Attacking Fox

Chapter 60 Borrow 20,000

Just after Yin Sheng's bedroom, the voice of Grandpa Gao came from Yin Sheng's bedroom with a little temptation as usual: "Your Majesty, it's time to get up."

Yin Sheng suddenly woke up and opened his eyes to see the mirror still standing at the head of the bed, because there was obvious blood and fatigue in his sleepless eyes all night.

Yin Sheng didn't have time to care about him, but asked, "Mirror, has the rain stopped?"

The mirror took the dragon robe hanging on the shelf to Yin Sheng and replied, "It stopped after about ugly... Your Majesty, you don't have to worry. I haven't heard any bad news inside or outside the imperial city so far."

Yin Sheng was relieved. Last night, he didn't even have time to take off his coat because he slept in a hurry, so now Yin Sheng took off his blue gown in front of the mirror, and the white underwear inside was slightly loose, revealing a wheat-colored chest with a scar.

The long hair was a little messy and hung around Yin Sheng's waist. The mirror suddenly wanted to help him tie his hair...

Yin Sheng quickly changed his clothes and went to the mirror to help him fasten his belt. After everything was ready, Yin Sheng went out of the bedroom to prepare for the court.


When Feidian and Yin Jihao went to the court together, Fu Wan and Feng Lingzhi, who were waiting there early, were dumbfounded. Fu Wan quickly asked quietly, "Why does this goblin have anything to do with King Rui again?" Isn't he your majesty's?

Feng Lingzhi waved his hand and said, "Be quiet, maybe they just happened to meet."

The court has always stood according to the official rank. The State of Li is afraid of the separation of foreign surnames, and the position of prime minister has always been vacant. The ambush of the second class is almost equivalent to the prime minister. Although Yin Jixuan, who holds heavy soldiers, is called the prince, is essentially equivalent to General Huang Yue, who is above 10,000 people under one person. As a former military division, Feidian is a civilian among military officers and should stand behind Yin Jiqi.

Yin Ji was too lazy to tell him this series of rules, but said, "You just need to stand behind me."

Feidian looked at him and was also too lazy to ask why. Isn't it the same everywhere? He turned his face and looked at Feng Lingzhi and hesitated to take the initiative to say hello. Yin Jixuan stopped him and reminded him, "This is the court. Even if my nephew spoils you, you still have to look at your face. Can't you see that Fu Wan hates you very much?"

Of course, he knew that Fu Wan hated him, and Yin Sheng had already told him about it.

"But for you, even if you hate it, you have to meet each other with a smile, don't you?" Feidian asked faintly.

Yin Ji smiled, "That's also us. You don't have to do this."

"Why?" Feidian asked puzzledly.

"First of all, because Yin Sheng favors you won't kill you because you offend any old minister," Yin Ji said. "Most importantly, there are always people in the court who are not stained with mud."

Flying electricity opened his mouth, and before he could say anything, he heard his father-in-law shouting, "The emperor is here--"

The ministers, including Yin Jiyu, bent down and knelt down, but Feidian looked around curiously and secretly asked Yin Jiqi, "Do I also want to kneel?"

Yin Jiyu suddenly wanted to laugh.

"If you don't kneel, Yin Sheng won't do anything to you," Yin Ji said. "But you'd better give him face."

After listening to Feidian, he couldn't help frowning. Even if Yin Sheng is an emperor, he is also a vulgar and evil mortal. Isn't he afraid of being punished by God if he lets him kneel down?

But if you don't kneel, isn't Yin Sheng very faceless? Aren't you going to be accused of "disrespecting your majesty" again?

After careful consideration, Feidian decided to kneel down.

As soon as Yin Sheng arrived at the hall, he looked for the white figure. When he found that he was standing so close to Yin Ji, he almost rushed to pull him away... How could he...

But in a blink of an eye, I saw Feidian kneeling reluctantly, and I was immediately happy. Look at how high-end and cold he is, he has to crawl under his feet~

After shouting flat, the ministers stood up. The key thing discussed today was nothing more than the red rain last night.

In order to prove that they are also very concerned about people's livelihood, those ministers said something in a mess, and Feidian made them want to sleep.

