Jingwu Century

Chapter 76 Evacuate!


The huge consumption caused by the continuous fierce battles made Ye Wuyou exhausted. Although his vitality had already been exhausted, there were a few more smiles on his slightly ordinary face. Not only for the successful completion of the task, but also for the well-lost perception of their companions.


"Captain, are you all right?"


13 embarrassed team members, except for the unconscious and windless, were also scarred and exhausted, but they showed strong concern in the first schedule.

"I'm fine. Let's treat the injury as soon as possible. We don't have much time." Ye Wuyou showed a rare smile, relying on his strong will to support his body and staggered to the weak Xiaoyue mother tree.

Looking at the humanized and frightened face on the trunk, there was no mercy in Ye Wuyou's eyes, but indifference, as if there was only an object in front of him, not a tree with life and wisdom.


The claws were all submerged into the bloody bark, and the slender roots danced rapidly in mid-air, but they were no longer fierce and seemed weak.

Feeling a large amount of vitality continuously injected into the armguard, Ye Wuyou was not surprised at all, but showed a contemplative look.

Since I got the power of absorbing vitality, although it has been dangerous all the way, I always rely on the power of the sky to avoid danger, making me more and more dependent on the power unconsciously. The most obvious thing is that every time you fight, you will think about how to use or rely on power to defeat the enemy.

This was originally understandable. After all, the power is also a kind of own ability, but it relies too much on the power. Although it can't be seen now, in the long run, it will certainly make the heart of the strong gradually collapse and eventually become an inaccessible warrior.

At the same time, if you want to exercise, you must keep tempering. Once you are tired, you can use vitality to recover. Although it is also effective, it has little effect, and automatic recovery are basically two concepts. The reason why Ye Wuyou has not found this drawback is that his physical condition is too good. Only then will the subtleties be ignored.

Originally, Ye Wuyou could not find these. Fortunately, after the events of Lao Niu, especially the last battle and the long-lost sense of collapse, he thoroughly understood that martial arts is like a mountain full of various tests and dangers that can never be seen. Only by relying on the indomitable spirit can he keep climbing Enough to have the hope of reaching the top, if you rely too much on any ability, you will definitely end up to pieces.


With the continuous loss of vitality for survival, the already weak Xiaoyue mother tree gradually quieted down, and the swinging slender roots became powerless and motionless, and the humanized face disappeared.

"Although the power is good, you can't rely too much!"

Ye Wuyou secretly reminded himself that when he was in danger, he still chose to use his vitality to recover his physical strength quickly. After all, there were still teammates who needed his care.

After recovering most of his physical strength, he turned on the camera function according to the prompts of the task and quickly danced his claws. In an instant, he dug out a fist-sized blood-colored bead from the huge Xiaoyue mother tree.

This source bead is the essence of the Xiaoyue mother tree and the only proof of completing the military mission. Although the value is quite high, it is like mud compared with the tasks released by the military.


Just put the source beads of the mother tree of Xiaoyue into his backpack, Ye Wuyou suddenly frowned, and then listened to the ground in the doubtful eyes of everyone.

"There is no time. There is a large army coming, and we must withdraw immediately!"

Seeing the solemnity on Ye Wuyou's face, everyone knew that the situation was urgent. Although they wanted to ask whether it was a moon wolf or a human, as long as they were not stupid, they all knew that at this time, there was no difference between the two. Obviously, the people in the team are all old fried sticks who have been on the battlefield for a long time. They know very well that they are tricky, so they all endured the pain and stand up with each other's support and prepare to evacuate collectively.

However, Sarah asked curiously, "Captain, is it a moon wolf or a human? If it's human, we don't need to escape at all.

"Miss, are you a real idiot or a fake idiot? Just look at the dead cow." Wutian is fooling all day long, and he is also often unforgiving.

"You..." Sarah stared at the sky, but unexpectedly, she was patient and persuaded Ye Wuyou: "Captain, if it's a human, I don't think we need to escape, because... because there is no other way out here."

Ye Wuyou tied the unconscious wind on his back and was about to find a way out. Unexpectedly, after hearing Sarah's words, he suddenly turned around. His dark eyes were murderous, and his tone was extremely cold and asked, "Who sent you here?"

"I...I came by myself!"

Looking at the naked murderous intention in those eyes, Sarah, who was a little scared, became extremely stubborn for some reason. Instead of retreating, she bravely looked at her.

