Attacking Fox

Chapter 41 flirting with Your Majesty

"My sister likes a young man like you the most," Yan Wushuang reached out and pinched Yin Sheng's face without warning, and then pushed away his sword and immediately jumped off the roof.

Yin Sheng didn't have time to be angry about being teased and jumped down.

After arriving on the ground, I found that Feidian was standing outside and looking up at them.

Yan Wushuang moved slightly, walked to Feidian and nodded his nose and said, "Beauty, I haven't seen you for a long time~"

Before Feidian remembered who she was, Yan Wushuang was about to escape. Yin Sheng immediately stepped behind her and stopped her.

Yan Wushuang was a little helpless and said, "Sister, I didn't steal anything. Your Majesty, just let me go and have sex with the little beauty over there. Go, please let me go!"

"Did you say they would arrest you?" Yin Sheng said coldly, then looked at the flying electricity over there and said, "Brother Fox, lend me your Mr. Horn."

"Yo, brother fox~ The screaming people's hearts are beating in chaos," Yan Wushuang covered his heart with a drunken face. "Oh, it's really not embarrassing for the two big men to flirt in front of the girl's house. I'm ashamed of the slave~"

"Don't disgust you," Yin Sheng frowned in disgust. "I may not be as old as you as his age!"

"Hey!" Yan Wushuang was angry, but what Yin Sheng said was indeed the truth. She turned her eyes and went to Feidian and said, "Little beauty~ Do you know that your majesty's boy likes a dead face like you? Your Majesty has never spoiled any concubine in the palace before you came, or are you charming~"

Feidian's face turned red again and asked nervously, "What do you want to do?"

"Yo..." The unparalleled magic grab was about to attack Feidian's face again. Yin Sheng angrily patted her hand fiercely and said to Feidian, "Brother Fox, don't talk to this woman, so as not to break you. Just give things to the widow."

Feidian thought for a moment, Mr. Jiao, who took out the brocade box package from his arms, handed it to Yin Sheng, and said, "Don't break it. It's very important."

Yin Sheng nodded, took it, handed it to Yan Wushuang and said, "Take it to her."

Yan Wushuang was surprised for a long time, and then silently took the brocade box. Taking advantage of Yin Sheng's carelessness, he pinched his face and Feidian's face separately, and then left here quickly.

No matter how cheeky Yin Sheng is, he is a little embarrassed to be teased repeatedly like this. He blushed and looked at the unparalleled back fiercely and said, "Sooner or later, I will cut off her hand!"

Feidian looked at the direction of Yan Wushuang's departure and muttered to himself, "It seems that I have seen it somewhere..."

"Didn't you both stay in the dungeon," Yin Sheng walked to Feidian and explained, "She was sent by King Rui to steal things. She is said to be the most powerful female thief in the world. No one has ever caught her, and there is nothing she can't steal."

"Didn't you catch her?" Feidian raised his eyebrows and asked casually.

Yin Sheng blinked his eyes and said naturally, "That's because I'm more powerful."

Feidian was silent, looking at him blankly, and then silently turned back to his room.

Yin Sheng smiled and chased after her, walked to Feidian and said softly, "In fact, it's not the reason why I'm powerful. Yan Wushuang is not a member of the court in the first place. It seems that she had to serve him because her subordinates betrayed her. She is a very individual female thief. She usually doesn't steal things that she doesn't want to steal, so it's easy to catch her at that time.

"What is she going to steal? Yuxi?" Feidian asked.

"What does King Rui want the jade seal to do? Even if he has a jade seal, he can't directly take it out to tell the people of the world that this jade seal is his," Yin Sheng said. "He wants a picture."

"What painting?"

"It's just a painting of a koi, nothing special." Yin Sheng said casually.

"What does King Rui want it to do?"

"I don't know," Yin Sheng rubbed over and pulled the phone and said, "Don't ask Brother Fox. I'm so sleepy. I have to go to court tomorrow morning."

What else does Feidian want to ask, but Yin Sheng has gone over and lay down on ** and closed his eyes.

He doesn't believe that the painting is nothing special, but... Does Yin Sheng really not know or does he not want to tell him?


Yan Wushuang took Mr. Jiao to the Yuyi Palace, flew in close to the top of the hall, and hid on the vermilion beam and looked down.

The Empress Ze looked like a queen, leaning on the soft couch and looked absently at the maids dancing in front of her. Xiaotao stood beside her and couldn't help saying something.

Yan Wushuang shook her head and looked at how hard the little emperor lived. The whole bedroom did not even have a bodyguard except for a beautiful man. Isn't Concubine Ze the queen? The daily singing and dancing and so on are so luxurious that people can't bear to look directly at it.

I heard that she was an unfavored princess before she came to the State of Li. Now she is actually living such a life in the State of Li. What else is there to seduce the emperor to seduce the king of Rui to take office? Such days are hundreds of times better than her previous life.

So, people can't forget their originals. Otherwise, when his life gets better, he only thinks that he can be better and will never be satisfied. Sooner or later, he will die of exhaustion.

Yan Wushuang sighed and felt that if everyone in the world was as lazy as herself, it would be peaceful.

She carried light skills and moved it to Rouyi's bedroom. There were not many people in the bedroom, and only a little maid leaned against the table to take a nap. Yan Wushuang walked lightly to the wardrobe on the edge of Rouyi's big bed, opened the cabinet door and took out a darker dress and changed it to himself.

After changing into new clothes, Yan Wushuang combed her hair and washed her face, looked at the high bronze mirror, touched her face with satisfaction, and then took Mr. Jiao, who came up, and walked openly from the bedroom to the Yuyi Palace hall.

The drowsy guards guarding the door found Yan Wushuang and immediately woke up and wanted to come to stop her. Rouyi was also slightly surprised to see this Yan Wushuang, wondering who this person was.

Yan Wushuang's movements were like a fish swimming in the water. She threw the bodyguard behind her, walked to Rouyi, and stared at the trembling little peach behind her and said, "Why, I don't know her when I change my clothes?"

Xiaotao didn't dare to speak. Rouyi heard that it was unparalleled and asked coldly, "Where's the thing?"

Yan Wushuang took the brocade box in his hand and said lightly, "Of course I got it."

"Give it to me quickly." Rouyi stood up excitedly.

Yan Wushuang smiled and threw the brocade box over. I don't know if it was intentional. The brocade box just fell on Xiaotao's face. Xiaotao silently picked up the brocade box and dared not say anything.

"Here you are, I'm leaving." Yan Wushuang said, and flew to the door with light skills. Before leaving, he turned around and said, "Finally, I would like to remind you that you should know how to point, and don't play yourself to death."

Rouyi frowned and said to the back of Yan Wushuang's departure, "Get out of here quickly and never go back to the palace!"

Yan Wushuang seemed to hear this sentence, and her laughing voice came from outside the hall, which seemed a little frightened in the dead of night.

It seems to be laughing at the people in the whole palace.