Jingwu Century

Chapter 11 Strange Silver Particles

The mysterious unknown galaxy, five stars with the color of gold, wood, water, fire and earth revolve around a black star with a strange silver ring.

In the galaxy-like ethereal rings, there are more than 20 lifelike silver intelligent race statues. Judging from the struggle, it is like the struggle of a drowning person before his death.

And not far from the silver statue, hundreds of mercenaries in crystal armor are doing their best to keep approaching the black star. Strangely, one of the men in purple crystal armor looks a little different, but he has a strong interest in the silver particles that everyone avoids like snakes and scorpions.

After moving forward for a distance and shaking off the silver-gray particles attached to his body, he will stay for two seconds and quietly sense something. When most of the body is attached to silver particles, he will easily fly forward for a short distance, and then repeat the previous action.

Ye Wuyou's move not only attracted the attention of Lanca, but also the other three strong men who first-held the law also found this strange scene.

"Brother, what do you think that guy is doing?" The woman with long mercury hair is looking curiously at the purple figure lagging behind the crowd with her big black eyes.

"I don't know, but that guy is the only person I can't see through. His strength is not below you and me." Facing his sister's question, Yinfeng did not know the answer, but vaguely felt that the strange human must have found something from the silver particles.

As for the uninhabited silicon-based creatures at the beginning, there is no previous arrogance at this time. Under the protection of the dark law, the whole person turned into a black gas and moved forward slowly. However, silicon-based organisms still hold a disdainful attitude towards Ye Wuyou's move.

"It's strange that the existence of these silver particles is very strange, but I seem to have met somewhere..."

After entering the unknown galaxy and seeing the six unreasonable stars, Ye Wuyou has a vague feeling of familiarity. When entering the silver ring, this feeling gradually increases, especially the abnormal movement of silver particles, which gives his body a familiar touch.

He can be sure that his body must have been exposed to strange substances such as silver particles!

Non-gold non-iron, the weight is amazing; it is like a creature, but not all; the breath of life is very light, but it is extremely aggressive... It is strange in nature that it cannot be described by any simple substances... Since you can't figure it out, you can only use other means to verify it.

Thinking of this, Ye Wuyou's mind moved, and a purple light flashed in his left eye. The rich source of life could converge into a fist-sized sphere, wrapping some silver particles nearby, which also emitted a faint mysterious fluctuation.


Under the action of the law of life, the volume of silver particles is expanding at a speed visible to the naked eye, from the initial dust to marbles!

"It turned out to be a creature!"

Pay attention to Ye Wuyou's four law strongmen and look at the shape of the larger silver particles. Whether it is the fish, mouth or fins, it shows that the silver particles are some kind of unknown fish creature.

However, Ye Wuyou frowned. He, who mastered the law of life, obviously knew more than others, and in his view, the group of fish-like creatures in front of him was not a simple creature.

Not only that, vitality seems to have a strong attraction to silver particles, because silver particles are attracted by energy balls with a strong breath of life. What's more strange is that Ye Wuyou clearly felt that the binding force acting on his body was gradually weakening.


Under Ye Wuyou's will, the law of life changed in an instant. What puzzled him was that the group of unknown substances that became larger and regarded as white mice were unharmed under the will of death.

All this is not caused by Ye Wuyou's law, but by the essence of silver particles.

It can accept growth but not death, which is obviously beyond the meaning of life...

Once the mind turns, the rich source of life can be instantly replaced by the gloomy source of death.


The law of death starts instantly. Strangely, it looks like an unknown substance like a fish, but there is no reaction at all.


Under the rule of rebirth, the volume of unknown substance the size of marbles is shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye, and in the end, it is even completely extinguished, leaving no trace.


The meaning of the law of life and death seems to act on the silver particles, becoming upside down and disorderly. The four people in the Lanc were even more confused. They didn't know what two laws Ye Wuyou mastered, let alone what the silver particles were.

Can accept growth, but not death; unable/reincarnation, not weak...

"Is this...is this..."

Ye Wuyou was suddenly shocked. He finally remembered why this feeling seemed familiar, especially the memory of his body. It turned out that the silver particles gave him the same feeling that when he was advanced to the god level, after swallowing two mysterious beads, his consciousness was taken away and his body was materialized by the unknown!