"I don't care who sent you. Now I'll give you two ways. First, get out now! Two, die!"

Laoniu's betrayal made Ye Wuyou, who was sentimental and righteous, become extremely angry at the same time. Now, although there is no definite evidence that Sarah has other intentions, he is willing to kill a hundred by mistake and does not want to take the lives of the rest of his teammates as an emotional bet!

"You...you have the ability to kill me now!" Feeling the undisguised murderous intention, Sarah suddenly felt very wronged. her smart eyes were already full of fog, but she was stubborn and did not take a step back.


The fist wrapped in purple armband was suddenly clenched, and three sharp claws with coldness came out, as if choosing someone to eat and drink countless bloody deadly teeth!

"Captain, wait, give me a little time."

Looking at the extremely tense atmosphere of both sides and the increasing murderous intention on the captain, Wuyue, who was also a woman, suddenly stood in the center of the two and dissuaded.

"I'll give you a minute!"

Although Ye Wuyou undisguisedly released his murderous intention, why is he willing to attack his companions before he figure out the facts? The appearance of Wuyue just gave him a step. So he left a cold sentence and looked for a way to break through with everyone.

Looking around, the whole cave has no other way but one channel. If you choose to leave through the channel, you will definitely encounter that large force, which is obviously fatal for the team that is unable to fight again.

"The only way..."

Looking at the almost identical dark rocks around him, Ye Wuyou was also knocking around while identifying the direction, and from time to time he used his claws to spy on the hardness of the rock.

However, to his disappointment, although the claws could penetrate these hard rocks, time obviously did not allow him to open a new channel.

"Captain, do you want to dig a channel to leave?"

Just as Ye Wu was at a loss, an obscene but slightly respectful voice suddenly sounded in his ears. He turned his head and found that Hagen, carrying a golden hoe, was flattering.

"Do you have a way?"

For Hagen, Ye Wuyou is 100% relieved. Although this person is obscene and timid, he has a strange dignity.

"Yewell, I'm not good at anything else, but when it comes to tunnel excavation, I dare to recognize the second place in the whole Earth Federation. I'm afraid not many people dare to admit the first place."

Looking at Hagen's obscene face full of confidence and the strange hoe, Ye Wuyou had to die as a living horse doctor and said, "Then you have to dig quickly. Time is running out. We must evacuate as soon as possible, otherwise we will all die here."

"Death...dead here?" Hagen suddenly trembled when he heard it, and then sniffed around without waiting for Ye Wuyou to urge him. Just ten seconds later, he waved his hoe and dug crazily.

"This...this is too exaggerated!"

Although I have seen Hagen's digging skills in the strange woods, there is nothing special about the soft soil. However, at this moment, looking at the exaggerated hoe like digging tofu, scraping out the hard rocks quickly, and the obscene and relaxed look, Ye Wuyou feels that the world is simple. It's a little crazy.

"Come and help, remove these gravel. If you are out, try to make as many * broken roads as possible!" Ye Wuyou came to Hagen's side and wondered, "Hagen, why are you digging so fast and so easy?"

" boss, you can't be fast. If you slow down, your life will be gone. Although my Jingwu has poor combat effectiveness, it can ignore all geological structures. No matter how hard the rock layer is, it is no different from mud.

Hagen waved his hoe as he spoke, but the fear in his tone completely exposed his heart.

Looking at the channel that had been dug for dozens of meters for a moment, Ye Wuyou was very sure. The only pity was that the frequency of Hagen's excavation was really not good, but Jingwu could not be used by anyone except himself.

At this time, Wuyue also came over with aggrieved Sarah.

"Captain, in fact, you are wrong about Sarah. She is kind. Here's the thing..."


After a bloody battle, the 100-person team composed of several major families and mercenaries finally relied on their own strength and advanced equipment to annihilate the ambush moon wolves, but in the same way, they also paid a heavy price.

When they came to the cave, only half of the original 100-person team was left, but everything they saw in front of them made everyone fall into complete despair and madness.

The empty crypt is full of a strong smell of blood, and there are traces of fierce fighting everywhere. A large number of the bodies of senior moon wolves are everywhere, but everyone's eyes are coincidentally focused on the huge tree that has lost all its breath, especially the ferocious and empty wounds on the trunk.

"Who the hell is it?"

"Get out of here!"

"Oh my God..."