Attacking Fox

Chapter 198 The Beast

The reason why Feidian exclaimed was not that the person under this mask was anyone he knew. He didn't know this person, nor did Yin Sheng know him.

He may be a guard, a Muslim, or a civilian. His face is so ordinary that he can't recognize it at all when thrown into the crowd.

"Aren't you cut?" Feidian asked.

The man's expression was very urgent and seemed to be worried about something. Just as he was about to open his mouth, he suddenly widened his eyes, slowly turned his face to Yin Sheng, made a strange smile, and pinched out a woman's voice with his rough voice, "Give me back the mask, otherwise I will be rude to you."

Yin Sheng looked at him in surprise. Before he could react from the shock, he saw that the man's front chest slowly expanded to the size of a steamed bread, and the originally angular man's curve also became feminine. Yin Sheng stepped back as if hiding something and muttered, "It's disgusting..."

"It's disgusting..." Feidian walked to him and said to him, "This may be charming. He is not cut, he is just a charming little character in his body."

"Don't you say that the charm will only attack on a full moon night without the suppression of the dog's head mask? Isn't it a full moon night now?" Yin Sheng asked, "And Chu Lihuan doesn't have a mask for so many days, isn't it okay?"

"I don't know about this either. Anyway... How should this person deal with it now?" Feidian asked Yin Sheng's opinion, and Yin Sheng seemed to smell something bad and looked at the people in front of him.

"Became it back." As soon as Yin Sheng's words fell, the man who was not a woman broke away from the rope, grabbed the knife that was still suspended in mid-air and stabbed Yin Sheng. Feidian quickly pulled away Yin Sheng and waved his right hand. The man was fixed in place like his knife.

"I will tie him up first and send him back to the palace before I untie his fixed body." Feidian said to Yin Sheng.

Yin Sheng nodded, threw the head made of flour and chicken blood in his hand, and took out a rope from the bag to tie the man.

A silver shiny thing suddenly flew from behind. Before Yin Sheng could react, he turned to one side and inserted a knife with purple fog in the moonlight into the throat of the man behind Yin Sheng.

This knife is obviously poisoned suddenly.

"Who is it?"

Invisible in the dark, Yin Sheng didn't know whether the person who attacked him wanted his life or just wanted to destroy the mouth of the person in front of him. Yin Sheng's words were, but he just asked casually, and he didn't expect that someone would really answer.

"Yin Sheng, let you be proud for a few more days, but your good days are coming to an end."

The voice was boundless, hoarse and mysterious. Yin Sheng couldn't tell where it came from. He turned his head and asked Feidian, "Do you want to chase it?"

Feidian looked around and replied, "I didn't feel anyone's breath at all... and there was no goblin's breath."

"What is that?" It's not a goblin or a human. Is it a god?

"I don't know..." Feidian shook his head. "Since he is in the dark, it proves that we are not safe. Let's go quickly."

Yin Sheng looked at the person around him who had become a corpse. The poison on the knife should have penetrated into the bone marrow and began to rot from the wound. The speed was very fast. It should not be long before he would turn into a pool of blood.

He turned around and said to Feidian, "We took a sudden action this time, and I think I hid the news very well. None of the people who shouldn't know know it. Why is that cutting is still on guard?"

"He has dealt with you ten years ago to today, and he hasn't exposed his feet at all. Naturally, it's not a simple role, and it won't be so easy to show his feet."

"That's what he said..." Yin Sheng nodded and said, "Then let's go to Fengfu. I don't know if the wind magic doctor has prepared the antidote."


When he arrived at Fengfu, Yin Sheng happened to see four horses falling from the sky stepping on the fiery red lotus flowers and falling into the yard. The four horses with a car, Feng Yanxi ran out of the room and went to Yin Sheng's side and said, "Your Majesty, I don't deserve the antidote, but I have a gluttonous beast that can eat all the poison in Li Huan's hands. Now, on the other side of Chang'an, something should have happened to my family. My husband asked me to go back. I have to go.

"Is the wind doctor going to leave now?" Yin Sheng hurriedly said, "But the matter of the white dog head mask..."

"Then it will be solved by your majesty." Feng Yanxi bent down and saluted, said goodbye to Yin Sheng, and turned to Feidian, "Little fox, remember that sometimes what you see or hear may not be true."

"Ah?" Feidian was very confused and didn't know how to look at her.

"I really said too much. I have to go. I really have to go." Feng Yanxi said and got into the carriage.

Four horses stepped up step by step with the red lotus blooming in mid-air until they hid in the dark night. The two were completely stunned and looked at the direction of the carriage, and suddenly a roar came from above: "Li Huan! Go home when it's done!"

