly sad and beautiful under the light of the remnant sun.


A burst of wolf howling broke the dreamy and sad sunset map.

Hundreds of fast wolves ran wildly, chasing and intercepting fifteen fast but uneven figures, slightly embarrassed.

"Daw, how many fast wolves are there? If it goes on like this, it will be endless. Sooner or later, they will be gnawed away." Potter, who fell at the end of the team, ran and complained angrily, and finally pointed to Elimi in front of him: "It's all you. If it weren't for you, a fool, how could you be found by the wolf? If I'm going to die, you don't want to live."

"Well, I don't have much ability, but my mouth is quite powerful. I was found by the patrol of the Moon Wolf clan, and I actually blamed me, thinking that I would be afraid of you?" Elami is an Indian. He is tall but not burly. He is good at jiu-jitsu, but he has a bad temper. Therefore, in the face of Potter's complaints, he immediately retorted and tit-for-tat.

"You look for..."


In the face of Elimy's retortion, the grumpy Potter almost stormed away, and the huge sword in his hand almost came out. However, a low voice interrupted the rest of the action, and even Elami, who was originally preparing to fight, converged.

"At this important juncture, if anyone adds another block to me, don't be polite."

"Yes, captain!"

"I know, captain!"

The calm but with an unquestionable tone made Potter and the two of them shudder. Even the rest of the people put away their minds to watch the play and drove full power to get rid of the wolves who followed him in the shortest time.

In addition to slowing down, Potter, who put away his temper, also peeked at the vigorous back running in front of the team from time to time. As a 9-level soldier who has been a veteran for many years, he can't figure out that the other party is only the level of an eighth-level warrior, but a series of elements such as speed, strength and response are far superior. Myself.

If this alone, he can still accept it. After all, as long as he has a rich family background, it may not be impossible to get some precious drugs or expensive instruments. Even to reach this level of omnipotence still needs to be investigated. However, what makes him most incredible is that his almost omnipotent physical fitness is not worth mentioning compared with the power of terror.

At the thought of the devil-like back of the rapid wolves and wantonly harvesting life like a demon, Potter couldn't help shivering. Even if he wandered on the edge of the battlefield all year round and his hands were stained with blood, he could never do that attitude of completely ignoring life.

On the other side, Elimy also became silent and kept muted on his way, but the occasional panic in his eyes completely betrayed him.

As for the other team members, they all have their own opinions, but surprisingly, they are convinced and afraid of the seemingly ordinary back. Even Sarah, who has always been unruly and wayward, is surprisingly clever.

Although Ye Wuyou, who ran in front of the team, could not see the expression of the team members behind him, he still felt sensitive and could still feel the general mood of the people.

"It seems that Dean Madeira is right. Sometimes it's a good thing to teach people to be afraid."

In fact, Ye Wuyou is also helpless in doing this, because there are too many problems in this temporary team.

First of all, their strengths are almost the same, and they are all senior Jingwu warriors who have been wandering on the battlefield all year round, resulting in a situation where no one is convinced.

Secondly, everyone is a temporary group. They are not familiar with each other and it is difficult to trust each other. Even his captain, if he didn't deliberately show a few hands to frighten everyone, it would be difficult to command.

In the end, although everyone had no choice but to obey their orders for the time being because of the kindness of saving their lives, except for Lao Niu and Wufeng, the rest of them basically obeyed and beat Xiao Jiujiu in their hearts.

Not long ago, due to the negligence of Porter and Elimy, it was discovered by the patrols of the Wolves. Although the number of patrols was quickly solved by hundreds of them, they were escaped by wolves, resulting in the current situation. ( Worm Wolf: With a bloody crescent mark on its forehead, it is extremely small and strange. It is good at hiding and escaping. It has no attack power and is small in number. It also serves as a reconnaissance and messenger of the lunar wolf clan.)

Ye Wuyou led the team to run while observing the surrounding terrain and silently calculating the journey in his heart. In fact, the team of fast wolves behind is just a piece of cake. However, the number of moon wolves is too large. Once they are entangled by the other party, fast wolves will call friends for the first time. Unless you can kill all the fast wolves in an instant, you will find that you kill more and more, and finally be submerged by the sea of wolves alive.

