Attacking Fox

Chapter 87 Love

"Brother, is Lier asleep?"

"Well, Huan'er," Yin Sheng hugged him and was about to leave. "Now you should go to bed. If you don't sleep, it will be dawn."

"But..." Yin Huan's eyes have been on Fu Li. Just as Yin Sheng was holding him and about to step out, Yin Huan suddenly struggled to get out of his arms, ran in and stood beside Fu Li. He looked at Fu Li puzzledly, looked at everyone present, and hesitated to ask, "What did you do with Li'er?"

"Your Highness Huan Shizi," the mirror bent down and said to him, "Fu Li wants to harm your majesty. For the safety of your majesty, he will disappear in this world forever, understand?"

"I don't understand!" Yin Huan suddenly roared at the mirror, "You killed Li'er, didn't you? Li'er can still change what he did wrong. Why did you kill Li'er!"

"Huan'er..." Yin Sheng hurried in and wanted to take Yin Huan away, but Yin Huan suddenly walked to the silent flying electricity.

"It's all your fault! Not only do you want to take away my royal brother, but you also want to kill my son! You bad guy!" He pushed Feidian with all his strength, but Feidian unexpectedly did not respond. He just looked at Fu Li over there strangely and thought about it.

"Huan'er, stop making trouble..." Yin Sheng picked up the moving Yin Huan, wink at the mirror, nodded to show his understanding, and left here with Fu Li's body in his arms.

Yin Sheng said to Feidian, who seemed to be thinking about something, "I'll take Huan back first..."

"Oh..." Feidian suddenly came to his senses and nodded.

After they all left, Feidian held his chin and looked in the direction of the mirror and muttered, "No... is it..."

In the Lingxu Hall, Yin Huan's eyes were red and swollen. It was useless for Yin Sheng to comfort him for a long time. He simply stopped talking and silently accompanied Yin Huan and watched him cry.

When Yin Huan cried so hard that he put his head on Yin Sheng's shoulder and said in a hoarse voice, "I don't want to die... And I told him that before he died..."

"Don't blame yourself..." Yin Sheng patted him on the back and asked softly to choke him, "Do you blame your brother?"

"No, I don't blame my brother, I blame that man!" Yin Huan said, "He pointed out that Li'er was the murderer!"

"But Fu Li is indeed the murderer..." Yin Sheng said. No, he suddenly recalled what Fu Li had just said, as if he knew everything, but the news should not reach the Lingxu Hall.

"Wan'er, tell your brother, who told you this about Fu Li and Feidian who found out?" Yin Sheng supported Yin Huan and asked in a stunned way.

"When I was sleeping, I didn't know why I suddenly woke up... I didn't wake up when I used to sleep. But I woke up tonight and heard the maids outside say these things. I was very worried about the royal brother, so I quickly came down from ** and went to the royal brother. Yin Huan recalled what had just happened and replied while sucking his nose.

"Is it the maidservant of Lingxu Hall?"

"Because I was too worried about my brother, I didn't look carefully," Yin Huan frowned, opened his swollen eyes and asked, "Why did my brother ask this? There should be no other maidservant in my palace..."

How dare the maid of honor in Lingxu Hall be so presumptuous that she still stands at the door in the middle of the night and can't sleep?

Yin Sheng frowned. It seemed that someone deliberately wanted Huan'er to know about this matter, but what if Huan'er knew? Go to save Fu Li?

"Brother..." Yin Huan stretched out his chubby little hand to smooth Yin Sheng's frown and said, "Brother, don't frown anymore."

Yin Sheng came to his senses, smiled and asked, "If Huan'er doesn't make trouble, my brother won't frown."

Yin Huan lowered his head and was silent for a long time. He said, "Hang'er knows, but I'm reluctant to leave..."

"Good boy," Yin Sheng rubbed Yin Huan's head. "If you do something wrong, you will be punished. You can't punish him because you are reluctant to do it. Huan'er is also so. If Huan'er makes such a big mistake, your brother can't save you, and your brother can't help it."