Yin Sheng is even more painful. He should not only keep a lazy and serious attitude to listen to this group of people's nonsense, but also watch his fox brother stand below and doze off... Ah, I really want to rush up and bully him as usual...

It's impossible to live without a fox to bully him...

The ministers talked for a long time, and then their voices gradually weakened. If Yin Sheng usually opened his mouth, he would talk about the next dynasty, but today he has not opened his mouth for a long time. He looked at Feidian from time to time. Why didn't he ask about Feidian about borrowing soldiers? Could it be that he forgot this matter...

Feeing Yin Sheng's eyes from time to time, Feidian looked up at him, and his eyes met. Some of them were more emotional than "borrow troops quickly", but neither of them understood what it was.

Feidian looked away and looked blankly at the ministers who had calmed down and asked, "Are you done?"

Those ministers are a little embarrassed... Although they all know what they are saying is nonsense, this military division is not so shameless, right?!

"Can I say that?" Feidian's eyes wandered for a moment, and finally threw it on Fu Wan and asked indifferently.

When Fu Wan heard his words, he also turned his head to look at him. He said that you were going to ask His Majesty what I was doing... Was it to remind the ministers that his power of Fu Wan had forced him to take the position of prime minister? Then let these ministers who are afraid of his separation of power report to him, so that your majesty will not let you go home for retirement?

What a vicious goblin! He began to harm Zhongliang so soon. Does he also want to kill himself like the demon Ji Daji?

Feidian just felt that Fu Wan stood in the closest place to Yin Sheng, and his position should be the highest, so he looked at him and asked. He didn't expect that Fu Wan had thought so many things between the lightning. He just looked at his face. For a while, he was cold, angry for a while, and had any deep hatred for himself. Like hatred...

Ask something casually...

Yin Sheng became more and more painful. He witnessed the whole process of annoying Feidian's sentence. He really wanted to laugh in his heart, but he couldn't laugh. It really made his kidney pain...

He smiled secretly in his heart for a long time, and Yin Sheng said slowly, "What's wrong with the former military division, but it's okay to say it."

"Oh," Feidian nodded and said, "The matter of red rain is still inconclusive. There is no need to worry too much. The most urgent thing is the Qingzhou flood."

Yin Sheng looked at him admiringly. It's not bad, Brother Fox. I was worried that he didn't know what to say. It's good to say at this.

"You can't let Qingzhou be flooded all the time. You have to open canals to divert water, and refugees who have migrated to Xuchang also have to build temporary houses and distribute materials for them."

"Yes," Yin Sheng nodded and pretended to be helpless. "Unfortunately, there are not so many people. We can't let the disaster victims who have been seriously damaged to dig canals."

"So let's use the army."

As soon as Feidian said this, someone from the party that supported Yin Jiyu immediately stood up against it and said, "The military is the defense of the country. How can it be used indiscriminately? The military master is too hasty.

Such a person did not pay attention to him at all, but looked at Yin Ji and asked, "Prince Rui, can I send troops to help the disaster victims open the canal to divert water?"

Yin Ji smiled faintly and didn't say a word, but Yin Sheng first said, "How many soldiers does the military division need?"

Yin Sheng asked this to let Yin Jixuan know that he didn't borrow much, just 3,000, which was fine.

Feidian replied, "20,000."

"Twenty thousand?" Yin Sheng's question blurted out... Didn't you say 3,000 yesterday... Although the more soldiers and horses that can be controlled by Feidian, the better, 20,000, are you willing to give it?

"Your Majesty, I don't think it's possible," and Yin Ji's party said, "Qingzhou flood is just a few cities. The place is not big, and with the young and strong disaster victims who can operate by themselves, 3,000 is enough."

Yin Sheng nodded. He didn't intend to borrow too many soldiers in the first place, lest Yin Jiyu had a reason not to borrow. When Yin Sheng almost said, "It's only 3,000", Feidian opened his mouth again without hurry, looking indifferently and said, "20,000, 20,000 must be 20,000."

"The military master is a little..."

"Shut up." Feidian turned around coldly and interrupted what the man was going to say, "It's King Rui who holds the soldiers. What are you talking about? What kind of green onion are you?"