Attacking Fox

Chapter 29 Relief of Pain

Rouyi's eyes were full of humiliation and grievances, and she covered her face and asked, "Am I wrong? Obviously, the little emperor has no power to fight back at all. What are you afraid of?"

"Do you think that having a tiger charm means having the world? Will the hearts of the people of Li turn to me if there is no reason to send troops? Do you think that generations of emperors use force to unify the world? Yin's clear pupils were full of contempt, and his face was as ferocious as Shura. He suddenly thought of the analysis of the pros and cons with him on the day of Feidian, and felt even more disgusting. "So women are stupid. They only want to see what they can see, but they don't know that the more internal they are, the more deadly they are."

Rouyi lowered her head with tears in her eyes, and Yin Jiyu could see that her biting lower lip was about to bleed.

Why did you bring her to Li at the beginning?

Rouyi is also the princess of the ancient fish kingdom, but she is not the princess that the ancient fish king really wants to marry Yin Sheng. Her mother's concubine is humble, and the ancient fish king has never paid attention to her, but she is a woman who is unwilling to be calm. When Yin Jixuan is about to take the real princess away, she went to the post hall where Yin Jizhen lived to kill her half-sister and knelt in front of Yin Jixuan and begged her to bring her to the State of Li.

Yin Jixuan took a fancy to her fierce methods, knew how to endure, and wanted to do it before he took her for his own use.

Under Yin Ji's body, he hugged Rouyi into his arms. The ferociousness on his face had long disappeared, and was replaced by a gentle smile like the warm sun in March. He softly opened his mouth and comforted, "Well, I shouldn't blame you. How can you, a woman know how to use soldiers and the hearts of the people?"

Rouyi was still a little scared and raised her face slightly to look at Yin Ji. At this time, the reflection in her eyes seemed to be just a husband who comforted her angry wife... She knew that this man was like poison, but she still couldn't help falling step by step. She couldn't bear to doubt that he was her all dream.

Rouyi gently buried her face in her arms and moved her right hand to his neck along his solid and flat lower abdomen. Her voice dripped with charming water and said, "Rouyi does not know how to use soldiers and win the hearts of the people, but she knows how to serve you and make great contributions for you behind your back, which is enough."

The corners of Yin Jiqi raised his mouth slightly, reached out to lift Rouyi's chin, lowered his head and kissed it.


When Feidian woke up, he saw a room's book and knew that he had returned to where he should be.

He tried to move, but every piece of meat on his body seemed to have been cut off and sewn up again. The pain made him unable to move. And a place in the lower body that is ashamed to see people has been numb with pain.

His eyes are open without blinking, and things always appear in his mind this morning...

No, the more this matter makes him think about it, the more sad he is. He can't think about it anymore. Think about other things!

Fly and empty your head, and then start to think about... the worm eggs in your body.

There was another trembling in his heart, and he couldn't help thinking of the appearance of thousands of bone-eating insects eating his belly and coming out of his stomach...

I can't do it. I'm going to vomit. Human beings are terrible...

Feidian sighed and turned his stiff neck to a room, so he saw Yin Sheng lying on the edge of the bed and sleeping soundly.

He was surprised for a while, and then everything in the morning was played back in Feidian's mind. An unknown fire slowly ignited. Feidian resisted the pain on his body and strangled Yin Sheng's neck, gritted his teeth and said, "I'm going to kill you!"

The flying electricity gradually aggravated the strength in his hand, but Yin Sheng did not notice it at all, and still slept like a dead man.

However, how could Feidian really kill him? If he is such an obedient and strong fox demon, if he doesn't complete his mission and tells his people that the reason why he didn't complete the mission is that he killed the little emperor with his own hands, what will the fox people think of him? So after Feidian pinched him for a dry time, he helplessly let go of his hand and fell on the pillow to look at him feebly.

At this time, Yin Sheng, who was sleeping, suddenly opened his eyes, looked at the flying electricity with a harmless smile, and joked, "I know you are reluctant to give up."

"You..." Feidian was a little surprised and heard Yin Sheng say this. His face turned red, but he couldn't say anything.

Yin Sheng naturally reached out and touched Feidian's forehead. This action immediately made the color of Feidian's face even worse. Then Yin Sheng said, "The fever has subsided. It seems that those royal doctors are useless."

"...I have a fever?" Feidian asked, no wonder he felt that his body was weak in addition to pain.

"Yes, such a waste fox spirit, how can a body like you seduce me to make me fall in love with you?" Yin Sheng held his chin and looked like he didn't do anything wrong.

"You haven't fallen in love with me yet?" Feidian doesn't seem to believe it.

"...Why do you think that I have fallen in love with you..." Yin Sheng is very helpless. The fox has been hopelessly narcissistic.

"You did such a strange thing to me in the morning and now you care so much about me. Aren't you falling in love with me?" Feidian asked seriously.

"Why do you think such a strange thing is the embodiment of love?" Yin Sheng smiled evilly and looked a little shameless, "Why don't I remember what I have done?"

