Attacking Fox

Chapter 156 Strong Love

After knowing his situation, Feidian subconsciously avoided Yin Sheng. Although he wanted to seduce him, it was impossible to hold his ** body at the sight of him.

Now he is only 20 years old and has plenty of time. He can abandon this * body and repair it again.

But it backfired. He hid from Yin Sheng, but Yin Sheng seemed to be intentional. He always swayed in front of him and stared with a face like "Don't look at me with your naked loving eyes."

Flying electricity can't afford to hide, but where Feidian hides, Yin Sheng will inadvertently appear: he hides in the Lingxu Hall, and Yin Sheng went to discuss the war with Hongyin; he hid in the palace of the little prince Yin Huaiqing, who also happened to see his son; he now hides behind the stone next to the lotus pond. Yin Sheng stood by the lotus pond as if nothing had happened and recited poems in his heart.

"Ah! Go to the east of the river, countless romantic figures!"

You are so hot-blooded in the face of a pool of lotus flowers!

Even if Feidian has not received human education, he also knows that seeing the lotus flower should have the leisure mood of "the bamboo returns to the raccoon girl, the lotus moves down the fishing boat" and "the lotus boat swings, and there are red waves from time to time" such feelings as the lotus girl thinking about spring, right?

Feidian still doesn't know that in the past ten years since he left, the State of Li has been so peaceful. The emperor has nothing to do all afternoon, picking up the place he went to?

He blushed and peeked at Yin Sheng, and his desire and impulse became more and more uncontrollable.

This damn poison.

However, he moved his position all afternoon. Not to mention that Feidian was tired, he felt that no matter where he hid, because of the unique attraction between him and Yin Sheng, they would always meet again.

It's better not to transfer.

Thinking of this, Feidian got up and jumped into the pool.

This is the late summer season. The pool water is a little warm, and you won't feel cold when you stay in it, but because of this, it doesn't help you solve your sexual desire at all.

He stayed in half a pool of lotus flowers, looked up at Yin Sheng, and said with a smile, "If you have the ability, you can jump down."

Yin Sheng knew why he jumped into the pool and blossomed with satisfaction, but he still frowned slightly and said dissatisfiedly, "What if he jumped into the lake so rudely and crushed a pool of lotus flowers?"

I swam to the pool, looked up at him, and asked, "Why do you have to follow me? Do you know..."

"Would I follow you?" Yin Sheng bent down and looked at him who was wet in the water. "What a joke. Obviously, you want to seduce the widow. Wherever I go, you will appear. Now you deliberately jump into the lotus pool and try to ** widow--"

He lowered his head and looked directly at Feidian. The ** in Feidian's body attacked again. He looked at him with a flushed face and could no longer hear any word he said.

How can he get so close...

Then, Feidian's body hugged Yin Sheng completely before his brain gave the order, and pulled Yin Sheng, who bent over, into the water with a slight force, and splashed layers of water.

Yin Sheng didn't expect that Feidian would make such a move. He instinctively hugged Feidian. When the water was over, the two looked at each other, and their clothes were soaked and translucent.

Yin Sheng stared at the flying electricity with his pink lips wide open. His face raised slightly, half narrowing his extremely ** powerful eyes, and his long hair floating on the water, Yin Sheng suddenly became excited.

No... I haven't forgiven the fox for what he did ten years ago! How can he disarm and surrender as soon as he**! At least you have to refuse to welcome it back!

So Yin Sheng, who was already in his head, pretended to be an ascetic gentleman. While eating tofu with his arms around his electric waist, he said righteously, "You demon! What else can be done to seduce the widow!"

Feidian smiled, kissed the corners of his lips with his eyes, and then said, "I don't need to use demons to seduce you!"

Ah, ah, this way of speaking is obviously the way of speaking ten years ago! So is he actually clear? Even if he is overwhelmed by the peach snake**, does he still know what he is going to do?

It's really a stinky fox from the inside* to the outside! Ten years ago, every time he took the last step, he was actually pretending to be pushed away!

But Yin Sheng still feels that he has to pretend to the end.

Yin Sheng took out the greatest endurance in his life, opened a distance with Feidian to hold a fist, picked up his chin, and asked coldly, "What did you just say? Are you a goblin?

