Attacking Fox

Chapter 201 A New Beginning

When Feidian put three amnesty orders in the box and gave them to Yin Jixuan, Yin Jixuan was standing in the corner of a pavilion in the palace and looked at a pool of lotus in front of him.

Flying electricity hesitated for a long time, but still called out his name ten years ago, "Yin...Yin Jihui..."

Yin Ji turned around, took the box with both hands, and saw some red marks on Feidian's neck. He didn't have to think about what happened between him and Yin Sheng last night.

But this fox seems to be refreshed and very useful.

Yin Ji lowered his head and stared at the three seemingly ordinary but magical things inside. After a long time, he whispered, "Thank you."

"No need." Feidian shook his head and said nothing more. He turned around and wanted to leave, but Yin Ji suddenly stopped him.

"Flying electricity," Yin Ji hesitated for a moment and asked, "I thought you would never pay attention to me after you knew the truth... Really, thank you."

"It's really not necessary," Feidian shook his head and said, "Because you took action against Yin Sheng, I really intend to never forgive you, but now, ten years have passed, and he is also wrong. I have also said that no one is qualified to never forgive anyone."

Feidian has been turning his back to Yin Jixuan since he just turned around. Yin Jizhen looked at his back for a long time, shook his head with a smile, and said, "That child also said so."

Feidian now knows that the child in Yin Ji's mouth should be the teenager raised by Yin Sheng as his own son.

"Yin Sheng should also hate me, but he raised Huaiqing like his own father. You and he are so great."

"Who made you like this?" Feidian turned his head to face him, "You were not such a person before."

Ying Ji asked, "Is that me annoying now, or me before?"

"Before you." Feidian gave no face and replied like this.

"Haha..." Yin Ji laughed, "I have changed, but you are still as cute as before. I can tell you that it was my son, Yin Huaiqing, a child who was wiseer than an 80-year-old man. After talking to me, I suddenly realized.

"That's enough," Feidian said coldly. "You think Yin Sheng is great and raises his son for you. As a result, his son affects you again, and Yin Sheng has not suffered losses."

"Cause, fate flows, endless life, no beginning, no end, all sentient beings suffer, because of the cause of the previous life, can not be relieved, confused in all kinds of virtual phases, helpless, but no one can escape." Yin Jisheng remembered what Yin Huaiqing said to him that day and couldn't help saying it.

Yin Sheng raised his son for him. This is because his son's cultivation has affected Yin Jiyu to make him give up this pair of loved ones again.

Cause is endless.

Yin Jihui finally smiled, and his eyes were full of vicissitudes of life.

"I see. Well, goodbye."

"Well, goodbye." After Feidian said, the shadow in front of him gradually faded away, and the faint light of the morning light projected on the place where he was standing just now, which was not as beautiful as ordinary dust.


Yin Jihui came to another place. This was a large room, decorated magnificently, and every place was inlaid with jewel-like eyes. He stood under these eyes and stared at him for a moment.

The woman with a fish tail in front of her wore a long red dress and played with her fish tail as if nothing had happened. After a long time, she finally found the existence of Yin Ji and said in an extremely intimate voice, "My dear son, you're back."

"I thought Fu Li had already told you about my return," Yin Ji said with a smile, "Mother, how are you doing without me?"

"There is nothing else unbearable than falling into endless thoughts about you." The woman answered, raising her head and smiling at Yin Ji, her eyes full of love and pity, just like an ordinary mother who loves her son.

He knew that few words of her words were true, and he also knew that all his words were false. His mother used him as hard as he hated her.

But they can still say such disgusting words with a smile on their faces.

"Mother, I'll save you now." Yin Jiyu said, opened the lid of the box, and the three amnesty orders in the box. The heavenly ghost bone was inlaid with the magic weapon of the dragon tooth stamen immediately emitted an unusually bright light. It flew out of the box, suspended in mid-air and surrounded each other, and soon merged into three into one.

The light of the thing was soft and warm, and the boundary around the fishtail woman began to break. The whole room swayed slightly, and all the eyes turned around alive, making a creaking sound, as if thousands of resentful spirits were shouting.

Suddenly, a whole strong light shot out from the woman's body, and the room disappeared, full of water on all sides.

The woman floated on the surface of the water, and the sun shone on the lake where she was, and the sparkling waves shone beautifully. This was originally Yin Huan's Chencang Palace, which was turned into a lake by her. Since she saved Fu Li that day, she has been hiding in it.

