Attacking Fox

Chapter 37 Stupid and Loyal Old Minister

Yin Sheng always made Feidian slightly unhappy with a joking voice. He took advantage of Yin Sheng's focus on kissing his collarbone and biting his neck. However, because his whole body was weak, his fierce bite felt more like a kiss.

"Brother Fox..." Yin Sheng raised his head, "What are you doing?"

"Don't do this anymore..." Feidian frowned, "I feel so bad..."

"What's wrong?" Yin Sheng looked intently at his face, which looked more gorgeous and refined because of *, brushed his lips with his fingers, and asked.

"I..." Feidian didn't know that the heat of the body was to be relieved, but there was always no way out.

Yin Sheng's fingertips leaned into the hot place in the front again. His body was close to his body, and Feidian also felt the reaction on Yin Sheng's body. It turned out that they were the same.

"Hmm..." The flying electricity overflowed impatiently and looked at Yin Sheng anxiously, "What the hell are you going to do..."

"Don't worry," Yin Sheng's voice was also a little hoarse, suppressing the unbearable desire. "It will soon get to the point..."

"Hmm?" Feidian is surprised. Isn't it the topic for so long?

Yin Sheng smiled and leaned his hands on his chest. The strong pleasure invaded. Feidian couldn't help arching his waist and stood more unstable, so he had to lean back slightly on the desk.

Yin Sheng looked at the beautiful curve outlined by his elongated neck and couldn't help but retreat half of his long shirt.

"Your Majesty, are you in there?" Suddenly, there was a sound outside the door. It seemed that he was in a hurry and came to look for it by himself.

Yin Sheng heard the sound of Fu Wan, and the movements in his hand stopped, and his enthusiasm subsided more than half.

Feidian looked at him at a loss and felt that it was not finished yet, and there was a faint dissatisfaction in his eyes.

"It's really a goblin..." Yin Sheng couldn't stand his ** eyes. He untied his clothes and inserted his long messy hair, bowed his head and kissed his lips again.

This kiss is particularly gentle, so soft that Feidian doubts whether the person in front of him is the shameless rogue teenager...

For a long time, Yin Sheng let go of him, rubbed his head, and said reluctantly, "I want to go out for a while. You wait here, good boy."

"Hey!" Feidian patted his hand. What's going on? Obviously, the person who touches his head and says that the good person should be the older one! Why should he treat him like a child? Obviously, he is a child, okay?

Yin Sheng tidied up his clothes and was about to go out. He took two steps and suddenly turned back. He bit his lower lip to show his dissatisfaction and whispered, "If you can't wait, you can solve it by yourself."

His eyes are full of smile, but Feidian is full of puzzlement. What can he solve by himself? He made himself so uncomfortable, so just forget it? Did you leave as soon as you put on your clothes and trousers? Is there no sense of responsibility?

Yin Sheng walked out of the study and did not forget to close the door for the flying electricity inside. The flying electricity wanted to stop him very much, but he couldn't open his mouth in the end.

How should he face such a mess...


Out of the study, Yin Sheng saw Fu Wanzheng waiting respectfully at the door. After seeing Yin Sheng, he was not very polite and said, "Your Majesty, I have something important to report. Can I talk with Your Majesty in the study for details?"

"No!" Yin Sheng didn't even think about vetoing it... How could that work? I don't know what happened to the fox in it. How could he go in after ambush? And after being so serious, he was not angry to see him mess with a man of unknown origin.

Yin Sheng's eager tone shocked Fu Wan. He had never spoken to him like this. Fu Wan raised his head and looked at Yin Sheng puzzledly. His face was flushed and his clothes were slightly messy. Fu Wan couldn't help but suspect... What was your majesty doing just now?

"Well..." Yin Sheng scratched his head, "No, Fuqing, it's because I always stay in the study, so let's go to the imperial garden to talk..."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Fu Wan didn't think much about it and followed Yin Sheng to the Royal Garden.

When they arrived at the imperial garden, the two just sat down and said, "Your Majesty, are you all right recently?"

As soon as Fu finished speaking, Yin Sheng's sense of powerlessness and dizziness hit again, and his heart was also faintly painful. He knew that the longer he left Feidian, the more painful his heart would be, so he still planned to finish talking to Fu Wan quickly and go back with Feidian.

"It's nothing." Yin Sheng pretended to be calm and said.

"But Your Majesty..." Fu Wan suddenly stood up from the stone bench and knelt down. "I ordered the demon master to enter the palace to investigate without authorization. Please forgive me, but Your Majesty, there is really a demon around you. I'm afraid of hurting Your Majesty's dragon body!"

Demon... Yin Sheng immediately understood that he was talking about Feidian, but Feidian has been in the palace for so long. He has not harmed anyone or done anything wrong. He also helped him find Yin Huan. Now it is even more... He has unclear feelings for him and can't let him leave... At least he doesn't leave now. .

"Fuqing is too worried. I'm fine." Yin Sheng smiled and said, "The occasional physical discomfort is also an old disease left by my childhood, which has nothing to do with any charm."