Only then did Feidian find that Yin Sheng had lost his memory and knew nothing about him. He explained with lust, "Yes, I'm a vix."

It's clear that this fox seduces you. It's simply a self-servient identity, but you don't know how to cherish it.

Yin Sheng frowned and said, "It turned out to be a goblin! Do you know that we humans hate goblins the most! Especially for a charming goblin like you, you will be included in the elixir refining!"

Feidian was shocked. Yes, stupid human beings are always self-centered. How can they respect him, a fox demon many times more noble than human beings?

Like Yin Sheng ten years ago, how many human beings who don't care about everything and love him?

The more he thought so, the more moved he was to Yin Sheng... The more he felt that his desire could not be suppressed. He obediently stuck to Yin Sheng again and invaded freely between his lips and teeth.

Yin Sheng has to force himself not to throw away his armor so early, and don't help but take the initiative to flirt with him... But he won't notice it if he secretly flirts.

He is now going to take the iron-blooded ruthless imperial attack route, but he can't show his feet.

But it's funny to think about it. Ten years ago, Feidian was awkward and restrained, and he loved it to death. Now he is bold, and he... also likes it very much.

Yin Sheng finally responded to him like fate, untied his wet clothes with one hand and held him in the other, so that he would not stand unsteadily and fall into the water with his body so soft.

However, the scene in the night came to my mind again.

The knife and the moon were too real, and the wind seemed to be heard that night.

He still can't escape.

Why did he pretend to lose his memory? Because he loves this fox, he doesn't want to cut off everything from them for what happened ten years ago, so he has to bear everything by himself and start over with him.

But now he finds that he can't do it.

That feeling of heartache is too real.

"Fox, don't regret it."

Regret... Feidian feels funny. If you want to regret it, you have to regret it since ten years ago.

He just smiled, put his head on his shoulder, exhaled in his ear, and whispered, "I owe you."

"You don't owe me," Yin Sheng turned around, put the flying voltage by the pool, separated his legs and squeezed in. He said hoarsely, "You*."

Tears in his eyes came out. He didn't know if it was painful or something else. He knew that the man in front of him still didn't love him, and he forgot him.

But what does it matter? He loves him, and it's enough for him to remember him.

So he answered the same question just now. How can he regret it?

Unconsciously, Feidian's legs have been coiled around Yin Sheng's waist. Even if it hurts, he has to endure it, which is his own.

He doesn't know if Yin Sheng's taste has changed in the past ten years. Does he still like himself like that?

If he behaves too much*, will he dislike him? Do you want to suppress the voices in your voice that don't listen to you at all?

But this is not what he wants to suppress. The more he didn't want to make, the more seductive the semi-repressed voice became.

He had to cover his mouth.

Those slightly hot-blooded sounds dissipated, and Yin Sheng suddenly slowed down... He knew that he must be in pain.

Yin Sheng's head rested on Feidian's shoulder, and Feidian couldn't see his wry smile.

It's really useless. If you really want to hate, you still can't be cruel.

The appearance of the fox looking at him with tears really hurts him. How can he be willing to hurt him again? But if he doesn't feel pain, how can he relieve the pain in his heart?

It's simply a dead-like feeling in my heart.

Feidian also sensed his sudden gentle behavior, and the pain gradually returned to the numbness of the place, and Yin Sheng's hot breathing in his ear.

He moved Yin Sheng's head, his eyes flowed, and his eyebrows bloomed into the bone. In this situation, he spit out a cold voice in any case, "Yin Sheng, I love you."

This soft voice made Yin Shengche completely crazy. His body repeated the action without enough, crazily possessing the body he had missed for ten years.

I love you too.

I hate you too.

I also want to hurt you once, so that you will never forget it, make you think about it for a lifetime and feel pain for a lifetime.

He didn't say a word after all.

Feidian raised his head to feel his impact, and the moans overflowing from his mouth did not suppress, and a sound fell into Yin Sheng's ears without omission.

Finally, in a certain sound, Yin Sheng was released in the body of Feidian.

After a long aftertaste, Yin Sheng looked at the eyebrows of the person in his arms and seemed to be asleep.

Good sleep.

He lowered his head and kissed Feidian's forehead and whispered in his ear, "Fox, let's start over, okay?"