Jingwu Century

Chapter 73 Breaking the Delusion

In the mysterious cave, the mother tree of the Xiaoyue trembled violently, and a slender root danced back and forth in the air, looking very anxious. However, for some reason, the deadly tip did not pierce into the fifteen white cocoon hanging on the bald branch.

"Everyone cheer up and be vigilant. This is the nest of the moon wolf clan on Jupiter. If you are not careful, I'm afraid you will die or be injured!"

After entering the dark cave, the leaders of the Jingwu warriors who were temporarily united warned the team members one after another, although they successfully eliminated a large number of moon wolf troops and made it difficult to continue. However, the moon wolf clan is famous for being brave and not afraid of death. Therefore, no one can guarantee that there will be no moon wolf lurking in such an important place.

And what disturbs the leaders is that since entering this cave, all the detection equipment has lost their original effect, and even the biomagnetic compass of Hu's Group's high-end products has become dimmed.

Nearly 100 of the most elite Jingwu warriors carefully move forward in the crypt where they can't see their fingers. Whenever they encounter a corner, they will throw flash bombs in advance. Although this will scare snakes, it is the safest way without knowing the enemy. And people don't think that the moon wolves will not know their arrival.


Several scouts walking in front looked at the gradually extinguishing flash bombs, signaled to their companions behind them, and then took the lead in turning to another passage.

Looking at the scouts passing safely, all the crystal warriors were relieved. After all, as they continue to deepen, the greater the chance of encountering the ambush of the moon wolf clan.

is not a spacious passage. Only ten people are allowed to pass at a time. A team of nearly 100 people formed a phalanx, but it turned into a right angle at the corner.

At this moment, a sensitive Jingwu warrior in the team suddenly changed his face, and then shouted loudly without thinking, "Be careful under your feet!"

Although he did not hesitate at all and warned his teammates at the first time, the attack from the ground was faster and more fierce!


The dense black spikes seemed to be a sickle from hell, rising from under the hard rock without warning, and more than 20 people were hit in an instant.

Fortunately, everyone wears S/C series battles. Although they failed to block all attacks, it was not enough to make most of the sensitive Jingwu warriors escape.

As for the Jingwu warriors behind the team, they had dispersed as early as the black spikes broke through the ground. Unfortunately, due to the obstruction of their companions, they did not fight back immediately.

"Ready to drill ground to track the bomb!"

"The crystal warrior with strong penetrating ability has seen you!"


The crystal warriors who entered the cave are all elites among the elites, so although they were attacked, the reaction was very fast. In just a moment, an effective attack was organized.

However, the ambush of the moon wolf clan did not stop here, because I don't know when both sides of the passage were crowded with dense fast wolves and a small number of advanced moon wolves mixed with them.

As a group of Jingwu warriors were lying in the middle, the frequency of shaking of the moon tree in the crypt began to increase, as if they had become frightened by the arrival of a large number of human beings.

Suddenly, the mother tree of the Xiaoyue stopped shaking, but the slender root that had been floating in the air was straight. The next second, it shot at a giant white cocoon like a javelin. Wherever it passed, even the space had the illusion of being directly penetrated.

The slender roots look simple and unpretentious, but have amazing penetration. However, at the moment of piercing the white cocoon, a strong and real murderous intention suddenly burst out of the cocoon.



Between the electric flint, three cold rays flashed from the white cocoon, and then a right hand wrapped in a non-gold and non-iron purple arm suddenly broke out of the cocoon and grabbed the slender tree root.

The tough white silk thread was simply vulnerable in front of the claws piercing the cracked stone. After a few strokes, Ye Wuyou came out of the huge cocoon and landed firmly on the ground.

"So you're a fool!!"

His right hand grasped the root of the struggling tree like iron pliers, and his dark eyes were covered with cold and frost. Thinking of what he had experienced before, Ye Wuyou hated the roaring moon mother tree in front of him at the same time!

In that nihilistic and dark space, he seemed to have unconsciously lost all his nature and become a walking corpse. Not only that, but he also felt the taste of losing all six senses. Moreover, the disappearance of his teammates made him feel guilty of being affectionate and righteous.

It is because of the superposition of such negative factors that he has almost completely fallen. If it hadn't been for the last moment, with the innate sense of crisis and ready to break the illusion, I'm afraid I won't be able to escape death in the end.

In fact, what Ye Wuyou doesn't know is that the Xiaoyue mother tree, as a special architectural creature second only to the king of the moon wolf clan, not only has a strong war ability, but also has a very horrible self-preservation trick, that is, to create a dark space around itself and use all kinds of negative emotions to get lost in the creatures. . Generally speaking, as long as it is not a king-level strong man or a very determined general-level strong man, he will not escape a disaster in the end.