Therefore, he must find a favorable terrain to get rid of the fast wolves behind him. If it is only himself, it is difficult to get rid of the fast wolves by relying on the inhuman speed. However, the speed of Porter in the team is not flattering. After all, the route developed by each crystal warrior is different. As for Ye Wuyou The situation is indeed a special case.



"Oh no, there are many fast wolves nearby!"

Hearing the wolf howls coming from all directions, everyone's faces suddenly changed, and even Ye Wuyou, who had been waveless, frowned.

"Don't mess up and rush to me with all your strength, otherwise once you are surrounded, you will definitely die!"

Ye Wuyou found that many people in the team were scared, and Porter and Elimi looked even more desperate, so they shouted, and at the same time, they were a few steps behind. They couldn't help dragging up the last two and rushed forward with full force.

Although with two people, with his extremely strong body, Ye Wuyou's speed was not slower than everyone, and he walked steadily in front of the team. When the rest of the people saw this situation, while showing admiration, they also used their strength to breastfeed and run wildly.

Botter and Elemi, who were dragged, were ashamed and ashamed, but also felt grateful and convinced for the first time. The reason for this is that this time is completely different from the bloody hurricane. Although Ye Wuyou helped everyone in the bloody hurricane, it was a great effort. After that, he still threatened each other. However, this time, regardless of his own danger, he ran wildly with the slowest two people in the team, undoubtedly showing everyone the demeanor of leaders and comrades-in-arms.


The high-speed running makes both ears windy, and the surrounding scenery retreats quickly. Fifteen vigorous postures are like pedaling an antelope, flying on the vast plain. However, a team of close formations followed by nearly a hundred ferocious wolves, biting them away.

At the same time, around the fifteen weak figures, there are countless moon wolves swarming towards them like a tide.

Once surrounded, I'm afraid it's really difficult to fly.

Ye Wuyou is well aware of the current emergency form, but there is no negative emotion on his slightly ordinary face, and there is still a faint, like innate self-confidence.

"The captain is still so confident at this time. Is there anything else?"

Wufeng, which is the closest to Ye Wuyou, happened to see the faint self-confidence and was surprised. However, what he didn't know was that there were many people in the team with this idea.

"It's close!"

Ye Wuyou ran with the two, but he was not tired at all. He was still lively. Suddenly, he shouted, "Everyone is ready to do the final sprint. With one breath, there is our hope ahead!"

"Faxin Boss, get eternal life, go!"

Ye Wuyou's loyal old cow roared loudly, blushing and stepping on two strong legs, and the girl ran desperately. The weight made the ground shaken, which was really funny.

Although the team members don't know what confidence Ye Wuyou has to break out of the siege, they believe that he is the only way at present, and everyone vaguely feels that this evil captain is not only hidden, but also has a lot of time. Even if it can reverse the form, it is not impossible. So one by one, they were even more energetic, following the resolute back.



The howling of the wolf is getting closer and closer, and everyone can even feel that the earth is constantly trembling, and a sound of ten thousand horses rushing is clearly visible.

Time is lost little by little. Fifteen people raced against time, won, saved their lives proudly, and lost. Only thousands of miles of bloody battles have become the food of the moon wolf clan!

"Ah, they are coming!"

Sarah in the team suddenly exclaimed. Everyone followed the sound and immediately found that except for the front, the other three sides were full of dense wolves, which could not be seen at a glance. The most important thing was that there were many high-level moon wolves.

A pair of scarlet wolves' eyes are full of greedy and bloodthirsty eyes, and countless moon wolves swarmed in, and they are bound to devour these human beings who dare to despise the ethnic group alive!

"Finally here!"

Ye Wuyou, who was aware of the surrounding situation, suddenly felt happy, because there was a natural steep canyon in front of him. Facing the twin peaks in the sky, even if he could fly without passing through the middle of the valley, it was difficult to reach the sky, and this was their only way to live.

Long before going to Jupiter, Ye Wuyou had carefully explored all the precautions and terrain of Jupiter's equator through the hunter's badge, so he took everyone to escape in this direction, in order to stop the pursuit of the lunar wolf clan in this naturally formed narrow canyon!

"Oh, my God, look!"

Wuyue in the team suddenly pointed to the front and exclaimed, and his tone was full of incredible shock!

PS: There is another chapter before 12 o'clock. This chapter was originally sent around eight o'clock, but the timing was wrong. I'm sorry!!