"You..." Fei Electric was in a hurry, but he didn't know how to refute him. Finally, he had to turn his face angrily and ignore him.

Yin Sheng saw him like this, so he had to stop teasing him, reached out and poked him in the back and said, "Actually, I don't know what happened at that time. I'm obviously not the one who can do such a ridiculous thing... It seems to be evil..."

"Humph," Feidian didn't turn his face and hummed coldly from his nose, as if he was talking to himself and telling Yin Sheng, "Do you think I will believe what you said? It's not the first time for you to be a scoundrel who has never admitted anything."

Yin Sheng: "..."

The two were silent for a long time. Yin Sheng couldn't stand it. He stood up and pointed to Feidian and said, "Why do you think I'm showing goodwill to you? It's not because I'm kind by nature that I think you take care of you because of my illness. Don't think you're really important! The only condition for not dying is not to die. You can't be widowed by yourself. Goodbye.

Yin Sheng went out angrily after scolding. Feidian didn't feel sad at all, but he felt a little funny, especially Yin Sheng's sentence... I am kind by nature...

Feidian endured it until he heard the sound of Yin Sheng closing the door. Somehow, every time he saw the serious or deliberately improper Yin Sheng showing a child-like performance, Feidian felt funny. With such happiness, even the pain on the body has been reduced a lot.

It was very late outside, and Yin Sheng found that he had been in the flying room for so long. As soon as he closed the door and took two steps, the feeling of dizziness in the morning swept over again. Suddenly, his hands and feet had no strength at all. Yin Sheng quickly walked to the side of the road and supported a big banyan tree to prevent him from falling down.

He leaned his back against the tree and let his body gradually slide down. He knew that his health had been bad. If he hadn't been taking care of him all these years, he might have died and died if he didn't die. So when this situation first appeared today, he did not immediately call the imperial doctor.

Although he still compromised to let them see it later, these royal doctors who were waiting to die couldn't see anything.

Now this situation has happened again. Why? Has your body deteriorated to the point where you don't have many days to live?

Yin Sheng shook his head with a wry smile. Who cares about this life, but he is afraid that Huan'er can't protect himself when he dies.

He felt that he had almost rested and stood up to continue walking, but his heart suddenly became colic, involving his internal organs and pain.

He held the tree, and a large drop of sweat overflowed from his forehead.

By the way, how did the situation this morning finally ease? Yin Sheng suddenly thought of this problem and began to recall what he had done since he went down to court...

It seems that the feeling of powerlessness and dizziness disappeared after seeing the flying electricity.

He didn't know if this was the reason, but Yin Sheng didn't refuse to try, so he folded back, went to the front of the room where Feidian was, and gently pushed open the door of his room.

At this time, Feidian was lying on ** flipping a book. He was slid down to his waist because he raised his body slightly, and his long hair flowed on his silky skin, and suddenly shook Yin Sheng's eyes.

Until Feidian turned his head, looked at him blankly, and asked, "What do you want to do?"

Yin Sheng came to his senses and suddenly found that his weakness and dizziness were all gone, and the colic of his heart also disappeared. Only then did he find that it seemed to be really a problem of flying electricity.

"Did you put some curse on me?" Yin Sheng narrowed his eyes and showed a dangerous look.

"Hmm." Feidian snorted coldly and turned his head to continue reading.

Yin Sheng thought for a moment. When the fox came to the palace these days, it seemed to have no ability except to talk to animals. It was also vulnerable to death and should not have the ability to cast a spell or anything.

He stood at the door and wandered for a while, but still decided to go in.

Hearing the approaching footsteps, Feidian quickly became alert, sat up and asked, "Don't come over!"

Because of this sitting, all the quilts on Feidian fell to the ground, and his whole body appeared in front of Yin Sheng again without reservation.

Well, who believes that he is not seducing him?

Yin Sheng was helpless. He didn't want to tell Feidian that he would feel uncomfortable as soon as he left. He didn't want anything to fall into other people's hands, so he put on a harmless and simple teenager's face and asked, "Are you hungry?" Do you want to eat?"

"I'm not hungry." Feidian said coldly, as a fox demon, he still has the ability to endure hunger.

"Actually, I'm not hungry." Yin Sheng said, went to the edge of the bed and sat down, and said stunned, "I'm going to sleep here tonight."

"No." Feidian immediately rejected it.

"Hey, this is a traceless room," Yin Sheng picked up the quilt on the ground and held it in his arms. "Do you really think it's yours?"

"No trace told me to live here in the future."

"I asked you to study medicine to protect me without a trace. Why didn't you do it?"

"Who said I didn't do it?" After retorting, Feidian felt something was wrong and immediately changed his words, "Who said that let me protect you without a trace?"

In fact, there are words like taking good care of Yin Sheng, but Feidian feels that it doesn't matter if he panics in the face of such a shameless person as Yin Sheng.

"I don't care," Yin Sheng was like a child at this time, holding the quilt and squeezing away the electricity and lying until **. "I'm going to sleep here. What's wrong with you!"