She smiled at the corners of her mouth and deeply inhaled her first breath in Xuchang after so many years.

She jumped ashore, dumped the fish tail and turned into legs, and a pair of slender legs were exposed. She looked under the lake, and her son, Yin Ji, turned into the same human fish tail as before, trapped in the painting and couldn't swim out.

The key made of the heavenly ghost bone can open her boundary, but there must be another person to replace her and be locked in the boundary.

"My son," the woman leaned down and said to Yin Ji under the water, "You should be filial and bear the feeling of losing my freedom for my mother."

Yin Ji looked up at him, and there was not much grief and indignation in his eyes. It was not until the woman moved her eyes that he silently opened his mouth and said, "Cause is endless, and you will also have retribution."

But the woman has walked away barefoot. I didn't hear this sentence.

The woman's beautiful face attracted a lot of Xuchang people to stop and watch. She greeted anyone happily, and Lingling's laughter was like the sound of silver jewelry hanging on the nine-fold building, far away and crisp.

She casually took out a pear from the hand of the pear vendor beside her. Before others could speak, she said thank you first. The vendor, who was only 20 years old, immediately blushed and lowered his head.

She took a bite of the pear happily, then turned around and suddenly hit a man's chest.

She took two steps back and saw the face of the man in front of her. Although the man was wearing armor with a sharp sword, he was gentle and tender as water. He

also looked at her and said with a smile, "I'm sorry for bumping into you."

This man is Jing Yuanying.

The woman who had been in the deep palace for decades obviously knew him. She smiled shyly and shook her head.

Jing Yuanying nodded gently and turned away, just like meeting an ordinary woman, without paying too much attention.

As usual, he returned to his house as if nothing had happened. The little emperor also rushed over at the first time and said something to him. Jing Yuanying listened to his every word tirelessly, and always had a faint smile on his face.

Until the little emperor left, the smile on his face suddenly took off and barely controlled his footsteps. He entered the study and closed the door. Finally, he couldn't help it. Like being suddenly pulled away, he closed his eyes and fell to the ground against the door of the study.

Everyone doesn't know what's different today.

But he knew it.

Yin Sheng... The king he aspired to protect forever began to doubt him.

He didn't even think that he had done anything wrong, but Yin Sheng's distrust of him was so obvious. First, when he was in the Huilong religion, Yin Sheng did not let him participate at all, and even subconsciously hid him. In addition, he withdrew the amnesty, representing an amnesty that trusts and their relationship beyond ordinary people.

If Yin Sheng doesn't have the same feelings he has for him, but this friendship of more than 20 years is just a thing of the past? Or is it that the existence of a king is not born to be sincere to anyone?

After thinking for a long time, Jing Yuanying sighed, silently opened her eyes and sorted out her mood. When she was about to resurrect with blood, the figure of the woman in red suddenly appeared in the air and gradually became clear from transparency.

Jing Yuanying still remembers her. This is the girl she bumped into on the street before, but now it seems that she is obviously not human.

"What's wrong with you, prince?" The woman opened her mouth with concern, walked forward slowly, sat cross-legged, and looked at Jing Yuanyin.

Jing Yuanyin's face was not panicked at all. After reacting for a moment, he smiled at anyone and asked, "Who is the girl? Do we know each other?"

"My name is Jin Li. You don't know me, but I know you. You are Jing Yuanyin, a guard with a knife in front of the imperial court. Obviously, you can be a higher official, but you have been a bodyguard for so many years. Your integrity has been praised by thousands of people. You are well known by women and children in this country... Um... You are a good man!" The woman said such words, which made Jing Yuanying smile a little more.

"What are you? Immortal? Goblin?"

"It's a goblin!" The woman who claimed to be a golden carp did not hide her attributes at all. "I'm a goblin, a carp spirit!"

"The carp spirit..." The fish demon locked in the painting flashed in Jing Yuanyin's mind, but the idea dissipated in a moment.

The fish demon has obviously been burned by your majesty.

"What's the matter with you?" Jing Yuanyin asked.

"What's the matter with me..." Jin Li hesitated for a moment, then raised his head and said, "I just want to ask you why your majesty, whom you are thinking about, has begun to doubt you, but you still follow him to guard him. Don't you feel sad?"

The smile on Jing Yuan's face suddenly fell off, and his face was a little cold. He narrowed his eyes and looked at the goblins in front of him, and his eyes were full of danger.