"If your majesty doesn't believe it, call the mage to the palace. It's better to believe whether this kind of thing is credible or not. Your Majesty'd better be careful." Fu Wan didn't dare to slack off at all and said solemnly.

Although the semi-immortal Liu Qimang is unwilling to help them eliminate demons, Xu Chang is so big that he can't find a good demon exorcist except him. The goblins who dare to stay by His Majesty's side, no matter what his intentions are, he will let him disappear!

"No, really don't." Yin Sheng helped Fu Wan up, "Fu Qing treats me like a father, but I have grown up enough to judge whether the people around me are good or bad with my own thinking. Fu Qing doesn't have to work too hard for me."

Yin Sheng said that he treated him like a father, but he didn't treat him like a son. He looked up sadly at the magnificent majesty in front of him. He saw that he was young and handsome. He is independent and no longer listens to him...

But he also saw the white corners of Yin Sheng's lips and the sweat spilling from his forehead. He knew that Yin Sheng must be forbearance, and his body must be very uncomfortable at this time, but he had to pretend to have a calm conversation with him as if nothing had happened.

Fu Wan felt that Yin Sheng must have been deceived by the goblin, so he was reluctant to let the exorcist enter the palace to eliminate demons. He thought of the tyrant King Zhou. If it hadn't been for the charming goblin that he had seduced his mind, how could he become so desolate.

Now, is their majesty also going to embark on the road of King Zhou?

No, he doesn't want Yin Sheng to go wrong. He wants Yin Sheng to become a generation of Mingjun with his assistance!

Therefore, even if your majesty doesn't want to, he will secretly take the demon master into the palace. Your majesty is an affectionate and righteous person. In the future, if you understand that everything he has done for his good, he will be more grateful to him. If Your Majesty has not escaped from the charm of the goblin, he will also let him go of his kindness to his upbringing.

After thinking for a long time, he said, "I understand that I'm old, and your majesty can do whatever he wants!"


The slender maid in pink shirt ran in from outside the Yuyi Palace and saw the Empress Ze, who was sitting quietly tasting tea, and quickly knelt down with uncontrollable excitement on her face.

"Look at your hurry. What's the matter?" Rouyi slowly put down the tea cup in her hand and asked arrogantly.

This maid's name is Xiaotao. She has always been wearing pink clothes and running around the palace. If it hadn't been for her arranged by Yin Ji, Rouyi would have driven her away.

"Mother, I just found out a bad news."

"Are you still so excited about the bad news?" Rouyi's expression cooled down, "Do you want me to cut your tongue?"

"Don't worry, listen to the maidservant," Xiaotao was not afraid at all. "The maidservant inquired from your majesty's study. When Lord Fu came to find your majesty today, your majesty immediately closed the door when he came out of the study, as if he was hiding something, but the guards there still secretly looked at the room. The Empress guessed What did you see?"

"You let me guess?!" Rouyi is really angry. Is this girl really relying on her to be such a big and small person?!

"They saw the white in the room, and the man named Feidian sitting on your majesty's desk in disheveled clothes, and the memorials and jade seals were thrown to the ground..." The more Xiaotao said, the more excited she became, and her eyes glowed strangely.

Rouyi thought about the white on the ground and the man who was indeed beautiful... that kind of**. The messy picture seemed to appear in front of her.

"Well, it's really messing around with a man. This little emperor is really disgusting!" Rouyi said angrily.

"Your Majesty, you are wrong," Xiaotao is still afraid of opposing Rouyi's view. "I know that any emperor has one or two favorite male pets. Your Majesty has one, which is still so beautiful. It is even more understandable that all the women in the palace are ashamed of as male pets."

"You..." Rouyi hated it very much for others to tear down her stage and raised her right hand to slap her in the face, but she thought... After all, she was a good person.

"Oh, Madam, this is not the reason why the maidservant is excited," Xiaotao continued, "The maidservant also inquired that your majesty would spoil the man, not only because of his beauty."

"What else?" Rouyi was slightly interested.

"Because that man has a silver-white Mr. Horn, this Mr. Horn is a legendary ancient artifact. When it is created, he is spelled. Those who have it can get the hearts of men all over the world!"

"Really?" Rouyi raised her eyebrows and seemed to be a little disbelief.

"Yes, so the Empress just needs to steal it, Your Majesty... or the heart of King Rui, it's all yours!"

King Rui! Unexpectedly, she knew that she wanted Rui Wang's heart. Rouyi narrowed her eyes and looked at her coldly. This girl was so smart that she would kill her sooner or later!

"How can I steal this palace? That man must carry this kind of thing with him!"

"Don't worry," Xiaotao stood up and walked to Rouyi's ear and whispered, "Do you know that your majesty's dungeon is unparalleled..."

Rouyi gently picked up the tea cup, took a sip of tea, and did not answer.

Note: 1. You don't have to worry about whether they will wither every time they get stuck in the last step. After all, they are still young.

2. It means that the white pieces on the ground that Xiaotao said are broken porcelain pieces, but they misunderstood them as... You know.