However, this ability also has many limitations. First of all, it must be within 100 meters of the whistling moon mother tree, so the crypt will become winding and tortuous.

Secondly, the dark space cannot accommodate more than 100 people at a time, and with the strength of the intruders, the number will increase or decrease.

Finally, every time the dark space is performed, the interval is one day.

Because of these restrictions, when a large number of crystal warriors kill the crypt, the mother tree of the moon will be as anxious as the ants on a hot pot, which not only accelerates the speed of transforming the moon wolf, but also sends a signal to all the moon wolf clans around Jupiter.

However, the elite Jingwu warriors were obviously beyond their expectations. They not only annihilated all the moon wolves in the future, but also went deep into the cave.

In the face of such a critical situation, the mother tree of the moon can't care whether the prey in the cocoon is completely fainted or not, so she is eager to transform more moon wolves to delay the time.

However, its luck is not good, but it has hit Ye Wuyou, who has the strongest resistance. If it has waited for a few hours, the previous scene will not appear.

Ye Wuyou didn't know much about the Xiaoyue mother tree in front of him. He just heard it, so he said to the other party, but now that he has woken up, everything will be very different.


Ye Wuyou, who was preparing to launch an attack, was suddenly stunned. The bloody tree in front of him felt a little familiar to him, but for a moment, he couldn't remember where he had seen him.


The mother tree, which lost all means of attack and self- protection, suddenly buzzed, and then surprising facial features appeared on the thick trunk, looking like a withered old face.

"It's the strange giant tree of Europa!"

Looking at the strange face on the trunk, Ye Wuyou finally remembered where he had seen similar strange trees. Although the two trees were very different, he didn't know why, he always felt that there was an inseparable connection between the two.

And just because there was a hunch, a strange idea suddenly bred from my mind and lingered like a suction cup.

Ye Wuyou smiled evilly, then raised his left hand and suddenly stabbed at the grasped tree root. This blow simply interpreted the fast and accurate trick vividly.


After the slender tree root was pierced by the claws, the mother tree trembled crazily, as if it had suffered great trauma and pain, but it did not expect that this was just the beginning.

Because the next moment, in addition to the severe pain caused by the pierced tree, there was also a strange but irresistible suction, and it was the huge vitality that the Xiaoyue mother tree was proud of and relied to survive!


Feeling the endless flow of life from the root of the tree into the armguard, Ye Wuyou couldn't help moaning. Based on the storage capacity of today's eight-level armguard, 800 wolf lives can be stored at a time. To his surprise, in just a moment, the vitality of the original low inventory was added to a small half.

This discovery made Ye Wuyou extremely excited, and his dark eyes looked at the struggling Xiaoyue mother tree from initial murder to ** naked greed.

"This guy's vitality is simply huge and unimaginable!"

Feel the incomprehensible flow of vitality to human beings not far away. After struggling fruitlessly, the mother tree suddenly became quiet, as if she had accepted her fate.

Ye Wuyou, who found this scene, was curious and secretly vigilant. After all, he has suffered a lot from the other party. If he fails in the end, he will really lose face to his grandma's family.

Sure enough, just a few seconds later, a dark hole half a meter in diameter suddenly appeared on the trunk of the quiet Xiaoyue mother tree, and then a meatball rolled out of it.

Just as Ye Wuyou looked at the meatball doubtfully, the second, third, fourth... continuous meatballs kept rolling out of the hole. As the number of meatballs increased, the original huge vitality of the Xiaoyue mother tree also passed quickly.

At the same time, the meat ball has also undergone drastic changes, gradually changing from the initial sphere to a moon wolf with teeth and claws.

" hiss!"

Looking at the ten senior moon wolves that appeared in front of him in just a moment, Ye Wuyou took a deep breath. At this time, he understood why the military tried to get rid of the Xiaoyue mother tree. If there were enough nutrients, I'm afraid that a luxurious moon wolf army would emerge out of thin air in a short time.


The first bloody giant wolf stared at Ye Wuyou's bloodthirstyly. Before his companions were completely formed, he turned into a blood shadow and rushed over desperately.

However, when Ye Wuyou was about to flash the sharp wolf's claws, the bloody giant wolf suddenly stopped. Although its inertia made it slide for several meters, the unconventional neck suddenly deflected and accurately opened its mouth to bite the slender roots that could not move.


PS: One chapter after today. Maybe the results are too poor recently, the state is not good, and the quality needs to be reduced. Slow down first.