Yin Huan didn't know how much the word "involuntarily" weighed. He leaned his head in Yin Sheng's arms and whispered, "Huan Er knows that she will not make mistakes in the future and make her brother angry."

"Well, Huan'er will go to bed first, okay?"

"No," Yin Huan held Yin Sheng's clothes tightly. "Brother is with me."

His eyes were full of stubbornness. Yin Sheng thought for a moment and nodded gently.

They were silent for a while, and Yin Huan opened his mouth again and asked, "Brother, will you never appear in this world again if you die?"

"Yes," Yin Sheng said, "So Huan'er should know that it's useless to be sad, and Fu Li will never appear in your life again."

Yin Huan didn't say anything, and the tears in the corners of his eyes began to burst again, soaking Yin Sheng's clothes.

"I miss Li'er..." Yin Huan cried and said, "I'm starting to miss him now. I feel so uncomfortable when I think that I will never see Lier again in the future, as if something is pressing on me and I'm almost out of breath..."

"Huan'er..." Yin Sheng looked at him with heartache. Do you want to tell him the truth?

"Brother, I want to see Li'er again. I want to go now." Yin Huan reluctantly stopped crying and said with a crying voice.

Yin Sheng thought for a moment, nodded slightly and said, "Okay, I'll take you there now."


The mirror held Fu Li, who was not breathing, and went to Shangshu Mansion. The old and young of the Fu family guarded a coffin in the lobby. Their eyes were dull and they didn't even notice the arrival of the mirror.

Fu Lang was still a little sic. When he saw the mirror, he quickly greeted him. He looked at Fu Li in his arms with mixed feelings and said in a hoarse voice, "Your Majesty is still..."

"You move fast, and the face coffin is ready." The tone of the mirror seems to be still joking.

Fu Lang looked at him in surprise and immediately looked away with a wry smile. It was not his brother who died. He liked to joke about it.

At this time, he should be the saddest of the Fu family. He actually beat him fiercely before Fu Li died... He never had a chance to apologize to his brother.

"Hurry up and follow the child," the mirror handed Fu Li to Fu Lang's arms. "I've walked such a long way with him, and my arm is sore."

"Ha..." Fu Lang sneered angrily, "It's really hard for you, Lord Jing."

Mirror heard the sarcastic meaning in his tone, smiled helplessly and said, "It should be almost time..."

"Yes, it's almost dawn. Mirror, our Fu family doesn't have time to entertain you. You go back first." Volang said with a cold face.

"The time is almost the same... The effect of the medicine should have passed." The mirror ignored his expulsion order and said so.

"What?" Volang looked at him puzzledly, and at this moment, he suddenly felt the body in his arms move.

He looked at Fu Li in disbelief and saw that his calm chest gradually recovered. He looked up in the mirror, looked down at Fu Li, and said in surprise, "He..."

"Shh..." The mirror quickly stretched out his forefinger to shut him, pulled him aside, and whispered, "Don't let too many people know about this matter. Just tell Lord Fu, and then send Fu Li away. Don't let him appear in Xuchang City again, at least for ten years."

Fulang was so excited that he didn't know what to say. His lost mood filled his head. He couldn't say a word with trembling lips, but nodded like a chicken pecking rice.

"Then I'll go back to the palace first." The mirror said and turned around to leave.

"Mirror," Volang shouted at him. The mirror turned around and Volang said shyly, "Just now... I'm sorry. And, thank you."

"You don't have to thank me," the mirror said lightly. "This is what Your Majesty means, and he also repays Lord Fu's favor."

"Your Majesty..."

"You should know that bringing plague to the whole city is a great crime to kill the nine clans, but none of your Fu family died. So, what do you want to repay your majesty's kindness to your Fu family? The mirror asked.

"Fulang will die to repay His Majesty's kindness and protect His Majesty's country!"

When he got the answer he wanted, the mirror raised the corners of his mouth and patted him on the shoulder. "It's not you. You are all good at martial arts, and you have to make great contributions to your majesty's world."

Fu Lang was finally relieved, smiled at the mirror, and nodded firmly.