Not only this, but also has inextricable similarities with the strange giant tree of Europa if classified it seriously!

And the whole mysterious galaxy, all the laws are reversed, but they follow the most primitive and fundamental creation and destruction. It is precisely the law of life and death that is reborn and closest to creation and destruction. This leads to the magical characteristics that silver particles can accept growth but not death; they cannot/reincarnate and are not weak!

Mysterious creatures, mysterious beads, unknown galaxies, all of which seem to be unrelated, but they are essentially related...

Now that he understood the reason, Ye Wuyou did not intend to delay any longer, because during the period of research, more than a dozen mercenaries became silver statues one after another.

The danger ahead is still unknown. Whether it is out of morality or selfishness that needs people to explore the way, he will not watch all the mercenaries fall here.

I saw a sudden flash of silver-gray light on Ye Wuyou's body, and the original purple crystal armor instantly turned into silver gray, emitting bursts of death.

Sure enough, after dying and covering up the breath of life, he felt that the binding force acting on his body was rapidly fading. In the end, it was almost imperceptible. As for others, they do not have this ability, because only the dead air that is completely opposite to the breath of life can cover up the breath of life, and even laws can't do this.

Field - Shura Hell!

With Ye Wuyou as the center, within a radius of thousands of meters, it turned into a forest ghost field. Not only the gloomy wind bursts and the ghosts rushed around, but also the extremely strong dead gas also made the silver particles lazy. Although they did not disperse, they did not react at all.

"Everyone come closer to me!"

Ye Wuyou used his spiritual power to send messages to everyone. At the same time, without restrained power, his body was like electricity, and the speed was so fast that the four people in the Lanc were stunned!

"This speed! How is that possible?"

"Is he unaffected?"


"Why is our law invalid for silver particles, but hiss is fine?"

Ye Wuyou did not pay attention to the shock and speculation of the four people, but focused on saving people. His field was like a shelter. Although the crystal warriors who entered it were not almost completely unfettered like him, they were also much easier, at least there was no risk of life.

"Thank you, my lord!"

"Thank you for your life!"

"You save my life, and I will find a chance to pay you back!"


Nearly 100 strong gods at the peak were rescued by Ye Wuyou one after another and expressed their gratitude. They all thought they would die here, but they didn't expect to be rescued unexpectedly in the end. If it were in other secret places, this situation would not happen at all.

At the same time, everyone is guessing Ye Wuyou's strength, and the law is bound to be strong, but even the four people in the Bosek are uncertain about how strong it is.

In fact, Ye Wuyou is not much better than the four of them, but it happens to be the nemesis of silver particles, and people who don't know the details will feel so shocked.

I saw everyone flying in the silver ring with a relaxed face under the protection of Ye Wuyou. In the end, the four Lancac also joined them one after another. After all, it is more important to preserve strength than face.

"Well, the first-level field is very common, but it's lucky."

The unique spiritual fluctuations undoubtedly reveal the identity of the owner, and everyone looked at the silicon-based creatures shrouded in black gas with disgust.

Ye Wuyou did not respond to this, because he knew that the silver ring was just an appetizer, and the arrogant and arrogant character of silicon-based creatures would definitely fall without accident.

He is arrogant, and naturally he will not care about a dying person.

In contrast, he is more about why the whole galaxy gives him a vague sense of familiarity. He must have seen a similar scene somewhere, and the existence of silver particles proves this, but unfortunately he can't remember it.

The Yinfeng brothers and sisters looked at each other. They, who were belligerent and not afraid of difficulties, saw a trace of difference in each other's eyes. Obviously, Ye Wuyou's strength has been initially recognized by the Silver Wings, because the worship of the strong is the characteristics of this high-end race.

And Lancake smiled at Ye Wuyou, whose performance once again confirmed the magic of his innate ability.

"It seems that on this trip to the secret place, my nobleman is this human, and I must follow his pace. Fortunately, I have foresight and have a good relationship with him in advance. Thinking of this, he glanced vaguely at the arrogant silicon-based creature, and his heart was full of disdain: "The stupid guy, even I feel dangerous, must not be a good man and believe in women. This arrogant and ignorant guy will fall here without accident."