In the room, Chu Lihuan covered his ears and said to Feng Yunfei, "Don't worry, I won't go back, Yunfei. When we solve the matter, we will go out and eat everything everywhere."

Feng Yunfei nodded, then picked up the box left by Feng Yanxi, opened the lid and said to Chu Lihuan, "Cousin, take your hand away now. I have to put this bug in your ear and let it go in and eat the insects in your body."

"Hehehehe..." Chu Lihuan pretended to be stupid, "Yunfei, I can't hear anything at all..."


They were making trouble. Feidian and Yin Sheng came in from the outside. Feidian asked Feng Yunfei curiously, "Where is the gluttonous beast left by Dr. Feng?"

Feng Yunfei handed over the box in his hand and said, "This is the gluttonous beast."

Feidian looked at the inside of the box. A * black and green worm lay in the box wrapped in brocade and couldn't help twisting its body. There were still many short hairs on its body, just like the caterpillar that likes to stay on the poplar tree in summer, which was particularly disgusting.

"Is this a glutton?" Feidian couldn't believe it.

"Aunt said yes," Feng Yunfei nodded and said, "Auntie said that she would put this thing into her cousin's body. The bug found hidden insects in his body and ate them. But my cousin has always been unwilling to let the bug enter his body, and my cousin said it was disgusting.

"It's a little disgusting..." Feidian just saw the man who had a witch attack, and now he sees the worm again... Fortunately, he hasn't eaten for a day.

Chu Lihuan said to Feidian, "Isn't it? You also feel disgusting. How can I let this kind of thing enter my body!"

Feidian and Yin Sheng looked at each other and said, "But Fengshen doctor can't match the antidote. I guess this is the only way, right?"

"And I firmly believe that she will not harm his son." Yin Sheng said.

The two looked at each other for a moment, and Yin Sheng suddenly walked behind Chu Lihuan, broke away his two hands covering his ears, and said, "Puff the bug into his ear."

"No! I don't want it! You give me--" Chu Lihuan tried to break free from Yin Sheng's bondage. He opened his mouth and roared halfway and suddenly couldn't speak. Because a sticky touch slipped down his throat, he immediately reacted. Feidian did not stuff the gluttony into his ear, but directly put it into his mouth.

Yin Sheng let go of Chu Lihuan. He immediately held the table and vomited. After vomiting for a while, he covered his stomach and lay on the ground and rolled. His forehead was full of sweat and looked very painful.

"Cousin! What's wrong with you!" Feng Yunfei's concern was hard to hide. He immediately went over and hugged his body and asked, "Cousin, does it hurt? That poison won't bite your intestines, will it?"

"Please...please don't say..." Chu Lihuan spit out these words with difficulty, which was even more painful.

"What should I do? What should I do? Feng Yunfei panicked, "Will the bug bite your intestines, eat your stomach bag, get out of your intestines and eat your heart and liver, and then give birth to small worms in your heart and liver? At that time, your stomach will be full of such green and black squirling insects... Whoo... Cousin, then you can't take me to eat delicious food..."

Feidian listened to Feng Yunfei's words and frowned uncontrolily. Looking at Yin Sheng, Yin Sheng said, "I believe in Dr. Feng, and there is no reason to harm her son."

"Of course I think so." Feidian said.

So the two stood aside and watched without any expression.

Chu Lihuan rolled for a long time before gradually stopping. Feng Yunfei helped him up and supported him no longer falling down. Chu Lihuan put his head on Feng Yunfei's shoulder and suddenly felt something sliding up from the esophagus. He immediately opened his mouth. The worm just came out of his mouth and fell to the ground with a bang. There was no difference except that it was a little wet than just now.

"This glutton has eaten the charm in your body?" Feidian put the box on the edge of the bug and let the bug crawl into the box.

"It's disgusting..." Chu Lihuan's eyes wandered, as if he hadn't recovered from the fear just now.

"It looks like it is," Yin Sheng said with his chin in his hand. "From his performance just now, this bug must have drilled into his body and bites to make him so painful. It should be all right now."

"Do you want to solve the poison of the religious people and stuff these bugs into their stomachs one by one?" Chu Lihuan asked in a vain tone.

"Yes, you should be glad that you are the first to swallow other people's saliva."

Feidian said so, Chu Lihuan thought of the feeling just now, lay on Fengyunfei's back and began to vomit.

"Cousin..." Feng Yunfei patted him on the back painfully, hoping that he would feel better.

"Actually, it's not so disgusting..." Yin Sheng reached out and poked the sticky glutton, "Look carefully, isn't it cute?"

The remaining three looked at Yin Sheng in horror, which seemed to be more frightening than this glutton.